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Pentagon lists homosexuality as disorder


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I do not think it is living in the past as much as it is the way of life that certain people are used too.

I do not care if someone is gay, straight, bi..whatever. But in my dads day, it was considered wrong. That is just how it was, no use trying to find out why. He still does not accept it as a lifestyle. But that is his choice, that is how he was brought up and I am not going to try to change him.

As times change and people in power change, it will shift. But I do not believe it is right for me to force someone to believe something I do. If it is wrong to be against sometime, why is it right to force someone to see my view?

As more of the old horses leave the stable in government, times will change with the chaning of faces. It is how it has always been and will continue to do so.

Most of the younger people I know are more socially liberal and fisacally conservative. Of course, I prefer people to be in the center...but thats just me.

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If this were a question of social acceptance of homosexuality, you'd be right on the money. The fact the government has taken stance that was held in the past and later dismissed in psychology as a field is definitely taking a step backwards. And it's ridiculously funny.

Social acceptance of homosexuality is where the question of not pushing ones views is appropriate, but pushing a long dismissed ideal as current is beyond ludicrous. Of course, that's jsut my opinion and one of the many reasons this current government is damn, well, laughable. :lol:

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I HATE being bisexual to be honest, if I could turn it off like a switch I would more than anything on earth do that but for me that is impossible. I never once thought of guys in a sexual manner until I was 15 years old. That may seem weird to some but thats how it happened for me. I remeber chasing all the girls in elementary and middle school, even grabbing asses then and then came high school and I was looking at every nice piece of meat that walked by, girls and guys. I dont know how to explain other than that it just happened. And I hate when people who dont know me assume I am just denying the fact I only like guys, that isnt true. I am not saying you are one of those JER, just saying in general.

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As far as I know, people get monthly checks in this country for being mentally or physically disabled, regardless of where they work. Hell, if that's the case why am I looking for a job? :lol: Show me the money!

Though in all seriousness those checks barely get people by, in my experience. Sigh.

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