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Sex Me! #113



Evening is becoming in Pasadena.

Brookside Park,263985614_15b75b033c.jpg

Alicia_Silverstone.jpgJenn grabs a seat on a bench as she waits for Santino. She pulls out her compact from her purse and applies lip-gloss to her lips. Santino walks up to her.


“MMM, getting your lips ready for action?”

Jenn looks up and smiles at him,

“I wish I could jump up and wrap my arms around you.”


“But you can’t because of that peeping tom named Karl.”


“How you been holding up? I miss you so much.”


“Do you really?”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Oh…I don’t know…I saw the romantic embrace you and Ty shared at the funeral. It looks like you two are on your way to getting things worked out.”


“You saw Ty and I? I am so sorry.”


“Don’t be sorry. After all he is your man. I am only the part time lover.”


“Don’t say it like that. I really don’t want to be with Ty no more. I am not happy with him.”


“I was really hurt to see you hugging up on Ty. Feels like you are playing games with me. Leading me on almost?”


“Not at all Santino. Where is all this coming from? I love you.”


“How do you know that when the only thing we do his creep around and have sex?”


“Tino what is going on with you? Why are you acting this way?”


“I don’t know Jenn. Seeing you and Ty has got me thinking.”


“About what?”


“If you are playing me.”


“No baby. I want to be with you. I do. But you know I am with Ty and he’s dangerous. That’s why we are here. We have to stop Karl from blackmailing us and telling Ty about our affair.”


“This is getting to deep here. Basically my life is at stake sleeping with you. Ty will kill the both of us if he finds out we betrayed him.”


“Well that’s why we are here. To naturalize Karl. Did you come up with any ideas?”


“No, not really. I already knew plotting and scheming is your forte so I figured you would come up with something.”


“Yea real funny. Well your right. I do have a plan.’


“I can’t wait to here this. Especially after what you did to Jodie.”


“Don’t even go there. I don’t want to hear that bitches name. Mike is trying to put me in jail because of her. But anyway, I have the perfect plan. It will take care of Karl and Ty in one stroke.”


“You act like this is a soap opera! Just say it already!”


“We are going to kill Karl and then frame Ty for it!”

Santino is stunned.

“Yea, this is a soap opera”


Episode: 113, Sex Me!

Written by ML Cooks

Downtown Pasadena, City Jail12824943_551f054d6c.jpg

Sabryn sits on her cot as her entire escapades with Ashley fly through her mind. She remembers Sharan telling her that Ashley was working with Mona. Sabryn decides to ask Mona about it.


“May I ask you a question?”


“I think so.”


“I understand you and Ashley were working together?”


“Yea we were.”


“So you helped Ashley plot all those things against me? “


“Not really. Ashley did what she did on her own. I had my own agenda. The only thing I helped Ashley with was logistics.”


“You say that like you were in a war.”


“I am at war. I am at war with the Williams family. Look, I had no bearings over what Ashley did. And that’s final.”

Just then a security guard walks over,

“It’s time for chow.”


“Chow? What’s that mean?”


“Food. It’s time to eat. I’m not hungry.”


“I am.”


“Good luck wit the food.” The guard escorts Sabryn out her cell.

Mona sit down in her cot and pulls out a make shift smoking piece and takes a hit of her weeds. She inhales deeply and holds the smoke in as long as she can. She stands up and aims her mouth toward the ventilation duct. She exhales and coughs at the same time. She sits back down on her cot and has a moment with Mary. In her Mary moment she seesBloody.jpg

Her moment is interrupted when Sharan walks up to her cell.

They look at each other before speaking.


“I am surprised you are here. You betrayed me. You left me high and dry. Literally. I was high and my pu$$y was dry.”


“I did Mona. You want to know why? You stalked me for months before you kidnapped me than raped me than held me captive for almost a year. Then you made me shot Abe. Do you know what that did to me? So yea, excuse me if I wanted my freedom back. I wanted the life you stole from me!”


“You told me we would do this together. We were supposed to meet my mother together. I was going to meet my family with you by my side. I love you. You were my hope. You took that away from me.“


“Mona, I said those things to save my own self. I am sorry for lying to you and leading you on. But what else was I to do? You can’t force me to love you. For that matter, I’m not even a lesbian. Your mission of making me love you was flawed from the start.”


“It’s Kevin isn’t it? It’s Sister Patterson? They’ve brainwashed you against me. That’s why you don’t want to be with me.”


“This has nothing to do with them. This is my decision.”


“Are you with my half brother?”


“Because of you I can’t be with Kevin. I don’t want any connection with the Williams family what so ever. You have ruined that for me. I was going to marry Kevin. But you ended all that.”


