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Paul Raven

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Posts posted by Paul Raven

  1. A big thank you to saynotoursoap for providing these first hand memories and clearing up timelines etc.

    I have acouple of questions I hope can be answered.

    The first concerns Amy Hughes and her visit to Oakdale in 73. How was this storyline handled? Apparently she found her grandparents,played by William Prince and Augusta Dabney. What was the story of her birth and adoption by Penny Hughes. How old was Amy and had she been SORASED for the story?

    When was it first established that Penny had married Anton and adopted Amy?

    Much appreciated.

  2. Thinking back to Cassandra/Paul/George I see similarities to the original Brock/Julia/Victor storyline and wonder if Bill Bell decided to do that story again and carry it furtheer than the original.

    Remember that Eric Braeden was supposed to be killed off (as George was).so perhaps Brock would have been accused.

    However,Bell changed his mind about Victor,so the story was changed.

    Brock was dropped. I wonder why?How did that happen in the storyline? Perhaps Bell didn't like the lack of chemistry between Beau Kayzer and Meg Bennett.It seemed like Brock was being set up for a major romance for the first time.

    Julia was shifted to a romance with Michael Scott,who was originally slated to connect with Lorie.

    The move to an hour was a rocky time for the show.

  3. Irna returned to ATWT in early 72. She had Liz and Paul and Dan and Susan divorce and killed of Paul in Nov.72 .In early 73, Liz was killed off, Dan sent to England, Susan and her new husband Bruce were divorced and Susan was written off.

    These stories caused Irna to be fired in mid 73.

    Apparently, according to Don Hastings in a WLS interview,the ratings went up within months of Irna's return but obviously dropped again.

    With Paul dead,Dan offscreen and Dee and Annie not SORASED there was little for Ellen to do. Her mother Claire had already been killed off in 1970.I guess David hung around as he was involved in hospital stories. Maybe Henderson Forsythe was busy with theater projects at that time and wasn't on too much. I don't think Ellen came back until the show went to an hour in 75.

  4. Yes the Rawlins story did drag and there was a sense that Bill Bell changed plans along the way. Cassandra was written all over the place.She ended up getting run over after the seduction of Brad story as it seems bill didn't know where to go with her. Nina was such a beauty that he obviously tried to keep her around.

    I think it was Ed Scott who said the primetime specials were difficult to do in terms of having to write towards a specific episode and taping requirements etc.

  5. The marriage between Nikki and Greg set up a Jill/Nikki dislike although it was not played heavily onscreen,Then you had Jack get involved with Nikki, Nikki's friendship with Katherine and they both were interested in Jed Saunders,as well as Jill's fling with Victor-so basically a whole pile of stuff that would set them as antagonists,not that it was ever addressed directly.

    Back in the Foster/Brooks days the siblings pretty much stayed in their own story spheres with little interaction-you didn't have chatty catch up scenes where Les might talk to Chris about Ron Becker etc.I think only Stuart and Liz moved in and out of the various stories to provide advice etc.

    I remember John Conboy's quote about La Dickson...'you could talk about professionalism with Brenda- that and 50 cents would get you a bus across town'

  6. Reading these synopses makes me wonder how anyone thought MJ & Matt would be an acceptable pairing. At some point Kathy Glass left and Amy Ingersoll took over. Was Matt involved with boyh actresses in this storyline?

    I don't think it was a good idea to split up Matt and Maggie again as they had been through previous similar stories and it made the characters look like they had learned nothing. Remember also that this was the time the youth movement was really happening on soaps. Not saying that was a good thing, but did they think they would grab new viewers by focusing on the break up of a middle aged couple? It probably annoyed long time viewers to see the Powers unhappy.

    Also the casting of Terry O'Quinn as Jerry was a puzzle. It was smart to bring him back and he isa great actor but hardly a stunner in the looks department.Surely the show would have grabbed more attention with a 'hearthrob' in the part.

    SOD at that time did not post regular comings and goings. I have never learned who played Robin. Can anyone help?

