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GH: Week of jan 21st!

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I too loved Tracy's haircut. She looked amazing.

The way that the writing for the show has been going, I wouldn't be surprised if the text message killer turns out to be Michael the Devil's Spawn. He wants to step into Sonny's shoes, so he is starting early.

Wow. I thought that Carly couldn't get anymore annoying. Color me surprised as she did. Where in the hell did she get it in her mind that she can prove that Elizabeth is an unfit mother when her own child wants to be a mini mobster?

I still hate the Zaccharias. Nothing can make me like them

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Logan was soo good today. He's really turned around. Ugh to Lulu though! She's totally leading him on. I wish she had stuck around to hear everything he said to Scott instead of taking in bits nad pieces and running to stick her tongue down Johnny's throat.

Why do I not care whats going on with Ric.

Sarah Brown looks hot! Loved the new promo

Sam and Lucky were great today. They looked good with the kids although it looks like there will be another altercation with Liz tomorrow

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Sam's loss

Ho down really is starting to become a lost cause and a really dumb one at that, folks. Now she claims that she is so worried over Luckless that she fears losing him. Excuse me, Sam? You two barely know each other and all you are to him is a good roll in the hay as well as some nice tits and a$$, even if that rack is faker than Pamela Anderson's. Once Lucky sees your upside down footballs and cheeky poos, that is all he needs and it is just pure lust on his part. There is nothing meaningful in this relationship you stupid dirty down lo Ho. Just like there is never a special quality in any relationship you are in, stupid. Jax merely wanted the sex, Sonny wanted sex and it not only resulted in that but a baby, Jason lost his brain so he does not count because lord knows if he could think on his own he would not deal with a piece of trash like yourself. Lucky is pretty much all of these idiots combined but minus the baby but I am sure that is coming on up. You are disgusting Sam so please go to the dumpster so you will not look out of place for once in your disgusting life. HIGH HO hero my a$$

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Oh so now Sam actually cares about baby Jake? She let someone kidnap him and also, because of her, two other brats had guns pulled on them.

She is a sanctimonious hypocritical skank....it is only a matter of time before she succeeds and steals another baby the way she nearly did it with Bridget

I have never seen a character more pimped, propped, and rewritten than this one

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If you are going to comment on her at least get the facts straight. We've been through this before. Sam NEVER stole Bridget's baby. The immature girl literally showed up on Sam's doorstep and basically said 'I dont want my baby, here take it' and left only to come back a few weeks later wanting to change her mind. I know you hate Sam, but jeeze, thats a twisted version of what didnt happen

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Pretty good episode today. The scream at the end was really good and intense I wished they had ended the episode there though instead of going to S/K scene would have made a better friday Cliff hanger.

L/C were pretty good today too. I liked how they were talking about there friendship and days in Iraq.

Has anyone else figured out what the connection between all the people who have been attacked, Coop was talking about there being a connection today, and I was really trying to figure out what it was.

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i would had fallen in love with them IF sam had come clean and showed change, remorse, and matured.

but no. so i hate them. and i hope to god that lucky dumps her like the whore she is.

i agree. it should have ended on the scream.

what is the connection between the nanny, carly, emily, maxie, georgie, sperm mccallgirl & alexis? (has snyone been attacked? im shocked liz and lulu have not)

i have no idea and can not figure it out.

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