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Posts posted by remos

  1. Double post... OFF TOPIC: To those who work on computers or spend a lot of time of them...Does this sound like carpel tunnel or maybe a pulled muscle??? I was crinkling notebook paper into balls the other day for a classroom game, and I noticed when I crinkled with my right hand, there was this traveling pain in my forearm from my wrist to a little before my elbow. I didn't think much of it until that night when I was scooping kitty litter and felt it again. Now, almost a week later, it hurts to open packages, start the car, scoop ice cream, grade papers, switch the station on the car radio, wash my hair, brush my teeth - pretty much anything that involves moving the forearm or gripping something with my fingers... Most of you know, I've spent a lot of time on the computer for probably a decade (pretty much since I discovered this whole online fandom thing - haha), and I know carpel tunnel takes years to develop, but I thought it would be inconsistent and seem to come out of nowhere, while this pain is a direct result of crinkling paper balls (silly as that sounds) and consistent. No numbness or tingling. Just an achey pain when that forearm/those fingers are used. Per the pharmacy, I bought a wrist guard thingy with metal support and started taking 800mg of Ibuprofen tonight. What is going on?!?!

    Hate to say it, but it sounds like. I have bilateral CT, and it was a bitch in the early days, but it does get better.

    Do these exercises: http://www.eatonhand...ctexercise.htm.

    Also, soak your lower arms in warm water, as hot as you can handle. Just fill your kitchen sink, and lean in from fingertips to elbows. Do this regularly and it will help. NEVER ICE IT - EVER, it will make it worse. (This is a concert pianist trick.)

    CT isn't only computer related, it's anything repetitive. If it's only in your right arm, it could be something specific to what you do with the right hand - writing with a pen is the worst thing to develop it, but no one seems to think about that. I stopped using a pen regularly, and it's made a huge difference.

    Wrist braces help, so use them. It does take years to develop, and also years to heal, but I'm a walking example of how it is possible. And if you do see a doctor, resist surgery with every fibre of your being - sure it might help some in the short term, but if lifestyle doesn't change to fix it, it comes back.

  2. From sz: breakdown spoliers for next week-- nothing new but they put their own wording to it

    Tracy becomes uncharacteristically vulnerable, and shows her broken side to Luke, who’s compassionate.

    • Joe Jr.’s been way too quiet and way too incognito.
    • Luke and Tracy swap sob stories.
    • Tracy opens Luke’s eyes when she says she once took up with Duke Lavery.
    • As soon as Duke hits town, for Anna, it’s bad news for Luke.
    • Luke returns from Switzerland, telling Lulu all about it.
    • Luke manages to locate Robert Scorpio for Anna.
    • Luke heads over to Anna’s to report on this find.
    • Anna opens the door to her suite, astounded to find Duke waiting.
    • Anna comes face to face with the great love of her life, Duke Lavery, the real Duke Lavery.
    • Duke announces his momentous intentions. It involves Anna and Robin. Big duh.
    • Luke squares off with Duke, for Anna’s fair hand.
    • Luke has no intention of giving Anna up. But Duke’s on a mission, and you know what this gentleman is like when he’s on a mission.
    • Luke believes Duke’s the same secretive, destructive fartknocker he’s always been.
    • Anna loses her cool when Duke can’t be found again.
    • Too bad for Luke, but Anna and Duke lock lips.

    There have been so many drops since Friday left and right that I think the only thing that is clear is nobody knows anything ! LOL

    Luke never was more than a placeholder for Anna - nice turn of events in that regard.

  3. From dd:

    Sean Kanan's character is not at all what he seems.

    Sabrina IS the long lost child of someone onscreen but she is not connected to Duke and Tracy.

    Duke and Tracy do not have a child although they do have history.

    Look for a Duke, Tracy, Luke, Anna situation to emerge(Tracyfan will be very happy, Joe leaving will not be sending Tracy back to the backburner. She'll be involved in two major stories that eventually intersect from now until February sweeps.)

