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Days:SOW spoilers

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Week of April 2nd

Philip and Kate arrive on the island.

Gabby and Duck cover for Shawn and Belle.

Abby asks Nick to spend the night.

Nick confiscates the evidence against Chelsea.

Willow confesses.

Can't Miss - Wednesday, April 4 - E.J. to Kayla: "Steer clear of Stefano"

Week of April 9

Philip and E.J. break into Bo's house

Sami and Celeste plot to take down E.J.

Bo wants Chelsea to move in with his family.

Steve makes another escape.


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Oh, so Kate goes with Philip. I like that.

I don't know what is up with Abby asking Nick to spend the night :huh: . I like Nick helping Chelsea.

The week of the 9th looks good. It seems April may be the start of a turning tide. Abe and Jack next week. Bo, Hope, and Marlena the following week. Looks like some movement. I think the stage is being set for one hell of a ride starting from this point until the end of the year. It's a Days thing that things pick up now and then May and the rest of the year is great.

Things are looking up IMO.

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things i like: Kate going with Phillip to the island..thank the lord..she is finally getting to do something away from Lucas and Sami...also i'm liking the spoiler with Willow confessing and Bo inviting Chelsea to live with his family...I really want Chelsea to live with Bope for a while...Then hopefully we'll see more of them...

Things i don't like: Does steve really need to escape again? This escaping, then going back to the hospital is making my head spin...Sami and Celeste plotting isn't going to be exciting, unless something happens very soon...Maybe they can kidnap EJ and lock him up...i think i'd like to see EJ locked up...I don't want him dead, i just want him brought down a few notches..

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I like that idea Kev, let Sami and Celeste lock EJ up until after the wedding or after the baby! That would solve a problem - at least for a little while, although if Sami just told Lucas the truth, she wouldn't be in this mess. I am tired of EJ always winning though. That is the same trouble I had with Stefano way back when. He never lost.

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What is up with Abby asking Nick to spend the night?!?! I hope that's a typo or something. LOL

I love that Celeste and Sami are teaming up. Love them both.

And Willow is confessing! Thank God!

......and it only took me 12 years to get to my 100th post. Yea me!! LOL

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Things DO appear to be picking up, a tad, but Jack's only on for two days and Abe is likely on his one episode a month guarantee.

Nice to see Kate going with Philip down to the island.

Can't wait to see EJ and Kayla facing off.

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