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College Never Looked This Good!

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Episode 118: Crash Course Collision

- - - Jenny almost fell backwards when she realized that the person hooked up to the ventilation system was London. All Jenny could do was shake. Jenny taps on London’s elbow. London looks at her and begins to scream. Jenny takes off the ventilation mask to let her speak. London: Help me! Jenny: Funny I was going to tell you the same thing. How did you get here? What- I thought you were dead. London: That’s what Nan wanted people to think. She’s had me here for the longest ti

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

Point Palace has returned from hiatus and with it, new and old characters are set to show up on the scene. The newest to join is actress Andrea F. Friedman as Bobbie. Friedman is best known for her portrayal of Amanda Swanson on the family drama Life Goes On. Friedman's character Bobbie will be spending a lot of time with Ava (Kim Stolz). A past character returns but it's being kept secret who it is. Nan (Lorena Chacon) has been hiding someone for many months and the reveal is shocking.

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 117: Breathe In, Breathe Out

- - - Alicia instinctively grabbed Will’s body and put him in a comfortable position on the stairs, he slumps to his side. Frantically she feels for a pulse and is relieved to see that he was still breathing, except he was unconscious. She then notices his head was bleeding from broken glass. Alicia: (screaming to the others) Someone call an ambulance! Now! One of the other housemates gets on his cell phone and dials 911. Alicia made her way upstairs and finds Jace inebriated.

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 116: Rude Mates

- - - Carrie was floored when she looked at Dylan who was holding the expensive diamond engagement ring in front of her. Carrie: Yes…yes Dylan I’ll marry you. Dylan: I thought you’d say something like that. Dylan slides the ring onto her fourth finger. He stands up and romantically kisses her. Carrie: This is what you’ve been doing behind my back. Dylan: Yeah I wanted to surprise you. Carrie: You really did. Dylan: You know I’ve been down right spontaneous lately b

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

Former pop star turned actor, Joey Murray of the band ATC, has joined the Point Palace roster as S.R. Reardon. His character is connected to the mysterious Marli Calloway (Danica Stewart). Look for Murray to debut in Episode 116 and of course stir up trouble for Marli's future at Point Palace. Series creator Matt Politylo discusses this big front burner plot: "There were many versions to what Marli was supposed to be but the revelation to her sole purpose is mind blowing. It's one of those

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 115: Shotgun Proposal

- - - Marli was freaked out by her newly unwrapped present. On the floor, was a teddy bear with a basketball uniform but the bear was bloody. She quickly scooped up the present and went back to her room. Marli gets on the phone to her mystery caller. Marli: (hysterics) I…I got something in the mail. It was a gift. A horrific looking teddy bear. I think he knows where I am. The teddy bear is wearing basket ball gear. Just like Tim. He was the star basketball player and he’s dead.

Matt P.

Matt P.

Series News

Point Palace returns from its unnanounced hiatus on April 23rd. Series Creator and Executive Producer Matt Politylo has been busy with his other career, acting. Dawning the stage name Matthew Preston, he is to star in the off broadway peformance Villains as the infamous John Wilkes Booth. He's also to play a jaded photographer named Alex in the indie film The Weekend and on the popular Yahoo web series Something To Be Desired in May as the ever curious Josh. What's to come for the characters

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

Dylan Colby's (Matt Bible) mother and cousin are coming to town in a special plot that is being kept underwraps. Kim Zimmer will be on recurring as Lana Colby and Dylan's cousin Jason Colby (Scott Clifton) returns in later episodes for a few guest apperances. Another recurring member is ex-OLTL star David Satterfield who comes on as Sean Asters, a businessman looking for a job on the Point Palace schoolboard. Production for Point Palace has slowed down according to series creator Matt Polityl

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 113: Reality Star

- - - Everything was a blur when Jenny woke up. She tries desperately to get out of the room that entrapped her. With all her might, she pounds on the door. Jenny: (screaming) OPEN THIS DOOR NAN! Jenny looks around at her surroundings. It was a dimly lit, basement like setting, where there were two doors on either side of her. She goes over to the other door and tries opening it but it’s locked too. Jenny: Damn it! There was nothing that she can do. All of a sudden, she sees

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 112: Hello Old Enemy

- - - Alley opens the hotel room door and walks in on John taking pictures of the nude models getting very physical together. John seems reluctant to take the pictures. He stops and looks at Antonio. John: I can’t do this. Antonio: Take a break then. Alley: What the hell is going on? John is surprised to find Alley standing in front of him with her mouth dropped. John: Alley what are you doing here? John takes Alley outside of the room to talk with her. Alley: I can

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 111: Poor No!

- - - Carlos rushes over to the broken window and sees Jenny lying on top of the cold, white snow. He kept breathing heavier. Carlos: Oh my god. Agatha I need to call you back. Jenny just got into an accident. While running down the stairs, Carlos frantically dials 911. A female operator answers on the first ring. Operator: 911 what’s your emergency? Carlos: My girlfriend just fell out of a two story window. Operator: Where are you located caller? Carlos: I’m at 43 Pa

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 110: Surgical Support

- - - Police sirens and an ambulance were called to Sky’s apartment. Ava’s car only had a minor dent near the trunk when she had hit a metallic recycle bin. Unfortunately that wasn’t the only thing that she hit. In Sky’s attempt to stop her from hitting an oncoming car, Sky had jumped in the back to try to stop the vehicle from moving, her attempt was unsuccessful. Minutes later, Sky was rushed to the Cody Medical Hospital when her tumble had left her unconscious. Ava felt guilty but h

