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Posts posted by remos

  1. I think they are setting up a fabulous story of trust, love, fear and worry in the 60+ set. If I was writing this one, I would need someone at some point (yes Monica, I'm looking at you) to sit Tracy down and point out that she has let Luke down as much as he has let her down, by having such high standards for him to reach in order to receive her love. They've both brought their best and worst to this relationship, and yet they keep coming back for more because at the end of the day, they are better suited for each other than anyone else has every been. If this is the going down of the sun in Luke's life, then Tracy should be the one to help settle thing for that good night. And in there, dear folks, will be the story of both their lifetimes.

  2. I don't think Jane would break character like that, there's more to it. But it was awkward from what I saw.

    Monica and Tracy were good yesterday. After seeing Tracy's reaction, I'm pretty sure she wasn't speaking from a place of experience, but rather conviction. She was pretty impressive and very much the Head of the Family. I'm glad they are making it that way. Monica might own the house, but Tracy runs the joint.

    The Franco connection might be interesting. Tracy and Franco have had nothing to do with each other, so it will be interesting to see how things develop.

  3. I think it was more than that

    Lulu would not normally be so readily demonstrative and I think maybe she was kind of manic almost like she is not quite herself or remembered more than she wants to and is overcompensating

    Prob Tracy is only one perceptive enough to notice or pick up on that .

    She is not Julie but I really like emme rylan

    It's not about me not liking Emme - to be quite frank I don't want GH enough to have much on an opinion on any of the new people. It's just my observation that JMB's Lulu was definitely LuNacy's to raise and care for, while this version of the character is going to be someone quite different. It already looks like they are going to make her more Laura-ish, just like GV's Lucky as opposed to JJ's Lucky. Because LnL were so terribly mismatched as characters, the children of that pairing are very obviously one personality or the other. There's no middle ground, and that's fine with me. The chemistry between JE/TG and JMB can't be replicated. Now, at the same time JMB really struggled with romantic chemistry, and ER seems to be able to do that one easily, so c'est la vie.

    Now, whether Tracy picks up on something or not we will see later. But what I felt was happening was something quite awkward. JMB's Lulu did hug Tracy easily, there just wasn't the need for it to be often. With ER's Lulu, they had to establish her connection to Tracy was just as strong. The discomfort on Tracy's part surprised me, because Tracy has never done that in the past once they got beyond of their Step-monster days. She really looked like "Who is this person and what is she doing?"

    Odd... that's all

    Ron was tweeting no Gh fan will want to miss Tracy Monica scenes on Mondays show

    I read a spoiler Monica and Aj are shocked at Tracy's compassion for what happened to Michael

    So Tracy Monday Tuesday Thursday so far this week

    Are they going to give Tracy a raped past, I wonder? It would certainly put a lot of things into perspective when it comes to her personality and how she treats others.

  4. Amazing as in 'raw, heart-wrenching declarations of deep undying love?'

    I just watched the last three days of LuNacy on Youtube.. and I gotta tell you it's hard to watch the two of them interact and not believe there is love there. Both actors are playing it as if they're madly in love with one another (JE's 'i love you, Luke' facial expressions are back in full force). They just insert the word 'friend.' It actually doesn't work.

    SON is having problems still....

    Yeah, the whole 'friend' thing is a joke. The raw emotions these two share are real and palpable. It's only a matter of time until they let their guards down and really go for it. Their mutual declaration of 'best friend' is a good place to start, but it hardly encompasses how they are acting towards each other.

  5. ^^ yes it was nice, but nuLulu is going to take awhile to get in the groove. JMB's Lulu was really LuNacy's daughter, and she worked extremely well with both TG and JE right off the hop. This version feels quite awkward all the way around. It's not a natural connection at all. She might have better romantic chemistry, but she doesn't have good family chemistry.

    ^^ yes it was nice, but nuLulu is going to take awhile to get in the groove. JMB's Lulu was really LuNacy's daughter, and she worked extremely well with both TG and JE right off the hop. This version feels quite awkward all the way around. It's not a natural connection at all. She might have better romantic chemistry, but she doesn't have good family chemistry.

  6. Far smarter way of doing it than having him off five months of the year for ridiculous reasons. It really damaged the character.

    Speaking of NuLu when she regained her memory,Tracy was in one if those pics! smile.png I was happy to see that,I wish there was an 06 flashback with JMB's back turned,basically where her face isn't showing,yet we'll still have an old scene,WITH TRACY'S LONG HAIR!!

