The Date/Michael Is Attacked - PCE: Episode 88

Endgame- Episode 88
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith
Jennifer Snyder
Looking like she hadn’t showered or eaten in days, Monica was keeping vigil in Alan’s hospital room. She looked like she hadn’t slept in weeks. She didn’t even notice anyone approaching when AJ knocked gently on the door. Monica looked up, her hair falling out of its bun and smiled weakly
“Hi AJ, if you are looking for everyone, they just left to go home and change and eat I think. Your grandfather needs to rest or he will get sick too. I’m worried about his heart, not that anyone listens to me anymore.” She looked down at her hands. “I expect that they will be back soon.” She looked over at Alan lying in the bed, thinking that J would leave but she was surprised when AJ put his hand on her shoulder and lightly squeezed. Alarmed, she immediately asked him what was wrong.
AJ assured her that nothing was wrong. He just wanted to be there for her, to sit with her for a while. He explained that he knew that every parent makes mistakes. Lord knows he has made plenty with Michael. He told her that yes, he was angry with her at first, but he understands that this isn’t her fault. He wants her to know that he has forgiven her. Monica burst into tears and throws her arms around AJ, hugging him close. AJ just holds his mother close, letting her cry until exhausted, she finally falls asleep.
Michael shifts his knapsack from one shoulder to the other. He can't believe his mother sent him to school when he wanted to stay by AJ and Alan. This day couldn't get any worse he says to himself. Not only did he fail his English test, but he screwed up 10 plays at football practice. Michael is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't notice that a dark sedan is following close behind him.
By the time Stan came to pick up Lainey, Kelly and Steven had already left for the restaurant. Stan was still a little confused as to what they’d be doing on their date. This was Lainey’s idea and he wasn’t sure what she had planned for their night out.
Stan and Lainey walked down to the car. Being the gentleman that he was, he opened the door for her and she climbed in. He walked around to the driver’s side and climbed in behind the wheel. “So, where are we going?” He asked as he started the SUV.
“There’s this new Indian place I heard about that I thought we’d try out. If that’s okay with you?”
“Sure, sounds great.”
The sound of a key entering the lock to Patrick & Robin's apartment startles Patrick. He rushes to put the pregnancy test box where it was and acts as if nothing wrong. Robin enters the apartment and calls Patrick's name. He casually makes his way into the living room and sits down next to Robin. He can tell something is bothering her, and is tempted to ask her outright about the pregnancy test, but decides against it. Robin just asks Patrick to hold her and rest on the sofa. The two hold each other, each keeping something back from the other. Patrick kisses Robin's head and reminds her that she can tell him anything. Robin thanks Patrick for always being there for her, especially when she feels so down. Robin decides to take a shower and then head to bed.
As she walks into the bathroom and closes the door, Patrick walks into the bedroom and sits on the edge of the bed. He grabs a picture of him and Robin sitting on their dresser and tries to imagine life as a father.
Stan and Lainey arrived at the Indian restaurant and the host seated them in a dark corner of the dining area. Lainey sat down in the chair that would give her the best view of Steven and Kelly who she spotted when they followed the host to their table. Stan didn’t notice that she was already eyeing Steven and Kelly as he opened up the menu that was handed to him by the host.
“Hmm … this all looks so good. I’m not sure what I’m going to choose. Lainey, what are you going to order?” Stan asked and he noticed her a little distracted. “Lainey?”
“Oh I’m sorry, Stan. I guess I’m a little distracted.”
“Yes I can see that. What is so interesting over there?”
“Oh nothing, I just thought I knew someone.” Lainey covered as she looked over the menu and tried to enjoy the company she was in.
As the evening progressed, Stan and Lainey were enjoying each other’s company, and enjoyed their dinner of Tandoori Chicken and Chicken Tikka. She surprised herself by enjoying her night out with Stan, she certainly didn’t expect to have such a wonderful time.
