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The Diary! #111



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Huntington Memorial Hospitalbig_hospital_pic.jpg

Paramedics rush Karim into the E.R. as LaDonna follows closely behind.


"Please save him!" She shouts to the medical team with tears in her eyes. Just then Kevin and Sister Patterson with Madea right behind them walks up to LaDonna.

Sister PattersonCA06D0OACA5867X9CAUPN3H2CAO27DVSCA9.jpg

"I want to know what happened to my son and you better tell me now!"


"He was in an accident. Ashley hit his car and Karim was ejected and thrown mid air and Sabryn ran over him."

Sister Patterson falls to her knees after all of that registers in her brain,

"Lord why? Devil can't you leave me lone'?"

madea.jpgMadea, looking at LaDonna,

"Where's my grandson son now honey?"


"He's in the E.R."

02_h.jpgKevin has tears in his eyes as he turns around and looks at the wall.

"Damn I can't lose my brother too."

Madea walks over to Kevin and gives him a hug.

"I know it's hard honey. But it's gone be alright. It's gone get worse before it gets better."

Kevin looks at his mother with hatred in his eyes.

"Everything was just fine until you started sleeping around. I hate you and I wish I was never born to you." After saying that hurtful statement, Kevin walks away.

Madea looks at her daughter,

"You have single handedly destroyed your family. All the things you've done to me and your family are finally catching up to you. You are a disgrace. An ugly one at that."

Sister Patterson

"Don't talk to me like that Miss Jenkins. That's why I locked you up in the first place. All those mean and evil things you would say to me on a daily basis. It made me insane."


"Honey you are insane and so is your daughter. And you will pay for keeping me cooped up in my own damn house for all these years. You're going to be behind bars right with Kelis. It's a shame you'll get to know your long lost daughter behind bars."

Then the doctor walks out of Karim's room.

Sister Patterson

"How is my baby boy? Is he ok?"


Episode: 111; The Diary

Written by ML Cooks and Tara Smith

Creative Consult: J. Lee Becker

The Jump Offbar2.jpg

Ria is sitting next to Remy at the bar.


"That's a nice name you have."

Remy, smiling,Remy.jpg

"Thank you."


"I know just about everyone here in Pasadena. But I don't think I've seen you around here."


"You're right. I flew in here to Pasadena for the National Terrorism Training that Police Chief Mike Dietz is hosting. "


"Oh yea , like those terrorist attacks in India. I was so mad when they cut into my stories. I was watching Guiding Light in fact. You know the show with the ugly green walls in the hospital. Makes me fee like I am in a jungle."

Remy, laughing,

"Well I am sorry to hear that."


"So you're a cop huh?"


"I am indeed."


"That's sexy. How long will you be in my city and what city do you come from?"


"I'm from Springfield, Illinois."


"You a long way from home. I bet it even snows there."


"It does. We just had a big blizzard a few weeks ago."


"Wow. I've never seen snow before."


"Interesting. You'll have to. It's quite nice to look at it fall but it's a bitch to drive in."


"So I assume some one as fine as you have a girlfriend already?"

Remy, thinking of Blake, and even missing her but realizes she doesn't want him.

"Well, I did. But she's not ready for a man like me. I think Blake was too scared to let us be happy with one another. I think me being younger than her was a factor."


"Blake? Oh hell naw. That sounds like a white woman's name."


"Uhm, she's a human. I don't look at things in color. But yes she is white."


"Oh God help me. I can't stand white people."


"That's really a shame. "


"Chile' please. Do you know how hard the white man makes it for us? The slaves built the white house how many some years ago and look at how long it took to get some one with color in it. Hell Obama is only half white."


"This conversation was going good until you just said that. I think we should change the subject. I was raised to respect everyone. This is 2009 It's time to let the racism go."


"Uhm hmm. I like you. A lot. Let's order some drinks." They both order another round of drinks from the bartender.

Downtown Pasadena, City Jail662005s_city_hall_pasadena-1.jpg

Sabryn is put into a cell with Mona as Bryan walks up to them.


"Sabryn, what in the hell happened?"


"I killed that crazy bitch. That's what happened and I am not sorry she's dead. The battle is over; I won the war."


"What about our son? You're in jail and he needs you the most right now."


"I don't care. I finally ended all of Ashley's madness. She can't get to me no more."

Mona, interjecting,thArtist379_nr1orig.jpg

"I can't believe Ashley is dead. "

Sabryn and Bryan look at her.


"How do you know Ashley?"


"We were working together."


"You were working with her while she was stalking us?"


