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Days:CDN TV Guide spoilers for wk of 5/14

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Wow.. I started watching DAYS as of Monday, but my God, these spoilers don't make it easy for me to stick around...

There is nothing attracting to me in these spoilers...

Same characters, doing same stuff, or if it's not the same stuff, it's some boring stuff (like Chelsea convincing Nick to move out of Maggie's...)

I don't know if I will be able to stick with DAYS through these boring times until the DiMeras...

But now, I am starting to wonder if even the DiMeras could help DAYS get good...

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Wait a minute...

First, Sami and Lucas have an environment-friendly wedding, and now they're building hurricane-ravaged homes? Sami and Lucas used to be the show's 'terrible twosome!' Why the hell are they suddenly so saintly? And I know it's a nice gesture and all, but watching them build a mansion isn't very exciting or dramatic. ZZZZZZZZZZZ!

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Sounds good. Sounds like alot of Bo and that we get a Bo/Steve faceoff. I like that Sami and Lucas are helping people out.

Is anyone thinking what I am thinking? New Orleans, reubuilding a mansion, EJ following them to New Orleans, return of the Dimera's...could the mansion be Maison Blanche?! I mean, Tony returns the following weel. Maybe the real Tony is locked up in the mansion or something. Maybe it's just wishful thinking but it's something I just had to mention.

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The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the mansion is Maison Blanche!


Also, I just came to a realization. The mansion shown as "Maison Blanche" on Days looks exactly like the Belfort house that "Real World: New Orleans" was filmed in! All white, four columns in the front, with a balcony on top... the side entrance. I bet it's the same house. Both are set in N'Awlins.

Anyway, I'm thinking that maybe Stefano or EJ will kidnap Sami and hold her captive in Maison Blanche until she gives birth to the baby, just as they did Marlena (minus the pregnancy). Perhaps Sami and Lucas will uncover clues at the mansion before they realize just exactly what it is. Will they make the discovery too late?

EEEEEEEK! I'm excited.

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Wow Phoenix, that would make Sami and Lucas rebuilding a mansion much more interesting...And the fact that the spoiler says mansion is very suspicious...Also Sami and Lucas didn't go along with everyone else to Maison Blanche in the past, so they wouldn't know where it is/what it looks like..

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Despite the fact that Maison Blanche burned down in 1994, Stefano has been gone for six years. He could've had it re-built, and for all we know he's been staying there all this time.

And you're right, the spoiler could've been listed as "Sami and Lucas re-build a house," but that's not the case. It says MANSION, specifically. I'm stoked!

"RETURN to MAISON BLANCHE! This summer, Days of Our Lives."

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I'm looking forward to Sami and Lucas in NO helping to rebuild a Katrina ravaged home. Love that idea and it does sound interesting.

Since I want to see the wrap up of the Philip/Claire/Belle/Shawn saga, this sounds wonderful to me. I actually want Philip to get his family back and even to learn that Claire is really and truly his even biologically....of course that part may not happen but Claire will be safe and loved for herself with him instead of using her as a devise to force a family together as with Shawn and Belle. There is lots to be resolved in this story.

I cannot imagine what is going to happen on Tinda Lau with Steve and Bo, Shawn and Duck.

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Exactly. That choice of words and the fact that EJ follows them down there got that idea in my head. Plus, Tony returns the following week and I wonder if maybe he is there or if even Stefano is there. Hogan does reference history and use history so the return of Maison Blanche would not surprise me. I am cautiously optimistic and hope it's true.

I do think Sami could be kidnapped and brought there too. This is exciting. It would be nice of the show uses your slogan in a promo. That would be great.

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