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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. Actually now I wonder if one of the reasons I enjoy season 3 of KL so much is because it did go more for a serial drama, and less of a soap (not that there's anything wrong with a soap, just that I think some characters like Karen were better in less melodramatic situations). I think that season was Michele Lee's best work and also some of Donna Mills's best work, John Pleshette's, on and on.

    I'm so happy to find more support for Season 3, a brilliantly dark and moody season. You are absolutely right, Karen and Michele Lee were TOP during that year and John Pleshette's slow decline towards his breakdown was heartbreaking.

    Personally, I'd add John Pleshette and Joan Van Ark to that list. I've been rewatching seasons 1 and 2, and Pleshette is just phenomenal. Say what you will about Joan, but she really got the character of Val. You can see she poured her heart and soul into it, and there is rarely a false note. Michele Lee was very good the first three seasons, but then she just became so gratingly over the top from then on.

    +1 Total agreement. Pleshette was just a powerhouse of a performer with a great, very real character.

    Except for ML... I think she had her good moments and then she had the reaaaaaaaaaly OTT ones lol

  2. What was happening in said episode? 1981 is a mixed bag year. It starts off with the return of people like Jerry Dancy and Althea, Jason and Nola's second wedding, some strong marital discord between Matt and Maggie with Althea as a third party, and the tail end of Billy's plot to get Theodora's cash. Then you have summer 1981 with Jason's death, Nola's rape/kidnapping, Steve investigates sex, the mysterious Mr. Sebastian, Althea's mystery patient, and a whole bunch of dull writer's strike plotting. The fall doesn't seem to change much. There is more emphasis on relationship drama and the complications born out of that. You have M.J./Matt, Maggie's pregnancy, Mike's return to town, and the arrival of Katey and Theo, who become involved with Mike and Greta. And the year ends with the last week or two penned by Harding Lemay.

    It says it's Feb. 16, 1981. It's the episode were Jason's fabulous mother Mona has a dinner party for Jason/Nola and her other son and daughter-in-law. Mona gives Nola and Jason $25,000 for their kid but it's obvious she's planning something, which I would very much like to know what it was. It also has Alec Baldwin as Alec. Written by the Konners. I assume it was the better part of the year? How was Lemay with this show?

  3. I thought *overall* it sucked, mainly because the dramatic cues are what Y&R is best known for, and it really NEEDED those to balance it out. Lost Hope is a GEM, one of the best this show ever had, it has been used primarily where "Blue Images" used to be inserted. 3AM was another gd one on there.. but really there were only 4 or 5 really good ones on the whole disc. With the advent of Itunes, I don't see any reason why ALL shows cna't have theri background scores ripe and ready for purchase.

    Exactly. It's the same thing with classic episodes--those who still have them could EASILY make them available via sites like hulu or YT or even through ITunes if they are so desperate for a profit. It baffles me why they don't pursue those avenues.

    Btw, "Blue Images"?

  4. BTW, if you don't have the Y&R soundrack yet, check eBay... The compilation is a tad too swoonsome for my taste but it opens beuatifully with Nadia's theme and closes with the long closing titles...

    Oh, yeah, I'm listened to it. Wasn't too terribly impressed. However, like you mention, I loved how they opened with the short theme and closed with the longer one and a few of the cues were really, really good. But mostly it was unknown stuff.

    "Mother's Plea" must be one of the most haunting, wonderful scores they've ever done. Been on repeat on my IPod all day.

    Boo to both of yall. That Y&R soundtrack is one of my favorites. After Nadia's Theme, Rainbow and Lost Hope are the two songs I most associate with Y&R.

    Lost Hope is, indeed, exquisite.

  5. I have an episode from 81 so decided to watch it. I was very pleasantly surprised as I found it phenomenal. How was that era for the show in general? Good, bad? I can hardly imagine how good it was under Marland.

  6. I had no idea they did a B&B soundtrack! I'm downloading it right now, even though I did only recognize 2-3 cues... Maybe if I listen to them in their entirety there will be more. I am disappointed they don't have the more interesting stuff in it... I just don't get why intrigue/business/etc scores are not selected. But B&B was my second most-wanted soundtrack release... now, if only they do Y&R and put the really good stuff on it. Now THAT would be great.

  7. Finish S2, but know that S3-S5 is where it's at! Any episode where the main title is on the back of Marco's jacket.

    Cool--I'll look out for those.

    Yes, you do have alot of ahead of you. :lol: Seasons 3 and 4 are the best ones IMO. I would love to go more into detail, but I dont want to spoil anything for you, but if you dont mind knowing feel free to ask me anything about characters and what is coming up. I am a total Degrassi fanatic, feel in love with The Next Generation after seeing the original Degrassi series awhile back.


    Thanks, but I avoid spoilers like the plague--going into it completely blind, except for a couple of things.

  8. Claudia sucked. She was always so bland and boring. Her character was such a pushover and felt like an interloper who didnt belong

    Nope. Sorry. :P She was a great character and it's the fact that she didn't belong enhanced that. But liking the character is up to each person. But you cannot say that Bellwood was not brilliant in her performance! LOL

  9. Pamela Bellwood not liked? I have never heard anything to that extent.

    Peyton, I cannot believe you don't like Claudia. You have seen Seasons 1 and 2, right? She's fantastic even in season 3, were the rot started setting in.

    Of course, after her return in Season 4, she was a Claudiabot. The writers completely neutered her character.

    And you like the Steven recast? OMG, let's not even go there... .. :lol:

    I'm so shocked!!!

    OMG. They recasted? WHY! Was Cath a bitch?

    She asked for a raise.

  10. Claire I could take or leave, but I really like Ashley. I think Steven Arnold is an underrated dramatic actor (he was wonderful when Fred died), and he has a lot of chemistry with characters like Peter and Graeme. It's also nice to see a normal character on a soap. When I think of dead weight I think of Michelle, Sean, or Nick.

    Kind of how I feel about it as well... I am happy Claire's leaving but Ashley I wish would have stayed. But, I guess there was just no chance they wouldn't write Ashley off with Screechy.

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