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Posts posted by alexisfan07

  1. 16 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    And then by the time they're done airing, they'll be back filming already...


    That's more and more the case. I think when Kassie did her exit interview for SOD, she was already back filming some guest episodes, LOL.


    2 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    I will never stop bringing it up that Leo was "too gay" for pearl clutching NBC and Albert Alarr. I'm guessing Corday too. Steve Kent's seemingly racist so he's probably homophobic too. DAYS just doesn't stand a chance. (And let's not forget, gorgeous Gabrielle Union's hair was "too black" for NBC "audiences")


    This is the same soap that had Will and Sonny IN THE SHOWER together once upon a time.


    Probably! I check out Freddie's YouTube channel sometimes and he had Chandler on talking about their exit and they said NBC stopped giving them anything romantic to do and early on in their story it was pushing the boundaries much more. He said they're lucky if they get a peck on the lips a few times a year now.

  2. On 2/7/2020 at 12:07 PM, KMan101 said:

    Whenever Franco is off air it doesn't affect a THING. Howarth is NOT needed and NEVER was. And the hoops they've jumped through to make him happen were sickening. And so many folks fell for it and ate it up. Folks who claim to be Liz fans. If you were a true Liz fan you wouldn't want her with a character like Franco. I hate how the show has painted them together. And I'm bitter on the other hand because I feel like Kanan and AJ got shafted for him.


    This is so well said. Franco is heinous and has done Liz no favors. I wish they could cut their losses, as well. I won't hold my breath.

  3. 14 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I don't know about his financial situation, but I doubt it was mutual.  He seems like one of those very admirable soap actors who has no illusions about their situation--this can be an incredibly stable career if you tow the line.  (Or at least it could in the past.). You may be forfeiting risk/reward, but you're enjoying security.  And soap lifers can still advocate for themselves, they just have to be willing to roll with the punches.  Galen seemed perfectly content to be a team player and ride the wave for as long as possible.


    I didn't listen to it but Daytime Confidential had a transcript. Didn't he say something about "spreading his wings?"

  4. 1 hour ago, KMan101 said:

    They just came back from two months "off", no need for another one. I took it to mean he's returning to wrap things up. 


    Absolutely, same here. I think they were looking to trim the budget again when they resumed production. Let's remember, everyone was technically "fired" to save money, so they had to approach every actor again and have them re-sign contracts. So perhaps when it came to Galen, they thought, "Here's someone pretty expensive (because he's been on consecutively for 11 years) who isn't contributing much anymore. Let's see if we can drop him." And it sounds like the decision was mutual.

  5. I know we have mobsters as the main characters but does it seem like they're giving Julian "I'm about to be written out" writing or is it just me? He's now tried to kill and drug Brad within the span of just a few months. It's obvious ABC/Nancy doesn't want to touch Julexis again, but they've kept him on for years just to tease the Julexis viewers and keep them from from jumping ship. They wrote Kim off (and thank God, no offense to Tamara). Lucas will never forgive him for all the sh!t he's pulled. So...what's the point? Cut the dead weight. Deuces, Jules!

  6. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    NOOOOOOOOOO Tracy has to stay! LOL. Jane looks AMAZING and Tracy has been fire. She adds much needed voltage to this show. I really hope she pops in more frequently. She's one of the only actors I will accept popping in every few months or once a year to collect a check and say hi. LOL


    It does feel like her exit story. What's the deal with Lanier and Nelle though? Lanier left but then she hung around and recurred for like a year (felt longer...) ... I kinda liked that actually, checking in once in a while and then now she's out. It sure did take too long though. I can see why folks are done, but I'm here for the chaos. Nelle amuses me. But her time feels up. I'm torn.


    LOL, absolutely! She told Ned, "for now," so I'm hoping this little trial guest run for the show and Jane works out in all our favors and she returns sooner rather than later. I'm guessing she shot all her stuff in a day or two and they spread it out over the course of a month so maybe they can continue to work that out with her.


    Yeah, she was on contract for two years, but was already making guest appearances within a few months after that contract ended, lol. I think she's more or less been "recurring" since June 2019, appearing a few times a month since. They failed us on the Shiloh murder mystery so I hope they follow through on Nelle's. I've only come around to enjoying Nelle in this latest stint. Trying to write her as a victim and redeem her to pair her with Michael was horrendous. They had no chemistry and it was painful. Once they made her a raging bitch when it was time for her to exit, Nelle finally clicked for me. And her current stint has worked for me. That being said, I think she's worn out her welcome now.

  7. I read Tracy is leaving for Amsterdam already?! Absolutely unacceptable! Just when the drama was getting started and someone gave her some nice new blazers. :( 


    2 hours ago, KMan101 said:

    Nelle could definitely be offed at this point. I feel like all of this drama should have happened earlier. But I'd do the same thing with Nelle if I were writing. Have her cause chaos. At least it gives the Q's something to do!


    The real problem was dragging out her appearances for like a year and not really going anywhere with her. Now they've gone full speed since the writer switch.


    I feel like this has to be, without a doubt, Nelle's exit story. It's been dragged out way too long, I agree, but there's no reason they wouldn't have stuck an old headshot of her in the opening by now if she was sticking around.

  8. 46 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    He definitely should be used more and better. I'll never understand why they didn't put him and Brad under contract once this story started


    I know for sure Ryan was offered one years ago and turned it down. I think he likes the freedom, as he is often working on various projects. I think that's another reason Brad gets more airtime and was given a more pivotal part to play in the story. He's more reliably "available" to work because he doesn't have as much going on.

