PCE: Episode 98

Endgame- Episode 98
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler
Lucy steps out of the hospital elevator to check on Alan’s condition. Luke was keeping her informed but she had not heard from him that day so she decided to come to the hospital herself. She was walking past the couches and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kevin sitting down, looking very depressed and sad. Lucy's heart softened. A part of her wanted to walk away, but the other needed to go over there because he was her doc. Sighing to herself, she straightens herself up and pastes a smile on her face. She walks over and sits down next to him. At first, Kevin doesn’t notice her until she waves her hand in front of his face. “Kevin!”
“Lucy.” Kevin said sullenly, “What do you want?” Lucy asked him how he was doing. Kevin replied not well. He drags his hand through his hair and rhetorically asks Lucy what he had done to deserve the treatment that he is getting. He has become a pariah throughout the staff and most of his patients have cancelled their appointments with him. For the first time since he returned to Port Charles, things were not good. He looked at Lucy with a desperate look in his eye and asked if she would go to dinner with him, have coffee with him, something.
For a moment, Lucy considered his offer. “You know Kevin, I pleaded with you for another chance when I came to back Port Charles. You told me no, that you were in love with Monica. I feel sorry for you Kevin, I really do. I know you Kevin, more than you think I know you. You want me to listen to you go on about Monica, but you wouldn’t listen to me when I needed you the most. I don’t think so. You knowingly got into an affair with a married woman, Kevin. What do you expect Kevin?” Lucy stood up and brushed her hair off her shoulders. “I’m going to go see how Alan is doing. I’m sorry I even stopped.” With that, Lucy walked away.
Kevin, dismayed, watched her leave. He didn’t see David walking up, confident and cocky. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Dr. Collins. Hard Day?" he asked innocently. “It’s not every day that your married lover leaves you and your ex leaves you in the dust.” David watches Lucy in the distance. “You know, she and I have been seeing a lot of each other. She is one fine lady. I have a lot to thank you for Dr. Collins. Because of you, not only do I have Monica's job, but I'll end up with Lucy too.”
Kevin jumped up from the couch and warns David to keep his distance from Lucy. David scoffs at Kevin, telling him that he blew his chance when he started sleeping with Monica. He never knew how well he had it, but now it was David’s chance to win Lucy. Kevin clenched his fists and told him to leave Lucy alone. David responded that he would think it over and get back to him about it. David then left Kevin and walked away laughing to himself, leaving Kevin alone fuming.
On the other side of town, Lucas enters the penthouse as Harbor View towers. He slams the door so hard is bounces back open. He walks over to his desk and takes out a picture of himself and Brandon. He looks around the apartment and flashes back to his wonderful Christmas with Brandon.
Brandon is surprised when he opens his gift and there’s nothing inside. He laughs, thinking it’s a joke, but Lucas tells him it’s not.
“The reason why the box is empty is because you already have your gift,” he says looking deeply into Brandon’s eyes. “Why give you a material object when I can give you something so much better.”
Brandon gently touches Lucas’ face and strokes his hair. “I don’t want you to think that I was being materialistic or any—”
“Shhhhhh,” Lucas says as he puts his finger on Brandon’s lips. “This is my time to speak.” Lucas grabs Brandon’s hand and caresses his fingers. “My Christmas gift to you Brandon is my heart. I was furious at you for outing me earlier in the year, but I should have come clean with my family a lot earlier. Over this past year you’ve been my brother, my best friend, my significant other. You’ve been patient with me while I’ve come to terms with my sexuality, you’ve helped me combat my mother and you’ve been considerate about my feelings.”
Brandon smiles while Lucas is talking to him. Lucas asks Brandon to close his eyes while he does something. When Lucas, he asks Brandon to open his eyes. The lights in the penthouse are now dim, the fireplace is lit and soft music plays in the background.
A tear slowly falls from Lucas cheek. He slams the picture down and walks over to the bar area. He's tempted to drown his sorrows in liquor, but doesn't want to fall into the pattern Bobbie did. Instead, he takes out his cell phone and places a call to his father Tony Jones, currently living in Arizona. He reaches Tony's voicemail. He hangs up instead of leaving a message. Soon after he hangs up, he notices he has a message from Lucky on his cell. Lucas checks his message and seems to be cheered up by the message his cousin left him. Lucky tells him that he knows he's going through a hard time right now. It may seem like he has no one in the world, but he has family. He tells his cousin that he loves him and asks him to stay at Wyndemere with him, Carly and Nikolas for a while.
The scene fades to later in the day. Edward, Emily and Tracy wait outside Alan's hospital room. Tracy gets a call from Luke, who informs her of what went down with Bobbie at the PCPD. Tracy tells her husband she'll place a call to Justus, who lives in Boston, to see if he can represent her. David examines Alan and comes outside to tell them there has been no change with Alan. He is still in the coma.
The three Quartermaines file in and take their places around Alan's bed. Tracy's guard starts to crumble as she starts to tear up looking at all the wires coming out of her brother. "I wish, God Alan just wake up! We need you Alan, I need you." cries Tracy. "There are so many things that I want to tell you that I never got a chance too and I am afraid I will never get a chance too." Edward places his arm around Tracy's shoulders and pulls her close.
While Edward hugs Tracy, Emily gingerly picks up Alan's hand and kisses it. "Emily, you studied this medical stuff, when is Alan going to wake up?" A frustrated Tracy asks.
Emily sighs, "Tracy, you heard Dr. Hayward. He's in a coma. He could wake up at any time. He most likely can hear everything that we say."
Tracy shrugs off Edward's arm and gently places a kiss on Edward's forehead. Tracy starts to pace around the room and grows increasingly agitated. "Jesus God Almighty Alan, wake up!" Tracy half shouts as she walks close to Alan. Her shout turns into a full scream as Alan's eyes fly open.
Next…on Port Charles
- The Quartermaines can't seem to catch a break
- News of Robin's pregnancy spreads around the hospital
- Alan has another setback
- Monica's tempted to give into temptation
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