"Sure was. I was there when she kidnapped Natalia's baby."

Sabryn is reminded that Bryan also fathered Natalia's child.

"Oh please don't go there." She turns around and sits on her cot.


"Sabryn this does not look good for you at all. You repeatedly shot Ashley over and over again."


"It's your fault. She would not leave me the hell alone!.... She tried to take our son away from us. I was not going to let her do that to us. She had to be stopped. She came back from the dead once before so this time I made sure there is no coming back. Now my son won't have to worry about that monster no more."


"Where is our son?"


"The police took him after they put me in the cruiser. I would assume Children Services has him now."


"I am going to get him. And then find out when your bail hearing is."


"Bryan give it up. I don't want you helping me. And you better not touch my son."


"Sabryn he is mine son too so you're just going to have to get used to it. I am going to get our son and then I'll be back." Bryan leaves.

Sabryn, hollering out after him,

"You better not touch my son you dirty Bastard! I don't want my son growing up like you!. A cheating pig!"

Bryan ignores her as he walks off.


"So you hate Bryan huh? That's the spirit. I hate all men; they are all lying pigs. You should have shot Bryan. Kill all the men of the world."

Sabryn turns around and looks at Mona. As the reality begins to set in she drops to her knees and begins crying.

"I shot Ashley. She's finally out of my life. I don't have to worry about her no more. I can now sleep in peace at night."


"Ashley may be dead, but now what about your son? You may be behind bars for the rest of your life. That means Bryan will have a chance to raise BJ to be just like him."


"That will never happen. I will get out of here. I won't spend the rest of my life in here and away from my son. I'm the good one here."


"Do you think the judge will say that after you shot Ashley 7 times?"


"It doesn't matter, as long as I know Ashley won't be taunting me no more. Ashley is gone forever.!"

Huntington Memorial Hospital

Jasmine is in her brand new office, and Daniel walks in, ready for his first appointment.


"Daniel, so glad you could make it. Please, take a seat."

CAUX68ONCAO2SC70CAKBFHFBCAIRPRAPCAU.jpgDaniel, going to sit down on the sofa,


Jasmine, sitting down on a chair and taking a clipboard,

"Now…tell me, how did Lauren's death affect you?"


"I…I don't know how to describe it. Doctor, my life has been a living hell. And I'm not kidding. I have been tortured so much, but…Lauren was the one bright spot. And she was pregnant. Both of them were my last hope, the last thing that made me happy in life. And maybe they were the first thing…but now they are gone…Lauren's death broke me."


"How about you tell me a little about that past of yours? It seems to be a great burden on you."


"I don't think you want to know. Listen, this is pointless-"


"No, Daniel, you need this. I'm here to help you. Trust me."


"I can't trust anyone. I'm sorry, but I can't. Not after my father, Ty…"


"Your father? How about you tell me about him, then? Why you can't trust him?"


"Because he was never around…my mom died in child birth, so I never even got to know her. I lived with my dad, but he was hardly ever there…when he did, he was always drunk, and I don't think I ever had a tender moment or anything with him. I don't know if I can even say I had a father. "


"I never got to know my father, either…in fact I don't even know who he is."


"Don't act like you understand or sympathize, because you don't. You just don't. No one can. NO ONE. No one knows what I went through, no one knows how much I have been tormented. I've always been alone, no one was ever there until I met Ty. And in the end, he showed his true colors. And then there was Lauren. She's dead. Have you ever been thrown in a dungeon by a crazy woman?"


"Well, no-"


"Ever been presumed dead? Ever had a man go to death row and get EXECUTED when you really were alive?!"

Jasmine, sighing,

"No, I haven't."


"Yeah, I thought so. I really should get going-"


"No, you're not going anywhere. Daniel, after this talk, I am even more determined to help you. So now, tell me more about this Ty person."


"Well…Ty's a crime lord…when I first met him, in rehab, he was the one person I think I could consider a friend. No, not a friend, a brother. The first real family member I had…we met while we were both in rehab for addictions, because all my life since my dad did drugs, I didn't know any better…I didn't know that doing drugs was so wrong until it was too late…or so I thought. Ty was there too, we swapped our life stories, and found comfort in each other…we were bro's… but then I figured out he was just tricking me the whole time, because after we got out he made me his right hand man…he just wanted me for his dirty work in the mob. Ty is nothing but a malicious pig, a criminal. But Lauren was enough for me…and then she died."


"It seems like you've been through a lot…but you've survived a lot, so that means you can get through this."


"No, no, I'm on the edge of my rope."


