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ATWT Monday October 29

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Sigh...all hail the Wonderous Kathy Hays. And just as I was convinced Kim had lost every last marble she had, kissing Katie's ass, she introduced the idea that Katie is capable of using a man to get over the hurt of her romantic failures.

Oh, Carly....Oh, Jack. Ugh...this story was so beautiful for like three weeks, and JPiss couldn't resist throwing it into the cesspool and taking it to the dark side, where Jack is stuck "mourning" his rapturous coughlovecough with Katie, and Carly is stuck sounding desperately delusional because of it. God forbid Jack wakes up and realizes that even though he was married to Katie, he was still acting like Carly's husband; and God forbid Carly ever realizes the truth is her best option before it's too late. I can handle Jack feeling guilty over Katie, but because he used her and realized he loves Carly would be NICE. And I can handle Carly lying, and there was a point she said she didn't want Jack out of pity, and I actually understand that cornering Jack is necessary (let's face it, the doofus hates to admit he's ever wrong...) but I can't see why she'd set herself up for another huge fall, because being engaged and/or married to Jack hasn't kept him by her side before.

GWEN...OMG, I wanted to slap her when she laid into Barbara. Even her apology wasn't enough. She's acting like a spoiled brat who's been told they can't have dessert until after supper.

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*sigh* Carly is my girl and all but she is blowing it. She is making me so mad!! It is too late to go back now. Once Jack finds out, all hell is going to break loose. And why does Katie have to be the first one to find out? I love CarJack but Carly may be blowing it.

I loved seeing Kim. Stir in some Lisa and Bob and we have a great show!!

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This story started out so wonderful and full of potential. Maura did a wonderful job with it and now we are left with this? Carly has dug a hole so deep there is now way she will get out of it unharmed. The truth really does need to come out and unfortunately it has gone on too long. After Montana, Carly could have easily come clean. All she had to do was tell Jack she didn't want to say anything too soon because she wanted to be sure before she got everyone's hopes up. And as far as Dr Evers, she should have said the same to him and told him he better fudge the timeline of her finding out or she would sue him for malpractice. But now, nope it's too late for her to save herself. And throwing the marriage thing out there now!? Before the ink is even dry? I love my Carly and I love Carjack, but boy did the writers ever blow this story. It had so much potential. There was such a wonderful love story that could have been told, but they dropped the ball on that. <_<

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This story started out so wonderful and full of potential. Maura did a wonderful job with it and now we are left with this? Carly has dug a hole so deep there is now way she will get out of it unharmed. The truth really does need to come out and unfortunately it has gone on too long. After Montana, Carly could have easily come clean. All she had to do was tell Jack she didn't want to say anything too soon because she wanted to be sure before she got everyone's hopes up. And as far as Dr Evers, she should have said the same to him and told him he better fudge the timeline of her finding out or she would sue him for malpractice. But now, nope it's too late for her to save herself. And throwing the marriage thing out there now!? Before the ink is even dry? I love my Carly and I love Carjack, but boy did the writers ever blow this story. It had so much potential. There was such a wonderful love story that could have been told, but they dropped the ball on that. <_<

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This story started out so wonderful and full of potential. Maura did a wonderful job with it and now we are left with this? Carly has dug a hole so deep there is now way she will get out of it unharmed. The truth really does need to come out and unfortunately it has gone on too long. After Montana, Carly could have easily come clean. All she had to do was tell Jack she didn't want to say anything too soon because she wanted to be sure before she got everyone's hopes up. And as far as Dr Evers, she should have said the same to him and told him he better fudge the timeline of her finding out or she would sue him for malpractice. But now, nope it's too late for her to save herself. And throwing the marriage thing out there now!? Before the ink is even dry? I love my Carly and I love Carjack, but boy did the writers ever blow this story. It had so much potential. There was such a wonderful love story that could have been told, but they dropped the ball on that. <_<

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Yup, the Carly storyline is going downhill with Jean Pissant writing it. It started off so well too. I still cant believe Jack actually has feelings for fluffhead. This story is just going in circles. Why do I get the feeling Jack packs his package soon and heads for Katie. :rolleyes:

Barbie and Iris were funny. I enjoyed their scenes. Gwenie needs to shut the [!@#$%^&*] up!!!

Nice seeing Kim.

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I could have lived with Carly's contrived and utterly conveinent brain tumor. At least it gave this tired Quad another dynamic to play (anything other than Jack's utter hostility toward Carly, and sickeningly sweet, untested "love" for Katie, that is...) Everyone could have kept their dignity, even Jack, as they struggled with what they felt, and how it impacted their lives. Instead, JPiss reverted back to form, and made it crystal clear that Carly is victimizing everyone with her "vicious" little plan.

I don't subscribe to the idea JPiss hates Carly and Maura, but this craptastic writing makes it harder and harder to cling to that belief. Christ, even Emily, who is without a doubt one of the most twisted women ever, gets to keep her dignity and draw a line when she found out Dusty bedded Alison. Carly NEVER gets that advantage. It doesn't make me root any less for Carly, but at some point, you've got to wonder what's the point, when Carly never wins. Carly and Jack have been separated for nearly two years, and they're not any closer really to reuniting now than they were the day after he walked out on her. Yes, we shouldn't watch only for couples, but watching Jack with Katie has nearly killed him for me. If Michael Park started today, playing Jack like that, I don't think anyone would credit his acting, he'd be just another one of Katie's string of studs.

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