  7. At the time of the Jill/Stuart marriage, Patricia Everly was playing Peggy. Pam Peters returned when the show went to an hour.

    Agree with the anti Derek camp. OK maybe Kay could find him desirable (desperate for attention) but Jill could do better. LaDue literally was dressed in a white polo shirt and tight white jeans,in every scene,which was supposed to be sexy but missed the mark by a mile.

    i don't recall ever seeing the much talked about 'Golden Comb' beauty salon. Was it ever shown?

    Also,Caleb stoddard is listed in some books as the first Derek. Does this tie in with Supes post about an earlier attempt to begin this story?

  8. Doug Marland became headwriter during this time. In an interview he said that ,in retrospect ,he would have quickly dumped the Matt pulled the plug story.He said that he now believed that if a story isn't working on whatever level,it's better to wrap it up than try and keep it going.

    The Doris Quinlan/Ellis & Hunt era was another nail in the coffin. Way too much emphasis on new characters that weren't that interesting or appealing in stories that didn't click.

    TD had a good framework to work with but kept killing off viable characters and giving stories to vet characters that should have been strong support and not frontburner.

  9. Jodie was a pregnant teen that Brock befriended,It was a heavy handed teen message storyline that played over Summer. David was a nice guy involved with Jill,as an alternative to Derek.

    I think Jodie was played by Cynthia Eilbacher who later played April.

  10. Re the above synopsis-what happened with Brad & Cynthia? Did Brad simply accept Leslie divorcing him and leave forever?

    Did Snapper and Chris return Karen to Nancy? Or did the Beckers all re-unite and leave GC?

    Incidentally,Marion (Ron's mother ) was played by Carolyn Conwell who went on to play Mary Williams. Previously she had played a hooker when Jill innocently had a near miss getting involved with prostitution.

  11. Not sure if this had been posted before but I think this thread should be the one place for classic Y&R

    SOD synopsis for around October 77

    Ron is slapped with a subpoena. He immediately calls his lawyer, Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson first asks Ron if it’s true that he took Karen and when Ron responds in the positive, Mr. Johnson zaps him. He tells Ron he’ll most likely be sent to jail. The judge warned him he’d be cited for contempt if he went near Karen and Ron chose to disobey this warning. He’ll now have to pay the consequences for his actions.

    This news is too much for Ron to bear. He feels his world begin to collapse around him. He can’t go to jail. If he’s incarcerated he’ll never see his sweet young daughter again. He doesn’t want to go on living if he can’t see Karen. Ron then swallows a poisonous substance. His mother Marion later finds him unconscious on the floor. She calls the only doctor she knows: Snapper Foster. Snapper rushes to the apartment not knowing the son the woman is talking about is Ron Becker. At first, Snapped refuses to treat Ron, but Marion convinces him saying he should do it for Karen’ sake. She adores her father. Snapper does all he can and then tells Marion, Ron is hanging on to life by a very thin thread.

    Liz finds out from Jill that Derek is the young man with whom Mrs. Chancellor is in love. Liz confronts Kay and urges her not to fight Jill for this man. She has to remember what happened when they fought over her deceased husband Phillip. Kay will not be swayed. She tells Liz she loves the man and she’ll fight for him with every breath in her body.

    It looks like Kay is in for a very though fight. Derek seems to be falling for Jill, not her. Derek tells Jill she has come to mean a lot to him. He proves how much by going to see Kay and urging her to resolve her past differences with Jill – bury the past. He cares about Jill. He doesn’t want her to suffer anymore.

    Will Kay listen to Derek? Let’s hope she does.