After paying the check, Stan and Lainey started walking out of the restaurant together hand in hand. Lainey completely forgetting why she and Stan were at that restaurant and on the date in the first place. They approached the SUV and she and Stan stood at the passenger side door of the vehicle.
“I just have to say that I really enjoyed dinner tonight.” He said as he opened the door for her.
“I did too.” She replied as he leaned closer to her to give her a kiss.
For a brief moment her soft lips met his and she quickly pulled away and climbed into the passenger side seat. He smiled and closed the door. He climbed in the driver’s side behind the wheel and started up the SUV. He thought it might be nice to end the evening with some dessert at Kelly’s.
“Would you like to stop off at Kelly’s for a scoop of ice cream?”
Lainey smiled like a school girl, “Sure, I’d like that.”
Michael is a block from home when he hears several car doors slam. He looks up and sees three or four men rush him. One of them pulls his backpack off him and throws it into the street. The men begin circling around Michael. The first man charges after Michael, who moves out of the way and kicks the guy in the stomach. Another tries to grab him, but Michael jumps out of the way and punches him in the face. Michael gloats a little and revels in having the upper hand. That celebration is cut very short after he's punched in the face.
Michael falls to his knees, his shirt is pulled up over his head so that he can't see and is then stood up. The leader of the men slaps Michael across the face and is then pushed from one guy to the other. He is pushed to the ground and one of the thugs leans down and hisses, "Tell your father that Miami say's Hello." With that, he kicks Michael in the stomach and the car speeds off, leaving a bruised and shaken up Michael. Michael slowly gets up holding his stomach and cries out in pain. He grabs his bag and begins making his way home again.
Steven and Kelly enjoyed their time together and had a wonderful time on their date. As they walked out of the restaurant together Kelly had to comment about seeing Stan and Lainey.
“I hope Stan and Lainey had a nice time on their date. She deserves a nice night out on the town.”
“She’s out tonight with Stan? I thought she had to work?”
“I guess she got off of work early ….” Kelly replied knowing her mentioning Lainey’s date with Stan just got her in trouble with Steven.
Robin gets out of the shower and puts on one of Patrick's oversized shirts. As she's tying up her hair, Patrick is watching her the entire time. He almost asks her if she's pregnant, but changes his mind yet again. Robin walks over and climbs into bed, turning off the light on her side of the bed. Patrick gets in as well; Robin lays her head upon Patrick's chest. He strokes her hair until she falls asleep, all the while thinking about what his like could be life as a father.
Sonny hangs up his phone when he hears Michael walking in the house.
"Where the hell have you been?" Sonny asks sternly. "You should have been home a long time ago. Practice doesn't until 10:30 Michael."
Michael doesn't turn around, making sure he doesn't look at Sonny. "All I wanna do is go to bed. I'm sorry for being late. I'll take my punishment later. Please dad, just…I wanna go to sleep."
Sonny realizes something is wrong with Michael and asks him to come down and talk to him. Michael comes down the stairs and still avoids looking at Sonny. Sonny asks Michael to take off his hood, so he can look him in the face. Michael refuses and just asks if he can go to bed. Sonny steps towards Michael, who gets out of the chair and heads towards the stairs again. Sonny grabs Michael's arm, who winces in pain. Sonny takes off Michael's hood and is shocked at his son's bloody face!
Sonny demands to know what happened, but Michael tries to blame it on a fight at school. Sonny calls Max & Milo into the room. Sonny appeals to his son, telling him he can trust him with anything. With tears in his eyes, Michael reveals he was attacked on his way home. Sonny orders Max to take Michael to the hospital, but Michael protests. He asks if he can just take a shower and go to bed. Sonny reluctantly agrees, and tells Michael he doesn't have to go to school on Monday. When Michael is far out of ear shot, Sonny tells Max and Milo that in this business, children are supposed to be off limits. Lorenzo made the wrong move by going after Michael….and he's going to pay.
Next…on Port Charles
- Sonny and his men teach Lorenzo a lesson
- Carly & Nikolas finds out about Michael's attack
- Alexis forbids Kristina to visit Sonny
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