    Really? I'll have to look again. I didn't really notice any of the details of the pictures, but I'm glad to see TPTB have at least a passing knowledge that Tracy is a big part of Lulu's life, and vice versa.

  7. I don't think TPTB with 'let Luke go', but I certainly think when TG is ready to move on, there will be no one to talk him out of it.

    The liver is a funny organ. All you need is a piece of a donor liver, and you'll be fine. This would be something Lulu would do in a heartbeat, and then find out she's pregnant so she can't, thus giving Lante their real baby. It might be the story that brings Ethan back for a visit (with LA's Kristina, please!). I doubt Lucky or any of his 'kids' would qualify.

    But we're still seeing the 'break down' stage in LuNacy's relationship. I highly doubt they are staying here for long, but it's going to give us some Emmy worthy performances while it lasts. They're in the sarcastic phase right now, both scared of what this mean. In fact the previews show Tracy calling him on that very fact tomorrow.

    I'm glad that Lulu remembers, now we can move along to the nuTraLu stuff we've been needing to see.

  8. Today's scenes seemed very reminiscent of previous LuNacy/heart attack scenes. Except Tracy used "friend" instead of "husband," and remos, I agree it sounds awkward.

    I'll be happy when they move back to their normal territory on this one. He's a heck of a lot more than just her 'friend'.

    I hope it's more than a heart attack - not that I wish harm on anyone, but it's a fictional character so, whatever. Tracy was the ideal person to have with him on so many levels. When she was listing everything that had happened to him, I was reminded of how long they have truly been together, even with the few burps along the way. She knows him well.

    Also love that she instantly wanted to call Lulu. It was sad that Luke had to remind her that Lulu wouldn't care or remember either of them, but Tracy's family instincts are completely on.

    I really think this is one of those 'resets'. The thing I hated about the heart attack story last time, was Luke leaving with Skye. LuNacy had their moments after that, some of which went on for months, but the relationship really stalled at that point. I want to see them get back there and move forward properly. They've both had their 'flings', so now it's time to get real again.

  9. If we knew that was it, I might agree ILTQ, but we know much more is coming up. I think yesterday just set the stage for their bottom line. They are best friends and she is the most important person in his world, and now they are going to build on that again.

    I do agree, however, that it was more TG and JE talking than anything in character. I know they're too professional to slip that much, but the two sets of identities were mingled. I remember watching Look Who's Coming to Dinner, and I can almost point to the moment Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy broke character and were just themselves. That's the sense I had yesterday, too.

    And who knows... we might be seeing closure for TG. I don't think so, but they are certainly in the process of ending something and moving into a new reality. It's too soon to really predict what comes next, but one thing is for sure - LuNacy are doing it together.

  10. LuNacy has never 'lost it'. Sure, the writing was horrible and they were stuck in a repeat rut for years, but they have always been beyond amazing when they've been together. Luke telling Tracy she's his best friend was long overdue, and so true. Add to that that she's the top on the list of the people he cares about.... I thought Tracy was going to lose it there and then. So much emotion between those two... wub.png I can't remember the last time Luke truly apologized to anyone for anything. And tearing the page out of the dictionary was hilarious.

    I did think the preview a little awkward though.."My FRIEND has collapsed" (or whatever the exact wording was). I need that to be 'Husband' again soon!

  11. Sigh...Tracy will never fall out of love with Luke, no matter who else comes along. Regardless of her bravado, he has her heart in his and she doesn't really want it back - she just wants him to stop hurting her.

    I'm hoping he doesn't 'let her down' by being in bed with a prostitute. Even though I know she's going to be hurt, I'm super excited that they will be spending this much time together, hopefully on the real stuff.

    TPTB talked about 'resetting' characters and pairs to their last point of viability, and this is taking LuNacy right back to the holiday season of 2007.

  12. They are not kind in rewind.

    LOL, I'm going to have to remember that line.

    Star, he's beautiful! What a journey you've all had. I remember the early days, watching him and your updates. He will have quite the story to tell when he's grown.

    I'm really praying that RH's character is not Franco or Jason. Some other twisted criminal is fine, but not either of those two.

    TraLu.... finally. Still wish they had ended JMB's run with some scenes, but alas...

    I hope they do Luke's health properly, as in "out with a whimper, not a bang" so that he has to face some realities. I do wish he would stop putting Tracy through so much heart ache over his choices, though. Luckily the one thing he's really never doubted in her is her love.

