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Y&R: Crossover character joins

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For me, only (not trying to convince anyone) there is a difference between early Deacon and late Deacon.

Remember my premise is that I hate the Forresters...and I think most viewers do too. I think a lot of the popular agitators over the years (Deacon, Amber, Sally, Angela, and even [less popular] Nick, Massimo...) have been popular because they hate the Forresters as much as we do...and they help to bring them down. Even a lot of the Brooke love, I think, has to do with her outsider status, and her ability to penetrate Stephanie's haughty defenses.

Early Deacon was somethng never before seen on that show...smoker...gambler...drinker...wantonly sexual...aggressive...pursued Bridget and tricked her into romance for purely financial goals...almost invulnerable. He was one of the few characters on the show who ever got Eric Forrester fired up. Didn't Eric send Deacon to the hospital?

At the same time, almost from the beginning, Deacon became completely different when Stephanie went into mom mode. He was an INDEFATIGABLE BASTARD...nasty to all but Bridget...until Stephanie got to him. And suddenly his backstory (never strongly told, although we learned his father had abused him) came into crysal focus...we could see how his early pain had brought him to this point.

Later, of course, he was softened. He became enthralled by Brooke. He suddenly wanted to be a "good Daddy" to "Little D", etc. I have no interest in that Deacon. By the time he became desperately unemployed, having foolishly taunted the paralyzed Massimo, and Jackie's boy toy...well...his appeal was definitely gone.

But the smokin', drinkin', cussin' Deacon -- angry -- as a short-term agitator....I'd love a few weeks of that again.

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I know a lot of people are excited about this, but this pisses me off. They lost Don Diamont due to budget issues and Jess Walton and Melody Thomas Scott are having issues with pay cuts, they bring in another actor.

I know the Amber character has been on B&B for at least a decade, but on Y&R she's a newbie. I really don't think the show needs to bring somebody on for her now.

If Sean Kannon is offered a contract is somebody else going to be cut? Will he be getting newbie pay or not?

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One of the reasons I don't want Deacon is that I don't like Sean Kanan.

Number two is precisely what you've just written: that "smokin', drinkin', cussin' Deacon". That's what people around here call "plot-driven": you need an external factor to create drama. In this case a madman who'll wreak havoc or something. Instead, these writers should look into the conflicts present in characters them self, internal struggles and externalise them. I am sick of mad people, alcoholics, psychopaths, mobsters, killers... Enough.

If it's in any way possible - how about something less over the top and cartoonish?

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