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GH: Alexis and Craig

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Um when she saw him at Wyndemere with Nikolas, why didnt she call the cops or be phased at all by Craig's presence? Seriously are we to beleive that she dindt know who he was? He was unmasked during the hostage crisis and went outside where there were police and reporters. Surely his face was plastered all over the news. Being that her daughter and nephew were involved, I would think she'd be all over the story and would have watched or read to see the man that was responsible for nearly killing them. This is a hole in the story and made their scenes make no sense

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Didn't they black out the windows and any thing else that would show the appearance of Mr. Craig during the hostage crisis? So the people on the outside didn't really know what he looked like...Not sure on this, but I think I remember that...

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James: Oh, I'm not as recognizable as you think. The only instance where I showed my face outside the metro court was when a thoughtful law enforcement official sent the media away. There are no photographs of me, and the best the police could find was a composite sketch of myself which, fortunately, doesn't do me justice.

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I'm kind of blown away by the number of Alexis fans that want this relationship to turn romantic (on other boards). It's like Alexis is GH's resident psycho magnet. The man shot Robin in cold blood for the fun of it and while I'm no Robin fan, I just don't see how he can be redeemed.

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I agree. Sebastian Roche was good for the Hostage Crisis, but it's time for him and Mr. Craig and his theme music to go on their merry way. There is no redemption, in terms of the GH canvas, for the enormous amount of terror and damage he's caused.

What next? Osama comes to town, and everyone wants Alexis to hook up with him? :rolleyes:

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I love them! I think that they have some incredible chemistry! Sebastian is an awesome actor, and Nancy's one of my faves, so I'm definitely on board with the pairing. Plus, I have kind of accepted the fact that Guza will never put Alexis with a 'good guy', he just doesn't like that dynamic. For years now the show has pounded it into our heads that Alexis likes 'bad boys', and if she gets a bad boy that is hot, hilarious, a great actor, and treats HER well (I wish I could care about what he does to everyone else, but I really don't lol), I'm ALL for it!

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