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B&B Promo - More Hopeless Crap

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I liked Liam and Hope together! The one thing I can say about B&B when it comes to writing triangles, romantic pairings, and romance is they are truly sticking to the formula. I have to say that is what is keeping them in second place in ratings. Hope and Liam have been one of the go-to couples for a long while now and even though everyone is not for Lope, can't help but realize they have helped the ratings alot. They had something great when it was Stephanie/Liam/Hope, even if you didn't like the back and forth part of it. But it possessed all the aspects of great romance, the longing looks, the overwhelming feelings of desire and passion for one another, the hurt, pain, and tears of romance, the interloper, the sexual tension, etc. They are doing the same thing here with Wyatt/Hope/Liam/Ivy. They are doing the same thing with Caroline/Rick. It's there and I do love it. B&B have been the most consistent over the years with that storytelling and original recipe of soap operas. DAYS used to be EXCCELLENT at doing that. But right now it's just awful and has not one couple worth rooting for and wanting that...even though I do see the chemistry between Chad and Jordan. GH was also GREAT at doing that, but again it's just not there, unless you count Nathan and Maxie, whom I like. But soaps used to have tons of couples like that on each and every week, every other day or two and they were involved in story lines that were adventurous, on location, and at the very center of it, ROMANTIC! Is that just too much to ask for again?

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