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November 22, 2006



***This is a long episode due to it being a huge cliffhanger show and all dialogue at the end. There is a link to a Snow Patrol song so click on the link when you find it towards the end of the episode and then just listen to the song during the final scenes (don't watch the video unless you want to after reading our episode :lol: ).***

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-The episode begins with Caroline, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Will, Celeste, Doug, Julie, Laura, and Bill racing into the ER to meet Greta. Bill and Laura ask for info on Eric's condition. Greta says he is critical and it's not good, which is expected. Cal shows up and says he had to come. Eric is still like a son to him. Sami asks what Greta meant by "which is expected." Greta says that it is time they all knew the truth...

-Nicole is on her plane, waiting to take off. There is a backup on the runway so there will be a wait. She looks at a picture of Eric and herself and wonders what went wrong.

-Max, Frankie, Cassie, and Kate are in Max's car. They are headed for the bridge as they checked out all of the girls' usual hang out spots. Max just hopes nothing bad has happened as he knows what was going on there earlier with the drugs, alcohol, etc.

-Abby and Chelsea push Seth and Paul off of them but they don't give up. Paul is starting to take Chelsea's blouse off while Seth is running his hands up Abby's back. Both girls say no but the men don't heed their words. Finally, Abby kicks Seth in the groin and Chelsea pushes Paul off her. Both girls make a run for it. The rest of the partygoers wake are shocked that girls would say no to Seth and Paul, who are angry and give chase.

-In Sydney, gunshots are still being fired with bodies all over. Bo helps Hope Up and they look for cover. Jack, Billie, and Maggie find cover as well. Steve and Kayla get up, as does Roman. Kayla sees Shane on the ground and realizes he has been shot. She races over to him. Steve sees gunshots being fired in Kayla's direction and dives on top of her to protect her. He helps her up and asks if she is ok. She says she is fine and goes to tend to Shane, even though it is clear that she is bleeding from her right side.

-Abe sees Stefano and Lexie and tries to get over to them but he is hit by a bullet. Lexie screams "No!!!" as Stefano grins. Stefano tries to drag her off as she beats on his chest, asking why he is doing all this. He says it's revenge and that someday she will understand and embrace it. One of Victor's men then takes aim and Lexie takes a bullet. Stefano holds her and assures her it will all be ok. Abe sees Lexie get hit and whispers her name softly.

-Back in Salem, Sami demands the truth from Greta now. Greta explains that Eric is dying of a brain tumor and he doesn't have long to live. That was his secret all these months. Bill and Laura go talk to Eric's doctor as Caroline and Sami comfort each other and are comforted by their friends and family there with them. Greta apologizes but no one is even paying attention to her. She is happy the truth is out. She then remembers Nicole and that she doesn't know. She realizes there is something she has to do and leaves. Meanwhile, the mysterious cloaked figure watches from afar and seems pleased with the unhappiness of those at the hospital.

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Salem Bridge

-Back at the bridge, Abby and Chelsea race to her car but Seth catches up and knocks the keys out of her hand. Paul grabs hold of Chelsea and Seth grabs Abby and, with the party crowd surrounding them, both girls are dragged off. Seth tells Abby and Chelsea that no one can find out what they do at the bridge when they hang out so they must be kept silent. Plus, they didn't give them what they wanted. Chelsea has a flashback to her rapes and begs for her life.

-Back in Sydney, Kayla tends to a badly injured Shane. She conceals her injury too, which appears to be a gunshot wound. She seems woozy and Steve asks if she is alright. She nods. Jack and Billie race over and ask what happened. Kayla says Shane needs medical attention. Roman comes over and says Abe has been shot. Kayla races to tend to him, ducking bullets, as the shootout continues.

-Maggie, Bo, and Hope are near Abe when Kayla arrives. Abe is only worried about Lexie and her being shot. Hope tells him to relax. Victor comes over and says there is a helicopter nearby that can get them out of here and get the injured tended to. Jack and Billie agree to take Shane and Abe to the helicopter. Abe wants to find Lexie since he can walk but Roman forces him to go with Jack and Billie. Meanwhile, Victor sneaks off to go after Stefano and Maggie follows. Bo goes to look for Victor after Jack and Billie leave with Shane and Abe and Hope follows him. Roman goes off on his own too, in hopes of getting to Stefano.