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

Numerous guest stars are coming to Point Palace. Look for The Bold and The Beautiful star Dan McVicar to play Antonio, a wealthy fashion designer who gets involved with John's (Ryan Gaus) career. ER and film star Mehki Phifer guests as Doctor Vexen, a fertility clinic specialist for Jenny (Geneva Hyman) and Carlos (Jordi Vilasuso.) To make it a love quadrangle Christel Khalili will be a recurring cast member with possible contract upgrade status as her character Rena will be involved with J

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 109: V-Day Massacre

- - - Carlos was stunned when he read the name of the father. For a moment he could hear himself breathing heavier and heavier. He looks at Jenny who was on the verge of tears. Carlos: (to Doctor Vexen) This can’t be. There has to be a mistake. Dr. Vexen: I’m sorry Carlos but there isn’t. Jenny: Seriously. Maybe there was an error or something. Nicholas Quarr can’t be the father of my baby! Dr. Vexen: Our tests results never lie. It leaves little room for errors. C

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 108: Planning Paternity

- - - Nan lets her gun drop to the ground. Standing before her was someone who looked just like her. The other person stopped digging through Nan’s dresser drawer and looks up at her. Anna Lee: Oh my god. You’re alive! Anna Lee stands up and hugs her. Nan: Yes I’m alive. Where the hell have you been? Under a rock? Anna Lee: No I thought that you died. It was in the news and- Nan: I know exactly what you’re doing here. You thought that since your triplet’s dead you ca

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 107: The Big Reveal

- - - Dylan felt daggers go through him as he heard Carrie’s voice on the other end. Speak you fool, was what he thought to himself, but the words couldn’t come out. On the other end, Rebecca didn’t know what to do either as she leaned against her office desk. Carrie: Come on you two. I’m waiting for an explanation. Rebecca: Unfortunately Carrie I’m not obligated to do such a thing. There are patient confidentiality laws that prohibit me from doing so. Carrie: Cut the bull. Y

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 106: Dylan's Drama

- - - Jenny kept focusing on the pregnancy stick that she held in front of her. At first she couldn’t feel it within the grasp of her fingertips. She was too overwhelmed from the results. Carlos: Well what does it say? Jenny: Two lines mean that you’re pregnant and one line means that you’re not. Jenny hands Carlos the test for him to view it. He looks at it and his mouth drops. Carlos: You’re pregnant. We’re going to have a baby! This is so amazing chica! Carlos hugs J

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 105: My Pregnant Mind

- - - Blake looks at Nan with the most hated eyes he could ever give anyone in his whole entire life. She doesn’t back down, instead she puts her hands on her hips and smirks. Blake: You…I can’t believe that you have the gull to show your face in this town. Nan: It was bound to happen sooner or later. Blake: After everything you did, you’re- Nan: Alive! Blake: Ridiculous. Vile. Inhumane. Nan: What else do you have for me big boy? It’s not like I haven’t heard it al

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 104: The Ulitmate Showdown

- - - Dylan can’t stop but looking at himself in the mirror. It was as if time stood still. Carrie walked back into the bathroom and startles him. He quickly wraps himself up with the towel. Carrie: Did you hear what I said? Dylan: (nervous) No. I- I was too busy in the shower. Carrie: I said that I loved you. I haven’t said that to you in awhile but any guy who’s willing to nurse me back to life, is definitely someone I love. Dylan: Thanks. I love you too. Carrie:

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

The biggest, baddest, witch of Point Palace is back! Lorena Chacon reprises her role as the evil Nan Sheridan. Last seen during the Gala Explosion, Nan's character was supposed to be brought back in a huge way, says Point Palace creator Matt Politylo. "First off it's Nan Sheridan. Second she's capable of anything. What a way to come back to start up the ongoing war that she has had with her nemesis Blake Hammerton (Daniel Cosgrove). Blake isn't going to be the only vendetta that Nan wants

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 103: Release Her

- - - Carlos was both happy and confused to see Jenny come to his rescue. Jenny was upset with what was going on in front of her. C.C. gets off of Carlos to face her. C.C.: What did you say? Jenny: You heard me. Get your slutty, whorish paws off of my man or I will personally see to it that I throw you face first through that window. The law’s on my side bitch! C.C. takes her whip and tries hitting her with it. Jenny grabs it and throws it across the room. C.C.: What are you

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 102: The Return (Season 5 Premiere)

Previously on Point Palace: - Sky forces Ava to choose between her and Nate. - Carrie asks Dylan if they could relocate to Lexington - Alexia and Tanisha found out that Owen was kidnapped by their mother and Alexia decided to stay home but Tanisha wants a long distance relationship. - Agatha acts strange when she vists Jenny in jail, making Carlos think that she might be a suspect. - John is informed that his sister is coming to town. - Detective Miltner got a valuable piece of evidence

Matt P.

Matt P.

Season 5 Casting News

On the newest season of Point Palace, more faces join the campus as permanent cast members and supporting characters. Ex-Neighbours star and Australian singer Holly Valance stars as Alicia Amberson but she will not be alone. Alicia's character has an on screen boyfriend named Jace Broyeu played by film star Matthew Lawrence. Executive Producer Matt Politylo comments on the new couple: "Jace and Alicia are actually based on something that happened to me when I was in college. Expect there to

Matt P.

Matt P.

Season 4 Run Down

Point Palace creator Matt Politylo gets to the heart of how he felt about season four. He talks about what he thought was the high points, the low points, and everything else in between. Season 4 started out with a bang. How could it have gone any other way? It was Nan's revenge but it was sad to see her go. All I have to say is that it's totally in her fashion to do something like that. The aftermath of the explosion was slow at first and definitely a tragedy. The reason for killing of

Matt P.

Matt P.

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