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A progressive take on a modern classic. Picking up right before MAB was let go, here is my version of this iconic show....

Entries in this blog

Victor Newman Stops The Show! #136

Paul kicks his investigation into high gear surrounding the death of Tucker and Katherine with 2 new people set their sites on Katherine Chancellor as the funereal begins to mourn the Grand Dame. The Police Station . Olivia walks in to see Paul with some files in her hand. Paul greets her. Paul: Olivia. Good to see you. What brings you by? Olivia: I got the autopsy results back on Tucker. I think you and I should talk privately. Paul: Oh k, this sounds kind of se



AMC/ATWT Alum joins the cast of Y&R!!!

AMC/ATWT Alum joins the cast of Y&R!!! Former Soap Stars Elizabeth Hubbard of ATWT and David Canary of All My Children have both been tapped to play major roles on the Y&R series. They debut in episode 136 which airs Sunday April 20th. They will be heavily involved with the ongoing saga of Katherine Chancellor death and its after math. Tune into Sunday’s show to find out what exactly their connection will be to the missed great lady. “They come in and really shake thin



Devon's Bloodline #135

Planning Kay’s funeral does not go well as Devon is left out of the Chancellor happenings as Keemo rips into Jack about his sell out betrayal. Vandalynn finally tracks down Scotty. GCAC. Neil joins Devon at a table. Neil: Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had to check on the twins. Devon: I haven’t seen much of them lately. How are they? Neil: Well I don’t know. Cane had them at the sitters. Devon: The sitters? Why does Cane need a baby sitter when we are the twins fam



Jack Abbott is a SELL OUT! #134

Jack Abbott sells out his own son to the police. Van arrives at the Jail to visit Daisy. They sit in the meeting room. Daisy: So you are finally here in town huh? Van: And I see you are still here in this scary place. I can’t believe that you are. I thought you’d be outta of here by the time I arrived in GC. Daisy: Avery tells me any day now but that seemed liked months ago. I’m going crazy in here without my daughter. Have you seen her yet? Van: No I have not seen Lucy. I only ar



Sheila Wants a NEWMAN BABY! #133

Sheila Carter’s daughter “Vandalynn” has just raped Noah Newman as Sheila continues with her master plan. Today’s show will reveal which one of Sheila’s daughters is Vandalynn. In the parking lot of GC Nights. Van and Noah breath heavily as they put their clothes back on in such a confined space of a car. The windows are all steamed up and Van cracks a window to air out the essence and steam of sex. Noah: I feel funny. Van: I feel great. You really know how to give a woman multiple orgasms



Esther Goes MAD! #132

GC Nights. The bartender hands Vandalynn and Noah their drinks. Noah: So tell me about you? Van: I’m new here in Genoa City. I came here so I can put my family back together. I also need to find a good job. The job market where I come from sucks. Noah: So you have family here? Van: Uhmm I guess you can say that. Noah: Where did you move from? Van: Verdon Lou. It’s not far from here just a small shabby town. What about you sexy tell me about you. Noah: Born and raised right here



Dru Prompts Sheila to Action! #131

GC Memorial. Nikki is standing out on the visitor’s balcony looking up towards the sky. She wipes tears from her eyes as she remembers how she and Katherine fell out over the last few months. What really gets Nikki is her very last encounter with Kay at her hotel suite where she basically kicked Kay out and slammed the door in her face. “I’m so very sorry Katherine.” Then she feels an embrace. She turns around and sees Brock. They hold each other. He pulls back.



Bereavement #130

The Hosptial. Keemo is still trying to appeal to Gloria. Keemo: So you love me? Gloria: Yes damn it! And damn you for making me love you. If I’d known you were an Abbott I would have cut this relationship off a long time ago. Now I’m stuck. You see your dad, he’s not going for us being together. Besides, it’s not right. I respect your granddad too much to be with you. I loved him dearly and no one can replace him. Keemo: I’m not trying to replace him. But what I feel for you is real. I lov



