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ATWT rumor

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Carly goes undercover, tired of Nick's flirtations, and decides to use it against him. Her plan- she plots to seduce the young man who has a thing for her, use that against him, and get him fired. She accepts Nick's dinner proposal in the coming weeks, slyly suggesting they'll go as friends. Yet she dons her sexiest dress ever.

-Jack is frustrated with his home situation, and feels lesser of a man. He heads to the bar to let loose his frustrations, and knocks back a couple of beers. Jack meets a lonely looking young woman, incidently whose name is Jade Taylor, and the two immediately find themselves getting along. Jack enjoys the attention from the young woman and they enjoy a round of beers together. Ready to call it a night, Jack offers the Jade a ride back to Lakeview when he learns her car is out of commission due to a recent accident. Jade misinterpretes his offer and suggests he stay the night with her, Jack immediately declines and drops her off.

-Jack spots Carly having dinner with Nick and assumes the worst when he sees Nick holding her hand and trying to kiss her. Thinking his wife is cheating and furious with rage, an angry Jack heads back up to Jade's room. Jack asks if her offer of staying the night still stands, and the young woman apparently admits it does. Jack and Jade passionately kiss, and the spoiler says he practically manhandles her as they close the door and rip off clothes. The spoiler said its hot, sweaty, and really raunchy one night stand that is full of pure lust.

-Jack is later stunned when Carly confronts him and admits that the guilt is eating away at her. Confident that his wife is about to admit to having an affair with Nick, he is dumbfounded to learn that Carly is playing Nick with the hopes of getting him fired. He is sickened to realize he is the one who cheated. Jade approaches Jack and Jack warns her to stay away from his family, he is married and his wife can never find out about their one night stand. It would destroy her. Jade admits she is leaving Oakdale. What she was looking for she could not find. Jack is relieved and confident that Carly will never find out.

-Only a development changes those plans- Jade learns that she is the niece of Lily, and decides that she is not going anywhere and stays in Oakdale, for the sake of her new friend/cousin Luke, and the possibility that she may have feelings for Jack. Signs indicate that Nick finds out about the one night stand between Jack/Jade and that the two join forces to destroy the Jack/Carly marriage.


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I soooo couldn't see that happening.

Anyways, if this is true...then ATWT has hit the jackpot and I definitely will be tuning in.

If this^^ is true, then the rumors we've all been hearing about Rose having a child are true. Jade is that child. Gosh...I hope this brings "Joe" back...to get to maybe know his grand-daughter and develop a relationship with her.

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Okay so this doesn't sound bad or anything, but why is this all they can do for CarJack?! I'd love to see them do something that doesn't involve a break up. When I first started watching the show, what happened? Jack went off with Julia. Now their next big story, what happens? Jack sleeps with Jade! Ugh! DO SOMETHING ELSE!

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A one night stand would be totally out of character for Jack. Even if he is drunk (which we have to assume he can't be that drunk if he could drive himself and Jade to the Lakeview), Jack is not the impulsive character that Carly is. If anything Jack would have confronted Carly and Nick at the Lakeview, or waited for Carly to confront her back at home.

The show has been good lately, but I'm starting to find a lot of instances where characters are forced into doing things just to push a story forward. There really hasn't been enough on-screen development to give reason for Jack to cheat on Carly.

This story would have been interesting if it finally allowed Jack to deal with his feelings of guilt for leaving his family for so long to be with Julia. Carly should go back to being an assertive woman who upsets Jack by putting her focus back on her career (and trying to bring down Nick on the side). This could lead to the kind of internal conflict that Carly and Jack should be facing. Not another affair.

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