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AMC: Thursday, Aug 6, 2009

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Marian rules! Her speech on the stand was fantastic, especially when she made Kendall cry.

Zach's justification for Kendall nearly killing Adam annoys me; it's okay to commit murder if you're grieving? I so hope everyone's wrong about Annie and I want to see Zach, Erica and Ryan apologize to her.

Annie playing diva at Adam's supposedly was funny according to the background music, but it fell flat for me. Also, was that the first time we ever saw Lucretia?

I prefer Marisa with Scott over her & JR so I found myself distracted during their outdoor scenes by the shirtless guys tossing a football in the background.

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I am just catching up on eppys.

Steve covers a lot of it for me above, though don't care for Marissa in any situation. Regarding the scenes at the pool, I am a lesbian and *I* was distracted by the pool boy hotties playing beachball or frisbee or whatever during Mabe and Jr.'s convos (and again too with the pool fun behind Colby and JR).

Marian,/JM! Damn. Now that was some good soapy fun. :wub: She really worked some emotions someone onscreen needed to profess and much of AMC viewership needed to hear. Sing it, Sister!

As much as I think AM has done a really terrific job in her dramatic scenes of late, I just didn't feel much when Marian was going off on Kendall to her face. That should have been one of Kendall's (who is supposedly reacting out of a guilty conscience anyway) MOST painful moments for this story. AM could barely muster a tear when looking directly in her murder victim's grieving widow's face. Even if you don't mean it Kendall, you could work up a few tears for the judge's sake who is about to sentence you. Unfeeling or not smart no matter how you look at it.

Zach blaming Adam was just *head banging* but just par for the course at this point. Zach less annoying than usual.

Erica seemed like Erica today, Lucci was fantastic. I enjoyed Ryan with her.

Annie is being written all over the map, but even with that handicap, MCE captures my attention. Annie and Adam working together as equals against those in the Valley would be cool. I am don't want it to be about her playing him with Adam being unwitting and/or a victim.

Angie, Angie, Angie, oh how I love my Angie with the gears turning. :) She's on *to**it*. Watch out, Jesse and Randi. I loved all her scenes. Enjoyed Frankie with her, Natalia and Randi, even Randi and Madison.

I enjoyed this episode. It felt very tight to me, the courtroom drama built nicely. Marissa/JR/Colby scenes were unecessary, imo.

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Great episode. Agreed on Erica and La Lucci. Those Erica/Kendall scenes were great.

The Hubbard scenes were great too. Loved how they cut back and forth between Angie/Frankie and Natalia/Randi.

Jennifer Bassey. My goodness. Her scenes are a throwback to the good old days. I really wish we get to see more of her despite what's coming up. Plus I want to see more Liza/Marian scenes.

Kate Hall rocks. Give her a promotion already.

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