Exodus #2

The exits continue to roll on The Young and the Restless. Over the last few weeks we saw the exits of Debbie Morgan’s Harmony whom left town after learning her daughter Anna only 16 is pregnant. Harmony left town to care for Anna and her new grandchild. Billy Miller and Elizabeth Hendrickson, “Billy” and “Chloe” respectively have effectively been written out of the series. Billy and Chloe left town with Delia so they can be a family in Sochi, Russia after Victoria came home from Japa



Goodbye Duchess! #129

Brock and Mac arrive at GC Memorial. They don’t even need to ask where Kay is because they already see Esther, Jack, Nikki and Murphy all huddled together. They promptly walk over to them. Keemo arrives at the hospital and sees Paul and Ronan standing away from the crowd. He walks over to them. Keemo: Hey fellas what is going on? Paul: That’s what we are trying to find out. Keemo: I’m here to represent Tucker and McCall industries. I’m hearing on CNBC that Tucker is dead? Tell me th



The Women of Verdon Lou! #128

Genoa City Memorial. Jack appeals to Olivia “Are you sure there isn’t anything we can do for Katherine? I’ll fly in the best doctors in the world. Cost is not an issue here. Olivia: I’m sorry Jack. The best doctors in the world can’t save Kay from this. Only a miracle. Jill: My God this can’t be happening. How long do we have with her? Olivia: Not long I’m afraid. If you will excuse I have to see other patients.” Olivia walks away and sees Devon sitting by himself away from



Aftermath!! #127

Tucker smacks the ground in front of Newman Tower by the entrance way falling from the 24 floor window. Pedestrians begin to scream in horror as a crowd begins to gather around. Blood is forming a puddle around Tuckers head. Paul and Ronan arrives on the scene. Ronan takes Tucker’s pulse as Paul looks up at the 24th floor shattered window. Paul looks at Ronan. Ronan: There is no pulse. Tucker is dead! Episode 127: Aftermath Written and Produced by ML Cooks Creative Consults: C Nate



Tucker vs Murphy! (The Plan) #126

Nikki’s Suite at the GCAC, Nikki gets a knock on her door and then opens it up and sees Katherine. Nikki pauses looking at her one time good friend. Katherine: This has gone on long enough young lady. Nikki: You have aligned with Victor. You have taken away my children’s birth right. I’m not supposed to be upset by that? Kay: It was a business deal between me and Victor. It was not intended to take away Nick and Victoria’s birth right. This would have never happened if Victor hadn’t gone



Harmonious Goodbye! #125

A new day begins in Genoa City, but sadly for some it will be their last…. Genoa City Courthouse. Victoria is pacing the common area as Nick arrives and gives her a hug. Nick: How you holding up? Victoria: Well I could be going to jail today for killing Chloe and Billy’s baby. Nick: Have faith Vic. It’s going to be alright. Billy was cheating on you. It was a crime of passion. Victoria: You know I haven’t seen Sharon since I’ve been back. Where is she? Nick: That’s what I can’t f



Victor’s Naughty or Nice List! #124

Chancellor Estate. Kay looks at Murphy “So this is what you’ve been doing the last few days? Recruiting people to tell me my son is up to no good?” Murphy: Darling I think its very important you listen to Jack here. I’m telling you, I know a snake when I see one. I served in the - “I know I know the Vietnam war. You remind me any chance you get.” Kay says interrupting him. Kay then looks at Jack “Alright Jackie Boy just what in the hell do you want to tell me? Jack: Murphy is right



Hurricane Hillary pt.2 #123

Billy is in his suite at the GCAC. He is packing up some belongings and making plans for a leave from Genoa City. He gets a knock on his door. He opens it. “Billy Abbott?” A man says. Billy: Who wants to know? Man: Consider yourself served.” The man hands Billy two sealed envelops. Billy closes the door and sits at the desk to open one up. The first one is a subpoena at Victoria’s hearing on assault. Billy is surprised the charges were reduced to just assault. Then he opens the second enve



Sunday Special: Hurricane Hillary pt.1 #122

Roxanne’s Apt. Roxanne and Nate stop their passionate embrace. Roxanne: Did you hear that? Nate: Glass shattering? Roxanne gets up off the couch and looks out her peep hole. She sees Hillary and Devon talking. Roxanne: What the fu--- Outside her door Devon: Who are you and what are you doing? Hillary: I’m Hillary, I just moved in across the hall. Devon: Ok now tell me why you were eavesdropping outside my girlfriends door? Inside, Nate: What is it? Roxanne steps a



