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Follow the lives of the residents of Salem. This blog begins with events following the February 14, 2014 episode of the TV series, taking it on a new course based on events prior to that date.


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Entries in this blog

DAYS #8: Heat of the Moment

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 8 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Jennifer steps off the elevator at University Hospital, making her way over to the desk at the Nurses' Station. Maxine is there to greet her. MAXINE: Hey, honey. How are you this morning? JENNIFER: Oh I'm alright. (sighs) Is Daniel in? MAXINE: Yeah, I think I saw him head in early this morning. Why? Maxine raises an eyebrow with a wry smile on her face. Jennifer shakes her head in warning.



DAYS #7: The End of Dannifer?

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 7 written by A. Washington-Beeby story consultant: ML Cooks JJ steps downstairs slowly to see where his mother is. Finding her studying papers in a folder in the foyer, he makes his way down delicately. JJ: Uh...mom? Jennifer stops immediately and turns to JJ with a smile. JENNIFER: JJ! Good morning! JJ: Yeah, good morning. Look, uh...are you in a hurry or do you have time to talk? JENNIFER: No, I've got time...but honey, if this is about Daniel



DAYS #6: Back To Work

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 6 written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Brady is heading back home from Theresa's when he receives a text from Sami that reads: Get to the brady pub NOW!!! its important Brady rolls his eyes at Sami's text and ignores it. He's about to put his phone away when he gets a call from Victor. He grumbles as he picks up. BRADY: Grandad. VICTOR: Brady Black, I was about five seconds away from calling a search party. Where in blue



Days of our Lives #5: Thelma & Louise?

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 5 written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks Theresa is in bed with Brady, reaching frantically for her phone, which Brady is denying her. THERESA: Seriously, give that back. BRADY: Only if you promise me you won't even try to take another picture. THERESA: FINE! Now give it back! Brady slowly lowers his arm and hands Theresa her phone, which she snatches back brusquely. THERESA: What the Hell was that for anyway? BRADY: I'm gonn



Days of our Lives #4: The Morning After

DAYS OF OUR LIVES Ep. 4 Written by A. Washington-Beeby Story Consultant: ML Cooks It's a new morning in Salem. Roman begins the day walking into the Brady Pub, cell phone up to his ear, trying to talk over the person on the other end. Caroline walks over to him to greet him, two plates of breakfast in her hands, looking at him inquisitively. Roman instinctively knows she's asking who's on the phone and he mouths "Kate" at her. Caroline nods and mouths "Ohh" back before carrying on her w



DAYS #3: Nicole and Kate make their moves

The halls of Titan TV are dead quiet as Nicole walks quietly into her office. The cleaning staff can be heard in a distance. Nicole checks the halls to ensure no one sees her enter before unlocking her office door. Walking over to her office desk, she sets her handbag down and pulls out a flashlight. Before turning it on, she mutters to herself. NICOLE: Better this than risk being seen. And better getting rid of that envelope now than leave it at Daniel's. Now where's the "on" switch.



DAYS #2: Plots & Revelations

NOTE: Hopefully this entry is a little easier to take in for some of you. I know a few of you have been hoping to see more of my dialogue. Expect quite a paring down of the cast. I find there's a few characters that just aren't working right now, and they'll be gone soon. Some will be a surprise, but the episodes will soon be quite a bit more focused. Anyway, enough of me rambling on. Here it is! DAYS OF OUR LIVES #2 At the apartment, Sonny stands aghast at Will for agreeing with



DAYS #1 + intro

So yes, I'm gonna try to do this. I'm going to start from the events after Valentine's Day's episode, and try to build the story off from there. Hopefully I don't get too confused as I go, so bear with me! Any feedback would be marvelous! I recognize this isn't overly enthralling (or that different from what's actually going on right now, but indulge me, I'm kind of zooming through some of the current stories to break off from what's happening onscreen). Hope you enjoy! *** ***



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