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The Key To My Heart - PCE: Episode 69



Endgame- Episode 69
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Written by: Ryan Chandler
Jennifer Snyder

Port Charles begins with Robin and Patrick down at the lake. The two took the day off to spend some time together, as they've been working extra shifts at the hospital. Patrick planned their day out, and what a day it's been. The two went jogging together this morning, came back to his apartment for some shower sex, took a nap, went to the race track and are now spending some quiet time down by the lake.

"You know, this is probably the most fun I've had in a while." Patrick says taking out their blanket. "What about you? Did I balance our activities out?"

Patrick looks over and Robin, who seems to be staring out into space. He calls her name but gets no answer. He calls her name again and snaps his fingers, breaking her from her trance. "What," she asks a little rudely. Patrick gives her a clueless look. Robin apologizes for snapping, she was just thinking about something. Patrick notes that Robin has been a little distant all day, zoning out for minutes at a time.

"Is something bothering you? You seem a little….distracted."

"I'm just a little tired," remarks Robin. "I was thinking about how our lives have changed since we met," she says smiling at Patrick. Part of that is true, she was thinking about their lives, but she was also thinking about Anna's strange dream. There's no way she could be pregnant. They've been careful each and every time they've had sex. She knows condoms aren't 100% effective, but what could they have done wrong?

Robin shakes off her thought and begins telling Patrick what a wonderful day she's had with him. The happy couple discuss the progress they've made with their relationship. For the first time since last year, there's no one trying to break them up, no one trying to make them doubt one another, just the two of them being happy and in love. Patrick tells Robin to meet him in the water in 10 minutes, he has to run to the car for something.
Lainey's shift had just ended, and she decided to shower and change before heading home. She entered the on call room and found Steven pouring a cup of coffee from the freshly brewed pot. She acknowledged him but passed by on her way to the locker room.

"Dr. Winters," says Steven inquisitively.

She turned around when he said her name. “Yes, Dr. Webber, what can I do for you?”

“Do you like Italian or Indian?”

“Indian, why?”

“I was hoping you’d pencil in your date book a night out on the town with me this Friday night. There’s this new restaurant that just opened up on the outskirts of the city. I was really hoping you could join me for dinner?”

“This Friday? I’m sorry I can’t. I have plans.”

Steven , thinking she was just giving him an excuse, pushed further. “What about Saturday? It's supposed to be really nice this weekend.”

“No sorry I have plans with my father on Saturday.”

“I have Wednesday night off …” he hinted.

"And I have to work," Lainey says with an annoyed tone. "I’m sorry. Look, I like you Steven, you’re a very nice guy, but I am one who likes to keep things professional. There will be no date with you anytime…ever." Lainey turned and walked into the locker room as Kelly emerged.
Back at the park, Robin impatiently waits in the lake for Patrick. He said 10 minutes…..it's been well over a half hour. The car wasn't parked that far away and it's beginning to get chilly outside. Patrick runs from the parking lot into the water where Robin is.

"Sorry that took so long. I had something to do."

"Like what," asks Robin with an attitude. "You said ten minutes. It's been longer than that. Do you know how cold it is in this water? I'm a freakin prune right now!"

Patrick laughs at Robin's anger, which just seems to annoy her a little more. "The reason I took so long is that I needed to get this for you."

Patrick reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box. He hands the box to Robin and asks her to open it. Butterflies begin to fly in her stomach, but she does it anyway.

"Oh my god," she says, pulling out a white gold curve pendant shaped like a key with eight round diamonds in a prong setting accented by tapered baguette diamonds in a channel setting. "What is it?"
At the hospital, Steven tried hard not to show the effects from Lainey’s rejections on his face, he turned away with his coffee in hand. Dr. Lee reached into the refrigerator for a bottle of water. “Did I hear you say there’s a new Indian restaurant in town?”

Steven stopped in his tracks. He thought to himself “she’s pretty, a doctor, independent, fun .. why not?”

“Yes a new one opened up last week, I’ve been anxious to try it out. Would you like to go out on Friday?”

“Sure ….” Kelly slinked up closer to him and touched his stethoscope.

