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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. Not much has been mentioned about this show,which is always given positive reviews in write-ups.Thought I'd bump this thread to perhaps get discussion going.

    One of FTR's claims to fame is the incident when actress Julie Bovasso walked off the set shortly before live airing and a production assistant had to go on in the role of Rose.

    This article from Aug 61 mentions an actress and character that I've never seen mentioned in any reference books.As the show was cancelled in December.that story probably had barely got off the ground and matbe was curtailed when news of cancellation came through.

    Israeli actress Yardena has joined the cast of NBC TV's From These Roots, in the role of a sophisticated girl who poses a threat to the happy marriage of Liz and David Allen (Ann Flood and Robert Mandan).

    Yardena plays Helene,a new fashion consultant on the staff of 'Lady Fair', the magazine on which Liz Allen is editor. In coming shows,Roy Cleveland (Richard X Slattery), the millionaire publisher of 'Lady Fair', enlists the glamorous newcomer in his attempts to break up Liz and David.

    Once a private in the Israeli Army,and a member of the Oroth Repertory Company in Jerusalem for five years, Yardena has appeared in numerous television shows,two movies and Off broadway theater since coming to the Us three and a half years ago.She had a small role in From These roots a year ago.

    her name is pronounced Yar-day-na and is the Israeli equivalent of Jordana. "I was named for the river Jordan",she says,explaining that it is a common practice in Isreal to name babies after rivers,trees,flowers and mountains.

  2. Just caught up with that interview. Always interesting to read that behind the scenes stuff. For whatever reason Michael Hawkins comes across as a little flakey. I remember some years later SOD reported he was now using the name Michael Gainsborough and was attempting to relaunch his career.

    He is now 75 years old and Wikipedia says he became a composer.

    I wonder what his relationship is like with his son.

  3. Ginger Gerlach died through a drug related suicide.

    Marta Heflin is the niece of Van and Fran Heflin (Mona AMC) and cousin to Mady Kaplan (Marie ATWT).I have never seen any mention of her character Shana and what storylines she was involved in. Can anyone help?

  4. Thanks for that Carl.I have read reports from that time that Irna was back in Jan 72, and those departures you listed would have happened late in 71,before her return.

    She obviously liked Carol (did she create that character before her departure?)

    Timelines from the early 70's are hard to find but it seems Irna married Bob and Jennifer,divorced Dan and Susan and Paul and Liz and had Susan marry Bruce.

    Geraldine Court had been playing Jennifer.I wonder whether Irna was resonsible for Gillian Spence assuming the role.

    She also created the character of Kim.

  5. I think Barbara's departure coincided with Irna Phillips return to ATWT in early 72.Irna set about revamping the show ,with mixed results. It seems Barbara and Rick were casualties,for whatever reason. Bringing them on seemed a smart move in bolstering the younger set who had ties to the core but it seems Irna didn't see it that way.

    Also,Judi Rollins and Barbara Stanger played Barbara prior to Donna,but maybe they were brief recurring type things.

    History shows that her changes were not popular ratings or storywise and she was fired at the end of 72.

    The Tom/Barbara match up must have beenshortlived.Tom had been involved with Meredith Halliday and I believe Carol had been written off,although this is not mentioned in many references.I think Irna dumped Meredith and Simon(her guardian turned lover)clearing the way for Tom and Carol to be wed in July 72.

    Barbara may have been a spoler in Tom/Meredith or a brief obstacle for Tom/Carol.The magazine was dated June 72,so was probably on the stands in May and reflected what was happening a few months previous.It's a pity these articles don't deal with storylines but i guess there was areason in that lead times meant they could not provide current information.

    Did these 60's/70's mags sometimes print stories about actors or characters who were off the show by the time they were on sale ?

    When Barbara returned in 78 she was involved with Steve Farrell (played by Phil Peters,at the time husband to Lenore Kasdorf (Rita GL) he dumped her on the night of their engagement party.I think there was an involvement with Tom at this time which was rekindled around the time James Stenbeck turned up.

  6. Fascinating stuff as always.Thank you DC for taking the time to detail your memories of BP.

    I wonder if Dana Andrews departure was anything to do with his alcoholism?

    As the show concluded,Martha was acquitted of Sylvia's murder and she married Tracy.At the wedding reception,Martha's brother Stuart,who had conducted her defense was persuaded to phone sandra,opening the way for reconciliation.

    Reports at the time state that Jeffrey's began in March but by August Gleason was in the role.Did Jeffreys not take to the daytime routine?She says she only had to appear twice a week. By Sept 72 she was back on primetime in the shortlived 'Delphi Bereau'.