"Daniel, think about what Lauren would want…I never knew her, but would she really want you like this? Depressed?"




"But nothing! Lauren's up there, watching down on you, and she, and I, know you can get through this…so I am going to make sure you get through this, no matter what it takes!"

Westwood Park, Dre's Housenightviewofwestwoodpark.jpg

Kiko walks inside his brother's house.


"Lauren, it's me Kiko."

Lauren comes out from the back bedroom.


"It's so good to see someone. It's lonely here. I don't know if I can remain hiding until my baby is born."


"You're gonna have too. Our lives are at stake. You and Dre involved me in this fake death plot. I had no choice in it. And now there is no going back. We could die. Tyler will kill us!"


"I know and I am sorry. You have no idea what this is doing to me. I miss Daniel so much. I think he's already moving on with some one else."


"Can you blame him? I hope you don't think he will not move on with his life."


"I don't expect him not to. It's just hard thinking about the man I love being with some one else."


"Well let me ask you this, how did Daniel take it when he found out you moved on with Chris and is having his baby?"


"He was hurt. And I felt so bad so I guess I can't expect him to wait for me. And I can't even say that. He thinks I am dead. I feel so bad for doing this to him. But I have to."


"No you don't. Just turn Ty into the police and end all of this now. How do you think Daniel will feel when he finds out that you faked your death? If I was him I would be furious. All the pain I would have gone through in burying the woman I love."


"Setting up Ty isn't the only reason why I faked my death."


"I don't understand."


"Kiko, right before Daniel came back from Mona's dungeon, I had a one night stand with Kevin."


"Wow. "


"And I really don't know if this child I am carrying is Chris's or Kevin's"


"I can't believe I am hearing this. That's why Sister Patterson kept saying you weren't a slut at the funeral."


"Oh I heard it all. I am just glad her third eye didn't realize that I was really alive in my coffin."


"So ok, I don't understand how not knowing who's baby this is helped you to decide to fake your death.'


"If this is Kevin's child, I am going to give it up. I don't think Daniel can handle finding out I slept with Kevin and bore him a child. It would devastate him."


"How do you know that? You haven't even given him a chance to handle it. Lauren, you are playing with peoples lives and you will get burned. I can't believe I just heard you say you are going to give up this precious child if it doesn't turn out the way you want. It's sad and almost sick, and I have lost respect for you."


"I know it's wrong Kiko. You don't have to read me the riot act. I am on an emotional roller coaster. I am so depressed that all this is happening. I take no joy in doing what I am doing."


"Then you have the choice to end it."


"It's too late. We are in this to deep."


"I just came here to give you a check up. I really need to leave here." He sits her down and pulls out a few things from his medical bag.


"I got some equipment coming over here. It's a mammogram and a few other medical devices so we can check on this baby."


"Thank you so much. I am 6 months pregnant and I've never had a mammogram or nothing. We need to know if my child is ok."


"Is there a reason why it would not be?"

Lauren, pausing, feeling guilty about what she is about to say,

"I was drinking heavily early in the pregnancy. Before I knew I was with child."

Kiko, shaking his head back and forth,

"That's not good at all."

Back at the Hospital

47.jpgAlexis walks up to LaDonna, Madea, Sister Patterson and Kevin.

Ladonna stepping out from the crowd to confront her.

"It's because of you! You did this!"

Sister Patterson

"What you talking child?"


"Alexis was arguing with Karim. She thinks I want her man. She has been arguing with Karim for weeks about me. I've told her each and every time I don't want Karim. But you don't listen and now look at what you've done. You made Karim so upset, he stormed out of Ivory. I hope you're happy now Alexis. I hope this gives you the proof you need that I don't want your man. Are you happy you caused this accident?"

Alexis then slaps Ladonna across the face.

Before Ladonna could attack Alexis like she has been wanting too for the last few weeks, Sister Patterson jumps in Alexis face.

"I knew it! I knew you were evil. And I can't believe I am out here without my bible or my Holy water. I would just drench you right now in that holy water if I could. My son is not a liar. The devil is; just like you. My son says what he means and means what he says. I know for a fact you are hiding something from my son. And it will come out, and when it does, may the Lord let me have Mercy on your soul. "


"That's enough. This is about Karim right now. You always got to make everything about you don't you?! All this ring-a-maroe don't make no sense. Now doctor, tell us how my grandson is?"


" Karim has suffered blunt force trauma to his head. He's lost massive amounts of blood and he will need a blood transfusion immediately. I assume you are his family members?"


"We are doctor and I want to be the first one to offer my blood. Where do I go?"