    John is determined to bring Todd down. Sam has a surprising reaction.

    Blair comes to town and is taken back when she realizes Todd is less worried about jail time than he is about Carly's opinion of him.

    Expect Ellie to hang around for a while. TPTB like the chemistry between her, Spin and Maxie. A real triangle will emerge.

    Monica is very angry when she learns that Alan kept secrets from her.

    Anna will not be enthused over Emma's new bestie (Sabrina)

    Trey and Sonny scratch each other's back.

    Starr and Michael set up housekeeping

    On Halloween someone gets a treat, someone gets a treat, and someone is in the wrong, wrong, wrong place at the wrong, wrong, wrong time.

    Perhaps Leora isn't as dead as we assume.

  4. Really? Why do you say that? What do you know?

    If this is true I need to start weening myself again.

    It's the overarching assumption that L&L are the only real option. Personally, I think that's a waste and been done too often. Hopefully GH will stick around for a long, long time, and the myth of L&L's greatness will die it's rightful death.

  5. <p>

    From soapzone for this week: Trey gets ready to give Kristina full disclosure on his sorry lineage.
    • Vacation’s over, Luke. Like a bad penny, he resurfaces back in Port Charles—<strong>to be Tracy’s rock. They are each other’s buttresses</strong>… Duke Lavery, the presumed DEAD Duke Lavery, presents himself as very much alive and in need of something special.

    he is dying pretty sure he is involved in jason's death shoot out or whatever


    <p> </p>

    <p>This right here! This is all I need.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  6. To be perfectly honest, a corporate story that involves Duke is a lot more interesting than being a mobbie's shag at the moment. Sure it's nice that Tracy is the character getting most of the action, but it's junior high level stuff. Something with Tracy/Luke/Duke/Anna sounds a lot more appealing. I hope they have an historic connection for Duke and Tracy. That would set off interesting interactions with the four of them.

  7. ^^^ I had to read that 4 times before I realized what you were talking about, I think you might be right but I think it's more Pygmalion. smile.png

    Sorry for being obtuse. Pygmalion fits also. I'm really liking Sabrina and Ellie. New doc not so much (and I loved re-cast Lisa until the end).

  8. Anyone else catch Anna today? I make a point of NOT watching Anna/Luke scenes, but she was alone and sounding as though she were Alone alone. She didn't know where Luke was and hadn't been in touch with him.

    Jason and John figuring out together the missing parts of Sam's baby….. not sure what to think about that one.

    And is it just me, or does anyone else think they are doing Sabrina with Sabrina? Lady Doc is never going to last (way too pushy), but sweet Sabrina might very well bring it home on some level. Don't know about anyone else, but I'm liking the new hospital staff. Disappointed that AGAIN it's only white women, but at least newbies aren't mobbies.

  9. Given who his accusers are, I'm believing more of Joseph's story than anyone else's. Can't wait until Luke gets back in town. Luke will automatically believe Sonny and will try to keep Tracy away from Joseph, Tracy will resent the implication of being a pawn and will pull back, and we have a real tug-of-war going on.

  10. <p>I'm wondering if Joe Jr. wasn't planned to be one of those character, much like Luke, who is misjudged for the decent person he actually is down deep (sometimes very, very deep down), and that most of his schtick after dealing with Sonny, won't be him establishing who he really is as a person. He raised Trey single handedly, it seems, was cleared of all murder charges (didn't Sonny say Joe Jr. wasn't held accountable at all?), and probably didn't do as much to Connie that she claims he did (who herself is a card carrying liar of the first order).</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>The hook-up with Tracy is the thing that really throws a straight out bad-guy into a questionable light. He is very good to her, saved her life when he didn't have to, and seems interested in her outside of her money. Sure he's a putz, but the only things we really know about his history are viewed through Sonny - another person who can't be trusted with accuracy.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Too many questions around this guy to say anything definitive yet - except about his growing feelings for Tracy, which seem very genuine and focused on Tracy the Woman, not Tracy the Billionaire.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  11. <p>


