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Posts posted by remos

  1. <p>^^ Agreed.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I was thinking the last truly good stuff they had was the B&amp;W Ball. After that they had tiny moments, but nothing with consistency. Yesterday the back-and-forth was a couple that knew each other really, really well and had trust between them. Even AZ knew there was code going on. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I'm hopeful they continue this too, and I'm hoping they remember what made LuNacy so great in the first place. I don't like the character of AZ at all - never have - but if he's going to be used as the catalyst to get these two back together, I'll live. It will be interesting to see what happens after they add Heather fully to the mix. Old School Vet Action is always a sight to behold.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  2. Good LuNacy today. Could have done without AZ, but I guess he's part of the deal for awhile (blah). Beginning to wonder if Tracy did actually poison AZ, though, or if she's just trying to make Luke think she would stoop to something so obvious so he can take care of it for her. With these two, it could go either way.

    Nice bit at the end where Luke is worried about Lulu, shares that with Tracy, and she's already concerned. The Spencermaines still exist!!!

  3. What do you folks think that smirk was about at the end? Does she know her Lukey? Wonder what will go down tomorrow...

    (Gotta say, I did really laugh at that bit between Luke and John about him being a vampire. Luke was probably the only character who could carry that line off.)

  4. ^^ Intellectually I'm fine with her not working 2 weeks also. However….

    They gutted Lulu's story, and she disappeared

    They gutted Tracy's story, and she disappeared

    They gutted Patrick's story, and he disappeared

    They gutted JaSam's story and the wrote a hell of a lot more, and they wrote more for Sonny, and Carly, and Michael, and Starr…...

    TPTB still have their favourites

  5. I was hoping for more today, but at least we got a few good things.

    As for Anna, I'm beginning to wonder if she isn't the "umbrella". She seems to find herself in all the stories as almost a Greek Chorus. If that's the deal, it pretty much means she's not going to get deeply into any of them, and she might be someone to aid Tracy along the way. Either way, knh is right, it's early days and too soon to assume anything. With the pacing of GH these days, JE not taping does not mean she's removed from story, it just means that their taping schedule is wonk. Has JT been on since the week Patrick mourned Robin? Maxie was MIA for awhile as well. The only ones on consistently are Sam and the Unholy Trinity.

  6. what do we expect to happen?

    From spoilers it's Tracy coming clean to Luke about why she married AZ (thought he already had a hint, so we shall see how much is news) and then the two of them agreeing to work together to get her free of that situation.

    It's Friday the 13th. Maybe the writers will be kind to us and give us a real conversation.

    Next week there is a dated spoiler where Luke runs to stop Tracy from killing AZ. We shall see.

  7. I agree knh, I just watched the show and all the others (Alice, Monica, AZ) were supporting players for the real focus - LuNacy. It seems TPTB are strengthening them again properly and remembering how Luke paid attention to the little details of Tracy's life that others overlooked or sneered at. Their expressions to each other were the warm fuzzies they have always had, and that unspoken understanding between the actors/characters about how much these two mean to each other. Love those LuNacy moments best of all. I can't wait to see what they get into later in the week. IMO LuNacy started having problems when the former PTB stopped their meaningful conversations - that is always where these two shine.

    I'm also interested in the Heather dynamic. The last time she shared story with Luke and Tracy, LuNacy hadn't begun. Now however, we have three people with a tonne of personal history between them. I hope they are drawn well and the writers don't go for the quick and easy. Time to have more TraLu too.

  8. <p>Thanks <strong>Hooked</strong>. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>What I'm seeing doesn't make me think they won't reunite them sooner or later - but I hope they do it properly and not just thrown together with Luke feeling &quot;there isn't anyone else&quot;. So much depends on what the future of GH holds, if it remains part of ABCD and even if these actors stick around.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I think one of the biggest problems with fans is that when two characters of opposite sex start to spend time together, fans automatically assume that's a &quot;chemistry test&quot; and expect they are being started as a couple. The reality however, is that TPTB are strengthening and creating friendships. I see that now with Liz and Patrick - fans are freaking out but there isn't any romantic interest involved. Luke was very telling yesterday when he said he was &quot;flying solo&quot;, and assured Anna that he loved Tracy and Tracy loved a challenge. I think Luke is overestimating the case with Tracy and better quickly come to her rescue in the AZ case, but the point was still loudly verbalized that these two will be buddies, no more. And that's fine. Most of Luke's successful relationships on GH are friend relationships.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  9. I'm not expecting a Luke/Anna anything but friendship. I think Hooked is right - it will put Anna in a place to find out the lie Luke told and put all sorts of tension between Luke and Robert/Anna with a side of Holly, as always.

    Luke was just too pleased with Tracy to be anything else. He does like getting under Tracy's skin and isn't above using Anna to do it, but I don't see anything else.

    Hooked, is JE's schedule limited because of JI? Has anything been heard on that front?

  10. I'm hoping she is tomorrow, but that still should have been a follow-up on Monday. Anna is already somewhere else, so that moment that should have followed next - Luke turning to see Tracy and them staring at each other - will never be shown regardless. Now we will have some "Tracy has her guard up and gives Luke sh!t instead of her truth" thing like we always seem to get.

    Honestly, when Luke left the hospital with "Blaze" the other year, that brought an end to the truly strong LuNacy showing. Since then we have had to scratch for the nuggets. Being a LuNacy fan is on par with being a Maple Leaf or Blue Jay fan: impressive loyalty but little to show for it.

  11. Specialty TV channels in the US seem to be the only place where women of her generation are getting jobs - but at least the stories seem to be different. The kids and I were watching an education video today and The Diva said she wishes we had cable (which you need up here to watch anything - it has a different meaning in the States), but knows the only channel she's missing is Discovery. That's a teenager - she can't even find anything on TV worth watching. Soaps are just the canary in this particular mine shaft.

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