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Australia gets First Female PM


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Aussie here.

His popularity was dropping partly due to some taxes he wanted to install on the rich companies, and they were making it out to be real bad saying that your power, gas etc bills would rise. Which is a lot of baloney as these companies would still charge the customer more, but were using these taxes as an excuse.

But even with that Rudd was still better than the idiot in charge of the other party. To me Abbott thinks that all women should remain in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. One of the policies he wants to bring in is 6 months full paid maternity leave for women, but in all honestly that would deter some companie's especially small ones from hiring women that are still of child bearing age, or would even force some to put of staff because they wouldn't be able to afford it.

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Thanks! So do you think this might stop the Conservatives from winning? Are you surprised the race is close?

How do you think Australians will feel about a female PM?

I'm sorry to make that sound so condescending. I know it's silly to ask one person about the opinions of countless people. I was just curious as I tend to get more insight from posters here than I would at a lot of message boards.

I guess taxes are the bogeyman just about everywhere. At least he had the guts to consider raising them. In the US what usually happens is the person in charge of a major role will say no taxes, cut taxes, cut taxes, and then the local areas end up getting their rates increased and are gouged, and local areas end up having huge cuts on road repair, schools, etc.

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Oh yes I am happy.

Abbott had no idea about broadband, and his attitude about women could have taken Australia back to the stone age.

He had the attitude that seemed to be from the dark ages in that women should save themselves for marriage, but it was ok for men to have sex before marriage. Hmm and just who were these men meant to have sex with lol.

But in saying that it is JMHO.

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