-Back in Salem, Seth and Paul find Chelsea's car and decide on the perfect way to make sure the girls stay quiet and get punished for leaving them unsatisfied. They force Abby and Chelsea into the car, along with a few of their other friends. Seth takes the wheel with Paul next to him and they speed off, as the rest of the crazy partygoers left in the dust cheer.

-Back in Sydney, Kayla continues to tend to the wounded including Dimera henchmen. She claims she took a oath to save all lives. She is in a lot of pain and trying to hide it, only now the blood is dripping down her leg. Steve warns the shootout isn't letting up as the men on both sides keep reloading. They need to take cover. Kayla realizes most of the men are dead already and they need to think about Stephanie. Steve grabs her and they take off for cover.

-Victor is forced to take cover and is angry when he sees Maggie, Bo, and Hope followed him. The gunshots aren't letting up and bullets are everywhere. Victor is determined to reach Stefano and decides to take a risk. He runs off, much to Bo's dismay and Maggie's. Maggie then races after him and, when Bo tries to go after them, a spray of bullets comes his way and Hope and him duck for cover. Meanwhile, Roman is fighting off some Dimera men in hopes of getting to Stefano as well.

Ending Segment

-At the hospital, Austin rejoins Lucas and Cal as Doug, Julie, Bill, and Laura are seen talking nearby.

Austin: Sami in there with Caroline?

Lucas: Yeah...I don't know man. I don't know how much the Brady's can deal with. I don't know how much Sami can deal with.

Cal: I still think of him as a son. I can't lose him.

Austin: We just have to hope that it isn't as bad as it seems.

Celeste overhears and says to herself:

Celeste: Sorry, Austin. It is bad and it is only the beginning. The horror and tragedy has already begun and I just pray our loved ones in Sydney and in Salem can handle what is coming...

Scene shifts to Eric lying in a bed, with cords and machines around him. Sami and Caroline enter, holding each other in tears. Sami slowly walks ahead of Caroline and looks down at Eric, takes his hand, and says:

Sami: Don't do this to me. I have lost so much. We all have. We lost mom. I am finally starting to get myself together. I need you here...your the other part of me...please. Not now...not like this. Please...

Caroline holds her close and comforts her.

-Nicole is sitting on her plane to LA when there is an announcement:

Pilot: Attention passengers...we were ordered to delay take off due to an emergency concerning one of our passengers. We hope you under and apologize for the inconvenience. We will prepare for takeoff as soon as the passenger's situation is taken care of.

Nicole: What is going on? No one looks sick or anything. (turns behind her and then turns back around and is shocked by what she sees) What the hell?

Greta walks right down the aisle and up to Nicole.

Greta: Part of the perks of being a princess. I am glad I made it before it was...

Nicole: What are you doing?

Greta: Stopping you from making a big mistake. There is something you have to know...about Eric.

-Max, Frankie, Kate, and Cassie are coming up on the Salem Bridge.

Cassie: I don't see anyone.

Frankie: I don't either...what the...? Oh my...

Right ahead of Max on the bridge is an oncoming car, speeding out of control. It's Chelsea's with Seth and Paul in the front seats and Chelsea and Abby sqeezed in the back with 3 other partygoers.

Seth: You girls should've listened...

Paul: Damn straight!!

Chelsea: Oh God...Oh God...

Abby: I told you this would...Oh my..watch out!!!!

Scene shifts to Max's car.

Cassie: Max!!

Kate: Max!!! Look out!!

Max swerves his car out of the way and to the left just as Chelsea grabs hold of the wheel from Seth in the other car, causing the car to swerve out of control as everyone in it screams.

Seth: [!@#$%^&*]!! What are you do...AAAAAAA

Max's car collides with a guardrail on the left side of the bridge while Chelsea's car flies through the guardrail and off the right side of the bridge, right into the chilling waters below.

