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Days: Two New Intersting Couplings...

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John & Ava - Ava sees John arguign with Max and Stephanie on the docks. She befriends hima nd the start to talk. Ava lieks john because he seems like an outsider. He asks her on a dinner date and she declines because hes married, but after a talk with her new BFF Nicole takes john up on a friendship...

(the entire article is here- http://z7.invisionfree.com/DaytimeRoyalty/...howtopic=10241)

Chloe & Lucas - Chloe & Phil go to see Lucas. John kicks them out and Chloe comes back. Lucas is standoffish until she just tells him she is all alone and wnts a friend. Lucas understands and it goes from there

(entire article here- http://z7.invisionfree.com/DaytimeRoyalty/...howtopic=10242)

Im excited for both to be honest.

im sure people are going to hate, but oh well.

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John and Ava scenes will be interesting, but since Tamara isn't staying, I'm not sure yet what the point is.

Chloe and Lucas is... weird. Don't know if it's good or bad yet, just weird. My initial reaction is that these are two characters DESPERATELY in need of an overhaul individually. Putting them together now just sounds messy.

It sounds like Dena's just testing out chemistry with different actors and different combinations.

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Jawn & Ava could be hot. Knwing tams is leaving doesnt damper that for me because even if she wanst this wouldnt last.

Lucas & Chloe do both need something.. maybe eachother?

I am loving all the chem tests that have been done recently.

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Yeah, it's a good thing. It's how it was done in the old days. Although I do think it's taking too long. I feel like they've been "testing chemistry" with characters for a good month now. I still don't know whether Nicole was brought back for EJ, Philip or Lucas. Move it along now.

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see, i disagree. Because i want to know who chloe might work with. where morgan can go.

id be fine with months of ej/sami/lucas/nicole/philip/chloe/john/ava/morgan chem testing to be honest.

but some one. can we get another set besides the brady pup? Girls like ava and nicole do not hang there.

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BOO HISS on Chlucas. Way to go, Days. Would you like to piss off more fans now?

As for "John" and Ava... would have been interesting to see what happened, but now that Tamara's going it's like why bother?

Dena, you're gonna have to do better than this.

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Why because of phloe? They have not had a romance at all sicne she came back. All they have done is had him listen to her throw herself a pitty party and have sex.

I am intersted to see where Chloe & Lucas go. I really want to know about the chem between NB & BD. I wonder if Chloe is the woman Bry hinted at Lucas getting with after he returns.

Jawn & Ava still interst me knowing Tams is leaving because it isnt as if J&M can be apart for more than a few weeks, because even that makes the fanbase flip.

I guess.

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If the endgame consists of Lucas and Sami reuniting, great. As for the J&M crew, I think they'll live because this isn't John -- at least the John they're used to seeing. I'm liking Drake's take on John, but they can't keep this up forever. Milk it for all it's worth now.

For now, the couple I'd like to see get a look isn't Chlucas. Bring on PHORGAN! :)

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You know back in the good old days of soaps, male & female characters often shared scenes ,and indeed storylines, without being romantically involved...

I'm not a fan of Chloe, hate her in fact, but if she gives Bryan more airtime while Ali is off doing TBL (and ejami are appropriately backburnered lol), then I can live with it. I just pray that she doesn't sing.

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