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Posts posted by remos

  1. <p>

    Yes I really hope the cat fight is a rumor. It would be so degrading for both characters, not to mention unfunny and ridiculous. Do we know what the story is with LC? I know she has been traveling but that doesn't really seem like a good excuse not to be working. It seems strange she hasn't had anything in this Jasam stuff. Also, Tracy should be having martinis with Monica NOT Alice. Ugh! I miss my Quartermaines!!!

    <p>No, I don't think Monica is the one to be sharing drinks with at all. There has always been an interesting dynamic between Alice and Tracy, and it's nice to see that entertained a bit more. Alice really likes Luke, so she is the one to share this with.</p>

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  2. <p>I'm actually not hating this. I finally saw the scenes on Friday between Luke and Lulu, and I'm not appalled. It would have been nice to hear Luke wax poetic about Tracy, but on the other hand Lulu has had a front row seat for LuNacy for the past 7 years, and doesn't need to be told Tracy's faults or assets. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>But to be perfectly honest - and this is someone who likes the McBam dynamic - Anna and JOHN are the ones with outstanding chemistry. It's them I want to see a lot more of. When they talked about how scared they were of Tracy, I laughed so hard. She is scary, &quot;formidable&quot; being the polite term.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I'm suspecting that any &quot;cat fight&quot; would not be the Tracy/Monica roll on elevator floor we saw the other year (which was only impressive because at their age they could still do it, and get up easily again), but something more verbal. That was a stupid call the other year.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>If I was writing this particular little tale, I would have LuNacy and Anna/John for the finale, with a healthy dose of Anna/Tracy in the mix. I think the four of them are the most interesting quad being offered on GH at the moment. They can play it all, while other stories have very little humour intrinsic to their story. This is genuine affection and respect mixed with humour, history and sexual attraction. No matter how this turns out, if this is the theme, it's going to be entertaining. The WORST thing they could do with this is make Tracy the harpy she was in yester-year. That would totally skew this to Anna's favour and ruin the enjoyment in this story. So long as everyone stays connected and mature in this story, it will be a fun romp. And having Anna's confidant at the moment be John, while Tracy has Alice, is brilliant. The real trick will be to keep this story going with Luke out of the picture yet still at the pinnacle of the triangle - although he does have to show more interest in Tracy to make this believable, because right now it's looking like he wants Anna. And then there is Heather….</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  3. I'm going to be tentatively cautious as I am with all spoilers, because ultimately in this mix I think Tracy and Anna will be the most interesting duo.

    I do agree with Nex, we don't need grown grandmothers having a catfight (as much as I love LuNacy, Luke really isn't worth it).

  4. There is scheming, and then there is scheming. Old school wouldn't work here, and besides who's to say this time she actually looses? There are a whole lot of other reasons why Anna won't be the one in the end. I've lost count of the number of times Luke has come home to Tracy. Infatuation and soul mates can't compete for long.

  5. <p>Meh, it's all perception at this point. If I hadn't watched with the intention of seeing the positive (or at least not seeing the negative), I might have come with your assessment too.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Luke obviously forgot to mention to Anna that Tracy only &quot;initiated&quot;, but he got into the swing of things very fast and practically ate her face.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  6. So that's why you were a fan of Greg Vaughan huh? His intellectual life? wink.png Just kidding.

    I haven't gotten a chance to watch today, but I appreciate hearing your take on it Remos. I was kind of dreading it, but now I feel a bit better.

    LOL, never said I was a fan - but I've got eyes!

  7. If that's the way they are going to write this, than it's a fail from day one. Triangles only work when there is investment on all sides. I'm not interested in this to begin with, but if they are going to paint Tracy the fool then forget it.


    Just saw it and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Luke wasn't dismissing Tracy at all, and Tracy was well into her Martinis with Alice, which explains some of her exuberance. I hope they actually make an Alice/Tracy friendship of sorts - Tracy is going to need someone in her corner. Anna is definitely jealous of Tracy, which is a nice twist. I just hope these writers honour who Tracy has become and not put her back to what she once was.

  8. LOL, and HOW many years did we LuNatics have to read the Luke belonged to someone else? Justice is a beautiful thing.

    I'm personally choosing to believe the insider that said fan response will determine ultimate outcome, so make the calls. But in the meantime here's hoping this team truly writes an actual LuNacy romance to go along with this triangle and it's not one-sided to begin with. I for one have watched way too many years of Tracy having to do the heavy lifting in this pairing with only occasional help from Luke. LuNacy was absolutely amazing and quite well written right up until Luke skipped town with Skye's help after his heart attack. It hasn't been anything but the occasional moment since. Even with crap they have remained gold, so what will they turn in if someone really does them justice...

