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DAYS: Musings...

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1) I was just thinking that Chelsea doesn't have to be Bo's. At about the time Chelsea/Georgia was conceived (in the summer of 1997), Billie was tied to a bed in Rome and being drugged by drug lord JL King's good Max to turn Billie back into a junkie. Now it was also implied that he raped her during that time. Maybe Max is Chelsea's real father?

2) I miss Mimi already. I've always loved Farah Fath, and I thought her exit was really sad (but extremely rushed, considering Sheffer has known since his stint began that she'd be leaving in February). I think I'll even miss Bonnie. I'd like to see Farah return as Mimi in the future, and perhaps have her and Philip fall in love as they raise their baby from the surrogate.

3) Everytime I happen to pass by Days, it's always the same characters on: Sami, Lucas, EJ, Patch, Kayla, Willow, Shawn, Belle, Philip, Chelsea, Max, Nick, Abby, and this new Jed guy. Where are John and Marlena, and Bo and Hope? Why aren't Maggie, Shawn, Caroline, and Alice being utilized?

4) Willow is like the worst thing to happen to Days. The actress is terrible! And don't even get me started on her physical appearance. Willow's trash. Kill her off!

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I catch Days maybe once a week (this week I tuned in for Mimi's last episode), and those are my thoughts.

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Interesting thoughts, RionPassions. :)

I wasn't watching back then, but that's really interesting. If they ever brought Max back, I could see that being a storyline possibility.

I'm going to miss Mimi and Bonnie too!! Judi and Farah have been two of my favorites in these passed few years. I'd really like a Mimi/Philip relationship. They never really explored that and I think that they should have. I'm curious to know if this surrogate story will continue. Probably not...

Ughh I know!! Sami, Lucas, and Willow are two characters that I might can take everyday. Abby, Shelle, Patch, and Kayla are okay in moderation. I'd rather see Chelsea, Max, Nick, and Jed just once in a blue moon. Maggie is on quite a bit too, but just for a few scenes every now and then at the restaurant. I'd like to see more of Caroline and Alice. As for EJ, KILL THE MAN OFF!!

LOL I love her. Well, part of that love is because I'm hoping that she's Jan (my favorite character in the HISTORY of days).

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PERFECT story!!!! I totally remember that newly made flashback scene with Jan's mom. It was something like

JAN: I'm going back to Salem.

MRS. SPEARS: Over my dead body!

JAN: Have it your way.

---> The storyline possibilities for Jan are endless. Give her back to me, Hogan!!

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I'd love Jan back as well. Sigh. She had lots of potential. One of the few things I loved about Reilly's return was how he wrote Jan.

I'd like to see Alice more. We've seen her ONCE since 9/07 and that was on Christmas. I know Frances is over 90, but up until September, she was used at least once or twice a month. Has something happened or does Sheffer just not want to use her? Caroline and Shawn had a huge increase in airtime for a while there and now they aren't seen at all, which sucks. They can't cost that much -- use them instead of having Steve and Kayla just talking to each other for the entire month of February ... lol.

I do like Maggie being used more now than she was, or at least it's more noticeable. She has a better presence. I think Hogan might like her.

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