“You are the only person I love Sharan. All my life, I have never had any friends or any body to love me. I want to know what love is. I want to know what if feels like to have friends and live a normal life. Free of fear of Abe Williams. I thought you were my first. You broke my heart. I have to face everything by myself now. I don’t think I can do it alone. I am sorry for everything I’ve done to you. I really am. I just wanted to be with you. I had to have you. I didn’t know I could love until I met you Sharan. Please give that back to me. Give me a little help.”

Sharan wiping a tear,

“Mona, in a twisted way, I do care about you. You have been through so much in your life so far. No one should had to endure that. I know you have nobody right now. And in spite of everything you’ve done to me, I will still be here for you. Especially during your trial.”


“You mean it?”


“I do Mona. I really do. My heart breaks for you. I will help you face your demons.”


“Thank you so much. I promise you when I get out of jail I will make this up to you.”


“Mona, I don’t think you’ll see the other side of these bars for a long time.”


“Sooner than you think. You are talking to Mona. I am down but not out. I will beat these charges. You fasten your seat belt. This trial will one of the century.”


“Well I have to get going. Mona, regardless of whatever happens. I will be here for you no matter what. Just know that.”


‘Thank you. That means a lot to me. And I want you to remember that I love you.” Sharan smiles at Mona, wiping a tear again and leaves the jail. Mona lays back down on her cot with a smile on her face. She has some thoughts to herself.

“My beautiful Sharan. I won’t be in jail for long. I promise you that, and when I get out, Look out Pasadena. I got surprises in store for everyone.”

TC Hotel103632369_6cfe8fd0e6.jpg

Remy follows Ria into her suite.


“This is a beautiful hotel.”

victoria-rowell-2006-clive-davis-pr.jpgRia, turning to him,

“Shh, lover” She says putting her index finger on his lips.

“The only sounds I want to hear coming from you is the moans from this good nana I am about to give to you.”


“Is that right?”


“It is papito.”


“You certainly are blunt about things aren’t you?”


“Life is too short and tomorrow is never promised. I know what I want and I want you daddy. Give it to me.”

Remy grabs her and they begin to kiss passionately. She pulls back and looks into his eyes.


“Something wrong?”


“You have beautiful eyes. I get lost in them. Wait here and get comfy. I am going to freshen up.” She walks over to her CD player and puts on some music. “Sex Me” by R.Kelly comes on.


“Wow I haven’t heard this in a long time.”


“Uhm hmm, What you know about this?” She smiles at him as she walks into the bathroom. Remy begins unbuttoning his shirt and taking his clothes off. As he climbs on to the bed he wonders if this is a good idea. Should he really be doing this, knowing his heart really belongs to some one else. He has flash backs of holding Blake in her car during the snowstorm back in Springfield. Remy closes his eyes to try and get Blake out his mind.

“She doen’t want me. She’s made it clear.”

Then the bathroom door swings open and Remy is stunned at Ria. Ria, wearing a matching red panty set and a red hat to go with it and even red gloves. With her stiletto’s on she walks over toward the bed.


“WOW!! You look amazing.”

Ria looks down at his boxers and can see his soulja boy growing. He flinches it for her, trying to impress her.


“I see you down there. Looks like some one wants to meet me.”

Remy pulls his d!ck through the front slot of his boxers, clearly signaling to Ria that he’s ready. Ria walks over to the bed and gets on it. On all 4’s she begins to lick the shaft of the penis. Remy lets out a huge sigh and lays his head back.


“You taste good daddy.” Then suddenly, she puts his dick down her throat. She comes back up after gagging. Remy looks into Ria’s eyes and sees they are watering up


“Are you ok?”


“You got a fat d!ck. It was a little hard deep throating it.”

Remy laughs. Ria then does it again, sending Remy to complete ecstasy.


“Damn girl.”

Ria, smiling and looking up at him,

“You like that pa?”


“I do.”

Feeling the music, Ria stands up on the bed and begins to seductively dance to the sex jam. Her breast, feeling a little tingly, she grabs them and licks her nipple. Remy rubs on her legs. Ria then squats over his d!ck and slowly grinds her body down towards his. He holds his dick straight up as she grabs it too and rubs it against her clitoris. Ria moans.


“You gone feel so good inside me pa.”


“Quit talking and let me feel it. Put me in you”


“I know that’s right.” Ria lines up the d!ck with her hole and then slides down on it, slowly at first since Remy is so thick. They both let out deep moans.


“Damn you feel good. So damn wet!!”

Ria, once she gets a handle on the situation begins to live in the moment and begins to ride Remy’s d!ck. Again feeling the music, she moves her sexual motions with the slow beat of the music as Remy just moans with his toes curling up.


