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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 244

While cleaning out the horse stalls, Erin tells Holden of what she overheard Grant saying the night before, but Holden just dismisses it as another lie. Later, Holden tells Emma of what occurred last night between himself and Lily and he seems optimistic. He asks when Emma plans on hosting Grant and Lisa's engagement party and Emma says that December 19th sounds good. Susan and Andy meet up at Java an await John to come, after calling him in to ask him what's going on with him and Roxie. Else



"Viewer" Of The Week (11/27 Wk.)

Congratulations go out again to SteveFrame this week as he wins his second "Viewer" Of The Week title to date!! Also, quite a few runners-up. I want to personally thank each one of my readers for continuing to support me. Even if you don't comment, you help more than you know! Without all of you, this blog would not be possible! See the sidebar to the left for a complete list of names and number of comments.



Episode 243

Lily arrives at Luthers Corners Church and kneels at the altar to pray. Holden, who just bought a horse from Mr. Johnson up the road from the church, comes in and finds Lily. For the first time in months, she talks of how much she really misses Rose, especially when the holidays come around and she makes a note that next Tuesday will mark three years since her sister's death. Holden tells her that with every battle, you get stronger..and he thinks the same thing has happened with Lily. Lily apol




One actress was recently served her walking papers, which left another actor worried about his own fate. Don't expect a warm goodbye ceremony for Lucy and Sierra. The last airdate for both is rumored to be this coming Friday. Zach Roerig is in talks to return to the role of Casey Hughes. Also, on that note, look for the Hughes family to get a little bigger in the coming months. Several rumors indicate that Paul Leyden was discussed in Katie's new storyline, but nothing was ever set in s



"Viewer" Of The Week

"The World Of Oakdale" has recently announed the blog's first ever "Viewer" Of The Week. And that distinct honor for this week goes to SteveFrame, an avid ATWT fan here on the SON boards and creator/Executive Producer/Headwriter of his own SONBC soap "From These Roots". Each week, readers will be judged upon the number of comments they submit to the blog. Last week, SteveFrame won the title with oakdalelover and DrewHamilton heading up the rear. Stay tuned when an all new "Viewer" Of Th



Episode 242

Lily pulls over on the side of the road and can't believe that she is still being haunted by a ghost. Rose can't believe the words that are coming out of her sister's mouth and asks Lily just what has made her so cold, as she has been watching "from above". Lily denies any hard feelings towards Rose, Lucinda, or anyone else. Rose tells her sister to get her priorities in line and quit being such a whiney baby...and most importantly, get that ugly chip off her shoulder. Then without a word, Rose



Episode 241

Gwen tells Will that she's never met the guy before in her life and that she has no clue what kind of stares they were sharing, if there even were any. Maddie, Henry, and Jason head to North Carolina to be with Katie. Meanwhile, Katie awakens from her sleep and asks the doctor in the room with her where her husband is. Mike explains that he and Katie aren't married yet, and is shocked and very baffled when Katie refuses to see him. Lucinda calls a meeting with Lily to discuss her new role in Wor



Episode 240

Holden arrives back at the house and tells Lily that he finally got his safe access card back. Lily socffs, but when Holden calls her out on her jealousy, she lashes out at him for always blaming her for everything that goes wrong in the family. Holden can't believe how childish Lily is acting. Jason stops dead in his tracks when he sees Gwen. Maddie sees him and calls him over, asking what's up. Jason tells her to go outside and meet Henry. Thye have to go. Maddie asks Luke, much to his dism



Episode 239

Holden arrives at the Hughes residence and asks to speak with Erin. He scolds the child for stealing from him and returning his stuff once she got what she wanted out of it. Erin quickly apologizes and hands the safe access card to him. Though Erin is a little displeased because she had big plans for the card, she's even more upset when Kim enlightens her that because of all of this, she is going to begin helping Holden at the farm. Mike rushes to the doctors and asks them how his fiancee is



Episode 238: Thanksgiving!

*SPECIAL NOTES* The World Of Oakdale will be pre-empted Thursday, Nov. 23rd and Friday, Nov. 24th. Sorry for the long episode. Don't get used to it, though. This long format just ain't my cup of tea Iva calls in the middle of the Snyder's Thanksgiving dinner and apologizes for not coming, saying that the kids are sick and she's coming down with something, too. Lily addresses the tension in the room and Emma denies that there is any as she and Lisa lock eyes. Holden excuses himself and s



Home For The Holidays!!

Home For The Holidays!! As The World Turns fans might remember a time when family and friends gathered around for Thanksgiving and traded knives in the back for a knife in the turkey. Well, that's exactly what The World Of Oakdale plans to do this Thanksgiving holiday. "I think family is a very integral and important part of the show and we sometimes forget that", says Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford. Beginning Tuesday November 21st, the follwoing actors (and characters) make a b



Episode 237: Returns Galore!