Steven became all flustered. “I’ll, uh, pick you up at … um, 7?”

“Sounds great, I’ll see you then.”

As Steven left the on call room, Lainey emerged from the locker room wondering why Kelly was making advances on Steven.

“You just had to didn’t you?” Lainey said with a very bitchy tone.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kelly said innocently.

“Oh you don’t? I heard you flirting with Dr. Webber. You were basically throwing yourself at him.”

“Why do you care, you turned him down?”

“Yes I did, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in him at all, Kelly.”

“Well perhaps you should have taken a rain check on dinner instead of blowing him off completely. The way I see it, Miss 'I like to keep this professional,' you had a chance, you blew it, and now I'm going to probably have a very great time enjoying myself," Kelly smirked and she stormed out of the on call room.
"That my dear," begins Patrick, walking behind Robin and placing the necklace around her neck. "Is the key to my heart, something you've had metaphorically since we met. Now you have it literally. You see I was told that the original was designed to celebrate love. I decided to be a little creative and had it redesigned to be a key. Those eight stones represent how our love has grown, and will continue to grow over time. Whenever you feel lost, or alone, or just need to be close to me, you can grab that key and know that you are the only woman to ever have the key to my heart."

Robin moves her hair to her left side and wipes the tears from her eyes. "I should be so mad at you. You are unbelievable you know that? You make me wait here, and then you show up with this…this beautiful token of our love. I love it Patrick. Thank you."

Patrick pulls out his necklace, which is similar to Robin's except it's a men's pendant with a lock on the bottom. "You put your key into this pendant, and inside you can see us together."

"I love you too Robin. But that's not all I have for you." Patrick goes into his left pocket and pulls out something else. "This…..is the key to my apartment…our should I say our apartment. I want to be with you, more than I get to be with you now. I want to come home to you. I want to go to sleep with you and wake up to see your face. I want us to have a home together."

Robin takes the key and kisses Patrick. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean the necklace was enough, but this is a serious commitment Patrick. I don't want us to move in together and have it not work out you know?"

Patrick takes Robin's hand as they walk back onto the sand. "I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure. You mean the world to me Robin, and think us moving into together signals the next chapter in our relationship. I want us to write this chapter together. So….you gonna do it….roomy?"

Robin smiles with tears in her eyes. "So when do I pack?"

Patrick picks her up and kisses her passionately. "How about now?"

Port Charles comes to a close with Patrick racing Robin back to the car.
Next….on Port Charles
A special "ICU" episode featuring Alan & Monica. After months of having a secret affair and waiting for the right time to end her marriage, Monica finally breaks things off with Alan.

Tomorrow's episode kicks off a series of episodes geared towards the Quartermaine Family and the tragedy they must face. The Quartermaines and those connected to them will face a very challenging time. Relationships destroyed may be rekindled, alliances will be formed and battles will be drawn.

Get ready….."The Quartermaine Tragedy" is on it's way.


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Man, you always write Robin and Patrick so well. Its great to see that your progressing them so well. They are one of my favorite couples on your blog!!

And finally some Kelly and Lainey involvement. The "Real GH" has neglected them for so long. Its great that your using them. The show needs some diversity and having them around does that!

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Damn, I loved the Lainey/Kelly scenes.....the two women pining for Steven, that is gonna be fun. I loved what you have done w/ those characters.

As for Scrubs, how cute is it that they are going forward in their relationship! I feel bad for Robin, though, with how she feels about her possibly being pregnant. She should be happy :(

I can't wait to see the Quartermaines now! :)

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Patrick and Robin have to be the most favorite couple of mine in this blog.

I love that despite all the crabbiness (due to her little nest egg coming about) she showed just how much she loves Patrick. I really anticipate the development of their story. I know that it will be written with both emotion and fun.

I knew Lainey had a little thing for Dr. Webber...Kelly is the little trollop that she is; always pouncing when someone else doesn't want to make a move. I don't think Steven knew what to do, he was so flustered when she got all up on him the way she did :lol:

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oh scrubs.. those were very great scenes.. good to see them moving forward and not 20 steps back..

ooh lainey likes steven..very nice.. i guess kelly's a whore in here too..haha

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