“I bet you ain’t had no pu$$y like this.”


“Don’t stop.”

Ria’s breast feel warm and tingly again and she grabs Remy’s hands and puts them over her breast and makes Remy squeeze them. Ria moans. Ria then grabs his chest and she then looks in the mirror and sees herself riding Remy’s d!ck. Ria smiles at her self and even winks an eye as she can see Remy’s crazy sex faces. Ria is proud off herself. So good is Ria feeling, she cums. Her body jerks.

Remy sits up and holds her,

“Are you ok?”


“It’s all good. You made me cum. No man has done that in a while.”


“I guess I should say thank you.” They begin to kiss as Remy, spins Ria’s body around so her back is facing him. Ria begins to ride Remy’s d!ck like a pogo stick as they each moan.

Back at the City Jailjailcell.jpg

Ty walks up to Mona’s cell.


“Smells like weed in here.”


“Would you expect anything else from me. Some one came through for me. Thank you Miss Jenkins.”


“Miss Jenkins? The make believe person Sister Patterson was always talking about?”


“She’s real and she’s my grand mother. The only person in my family I’ll even speak to. So what brings you by sly Ty? Am I being released?”


“Not yet. I am still working on it.’


“I am tired of sitting in jail. I get angrier each day I am in here.”


“Didn’t think that was possible.”


“Don’t be coy you Bastard. I’ve already told you, you better get me out of here. If I go down you will go down with me. Let’s not forget you financed this entire operation. You sought me out remember that. We are in this together but yet I am in jail.”


“Well you messed up our plans. You started doing your own thing. You kidnap Daniel and faked his death. Do you know Chris died because of that?”


“Since when did you get a heart?”


“That’s not the point. Had you stuck to the plan, none of this would be happening right now. I can’t believe you did what you did to Daniel. You turned him against me.”


“You better get the fu(k out my face talking simple to me. I don’t give a sh!t about Daniel. You were taking to long on your end to take Abe out. So I had to rush things.”


“You snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. We had everything planned out to a tee. But you screwed things up. You kidnap Sharan and was gone for months. You cut me out and now you want me to help you.”


“If you know what’s good for you, you will.”


“I told you I am doing the best I can. It’s not easy since Mike is the new police chief. We were supposed to get rid of Abe so I can put my own man in that spot. Things would have been easier for us. If you would have stuck to the plan you wouldn’t be behind bars right now.”


“With or with out your help, I will beat all these charges. You better hope its with. When I get out of here, I am eradicating all men of the world.”


“You won’t be released from here no time soon. You’re going to the looney bin. You better watch how you’re talking to me. I don’t like threats Mona. You know that first hand. I am a dangerous man.”


“Please man. Your whack as fu(k. Get out my face talking stupid to me. You know what it is and you know what you have to do and I suggest you do it. See you at my trial tomorrow. And you should probably enjoy the last days of your freedom.”


“We’ll see.” Ty turns around and coolly walks off.


“These mother fu(kers think because I am I jail they don’t have to be scared of me because these bars separate me from them. Have I got a surprise for everyone! She says laughing evilly as she lays back down on her cot and prepares herself for her big trial tomorrow.

Westwood Park, Natalia’s Housenightviewofwestwoodpark.jpg

Natalia, with Mark Jr in her arms walks to her front door and opens it. Natalia walks in.


“Welcome home son.” Natalia pauses and realizes what she just said. Feeling good after saying it, she decides to say it again.

“Welcome home my baby boy. Damn it feels good to say that. For the first time ever, I am happy.” She lays Mark Jr. in his rocker. She continues to stare at him.

“I have been robbed of your early days with you baby. 6 months. But I promise you, no one will ever take you away from me again.”

Another voice says

“So touching. I think I might want to cry.”

Natalia is startled and jumps, and turns around to see who is in her house with her as Mark Jr begins to cry.


“Suga! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”


“I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve been watching the news and heard about what happened with Ashley and Sabryn. Your secrets are out huh? Every one knows you slept with Bryan. And now you have a son with him. Wow. Who would have guessed it?”


“Look Suga. I told you I have nothing for you. Our alliance is done. “


“Look Bitch. I am sick of playing games. You think I am a joke don’t you.” Suga pulls a platinum gun with a silencer on it from her pocket and lays it on the kitchen table.


“I am not playing games. DO you understand that?”


“Please Suga. I am begging you. I just got reunited with my son. I have a son now. I just want to be a mother to him. I am done with all the plotting and scheming.”


“That’s all good, But you know what they say, your past always catches up to you. Ever hear of karma? Your chickens are coming home to roost.”

