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AMC: Friday

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Welcome to Friday's Discussion of All My Children
Today on All My Children...-Ryan feels very guilty for letting Greenlee in to Spike’s life. -To stop Fusion from going belly up, Babe asks Ava’s help. -Jack tries to stop Erica from accusing Greenlee. -Kendell wants to see her babies!
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Ryan's blonde women look alike to me. I thought Annie was Greenlee but then he would have been kicking her a**. Loved that moment between Ryan and Annie. Ryan is absolutely crushed. Damn Greenpuke.

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Erica hasn't forgotten this and jackson hasn't either. Erica paid for her crimes. I'm really tired of people bringing this up, she paid for her crimes, learned from her mistakes and she was never forgiven by maria. You can't compare greens/babe to erica she admitted her crime and those two basically will or have gotten off scott free. An babe hasn't even learned from her mistakes because she was about to kidnap little adam 2 months ago.

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You go Erica! Keep telling Greenlee/Jackson off! Greenlee tried to kidnap Spike! :)

I loved the Zack/Kendell scenes. Zack is a great husband!

I actually agree with Babe. Ava has a good life and shes survived! Kendells babies are in danger!

Here comes the good scenes were Ryan yells at Greenlee!

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I love how Erica just knows that Greenlee tried to kidnap Spike. Maybe Adam (the poster not the character) was right about baby-nappers having some type of ESP concerning other baby nappers. :lol:

BTW kidnapping is become a right of passage on this soap. I'm trying to figure out what characters haven't kidnapped at this point. I hope this is the last kidnapping story for a while. It's becoming redundant and is losing it's novelty.

Isn't so glaring? Jack was there when she stole baby Maddie and he says nothing about it! It's as if he has amnesia of the entire year of 1997! Hello. I just wish that one character would bring that up when she is in the middle of one of her kidnapping tirades.

Why is the awesome Babe groveling to the drugged out whore Ava? Babe is really stepping up for Fusion and Kendell. She is really being a great friend to Kendell right now.

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Of course you can compare the two. It's the same thing. Erica even let Maria think maddie was dead, which in my opinion is worse. Not that I'm defendng Greenlee but I think that it would be the perfect thing for Jack to say.

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You can't compare the two because erica had postpartum from losing her baby(which was diagnosed by a psychologists), she wasn't thinking clearly. You can't say that about babe because she kept miranda because it would hurt jr. Jack can say that all he wants about erica, but he knows the facts of that case because he was the prosecutor of the case.

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Then why don't they ever talk about Erica's kidnapping? The show acts as if it didn't happen and every single time Erica brings up the horrors of kidnapping it just makes her look like a blazing hypocrite because her crimes are never mentioned. It's like they completely forgot her napping of Maddie! They did the same thing when she tried to kill Madden. No one ever remembers that either. It's not even about weither Erica "paid" or not. It's a simple acknowledgement that she did it. That she has done the same thing.

As to Maria forgiving her she let Erica into her home whenever Erica wanted. Maria let Erica near her house and children. Maria testified on behalf of Erica during her trial and Maria comforted Erica when she found out that Bianca was raped. Maria also was never given the privilage of telling Erica off for what she did.

You can definetely compare Erica's kidnapping to Babe's, Greenlee's, Dixie's, Brooke's, Adam's, Janet's, Tad's and many other kidnappings that Pine Valley has gone threw.

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Well, in all fairness I WILL NEVER forgive Babe and I understood at the time, why erica did what he did (Lucci rocked that story). on the other hand, Erica had Maddie for SOME time. All i'm saying is that when Erica was all on her soap box Jack should have reminded her about Maddie. It would have been a great, dramatic and historically accurate thing to do. She was being very hurtful to Greenlee without any of the facts and that's still Jack's daughter. I think it's just another example of writers forgetting history.

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