Emma opens the door and is ecstatic to find Dusty, Meg, and little Nicole. She wonders aloud how they flew to Louisiana, got settled so fast, and had time to return home for Thanksgiving. Dusty admits that they never really left. He says that after saying their goodbyes, their flight got delayed because of a tropical storm wreaking havoc down south. Instead of coming back and ruining the surprise, they rented a room at a nice hotel and came over this morning. However, they still plan on leaving



Episode 236

Grant refuses Emma's invitation to join her and her family for Thanksgiving dinner. He says that he and Lisa already made plans with Roxie and her new man friend. Emma is ecstatic though when Lucinda, Sierra, Lily, Holden, Lucy, Luke, Maddie, Faith, Natalie, Jack, Carly, Parker, J.J., and Sage all come over for the Snyder's annual Thanksgiving dinner. Emma asks where Craig is and Sierra says that he was having dinner alone to avoid any scrutiny. They all discuss their opinion on whether or n



Promo: Wk. of 11/20/06

This week on The World of Oakdale... The search for Katie comes to a close... JACK: I don't like this. Lyla, are you sure about this? MARGO: Hold on little sis. We're coming for ya... AND THE RESULTS COULD BE DEADLY!!.... PANZICO: Give me the money or you can say goodbye to your precious... *Lyla lunges for Panzico* *A gunshot rings out and mutiple screams are heard...* MIKE: *with an unconcious Katie* Katie, come on. Wake up. Katie! NNNNOOO!!!! And then.



Episode 235

Henry tells Kim that Erin Spillers doesn't exist. Kim wonders how that can be; and if it's true, who's the girl that has been staying with them? Henry replies that the only Erin that he found was an Erin Summers...and immediately after saying the name, Henry realizes (and so does Kim) why Jason seemed so startled when Erin interrupted their meeting the other night. Will finds Gwen at the Insteenct offices and wonders what's wrong...since she only works when she's upset. She talks about hiding th



Episode 234

Kim asks Henry to return to his P.I. roots and run a background check on one Erin Spillers. Later, Henry returns with some news that might startle Kim, he says. Across town, Gwen and Carly have lunch at Al's and Gwen talks of how close Barbara seems to be to finding out that she and Will got married. Carly promises to keep Barbara at bay for a while, but suggests they tell Barbara sooner, rather than later. Emma shows up at Grant's with a fruit basket to make amends for the fight with Lisa. Lisa



Special Note

Due to some computer problems and my personal life going haywire this weekend, I will be posting Episodes 234 and 235 a bit late. Expect them to be posted no later than 11:30 PM Central today...



End of 'World' for McCouch & Wilson

End of 'World' for McCouch & Wilson Dusty and Meg are set to exit Oakdale this week In a shocking casting decision, The World Of Oakdale has let Grayson McCouch and Marie Wilson go from the show. Fans might be shocked, as well. "I expect they will be," says Executive Producer/Headwriter Dusty Alford. "I think the fans loved this couple and I know some of them will hate to see them leave, but really, there's just no room for them on the canvas at this time." McCouch took the news graceful



Episode 233

Lyla and Mike go into the warehouse behind an armed Jack and a worried Margo. They all make plans to split up and look for Katie. While yelling for Katie, Lyla hears a cat run off and finds some old food morsels in the dirt. Beside the food, she finds tracks..where it looks as if several people have walked. Several clues later, Lyla finds herself in the middle of Katie's previous holding cell. Just as she thinks that Katie didn't leave any clues...she sees Katie's message in the sand and guesses



Episode 232

Sierra scolds Craig for taking advantage of a medical emergency with their only child, their baby daughter, and making it the time to showcase this new "changed man" that he claims to be. Craig insists Sierra that he does care about Lucy and that he has changed, though not everyone believes him. He talks of how skeptical of himself he would be, too...but tell Sierra to face the facts. Dr. Schiller returns and tells everyone that Lucy has a mild pelvic infection and though such a thing is usually



Episode 231

Lucy yells in pain as she's brought into Memorial. Dr. Schiller takes a look and sends Lucy off for some tests, constantly re-assuring Sierra, Lucinda, Lily, and Holden that all will be fine. Lucinda scolds Lily for her reckless behavior back at the mansion and Sierra and Holden have to break them up again. Craig arrives and all of them roll their eyes at Craig's "ploy to look like he cares". Later, Holden pulls Lily to the side and asks what the hell her problem is. Without even saying anything



Episode 230

Lily arrives at Lucinda's office, wanting to know what she wanted to see her about. Lucinda starts talking all business with Lily, and eventually Lily just explodes. She scolds her mother for not picking her or Sierra for the vice presidency. Lucinda fires back that Lily's just throwing Sierra's name in the mix to make up for the fact that Lily wanted the vice presidency all to herself. Sierra hears her name being thrown around and enters to an all-out verbal brawl between Lily and Lucinda. She



Episode 229

Andy and Emily awaken and recall their night of farewell love-making. Emily reminds Andy that if he's gone too long, some wealthy businessman might come along and sweep her off her feet. Andy shares a goodbye with Emily and then goes by Bob and Kim's and bids them a goodbye, briefly becoming acquainted with Erin. Bob and Kim talk with Nancy and ask what she thinks they should do as far as living arrangements for Erin. Erin, meanwhile, goes through Holden's wallet and notices a card reading "Worl



Episode 228

Andy informs Emily that an old photographer friend of his called and they're going to Spain to shoot a very high class fashion model by the name of Yasmeen Borklov. He tells Emily that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and while he won't be doing any of the photography, he owes his friend for getting him out of a jam a few years ago when some stock agencies were hounding him about some copyrighted photographs. Surprisingly, Emily understands but tells Andy he better hurry home. The two lo



Casting News!

The World Of Oakdale announces the following casting news: Alexandra Chando, Jennifer Landon, Jesse Soffer, and Van Hansis are all unhappy with their quantity of airtime and are considering leaving the show. As a result, the writers have taken measures to ensure that the four young actors stay on board with the show and have assured them that they will be getting more airtime in the near future. Two actors will be leaving the show in the coming weeks. Anne Sward has went on recurring sta



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