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AMC: Friday

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Bye Bye Ryan

Yippee he is going out of town so time to say bye bye to Ryan and crack open the wine bottles titled VaginEnvy and DickLicking and propose a toast that he never comes and bugs the people both with his demeanor and bug eyed stare ever again! But let's make predictions as to where he is going to out of town....maybe to Dynamite Kiddo Land to take some Super Viagara that makes you have a whack whack longer than the rings around Saturn. Ring around the loser pockets full of doosers asshats asshats we all fall down! Hey hey sounds good to me but now let's pick a spot any spot where there is torture and death that will await Sir Ryanovitch. I say we all pack him up to go to Las Vegas since the city's nickname fits Dynamite Kiddo to a tee (Sin City) and he goes to the Stratosphere and rides the ride at the top that juts out into the city and it accidentally cracks and slips and goes down to Earth killing just Ryan as he goes on the ride by himself since when would anyone want to subject themselves to that kind of crap with him aboard. Certainly not you, not me, not Smee but Anniebell Lee! Good lord it is about time this guy take a vacation but I am sure with AMC in love with everything about Ryan including his Super Privates that we will see everything. More time to FF and drink some beer and pass out and not have to worry about the annoyance of Ryan. Just send him some place where he can be buried six feet under...and not under Roseanne Barr's "machine"

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I am loving AMC right now. Friday's episode was a good one....

In a way, I loved the scenes at Fusion. Loved the look on Greens face when both Zach and Ryan came to say a quick good-bye to their ladies, which I could tell turned Green full of envy.

I still don't know what to think of the whole Ava/Jon story.... Part of me likes it, but then when I seen her dressed like Lily for the photo shoot and she came to the house, Jonathan to me just seems more into Ava only because she looks like Lily. I do like that Ryan told him to be careful with what he's doing. I just see some serious hurt coming for all three of them at some point.

Adam is tryng so hard to forget Krystal and he knows very well that he can't...

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I hated most of it.

Why would Tad want to live with KWAK? He admitted he doesn't love her so why subject himself and Kate, if he ever finds her, to that hobilly? :blink:

Adam & Erica's scenes could have been fun if the point wasn't to prop Krystal.

I detest Jonathan and I am appalled at this triangle with Lily & Ava. Please make it stop!

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