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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. Not sure how I feel about the video yet.... There are parts of it that I really loved (the beginning of that wedding gown segment, when the color started getting everywhere, when she fights herself, when she falls down all colorful) but the parts where she dances are just horrid (and a horrible end to the video in general).

  2. I kinda feel that the video to Bad Romance was what started all this really crazy Lady Gaga phase... It was weird, unexpected, fun and, all of a sudden, it took over everything... every appearance had to be shocking, every moment had to be crazy. The Kermit outfit, the meat outfit, the Telephone video, they all played into that.

    Was it fun? Sure. But it would be foolish to think that it was sustainable and, as soon as the video for Alejandro came out, you could tell it wasn't going to continue.

    Now, with the egg and everything, she's trying to continue all this and, slim though it was, the chance of it working out is gone.

    She should just go back to making music and forget about shocking people all the time. Although I can only imagine how "bland" it could look if she went from what she's doing to "simple" videos.

  3. It was pretty smart of them to feature Sue so heavily. She is always hilarious and consistently the most interesting one on the show. Finn, for once, wasn't a total idiot. Britney continues to be totally hilarious and awesome. Blaine and Kurt are extreme love and I'm glad they're taking this slowly. That is all.

  4. That retcon of Amanda's past went hand in hand with Amanda's transformation from bad girl to victim.

    Oh yes, I see this now more than ever. Just watched episode 6 and I can hardly recognize Amanda anymore. She still has some spunk, but her reactions, the way she behaves is completely out of character. Not that the Amanda of previous seasons didn't get scared, or sad, but her wanting to run away from L.A. or panicking at Jack entering her house bears no reseblance to how she tied up Pervy Ted and threatened to cut off his balls, or how she threw Michael out of her house, accusing him of scheming against her, when he told her she has cancer. I guess they are trying to make Jack more threatening through Amanda's reaction, or they are simply looking at her as a victim. Which I hope won't last, because it really, really sucks.

    I guess I'm in the minority here, but I really liked Jane. Granted, she was a hypocrite most of the time and was a bitch to her so-called friends - but who on that show wasn't? The storyline involving Jane, Sydney, Michael and Kimberly was the only thing that made season 2 interesting.

    I loved Jane. She was a vile, disgusting human being but an awesome character. I would call her a true bitch, because she just had no empathy, no kindness, and she would just say the most hurtful, disgusting things. Love it! But I'm pretty sure Season 2 had way more going for it than just the four of them! lol

  5. Amanda had Hodgkins disease for a couple days (literally).

    lol Not really, though. That storyline lasted 3 months, which places it amongst one of the longest running MELROSE storylines lol Just saying.

    You are right about Billy and Alison, though. In the beginning, they were the heart of the show, but that quickly evolved to Jake and Jo, perhaps the most emotionally real couple of the series.

  6. 5 episodes into Season 4.... does the Amanda's Past storyline make any sense to you? Going back to her past never seemed like a good idea anyway, but they have made it so blatantly a retcon that it's hard to enjoy it. I don't necessarily have a problem with it being a retcon, but you have to do it right. On top of that, it doesn't make much sense either because who the hell changes their identity and fakes their death only by going back to their maiden name (not to mention, keeping the same first name). And Palmer Woodward never did mention this at all? So what gives?

    I really loved the first three episodes of the season but the last two have kind of felt weird to me. And the cliffhangers have not been surprising or exciting at all. Most of the times, you can even tell they're coming lol

  7. Donna Reed wasn't hired temporarily, she was there for the long haul. :)

    BBG's Miss Ellie was truer to the backstory of the character; Miss Ellie was supposed to have gone through the depression years, was a girl who grew up loving the land. In that respect, BBG was spot on in her portrayal of Miss Ellie, sack dresses and all. Am I saying that BBG probably just didn't want to bother with all the glitz and preparation required for a glamorous presence? Perhaps. But I always did appreciate that she was more ranch woman who happens to have money than rich old lady of the manor.

  8. So Pratt created/Show Ran Models Inc before he was EP at Melrose, right?

    Yep, MODELS, INC. ran at the same time as MELROSE PLACE Season 3.... But, of course, he had been involved with MP before the spin-off came about. Although, I'm not sure how a Failed Spin-Off = Running the Mother Show.

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