  13. Bartender seems to be what they do to a character they want available but don't know how to use. Luke fell into that category through most of the 90's. Duke did it for awhile, as well. At least when Coleman was behind the bar, it was part of his personality and he worked it for all it was worth. Mac, unfortunately, looks ridiculous.

  14. Perhaps Ava will be along for the ride.

    You know, I'm up for anything that shows some real adult relationship. When LuNacy have good stuff, they are out of this world, but writers haven't given them much by way of good stuff. I've never liked 'bitter, b!tchy Tracy'. However, I have grown to really adore 'smart-mouthed, b!tch-with-brains Tracy'. More of that added to LuNacy renewal, and I'll put up with the rest of the nonsense surrounding the "ELQ War".

  15. actually it's Kiki sure moving in as Lauren frank cause KA and the Morgan guy I I think have been around the Qs and Alice

    I'm not questioning who, just the wording. It's odd to use the term 'roommate' for Tracy. And if it's Kiki, then what about AJ trying to get his hooks into her...

    But you know... if this gets us beyond relish, I'm open. Tracy always did have a way with challenging young women. TraLu started out with a brat. Who knows what this might be.

  16. You know, Laura has never been a character I've even particularly liked or enjoyed, BUT I don't LnL has done her any favours after the early-80's media frenzy. She needs to be able to grow without the constant expectation that she will only be for Luke, just as much as Luke needs to grow beyond the constant expectation that he will only be for Laura. Serial Monogamy is not a bad thing.

    I'm glad they are picking up LuNacy for more reasons than just because I'm a LuNacyFF. I think the relationship basically ended when Luke ran away from the hospital the first time with Syke's help, and if TPTB are taking us back to that place and towards another conclusion, then I will be extremely happy. Up until that time, LuNacy was building beautifully. It was after Luke ran away that winter, that the downward spiral to Harpy Tracy and Drunken Luke began. Prior to that, they were pretty solid in themselves as well as each other.

    The roommate thing? That sounds odd considering Tracy doesn't even live in her own home. Why would Tracy have need of a 'roommate'?

  17. I'm over the relish thing. Maybe the mysterious NotTodd will put that story out of its misery and we'll see Tracy and AJ pull together to close ranks against the interloper trying to take over ELQ.

    In the "get prepared to feel old" files, my kiddo just turned 4 on May 11. He's awesome and hilarious and just pure walking-around joy. He has some visual impairments (loss of peripheral vision), but we're rolling with it. He was significantly speech impaired for a while, but he's pretty much caught up now since having speech therapy twice a week at preschool. No other signs of significant delays at this point so I just always marvel at the miracle he is considering where he started.

    Wow, considering how small and challenged he was once upon a moon, that is just amazing. I'm so happy for all of you. But 4 already? Seriously? Geez, I really have missed time somewhere. Mind you all the babies in our gang are growing up. I only have one more under the age of 10, and when we started they all were.

    And a funny... I was in the grocery store with 3 of 4 (for those wondering, yes I give my kids Borg designations) yesterday, and he was pointing out the condiment packages for BBQs. He asked me what the green stuff was, and I had to choke out the word "relish" - GH has made me detest a condiment!

  18. I agree with Lainey. I've noticed the ups and downs do relate to LuNacy scenes. An upswing here mirrors more LuNacy on GH. Look at us right now.

    Halle: thanks for the explanation. If I've got a few spare minutes I might go to the end of yesterday's show, but I'll follow your advice and not waste my time.

    Hooked: Sometimes I feel like a broken record so I don't always say it, but Thank You for the updates and taping information.

    ILTQ: I like the Tracy/Connie friendship as well. I wonder if they will even hint at that now with the so-called "Integration". Connie standing up for Tracy was one of the best non-LuNacy scenes Tracy has been part of in ages. They really have something there, so I hope it's just a matter of TPTB having so many characters they have to work through them rather than something dropped. I'm already annoyed we haven't at a TraLu scene in forever.

    Jaquen: long time no post, how you doing, buddy? Crazy on my end, but (Mommy Bragging Moment) my kids have been keeping me busy. My daughter has earned her Canada Cord in Girl Guides, which is our highest honour and can be used on her future Resume. My oldest son has been working on his Chief Scout Award, the equivalent in Scouting, and will be finishing it before December, and my second son has just finished Cubs with all but 4 badges, and will be starting his Scout level in the fall towards his own Chief Scout. My last son has gone from being a non-reader a couple of months ago to reading prayers and making announcements in church. Very busy but accomplished little people. And I'm Front Row Centre!