"I have a nurse waiting in room 111. "

Madea, looking at her family,

"Well come on. Let's go save Karim. "

Kevin, with tears in his eyes,

"I can't lose my brother. I can't take much more of this." Madea once again holds her grandson as Sister Patterson looks on in envy, wishing it was her being there for her son. She walks off quietly to donate blood for Karim.

Alexis walk off some ways from the mourning family wiping tears that are falling down her face. She is spun around by LaDonna.


"I really hope when Karim pulls through this, he leaves you high and dry. I hope he realizes what kind of person you really are."


"You did a great job turning Karim's family against me."


"You did that all by yourself. You and your pathetic accusations. Are you that jealous of me? Are you that insecure?"


"I wouldn't have to be if you would just keep your hands off of him. Every time I walk into a room, you're gazing at him or massaging his shoulders. You do want Karim just admit it."


"You're just so pathetic. I agree with Sister Patterson, you are hiding something and it will come out."

Then Mike walks up to Alexis.


"Ashley, I am so sorry for your loss."


"I'm not following you. Karim is not dead."


"You must not of heard yet."


"Heard what?'


"Ashley has been killed. Ashley hit Karim's car on the highway."


"What? My sister is dead? Who killed her?!"



Alexis begins to bawl her eyes out,

"This can't be happening. What the hell was Ashley doing?"

Mike hands Alexis a book.


"What's this?"


"We found this in Ashley's car. It's her diary. I thought you might like to have it."

Alexis is stunned, not thinking her sister was that deep to keep a diary. Alexis instantly wonders if her helping out her sister is in it.


"Thanks Mike."


"Let me know if you learn anything."


"I will."

LaDonna, under her breath,

"Yea right."


"How's Karim?"


"Not good."


"I'll keep him in my prayers. I got to get down to the station." Mike then leaves.

Alexis turns around and sees Ladonna still hovering around her.


"Would you please stop stalking me!?"


"Never. Not until I find out what you are hiding. And I bet it's in Ashley's diary."

Back at The Police Stationjail.jpg

Mona is sitting in her cell, thinking about how great it would feel to smoke some weed right now. Then her thoughts are interrupted when she hears

cole20in20meeting.jpg"Hello daughter"

She stands up and sees her real father DC. Mona and DC are about to meet for the first time, A father and his long lost daughter reunited……….


Recommended Comments

  • Members

Oh. I'm worried for Karim.

Ooh so far I am liking Remy and Ria. Remia.

You wrote great for Remy! Totally nailed it! Spot on.

Especially how Remy feels about race. He has been connected to white, black and hispanic women.

But it's getting clear that he has a thing for older women. LOL!

I really love this. Especially you bringing up the blizard.

Wow Ashley really did get her revenge on Sabryn.

She even sounds kind of crazy.

I wonder if she'll go nuts like Ashley.

Was Ashley always crazy?

Lauren's baby. Seems like STEAM is going to have quite a few little ones.

Are there any children on or just babies? For some reason I just can't think of any children but I might just be spacing out.

Ooh interesting on the Lauren's drinking during pregnancy.

This is a bad day to be Alexis.

Ooh the diary. Those can hold serious power

LOVE THE ENDING. I can't wait for DC and Mona.

Good episode.

2009 is a good year for STEAM!

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Wow what a ending. Hmmm a reunion behind bars? Only in soaps lol

Has anyone told you that you have incredible tastes in casting?

Gah Karim must have really pissed off karma to be hit by Ashley's car and then get run over.

I'm interested in this diary saga and where it leads to.

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When was Brian replaced??? I swear the whole cast gets changed and I forget who's who. Pretty soon Sister Patterson will be replaced with Whitney Houston.

I really enjoy Jasmine Guy's character but can't get "Whitney" from A Different World out of my head when I'm reading her part. Daniel is for sure messed up.

Hate to say it...but karma's a bitch Sister Pat. Happy to see a bro ho go. THANK YOU!

The ending was surprising so if Abe wasn't Mona's dad...then was he just some random rapist or was he Mona's rapist uncle? Good episode.

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Matt, thanks for your wonderful comments...always such a JOY....but I just have to ask something because I'm curious, I have been for awhile but I'll ask now:

What is so hoey about the Williams brothers? I notice you always call them that but Kevin and Karim are usually the loyalest guys around(its their women who cheat)! :P:lol: LOL

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Well...judging from how arrogant they act between each other. One used Lauren when she was emotionally confused. The other slept with Ria (enough said.) To me, they're just not appealing characters. They're all about sex and being used.

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