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Posts posted by remos

  1. Ms Q makes the best banners! (My Baby Boy is great, too)

    Lulu is like Luke, and making her more like Laura has created the same problem as when they make Lucky more like Laura - one way ticket to boring character. JMB as Lulu set the standard, and I'm afraid ER's Lulu doesn't bear any resemblance. I liked Lulu with Dominic, but when he morphed into Dante, and then into Sonny's Son, I lost total interest in the character. Spixie needs to get their Baby Georgie back. I don't know what I even want for Lante anymore, but parenthood isn't it.

  2. I'm with you, Halee.... wake me when the "Sonny must show his pain" portion is over. Even muted he's still a hog.

    I'm looking forward to the Spixie story moving along, though. I've always liked that couple and I'm curious about what the writers have up their sleeve to reunite that little family. Lante without JMB just isn't turning my crank. Carly and Franco are fun to watch too, and I don't even mind Sabrina/Patrick or Britt/Nic. At least TPTB have now maneuvered us into pairing/friendships that are worth the watch. Micheal/Morgan/Ava/Kiki/Sonny/Olivia/AJ not so much.

    Luke is back on Monday. I'm ready to find out more about his adventures as well.

  3. I've been singing that tune for years - everyone keeps crying 'vets, vets, vets', but if a character does not make sense in the story, then why bother?

    It's like a family reunion. Everyone is happy to see people for the first little bit, and then it becomes quite apparent that you don't know each other, you aren't in each other's lives, and if you weren't related, you probably would never bother with each other. That's what Returning Vets are on daytime. Thanks for the few minutes of memories, but you aren't part of the current. Forcing the issue just makes it worse.

  4. There's no reason to assume Laura is in a story with Luke. It was pretty final on the screen, as it has been for the better part of the last decade. RC is going Tracy/Luke as promised.

    TPTB probably knows what most of us know - Laura is a boring, limited character with no actual story potential. Even Scotty can't save her. Scott is good with Tracy, Luke and Lucy.

  5. I wish I could say this doesn't happen often, but we both know that's not true.

    I understand the frustration, and you both need to call CPS. Children come with legalities and guardianships. If he or you petition to be the caregiver, I'm sure they would be open to talking about it, and that would give you some legal standing if the mother decides to blow back in. Right now, he's open to kidnapping charges, and the mother could really screw him. The child must come first.

  6. don't be too harsh - I just saw the yearly numbers, and JE is in 9th place, with a respectable number of shows, and it's only August.

    I wonder how many know Connie and Tracy were friends. Right now they seem to be focused on AJ's legal status and the fallout of the immediate family members.

  7. Oh... I hope they continue this today. Luke just left and now Connie is gone. You can see her return to the head of ELQ is bittersweet. I like how they are layering her. She's on top, and yet she's not. Far better than the failure she was written as in decades past.

  8. Did he? It must have been at the very end of the show when the feed I was watching broke into a special announcement. I'm glad to hear that. I thought the end was only Luke and Lulu, because that's all I saw anyone talking about. I'll have to look for another version of the clip.

  9. Tracy and Luke had serious passion today - as always. Very sweet that he had to see her, that he couldn't leave town without being with her. Nice touch. I think I read a spoiler that Tracy visits Lulu and the baby, so that will be nice as well.

    I wish Dante had told Tracy about Connie. That will be very upsetting for her, and she will probably think she's responsible for Connie's death, even though she wasn't there. Given that Luke will be 'returning' in another month, I wonder how much they are going to build Tracy into the story of Connie's death.

  10. Lets be real here and take off the rose colored glasses. Laura will be just as heavily featured in this quad as Luke/Tracy/Scott

    I'm not one to put my head in the sand, I honestly don't know if LnL is headed for a full blown reunion but anyone can see that

    Tony and Genie will have a lot of together time coming up.

    LnL are spoiled to "kiss" next week. Gird your loins Tracy fans!

    It's not rose coloured glasses - it's wanting the better actors to be featured. I'm not stupid. Pandering to the masses is what soaps are doing now, which is why I barely watch. Two of the best pairings of the decade all across the soap dial (LuNacy on GH and Magic on Days) have been watered down to pathetic levels. The only thing that might save this is that GH hasn't really been doing much with GF anyway, and she's being portrayed as a pathetic mess attempting to be someone of significance. Her fans aren't terribly discerning, but even some of them have noticed she's not getting very much.

    I will never be in the camp of "Well, at least Tracy is getting screen time", because substance matters.

    As I said, it's inevitable that they go there. Let's hope they do it with some finesse and intelligence. I don't know that soaps are capable of either anymore, but hope springs eternal.

  11. SOD is previewing a big soapy super triangle with Tracy an Scott an L&L!

    That's a quad people have been asking for for years. They've all slept with each other, so there are serious levels of history there. Laura is obviously more hung up on Luke than Luke is on her, so I can see the fulcrum already. It's almost too good a story to pass up. Of course GF will be the weakest link in this group, as always, but the rest will cover for her. It's inevitable, so bring it on. The last time we had Tracy/Luke/Scott doing their thing was at the B&W ball, it was the best part of the entire month, and those performances gave the uber complement of the "New Lunts" to TG and JE. As long as they keep Laura to a minimum, it should be fine.

  12. If Tracy and Luke ( and JE and TG) didn't light the world on fire every time they were together, I might be inclined to agree.

    But since they do - I don't.

    If ever there was a couple that defined the term "soulmate", it's Luke and Tracy. Together, they actually make a whole person. Alone, they are half as good.

  13. I can't speak to anyone else, but my kids are travelling (one is in Holland after a month at camp, and another is in Toronto after a week in Alberta), and I've been very distracted by r/l lately - it's far more entertaining that GH. When we get some LuNacy, I'll tune back in. Until then, the only person with Tracy I actually enjoy is Connie, and they are taking that from Tracy too (like so many others before her). Not seeing much cause to dedicate an hour, or 42 minutes of my day.

    Thank you for the belated birthday wishes. :D I celebrated Birthday Week again this year, and had a wonderful time. I encourage everyone to extend their birthdays to a week. It's very enjoyable.

  14. Making LuNacy's marriage 'invalid' was perhaps the most ridiculous, laziest plot point Guza ever wrote. Generally I liked a lot of what he did, but when it got to LuNacy, after a couple of years he was stuck in a rut and couldn't get out. I still don't buy it.

  15. I don't think he's back, just an interlude to prove that LnL are together and heading for answers. The whole thing answers why Laura is hardly ever seen, but it would have been nice if they didn't have her panting after Luke. He's rejected her quite a few times over the last number of years, but she still follows along with very little self-respect. TG's vacation is going to be going on for a bit yet.

    Spoilers have Tracy and AJ having to work together, so that means she hasn't gone too far from ELQ. Ava is supposed to rear her ugly head. I don't care one way or the other about Connie, but she was someone who could be friends with Tracy, and the loss of that doesn't amuse me.

  16. Just got caught up. Lots of really great stuff with Monica, Tracy and Leslie. Laura is delusional, but that's not new. Really sweet how Monica and Tracy care about each other. Tracy is completely up to date on Danny's predicament, even though she feigns indifference much of the time. Monica also had a great line about Tracy being raised to be a warrior at Edward's knee. That was cool.

    Best line though, "The calla lilies are in bloom". From the great Katherine Hepburn to the great Jane Elliot.

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