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DAYS: Wednesday, Sept. 26

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I will comment on the week thus far and then today's.

Loving this week.

Nick and the kids is a good story and I like the way Chick has been written this week. Like the panama hat guy. for some reason. Also liked the Chelsea/Max interaction and seeing Max and Stephanie with Stefano yesterday was nice. It's about time we start dragging the whole canvas into this.

I was also glad it seems like Max and Stephanie are nothing more then a plot point to make Steph realize she loves Jeremy no matter what. Hogan shouldn't have gone back down the incest route but at least it had a purpose.

Bo/Sami scenes were good. Loving Andre. Thaoo is amazing. The explosion Monday was well-done.

Today was very good. I was happy with how the Colleen stuff turned out because it shows why she is being driven to the edge. I know I am in the minority but this does make sense IMO and I enjoyed it today. Little Shawn broke my heart.

Drake looked and acted good today. For the first time in awhile, I liked him onscreen. Glad this is the end of the letters.

I also liked seeing Andre call attention to Sami's concern for EJ and how he toyed with her about EJ's misdeed. All around good scenes.

I also liked seeing Jeremy come to the rescue. I am liking him lately and the redemption story is pretty good for him.

Good ending with Roman.

Oh, and Stefano and Marlena fans will like tomorrow I think :)

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Great show today!!!! Compelling stuff we had today between Andre, EJ, Lucas, and Sami. Scott did really well.

I was into the flashbacks today. Drake didn't annoy me today either.

Enjoyed Nick/The Kids/Jeremy/Chelsea/Umar scenes today. I dunno, Jeremy is starting to grow on me a bit. TD is also. All we need now is for MP to exit as Jett and we'd have some true potential here. Chick is being written well, but I wonder how long exactly?

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OK I LOVED today's episode. The Colleen-Santo stuff and the Andre-Sami-Lucas-EJ stuff was well done and I loved that in the midst of Sami's talk about Lucas's "unconditional" love that they showed Andre rolling his eyes!!! LMFAO. I was rolling my eyes with him.

The kid who is playing Young Old Man Brady is a really good actor. Because I don't think I've ever hated a child character more than I hate YOMB for all his crying and interfering and sniveling in this story just to keep his sister from getting laid by the hot Italian guy. But at least we now know with certainty where the Bradys get their simpering sanctimony from. ;)

Trevor Donovan was fricking AWESOME! I hope they keep Jeremy gray and kinda badass renegade like this. After the past two days, I've decided I could totally get into this college age set if they just end the Chett madness and send Jett far, far away. And I think it would be fun if they made Jeremy and Nick "odd couple" sort of roommates.

The only thing I thought was kind of bad was the spray-in fake gray hair and beard made Pete look like a guy dressed as a hobo for Halloween or some high school kid playing an old man in a play.

Overall though, this was really great and tomorrow should be even better. :D

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I thought today was kind of ridiculous. The action kind of came off as a joke to me, the sound effects when Sami was kicking the [!@#$%^&*] out of Andre? She's a pregnant woman, how is she gonna work up that much umph? I know it's just TV, but I couldn't help it man, I was just not into the action at all. The brand of drama was kind of grating, maybe I'm PMSing or something but the episode felt histrionic to me.

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todays Days was simply amazing. The best episode in a lonng time, IMO.

I loved the ending of the letters and i loved Santo/Colleen scenes. But i am glad its ending. I almost wish that they would have actually had them reading the letter and showing sami.ej instead of santo/colleen.. but whatev. I also was sooo happy when Marlena said maybe the bradys did start this and Hopeless got that oh no not us classy amazing bradys who do no wrong look. lol.

I even kinda liked Andre today for some odd reason.... Anyways, i loved how Sami shot Lucas, even tho she met to shoot E.J. and how lucas threw a hissy fit. The most amazing scenes, IMHO were when Sami told Lucas that yes she loves him - but she NEEDS E.J. I am so conflicted about who i want sami with. Ive always loved Sami & Lucas, however EJ & Sami have so much more passion (much like Liz/Lucky & Liz/Jason on GH, IMO) ...

And OMG.... i cant belive this but.... i kinda liked Jeremy today! i know it was only done to try and make some fans like him - but whatev, it worked on me, lol. and how amazing is Rachel Melvin? I hated her in the role at first, but she has really owned it (and has for some time). I also kinda like Nick having those kids. IDK why. but i do.

However i do have this to say - how is that Mar, John, Hope, Bo, Doug, & Julie have been reduced to reading letters....

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