  9. Oh, I just meant as an actress!

    To me it's just a job. I will enjoy them, and I certainly would be polite enough to acknowledge how I enjoy their work if I ever were to meet them, but I'm not going to make an effort and certainly don't want a "fan encounter". I have a running list of actors I would like to have tea with, primarily women, and that list includes JE as well as Judi Dench and Mary McDonnell, but it's their intellect that has gotten me interested, not their body of work.

  10. Your link worked for me, Ms.Q, thanks.

    Still not thrilled about Anna, but I seriously want to be 53 and still able to jump onto a man! Bergen, Finola and Jane - three fabulous reasons to be Vegan.

    BTW, have the Tracy/Alice scene aired yet or are they to come? I really, really hope Alice has Tracy's back on this one.

  11. I think tomorrow it's Luke and Anna /Tracy and Alice. But I'm not sure.

    Here's a segment I saw on EXTRA about "the triangle". At least Jane got to speak in this, unlike the CNN thing.


    Personally I'm more excited about a possible Alan return than I am for this triangle. Alan!!!

    Do I have to do something to get access to this?

    knh, the part about Tracy having to fight for Luke is a big problem for me too. Why can't Luke fight for Tracy for a change? I will always want LuNacy the most, but someone coming to town who wants her romantically and challenging Luke, would be the best.

  12. <p>


    <p>Yes, and with JE right there they go on about how long FINOLA has been associated with GH. That part didn't amuse me, but the rest of the piece was quite positive. At this point anything is a good thing.</p>

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    what he meant remos was I'd be happy because Alan is supposedly going to be resurrected. He hinted at a resurrection of Robin, victor from OLTL and a Q that longtime fans would be happy about. I commented that the Q resurrectionn that would make me the most happy was alan. That is when he said &quot;prepared to be happy&quot;

    <p> </p>

    <p>Ah, thanks for explaining that - that makes me happy too. Always thought they killed the wrong member of that pairing.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>


    The scenes are edited on the Tube. I can't remember the last time they got so many long scenes in an episode. Their wedding, perhaps?


  13. Ugh… closedeyes.jpg

    Well, I guess this is at least a story, but even without Tracy as part of it, Luke and Anna would gross me out.

    Funny to read the comments around the dial about the LuNacy kiss. Viewers don't realize this isn't the first time JE gave TG the tongue, but it's certainly the most visual. It's good stuff all the way around. I just hope the upcoming story doesn't hurt Tracy too deeply. I'm hanging on by a few threads, but to see Luke insult Tracy AND turn to someone we're also supposed to invest in will not amuse me in the least.

  14. Oh LuNacy… how I have missed you.

    Those were some of the longest, most intensely likeable scenes for those two in ages. And Lulu there to witness and give approval was the icing on the cake.

    It always interests me how some viewers think Tracy is only a bitch - and she can be, to be sure - but with Luke and/or Lulu, she is so warm and vulnerable. They have really proven that the hard shell is just that, and underneath it all is a woman just aching to love and be loved. I want more!

  15. I think that is anna's fantasy and then the tracy reaction shot is spliced in there

    Yeah, I have to agree. I've finally seen it and it seems off

    Now, on the complete upside, it's Tracy in a promo with an acknowledgement of LuNacy, so that's always a good thing

    (and personally McBam and Liason are just fine by me.

  16. I try to let go of my desire for a bedroom scene knowing how much JE hates them and probably refuses to do them. Their references are always more than graphic enough. But Luke and Anna in the bedroom will probably be along the lines of Luke and Felicia….. just wrong.

  17. yah I think he was mostly kidding....they have to have luke/anna super close for that secret that he lied about ethan to blow up in their faces

    Heading out to go to Idaho this am to pick up my little one!

    Even aside from my obvious couple preference, I don't see how Luke/Anna has any real legs. There are too many personality and historical issues for those two to be viable. This is not an "against all odds" couple. They are fundamentally different at their core and not 20 any more where they think that won't matter.

  18. <p>They were a dream team, and it's too bad they are mostly gone. I loved watching them and only wish Brook and Dillon were there with them.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p style="margin-left: 80px; ">Polyamourous? Could be interesting but somehow I can't see the character of Anna going for anything like that. Tracy would be on the fence and would probably have a hard time with someone again not wanting to commit to her alone. Luke would probably enjoy it both because it would appeal to his hedonistic tendencies but also because he wouldn't have to hurt one over the other. But I just don't think this team has the chops to even pretend to do it.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  19. The whole Luke/Anna thing is gross on too many levels to count, and I can't see it being anything other than a huge fail before you even get my person preference involved.

    But I'll be happy to see Tracy's honesty, because Luke has admitted to Anna at least, that he loves Tracy. Let's hope they don't cut LuNacy's moment.

    Heather is the wild card in this one. I just hope she goes after Tracy rather than Anna, because A: that means she recognizes Tracy is Luke's real love, and B: Luke will have to work more to protect Tracy while Anna can take care of herself

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