"Open Your Eyes" by Snow Patrol begins to play in the background as we see the scene shift from Chelsea's car floating in the river to the shootout in Sydney... **Here is the link to the song-go to it and just listen to the song during these final scenes as they really enhance the scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jSfTwZZmXU **

-Roman is forced to take cover while looking to find Stefano as bullets are still flying.

Roman: I am not leaving here until I know this is over, once and for all, Dimera. I will end this or die trying!!

-Bo and Hope are behind a metal structure, taking cover as bullets are flying around them.

Hope: How are we all going to get out of this, Brady? The gunshots haven't ended since this chaos started.

Bo: I don't know. I just hope the others are safe and that we all make it out of here.

Hope: Your wondering where Victor is, aren't you?

Bo: Yeah...and Maggie and everyone else. I just want all of this over and for all of us to be safe.

Hope: Same here but how are we making it out of this?

Bo: I have no clue...

-Billie helps Abe to the helicopter as Jack carries a bleeding Shane and lays him in the helicopter.

Billie: I hope the others are ok.

Abe: You should still be there...Lexie and the others need...

Billie: Your hurt and you could get yourself killed out there.

Billie then goes to help Jack with Shane and then looks at Jack with a look of panic on her face;

Billie: Oh my God...

Jack: What?

Billie: Shane has no pulse. Help me do CPR, Jack.

Abe: Oh God...

-Stefano puts a wounded Lexie on his helicopter and caresses her forehead. The pilot signals that everything is set and Stefano is about get on board.

Stefano: It's all going to be fine, Alexandra.

Victor: Not for you it isn't!!!

Victor appears, pointing his gun right at Stefano. Maggie comes up behind him.

Victor: Why did you come?

Maggie: I...

Victor: Nevermind. Ok, Dimera. As I said earlier, it ends here. Tonight. Your day of reckoning has arrived.

-Steve and Kayla are dodging bullets and look confused as to where they are as they search for cover. Kayla is clearly in pain but continues to cover it. Steve sees a steel door nearby that is slightly open.

Steve: Right there...we should be ok in there until all this hoopla subsides.

Kayla: It's more then hoopla but, yeah, I see what you are looking at. We can stay there until it's over. Hopefully, the others are safe too.

Steve: Ok...the gunshots stopped. Let's get to that door!!

Kayla: Right behind you!!

Steve and Kayla race to the steel door and notice a key in the lock. Steve walks in first:

Steve: Grab the key so we don't get locked in.

Kayla: Alright...argh!!

Steve (turning towards Kayla): Kayla?

As Kayla is about to enter, she doubles over in pain, She is holding on to the door and leans on it. Her weight is pushing the door forward. She then removes her hand from her side and sees it covered in blood and then sees blood coming down her leg. She is woozy and falls forward against the door, shutting it and locking Steve in. Steve sees the door close and races over. He sees Kayla leaning on the door through a small window on the door:

Steve: Kayla!!?? What's wrong? Open the door!!

Kayla (softly): Ste...

Kayla's eyes roll back and she collapses alongside the door, leaving her body blocking the door. Steve looks down and sees Kayla lying in a pool of blood, unconscious and not moving.

Steve: Kayla!!! Damn door is locked!! (banging on the door and desperately trying to open it)Kayla!! Kayla!!!! Kayla!!!! Kayla!!!

The episode fades out as the camera shows Kayla lying in a pool of blood overhead.


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And, as this Abby/Chelsea story goes along, I am starting to like it even more. You guys are writing it really well!

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Thanks for the comments

daysfan. I just sent you a

PM asking you what you

thought so disregard


I was really curious to

see the reaction to the

Steve/Kayla stuff. That

is some primetime season

finale stuff right there :lol:

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  • Members

Yeah Keith. I

don't like to use song

much but that one

really fit and it was

used on the ER finale

last year for a similar


It really enhances the

final scenes in Sydney.

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Well, it seems like we're 2 for 2 in good epsiodes. Now it's time to go 3 for 3. I'm so glad everyone is enjoying what is being written so far.

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my speakers aren't wroking right now. but i am a bif fan of snow patrol so i already know how that song goes. great chocie, it defonately set the the right mood

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