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Days: Thoughts about sex scenes(or lack thereof)

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I wanted to give my opinion on the discussion about the lack of passionate sex scenes on Days these days. First of all, I am a big supercouple fan. I love Bope, Payla, Jarlena, Shelle, etc. ( you get my point) I really don't watch the show though to see these couples making love. I think it is great to see them getting passionate, but I'm very happy with seeing them going into the bedroom and letting your imagination take over. Especially during the summer when young people are home, I don't think Days should showcase a bunch of couples making love. I also was glad that the show didn't make Chelsea's first time ideal. I'm sure that is the way it is for most young people. I thought the show did a good job showing that having sex isn't always going to be the best experience of your life. I like the way we see Bo and Hope show they love each other without having to show them in bed together. My only complaint right now is Jeremy and Stephanie and both of their lack of morals. I'm thinking that this storyline for Stephanie is going to cause her to hit rock bottom, so I'm holding out hope that there will be a lesson learned. Anyways, that is my opinion.

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As I said in the other thread, budget cuts is why we don't get them anymore. The sets are so simple now and notice how we never see the upstairs of any of the houses or whatever. We don't see bedrooms anymore at all and that is why. This isn't just limited to Days. It's a soap-wide development. Hardly any soap does heavy love scenes anymore.

I will say there is some pretty good ones with a certain couple tomorrow on Days.

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