Jack Confronts Keemo! #121

Chancellor Estate. Chloe looks at Billy waiting for an answer as he holds Delia. Billy suggests to Delia that she go upstairs and set up a tea party with her favorite dolls and that he will be right up to join her after he talks to her mom. Delia cheers and runs upstairs. Billy: Chloe I been doing a lot of thinking the last few days. I was thinking we take our daughter and just leave Genoa City. Life for us here will never be the same. I don’t want shame for us or especially our daughter.



Casting News

New Casting Alert! Misheal Morgan will join the cast of The Young and the Restless in the role of “ Hillary” No last name given at this time. “Hillary comes in like a hurricane. She also has not one but two surprising connections to the canvas already. Look for Hillary to play opposite of Roxanne.” Hillary will debut next week in episode 121. Stay Tuned….



Murphy Enlists Victor’s Help #120

Athletic Club. Ronan arrives as Malcolm is towering over Neil choking him. Neil is gasping for air as he tries to free his brother’s death grip. Devon, Ronan and other patrons rush over and pull Malcolm off Neil. Malcolm is still hollering at Neil “ I HATE YOU NEIL! I’m going to kill you!” Ronan tells Malcolm he is under arrest. He slaps some cuffs on him. Malcolm is kind of of resistant. Ronan escorts Malcolm to his squad car. Neil regains his composure as Devon asks him if he is ok. Le



Malcolm Wants Revenge! #119

The Club. Leslie and Neil are having dinner and talking. Neil: How has it been with Roxanne? Leslie: Its been tough. As I get to know her the more I find she is like me. Tough and strong minded. I’m glad to see that. Neil: Good. It was really messed up how all of it came out. With Avery playing that video for Victor. Leslie: Tell me about it. I’m not sure why Avery would do this to me. But I am going to find out. So tell me how are things with you and Harmony? Neil: So so. We see eac



Tucker’s Grand Scheme of Things #118

Les’s Apt. Malcolm is looking in on Spencer and Leslie talking. He’s mad and jealous. He clears his throat. Spencer and Les both look at him. Malcolm: I think some one forgot to close the door. Leslie: Malcolm. Malcolm shakes his head at Les and just walks off. Les goes to close the door. Spencer gets up off the couch and looks at Les. “I’m sorry.” He says. Leslie: I’m not worried about an insecure Malcolm. Its not about him. We have a family Spencer. It’s about Roxanne. If Malcolm



Roxanne Confronts Victor! #117

Chancellor Industries Billy wearing a disguise enters Jill’s office. Jill is stunned. “Billy is that you?” Billy closes the door behind him and takes off his hat and dark sunglasses. Jill: Why on earth why are you wearing that stuff? Billy: To hide my face mom. I’m so ashamed of what I did. And the media is hounding us. Jill: Yes they are. But honey your going to have to face that at some point. Honey I love you and you know I’m here for you.” She walks over to him and hugs him.” B



Murphy has an agenda! #116

City Jail. Nikki arrives to see Victoria. Nikki: Darling I’m here now. I called Michael Baldwin, he will be here soon. Victor: Like hell he is! I called Avery Clark. She will be helping our daughter. And by the way, how could you let this happen? Victoria: Dad don’t. Nikki: How did I let this happen?” She says mocking him. She continues “ What about what you have done? You gave your company to Kay cutting your own children out of the legacy. I’ve been busy fighting to get it back. A mess



Victor& Victoria's Jailhouse Reunion!

Victoria is at the Police station being booked. She is fingerprinted, photo taken and put into an orange jump suit. Nikki and Nick barges into the police station. Nikki: Oh my God Victoria. I’m here darling. Don’t you worry we are going to get you out of here. Nick: Be Strong Vic. Victoria is escorted into the holding area. She sees Victor. Victor is absolutely stunned. Victoria is put into a cell across from Victor. Victor: What the hell is going on? Episode 115 Victor&



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