    <p>I think Tracy's speech was wrapping up the life of John Ingle, more so than Edward Quartermaine actually</p>



    <p>I think it applied equally to both, actually. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>As for the Joe Jr. thing, I think we're going to find out Con-Kate is even more mentally screwed up than we thought. Joe Jr. was pretty emphatic that he didn't rape anyone, and I actually believe him. Now stupid teenage sex not well thought out, oh yeah. I think the response to the character has possibly changed his role in the show. I know I've warmed up to him since the beginning. There is still a lot we don't know, and considering Sonny judges people without all the facts, I imagine what he thing of Joe Jr. is seriously flawed.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>It will be interesting to see if Joe really slept with Kate or Connie or someone else. TPTB do like these alter stories, and I'll accept one of them (not many, like OLTL had). Besides, Connie is a hoot - so much more entertaining than Kate.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  12. Tracy's speech was certainly wrapping up the life of Edward Quartermaine, but there will be more.

    Just watched yesterday's show. Poor Tracy. I'm starting to think Joe Jr. is just a stupid punk, not anyone as dangerous as Sonny makes him out to be, and while I can't stand the new Kate, I love the white-trash Connie, but I'm more and more convinced she wasn't raped. I'm thinking who Joe is with Tracy and Trey is the real deal.

  13. I have heard that there are a LOT of actors who have expressed interest in coming back to pay tribute to Mr. Ingle. I hope they are all able to. He deserves it.

    I imagine there would be. John was a teacher before he was Edward, so there are a lot of Hollywood types who might even do day players just to say thank you and goodbye.

  14. <p>^^^ That's such a beautiful way to look at it, Baby Boy. You're right, Tracy will have that to hold on to when Edward dies.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>This is sad, but also a celebration. John Ingles had a life well lived, and now he knows no more pain or loneliness. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>I imagine Edward's death and funeral will be closer to Christmas once they have it all worked out.</p>

    <div id="myEventWatcherDiv" style="display:none;"> </div>

  15. Oh, had to come back in to say that last part, that Joe dares Tracy to deny their connection: The girly idiot part of me *swooned* at that.

    I think seeing them relate when they aren't sexing, is going to be very interesting. That is what, I think, is going to make or break them.

    Personally, I just think this story can't be passed up because Joe IS into her. How many times has that happened, that a man has just liked her for her, with NO strings/agenda? How many ?

    I don't even need to count. One. Him. That's why I can't just blow this off so easily.

    I agree, that part is wonderful, and I'm prepared to take the Tracy/Joe ride to it's natural conclusion. I'm just saying given the choice, the Luke/Tracy goldmine has barely been touched. Rather than parings that have run their course, I'd rather see pairings who still have story left in them. I'm not particularly fond of what they are doing to Luke right now. If this whitewashing and wimp-of-the-day routine is who they think Luke really is, then I'm not sure he will ever be good enough for Tracy. However if he gets his mojo back, i want to see the fire again.

  16. for next week on soaps.com looks like Tracy is on M, W and TH

    Week of September 17:

    Monday September 17:

    Sonny screws up Tracy's happiness.

    Sonny discusses the missing money that Jerry extorted with Joe and Tracy.

    Kate is stunned to learn Trey wears a medal identical to Joe Jr's.

    Connie emerges with the realization that Trey is the son Connie disposed of.

    Wednesday September 19:

    Tracy has a hard time shaking her heavy doubts about Joe Jr.

    Sonny tells Michael he thinks he knows who Trey’s father is.

    Trey confronts Joe.

    Tracy rejects a call from Joe and tells Monica it’s all over with Joe.

    Thursday September 20:

    Joe Jr. swears that Sonny and Kate’s wedding will be one that no one will forget.

    Joe Jr. dares Tracy to deny their connection.

    Wow, that almost sounds like…. could it be…. nah, I'm just imagining it…… could it really be story and character development?

    Talk me down, I know I'm spouting crazy here.

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