    I spoke to Anne Jeffreys last year in Palm Springs at the showing of her movie Riff Raff. She was elegant, quite beautiful and very gracious.During her talk to the audience she referred to Marvin Paige (GH casting director) who was there also and jokingly harangued him for 'getting me on that awful show General Hospital'

  7. Berkeley had a short stint on AW in 80 as the corrupt cop friend of Larry and also had a stint on OLTL I think.

    Does anyone know about beverlee's first husband(Scott's father)

    In a SOW interview when she did the GH stint,Bev seemed very happy with life in LA.She saisd she managed to fill in her days,not with anything major,but just enjoying a normal existence.She obviously saved her money and enjoyed the freedom of not being tied to the daily obligation of soap work.

    What year did Berkeley die?

  8. Loving these articles Carl esp about the cancelled shows.

    Charles lasted a long time on LOL. although he seems abit of a loser type character. Charles and Diana never seemed to have a story until the mid 70's when he developed sexual problems and they broke up. i guess up till that time they had been supporting characters,rather like Stu and Marge on SFT, advising Van and Bruce and dealing with Bill and Tess's problems.i think that he was never given a send off,just faded away,never to be mentioned.

  9. I will have to dig out old Digests re Hogan and Sunny but I think they were involved romantically.I do recall a review at the time, which criticized the handling of the story.I think that when David Forsyth left the show,Hogan and Sunny parted on good term but when he returned a few months later he was now interested in Liza and the previous relationship was pretty much ignored.Blame the merry go round of writers.

    As for Sherry Mathis leaving,I think her contract was up and she chose to leave.

  10. Reading a SOD interview with Einar Perry Scott who was playing Nels,James assistant on ATWT at the time(1982) and he staes that he played Alan Sterling on Love of Life. Checking various sources and none of them have him listed in that role.

    The actors listed as playing Alan are Dan Ferrone,jim Bayer, Dennis Cooney and John Fink.

    So,did he also play the role for a short time(weeks/months) and it has never been noted or did he use the name Jim Bayer for that role. i ask that because on IMDB Jim Bayer has LOL as his sole credit.while al the others have multiple credits.

    Anyone know more?

  11. Anthony Cannon/Tom are a bit of a mystery to me as he is not featured much in synopses I have. I think he was a Nick type character and interacted with Althea. Maybe someone can clarify this. My feeling is he was brought on with much expectation but maybe didn't click with Althea and new writers dropped his character.

  12. I believe McConnell made quite an impression on GH as Augusta,written by the Dobsons.i don't know whether she chose to leave or it was decided the character had run its course.

    Yes ATWT had Kim,Lisa,Sandy,Susan,Val,Joyce etc I guess having so many 'aging' characters,many who had been around for years contributed to its stodgy rep. The only younger character throughout the 70's were carol and Natalie,until Dee and Annie were Sorased in 76.

  13. Sheila was the maid and possible love interest for Tom,but when the Dobsons arrived,I think some past with Steve was created but then she was dropped.

    Doug was involved with Annie and his estranged wife Marcia had a past with Dr Jeff Ward,who also had designs on Annie.So a Doug/Annie/Jeff/Marcia story played out thru 79.

  14. Seems the Val/Morgan 'romance' was convenient for both of them. I remember watching John in the 70's and always found him a little creepy.

    In the 25th article,the Maria Pettit character is new to me. i have never seen mention of that actress or character, was that because it was in fact quite minor,despite her appearing in the photos.Or were there plans for that character that didn't pan out?

    There was a lot of hospital drama during that time.There was already Dr Rogers and Gary Walton as doctors,so how did Dr Pettit fit in ?

  15. What was the deal with Susan Oliver as Laura? Flannery left big shoes to fill and obviously Oliver didn't work out. does anyone know more as to why her stint was short lived and unsuccessful?

    Once Bill/ Laura and Mickey/Maggie were married off there was never any strong story for them.

    One question I have covcerns Maggie's paralysis. At what age was she paralyzed? I ask this,cos I wondered if they could have brought in a child for her that perhaps was given away due to her condition. That would have opened up a can of worms,especially if Maggie was reunited with the child and the father...

  16. AW didn't really follow up on Rachel as an artist-another example of the show's inconsistencies.

    I agree Philece would have made a better Nicole.. Just for fun,who do posters think cxould have been cast as Donna in 87? Maybe Sofia Landon?

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