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Easter Plans


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Go to church and see people who only like to show up 3 times a year including Easter, Mother's Day and Christmas, then I'll make fun of my cousin's who like wearing their elaborate, very colorful suits, then Ill go home and eat! Thats about it!

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My aunt is bugging me to go to church with her. I'm not much of a churchgoer anymore, but she made me an outrgeously cute Easter Bonnet, purple ribbon on a wide brim straw hat, little fake yellow chicks and ducklings fastened by way of glue gun, and lots of fake baby's breath. She's fastening a net veil as we speak..so I kinda have to go. She made herself a similar bonnet and I can't let her do it alone. Originally her plan from two months ago was to have me, her, my sister, her daughter, her daughter's friend and a few of my friends all in Easter bonnets and white gloves. The out of towners couldn't make it and my friends declined (flat out refused is more like it). It's so cold out we'll look ridiculous.

But who knows? Maybe someone else will have the same idea. It's so seldom I attend mass anymore I might as well make an entrance. I wouldn't feel right going to communion, though.

Tomorrow we're having a big baked ham, scalloped potatoes, veggies, green salad with blanched leek, even a cheese and fruit plate. She made two plain cakes and all I have to do is frost them, one vanilla, the other chocolate with chocolate icing.

Oh and hors d'oeuvres too beforehand but nothing too special, just smoked oysters from the can on crackers, raw veggies and yogurt dip, tapas bought from a local store.

Did I forget anything? Oh yeah. BOOZE. Lots of wine.. but the guests will bring even more. We'll be about a dozen all told.

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Going upstate to do dinner with the family. my sister and I are doing the family birthday today since everyone will be there and since our birthday falls on Wednesday when everyone works.

My dad wanted me to go home last night and go to church with him this morning but I refuse to be hypocritical. I don't practice religion any other day or week of the year, and will not be one of those people who make two appearances at mass a year.

Besides the minute I walk into church I would probably burst into flame. :lol:

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LOL! at Shawn! I was almost expecting the same thing but My aunt and I and two other ladies with more traditional bonnets were asked to bring the gifts. I even took communion (haven't been to confession in nearly ten years). We spoke to the priest after and he gave us both big open mouth kisses! And he smelled of alcohol!

It was fun. A few people sneered at us or just plain ignored us, but most "got" the comedy and smiled. One woman said she'd have done the same thing had she known she wouldn't be alone. And on the way out so many tried on our bonnets. The kids loved them. One little girl loved mine so much, I should have given it to her. I might try to find out who she is and do just that!

Time to cook!

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