  19. I'm not asking for any apologies. Just stating that this is The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest. It says it right at the top of the page and everything.wink.png Many of us are here because we are TRACY fans first. Everyone is free to love whatever pairing they chose. I don't care, fly your flag! Just don't be rude and antagonistic about it. Which for the most part, everyone seems to be able to do.

    It's a Tracy day!!

    Absolutely - and my comments quoted you but weren't necessarily aimed at you. Ah well.... you know, sometimes what these conversations need is a good old fashioned pub with all of us around the table, rather than a liner forum where we can't easily engage.

    Tracy today? Good to know. I'll have to check that out later. She's been fabulous lately when the word 'relish' isn't in her dialogue. I'm so thrilled that they are given her real stuff, and I hope it continues.

    EDIT: And we're back to the relish. I'll pass.

  20. Yes, with many of us here because of LuNacy. We aren't apologizing for that. I've been on TG threads that are really only about Laura/LnL. I wouldn't even dream of going there and insult fans of that couple. It's all about tact and respect. We might all disagree with each other on a multiplicity of things, but we don't put each other down. That's not how we roll. I'd say for Lain as well as myself, the thing that makes Tracy so great IS Luke. Separate they don't impress me that much, but together they are dynamite. But you guys have heard me say that before... tongue.png

  21. Yeah, but didn't Ava call her Lauren Katherine Monday? I may have misheard - I was inundated by requests from the kiddo to do various and sundry while I was watching.

    JE and TG nailed those Tracy/Luke scenes the other day. THAT's what I want to see between those two: mature discussions that don't downplay the relationship into wacky hijinks.

    Edited because yesterday was not Monday.

    If she was named, I didn't see it, but that's okay - none of the Corrinthos family have ever interested me, so I don't bother watching their scenes. I stand corrected. :D

    I agree on Luke/Tracy too. We've had some beautiful stuff over the years when they haven't been devolved into stupidity. I remember the B&W Ball was fabulous, as was Luke's last heath issues. In fact, I'd argue that from the time he ran away from the hospital after his bypass, until now - with the exception of their 'real' wedding - they haven't been written for at all. The scenes this past week show that they are the powerhouse actors and should have been given this stuff all along.

    And how is your little guy? I apologize that the years are meshing together, but he's about 2ish/3 now, isn't he? I bet he's a going concern.

    Um.. Yes.. This is a lacy thread and someone forgot to put the right title on.

    I'm so pro lacy that I stopped watching back around the time of Luke's intervention...because gh dared to break up the soap couple with the most chemistry in the history of soaps.

    I check in here from time to time to see if tiic have reunited lunacy, meaning I'm cleared to return. No lacy (I use lunacy)... No Lainey.

    Sounds like we may be getting closer to my return. Someone be sure to email me, when they are well on their way.

    Meanwhile, I haven't seen this great Tracy scene. I think I might wait until they are back together, and I'm watching again.

    Youtube it, Luv. It's raw JE power, and TG doesn't even try to be anything more than her prop.

  22. Liking those summer previews.

    LuNacy exploring their relationship were always their very best scenes. I like that that is the focus this time around. TG might be gone for the summer, but it looks like Luke isn't. That's a good thing. I never understood why Guza et al couldn't pre-tape and figure it out. There was no need of five month absences and the inevitable problems with re-entry. And they certainly didn't do any favours for the character of Luke. I don't know of anyone else who gets as much crap slung at them on GH right now as TG/Luke. Not liking a character is normal, but the downright rudeness of some people is astounding.

    "Old Jerome Family"? As in they are toothless and no longer players in the mob world? That won't last long in Port Charles.

    I'm not sure they even know what to do with Alexis. There was flash with Sonny years ago, and Ned was a perfect pairing for her, but since then she's been nothing. I guess Ric was okay, but Mac and Shawn feel like they just stuck her with whomever seemed a possibility without care for chemistry. I wish they had gone the Carly/Shawn route - at least they were able to steam it up.

    As for the Kiki thing, I'm with the group who isn't convinced this is "Lauren". And perhaps there isn't even a "Lauren". When Heather is involved, you know there's more to the story.

    Gotta give this to TPTB, they certainly know how to crowd the stage and keep the vets involved.

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