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Posts posted by remos

  1. Personally, I think LuNacy may have run its course. They were magnificent together, but I am Tracy fan at the end of the day and I am tired of watching her be nothing more than Luke's ass-kisser. He doesn't deserve her, or Anna. Or even Laura at this point.

    I don't think LuNacy were allowed to run very far at all. They had a few years of good stuff, then they were shoved into a rut that neither of them could get out. IMO LuNacy's potential hasn't even come close to being tapped. Holding patterns do not equal story or character development.

  2. It will be interesting to see Luke's reaction to Tracy being involved with someone else. It can go one of many way, but I think the two most likely are A: he will know exactly who Joe Jr. is, and want his Spanky far away from him, or B: he will realize he doesn't have Tracy's attention as completely as he once had, and misses her more than he realizes

    At any rate, anyone else notice that Anna is getting Tracy's time during TG's vacation? There is a sad irony there.

  3. Still wanting LuNacy back, but in the meantime Joe is a good alternative. (Just write LuNacy the same way they are writing for Tracy now, and we're good.)

    Finally caught up. I imagine the scenes of Tracy/Edward/Patrick/Emma were more poignant to those filming and overseeing because they knew they were saying goodbye to a dear, dear friend. I didn't find them overwhelming, but I agree seeing JI like that was sad. Tracy's words about him having led a good life and being reunited with the love of his life, rang true on a couple of levels.

    I actually did something I haven't done in months - watched the entire show and not just the clips. I agree, it is getting much better. I thought Mac and Felicia had dropped off the face of the earth, but nice to see that they were still around. JenT did a really nice job with Maxie, but I have to admit only one actor is really associated with that character in my mind. KS is as beautiful as ever - love Spixie!

  4. ^^ So what if she is? If Lulu gets sick, it will be just as much for her. If Luke returns or her sons where there, it would be for them too. Tracy loves who she loves, and if it helps others (after all, she's not completely emotionless) that's just bonus.

    I was figuring using Tracy for a cure would be part of the deal with Alexis offered herself up the same way, but as of Friday nothing was found to be helpful. The difference being Tracy had the antidote while Alexis had the vaccine. However, if this is all true, that will make Tracy a hero? Would they actually go there?

  5. Hope you're right, Lain. I didn't realize Alexis and Josslyn has the vaccine - Jerry loves who he loves, that's for sure. And Tracy being the source of the antidote would be a fabulous twist, if the writers know how to use the end results.

    I also agree with you about Clint/Nora. I didn't even watch OLTL very much, but that one was all kinds of wrong - exactly like Luke and Anna. Perhaps we will see L&A go the same way, and Luke (like Clint) return to the one he truly belongs with. Just hope it doesn't have to be the end before that happens.

  6. Agreed on both counts. Luke needs to see what he gave away before he can try to get it back. I just wish Tracy didn't have to go through the inevitable 'loss of trust' thing again. Maybe him caring about her enough to save her life, will make her feel special instead of used. Here's hoping.

  7. Just watched the Tracy stuff from today, and gotta admit Joe treats our girl right. But did they really sleep together on the couch with the door open? There is fictional staff all over that house. That was a Continuation Error, lol.

    The sweetest part though, was Tracy calling Luke just to hear his voice and to personally say goodbye. I really hope this split doesn't last long. No matter how well Joe treats her, he's still a mobbie and murder, and Luke is her soulmate (hate that term, but can't think of another that is as accurate).

  8. well whatever newborn young I'm saying that he was responsible for his kid and went and got them so he can' be all bad

    That's what I'm wondering - are they cleaning him up from what he was originally, to make him more desirable for Tracy (as much as I'm not wanting that for her).

  9. ^^ Oh, I missed that! He's really on the way out? Thank God. Guess I should catch up on my GH gossip. Any chance that MB will go with him?

    The thing about Joe, just an aside, is that he knows Trey, loves him and how is that possible given Con/Kate's story? (Not that I watch regularly, so that might have been explained or alluded to already.)

  10. Now, what is Joe's history exactly? He raped Connie/Kate (though rumors suggest that might not be true), but he did kill someone named Theresa, right? There's no redemption for a character after committing murder... (unless it was self-defense, but this wasn't the case).

    It would be nice if they have him not a rapist (Connie/Kate was fabulous in that scene, but how truthful is something else again), and the murder was only witnessed and testified by Sonny, who has no problem blaming others. If they are going to be doing Tracy and Joe for awhile, can he PLEASE be someone worthy of her?

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