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GL: Week of 4/21

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Most GL boards are pretty much dead and the few people hanging around are extremely unhappy.

Yeah, tuning does feel like a huge mistake these days.

Coop and Ashlee are about the only good thing going right now but since I have no faith that the writers can or will even try to do this story well, I just can't get into it either.

I think everybody hates them. Sadly, they aren't going anywhere. In order to facilitate Wheeler's "new production model", which takes longer to shoot than the conventional way, the daily scripts had to be cut from 90 pages to 50 in order to turn out five episodes a week. Filling up airtime with music videos is the only way for them to make up the time lost on shooting this way.

Yeah, supposedly he and Harley are supposedly so broke that they can't even buy food, so he's back to stealing for a living. Thank God this pathetic debacle of a "couple" will be over in a few days. Neither character can afford to sink much lower if they want to have any possibility of rehabilitating them in any way. I can't wait for them to be over!

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Yeah, I'm one of those: "I'll have it on, but I'm not really paying attention to it" kind of viewers. I also think of other things like their budget costs and wonder why they waste money on stuff like Lizzie's dollhouse. I don't know why I think of stupid things like that, but my pondering thoughts are more entertaining than the show itself, so why stop now?

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Somehow I doubt they actually bought a new dollhouse. I don't remember Lizzie having one as a child, but I could have forgotten. My guess is it's just an old prop.

Yeah...it's easy to see how all this od-ing on "location" shoots messes with the schedule. That one day (Friday, I think) Dinah must have been shown in five different "locations" on the Spaulding grounds.

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I still haven't taken GL off my DVR schedule, but I'm not watching anymore. ICAM with everyone else on the Ashlee/Coop story (the writers are gonna screw that one up) or Harley/Cyrus (ugh).

I've noticed the ratings are taking a dive now. The last I saw GL was at 1.6?!?!?! WTF?!?!?! Looks like CBS/P&G spoke too soon when they said the ratings didn't take a drop after the new format. If the ones tuning out are like me, then they gave the "new production model" about 3 weeks and finally couldn't stomach it anymore.

EW/DK should be banished from daytime FOREVER. They have completely ruined GL for me.

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OK, enough of the moaning and groaning. GL got a 1.6 due to the morning pre-emptions at 9am & 10am markets of the Pope visiting the USA.

The scab writers material ended April 11th so all the regular writers are back April 14th as they are making changes. I for one like the new filming and the looking forward to GL getting out of their cyclical rut. Remember ALL soaps go through dry periods so apparently it's GL's turn and it will turn for the better.

I currently like the soon-to-be-broken up Cyrus/Harley, Harley going back on the force, Bill & Lizzie, Natalia & Frank, down & out Alan, Ashlee & Coop, Dinah & Mallet, making Ava a trouble-maker, Olivia's grieving/healing process, Cassie's being a slut, etc, etc. Now with Hawk coming in next week on the heel of Reva going back to front burner I'm quite excited and like TPTB have been saying for the past few months there will be a transition with the new filming and other issues so I think we all should be patient and enough of the diatribes.

A few of things I like to see:

Pair up Buzz with Doris

Reunite Billy with Vanessa

Pair Remy with Ruby

Cast Martha Madison as Marah Lewis

Return Wes Ramsey's Sam

Give Mel and Blake more airtime and romance

Return Shayne and pair up with Marina

Keep Hawk around and pair him up with Alex

Bi-polar disorder is in order for Cassie

Cast Matthew Ashford as Philip Spaulding


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Oh, I don't doubt the drop is due in part to people tuning out after Gus died.

But the "new" style blows. Getting an "intimate" look at the characters lives by making Springfield "real" is a good idea. It's just being executed really badly. ATWT is doing a lot of the same things (minus the four-walled sets) and it still looks and feels like Oakdale.

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First of all Kreizman and his team of hacks are only making changes for the worse. GL will never get out of this dry period as long as those losers are running the show. GL deserves to get those pitiful ratings. The "moaning and groaning" will continue, because things will not improve. I don't mean to sound completely negative, but it's the bitter truth.

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Cyclical rut? More like vicious death spiral. The more revenue goes down, the more they have to cut. The more cuts, the worse the ratings. Bad ratings=less revenue. And it starts all over again.

Anyway...I forgot to mention a moment I liked on Thursday's show....Frank moving out of the boarding house so Natalia and Rafe could have a place. Now...I don't exactly know where they were living before this, and I know Gus bought a house she had to sell...but it was such a "Frank" moment, it made me smile. I can count on one hand how many truly nice gestures are parcelled out on my soaps these days.

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