  9. 1 hour ago, ChitHappens said:


    This is why the "story" needs to end.  It was ALWAYS about Smelle even tho the actress quit.  Smelle had 3 xs the airtime of Lucas, the other dad, even tho, again, the actress quit.  The "story" is lacking on so many levels that it needs to end.  Lucas finally gets face time only to be in a damn coma?  



    Should they be using Lucas more/better? Sure, but he is the "nice guy" in the story so sadly, he was always going to have the least memorable part of it - so far, anyway. He was in 56 out of 247 episodes (23%) in 2019, which is pretty good for a recurring actor and way over how much he'd been used in the years leading up to 2019. Watching day to day, I felt the difference.

  10. I've watched all of this week's episodes thus far. They're all a bit forced - Summer being a perfect deus ex machina, everyone on the road at the exact same time with various reasons for being poor drivers - but they have engaged me more than the last month or so of episodes.


    I still can't believe they killed Adrienne. It reminds of when Ron killed GH's Duke for no reason. The Justin/Adrienne montage was nice but just reinforces that they really shouldn't have gone this route. I'm glad it gives Wally some A+ material to work with and his brief reaction to her death (which will continue today) shattered me. But I feel really bad for Judi having to say she understood the decision and that it would give the rest of the cast great material. But girl, what about you? It doesn't give you any material, you're now out of a job. Sigh. This is especially painful and ironic given her son's recent death. To lose your livelihood and then the most important person in your life all within a year - that's a lot for one person to handle. I hope she's doing okay and they bring her back as Adrienne and/or Bonnie ASAP so she can have a positive outlet of purpose again given her recent real life tragedy.

  11. 10 hours ago, Vee said:

    Jason and Sam have resumed fulfilling no functional purpose beyond driving action and clinging to their aging and dying demo slice. One or both should now be brutally killed and/or written out. Their story will never go anywhere or evolve in any way while they are paired.


    Laura Wright, who can weather anything IMO, finally looks very tired. I don’t blame her.


    Did little Aidan finally get gayed or did they pull back after realizing the opening of that story was wildly offensive? Is Jake, more talented than half the new cast, still on the show?


    Has Jane given interviews? How is she feeling about being back? I remember her exit interviews, which were very gleefully in the key of “fùck this, I’m retired forever!” They need to beg her to do a Jess Walton recurring deal a la Y&R.


    Absolutely. Jason and Sam both need to be written out. I don't care how, I don't care if one or both die, I just need them gone.


    Laura Wright is obscenely grating to me. I think her word repetition and sassy head movements have only gotten worse, though, so yes, I think she's a bit over it.


    No, they pulled back. The opening of it had some issues but could have gone somewhere very interesting. But they chickened out. He's visiting Lucky (or at least was for Christmas). Jake is still on the show but hardly ever used. He was in the Christmas Carol special and an episode after that as Jake but hadn't been on in months prior to. I don't need to see him until he gets a different hairstyle, lol.


    She hasn't as far as I've seen.


    10 hours ago, Vee said:

    I still can’t tell the new White Chicks (Willow/Sasha) apart. Sorry!


    At least Billy Joel a.k.a. V____n is no longer lord of the Cassadine manor. I feel like Mike has had Alzheimer’s for like fifteen years. I mean, yes, people do but come on. Did the Arab twink already lose his accent? Is Kevin still married to Laura? Does Kevin still exist?


    I was Chad Duell’s biggest booster for a long time, and he can be very good with good writing which he hasn’t had much of in almost ten years. Long did I champion pairing him and Maxie in an unlikely older least mature woman possible/younger man screwball romance; I think it would’ve worked, back when both still had much energy left. I think he works wonderfully with certain people, like Jane Elliot. I also think he should go now. If Drew Garrett wasn’t some sort of #MeToo situation BTS or something beg him to come back or get someone equally vulnerable yet strong. Michael is reduced to this because they don’t invest in Chad and Chad has failed to rise to the occasion. There is also absolutely zero reason for Michael to have a baby, let alone Maxie or Lulu having two. I’d still write Maxie out for a good while, and probably Lulu for a few months before finding a suitable recast assuming Julie Berman still doesn’t need rent money. Charlotte would be un-Spencered. I don’t care. I don’t!


    It's true, they're so dull and insipid. I think the Sasha actress has the acting prowess edge over Willow but both are just...not very strong. 


    I think Mike is going to die during February sweeps. They randomly had his illness be super dire after he popped up again last month and they're having Sonny try to fight against all odds to save him. I'm sure he won't. Dev lost his accent like a week into his second run. Kevin is still married to Laura, yes, but they don't have anything for them to do as a couple.


    Chad absolutely needs to go. He can act but has so little chemistry with the women they've tried to pair him with. He and Sasha have some but they're just so saccharine sweet and dull together. But to be honest, Michael was ruined years ago when he was un-Quartermaine-d and will likely never recover as a character. Maxie has borderline been ruined by Peter so yeah, I wouldn't mind her taking a long break. Emme has always been horrendous. I can't think of a worse adult actor on the show. She is nearly unwatchable. She's too busy daydreaming about what scarf she's going to knit in her dressing room in between takes to bother working on improving her craft. The baby rabies is indeed out of control.

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