Just then they hear a pounding at the door.


“Who the hell is that? They knocking like the police.”

Natalia takes a sigh of relief, hoping whom ever is on the other side of her front door will be her salvation.


“Get rid of who ever it is. You tell them I am a friend. Anything funny and I will shoot your son on site.”

Natalia’s chest begins to pound and throb as the nervousness takes a firmer grip on her. She says a little prayer before she walks over to the door. It’s all or nothing. She wonders, after just having been reunited with her son, will he be taken away from her again. Is this her payback?

Natalia opens the door and is stunned and relived to see Ria!


“Ria, wow, I sure was not expecting you.”


“I know girl. But I had to come see you. I know you got your son back and I am so happy for you. I was hoping we could mend the fences. We fell out over something petty. I hope we can be better than that.”

Natalia, with tears in her eyes

“That is so nice Ria. I have missed you.”


“Girl you ok? You look a white as a ghost.”


“I am so overwhelmed being reunited with my son. I thought he was dead for six months.”


‘Well girl can I come in and see him?”


“Oh, I’m sorry, yes sure.” Thinking she will have a better chance at defeating Suga if Ria was there, invites her in to help.

“My nerves are so bad I am just not myself. Come in.”

Ria walks in and sees Mark Jr in his crib.


“He’s beautiful. He looks just like you.”

Natalia closes the door. Suga is stunned that Ria is in the house. Natalia smiles at Suga, almost tempting her.


“Oh you think this is a game?”

Ria turns around and sees Suga.

“Nat girl, what’s going on?” She says walking toward Suga.

“I remember you. This is your old friend huh Nat?”


“Yes it is.”


“It’s good to see you again.”




“What’s goings on here? Something don’t seem right?”

Suga pulls out her gun and aims it at Ria.


“All hell naw girl! Have you lost your damn mind. I ain’t done nothing to nobody. I just had me some good ass d!ck. Don‘t take that away from me”


“Suga Please. This has to stop.”


“Ain’t no one leaving here alive unless I start getting what I want?”


“Girl what is it? I am sure we can negotiate. Just put this damn gun down. Ain’t no need for all this foolishness. We got a small child in here. Don’t you know no good?”

Natalia smiles to herself, having missed Ria’s go get em’ attitude.


“I like that in you ma.”


“Say what?”

Suga pulling the gun away.

“I want you mommasita.”


You want me? What that mean?”


“Natalia either you give me money, no money than I want your lady friend here, if I can’t have either of those than I kill your son.”


“You are straight tripping. Ain’t none of that gone take place here tonight. You got the right one right here.”


“Oh yea and what you gone do? I got the gun.”

Ria suddenly jump on Suga, tackling her to the ground. They begin to struggle


“Natty girl help. Kick this bitch.”

Ria tries to pin Suga down so Natalia can try to retrieve the gun from Suga’s hand. Suga spits in Ria’s face.


“You nasty Bitch!” Ria wipes her face giving Suga opportunity to punch Ria in her jaw, knocking Ria out. Suga gets up and Natalia freezes in her position.

Suga, aiming the gun at Natalia,

“It’s over”


“Please NO!

Suga cocks her gun and is about to pull the trigger that is until she aims it at Mark Jr and fires the gun. Suga has shot Mark Jr!big1.jpg


Recommended Comments

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Sabryn is growing on me. I like her scenes with Mona. Is there a partnership growing?

I really liked the Sharan and Mona scenes. They were wel written.

WOW! Very hott with Remia! So sexy! You are a talented writer! I think Remy is very happy he came to Pasadena. (No pun intended).

I still can't believe she named him Mark Jr.

WTF??????? Suga shot the baby? Oh no! I hope he's okay! But wow!

Good twist but sad! I was on the edge of my seat for that one.

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OMG what an ending. I really hope Mark Jr. is alright.

Really liked the scene between Sharan and Mona too.

Can't wait for the next episode to see what happens with Mark Jr. and I do wonder if Ty will go down with Mona.

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Wow I really don't know how I feel about that ending. It was very unexpected but just downright crude. Suga has to be the most hated character in SONOP history! After doing something like that...I'm speechless. It definitely shook me to my cure but if Ria was going to get shot so that she can brag about sleeping with Remy, I'm all for that but a baby??? Come on!

The sex scene was boarderline pornographic but...it works for this show. You should consider writing romance novels. he he. Though I lost all respect for Remy. If he gets her pregnant, then he's screwed...literally!

Lauren kind of grew on me since she's growing a backbone to plan an attack against Ty. I'm sure Tino will get invovled and get hurt.

No one's going to let Mona out of that jail cell. Not even Sharan's testimony.

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