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AMC: Thursday, February 7, 2008

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That flashback was so cheesy...but I will buy it! I will buy anything with this storyline at this point.

In addition, I love the lines between Tad and Angie...

"Do you have any pictures of Jesse before he died".

Angie looks at Tad like he's out of his mind, "Before he died...what other ones would they be?"


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Out of Sight Ryan

What the hell was his holiness doing in Annie's house with a towel on while looking for his clothes and just pretty much showing off his superhero Dynamite Kiddo abs and other muscles like the obliques and whatever else? He has made it clear that he does not care or is not willing to try to remember his life with Annie and Emma so why stay at her house? Get the hell out and just get your own place, Dynamite Kiddo Ryan. Seriously he has no business being there anymore if he is going to disrespect both Annie and Emma the way he has and not make the effort to regain his memory. He is just choosing to not remember rather than trying and working hard the way Tad did years ago when he forgot about Dixie, his family, Pine Valley, and hightailed it to the beautiful Napa valley. Maybe Ryan should consult Tad on how to get your memory back, that is, if the moron is willing to try it. Something tells me he is just interested in going back to work at Cambias Industries but, due to memory lapses, he has now forgotten all about how to manage a company. Well, where did he get that MBA to get the manager skills necessary to preside over a global empire with the knight in shining armor known as Zach? Ferret Face seems to have not only forgotten the past four years but basic economic principles that render him about as low as a ditch digger! Hmm Ryan is just out of sight these days with being at Annie's house, acting like he is HIGH HO of the House and therefore can treat them like garbage, but all the while he does not know her or wishes to get to know her again. Ryan is out of touch with reality most of the time but now it has been taken to an extreme if you wish to ask me about all of this. Someone needs to come along and perhaps shoot him in the head again so that way he gets his memory back and can stop whining about the forgetfullness of today!

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I loved that her first thought was to go to see Kendall since thats probably her best female friend. I really wish she were around. I do like her friendship with Zach and how they support each other

She was good with him yesterday though when she talked about wishing they were close. I think she's softened up to him the past couple of weeks. Ryan's been less of a prick about her being around Ritchie as well
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