    Lorie picks up the newspaper. On the front page there’s a huge headline and lengthy report about a major Hong Kong hotel fire. There’s also a photo of one of the fire’s victims: a badly burned young man. Lorie’s heart quickens and skips a beat. She runs and grabs the Prentiss family album. She pulls out a picture of Lucas, Lance’s younger – and long missing – brother. Could it be? Could the man in the photo be Lucas? She shows the photo to Lance and Vanessa. They don’t see the resemblance – but that in no way squelches her suspicions. When Lorie feels she’s right; she feels she’s right. She goes to see her father, the editor of the newspaper. She tells Stu of her suspicions and asks him to get the original photo. Stu tells his daughter he feels she’s getting her hopes up for nothing, but he’ll help her get the photo anyway. Lorie then points out that the man in the photo seems to have a tattoo like the one Lucas has. She’ll be able to tell for sure once she gets the original photo.


    Ron’s suicide attempt has failed. He’s going to be okay. He opens his eyes and sees his mother leaning over his bed. Marion is gently caressing his face and telling him how much she loves him, and how she never meant to make him feel unloved as a child. Ron reaches out to his mother and hugs her. She returns the embrace, flooding Ron with her long repressed love. His mother’s confession seems to have given Ron a new lease on life. He no longer seems to think of himself as such a nothing. He may be about to leave his past behind him. The evil person seems to have left his body with the poison. Ron feels reborn.

    Leslie’s divorce from Brad is going to be final in about a week. Brock realizes this and tells Leslie what’s on his mind and in his heart. Tenderly he touches her face and says, “Leslie, I love you.” Leslie tells Brock she isn’t ready for an involvement, but when she is he could definitely be the man.

    The doctor starts to remove the bandages. Anxiously observing this procedure is beautiful R.N., Cynthia Harris. Her heart leaps to her throat as she hears Brad jubilantly should, “I can see!” Cynthia’s joy is genuine…but tainted. She loves the man. His regaining his sight means she has lost him. He’ll now be returning to his wife Leslie. Before returning to Genoa City, Cynthia tells Brad of her love. Brad tells Cynthia she’s a sensitive, caring woman and he’s glad she was there when he needed someone.

    Will Cynthia follow Brad’s doctor’s request and tell Leslie? She enters The Allegroprepared to do just that, but Leslie’s words to her put a quick end to this dreaded deed. Leslie tells Cynthia her divorce from Brad will be final the next day. Cynthia had no idea Brad was divorcing Leslie. It will now be to her advantage not to say a word…and she doesn’t. Cynthia prays her decision will buy her Brad’s love.

    Vanessa overhears Lorie telling an unidentified person on the telephone that she has to get away for a while, without telling Lance exactly where she’s headed. Vanessa assumes Lorie is cheating on Lance. She plots revenge. She calls a certain Mr. Andrews and asks him how she would go about making a book a bestseller. The success of “In Her Sister’s Shadow” is certain to destroy Lorie’s very happy existence.


    Vanessa should only know it’s the wrong course of action. The person Lorie was talking to was her father, and the person she plans to see is the man in the photo. She got the original photo, but Lorie still isn’t sure the man is Lucas. Rather than disappoint Lance or Vanessa, Lorie is flying to Hong Kong to make certain of the man’s identity. Her subterfuge is being done in the name of love; not adultery.

    Jill and Kay agree to put an end to their hostilities. Jill makes it very clear that it’s the only choice they have. If they continue on the same path, neither one of them will get Derek.

    Kay offers Joann a job at her and Derek’s soon-to-be-opened styling salon. There will be a health club facility and Joann is the perfect person to head it. Her great weight loss is sure to be an inspiration to many women. Joann accepts the offer. It’s a very happy time in her life.

    The nurse leaves, and Lorie slowly enters the man’s hospital room. The young bearded gent opens his eyes. The sight of Lorie’s sexy form lifts is spirits to the skies. He immediately starts flirting with her. Lorie returns the banter, anxious to create an open mood. She has to find out if this man is Lucas. Lorie probes, but the man doesn’t want to talk. He was admitted to the hospital as a John Doe and that’ show he wants to remain. He doesn’t even blink when Lorie says her full name: Lorie Prentiss. He then asks Lorie why exactly she is looking for this Lucas character. Lorie tells him the sad story. She says many years ago Lucas started a fire which left his mother’s face badly scarred and sentenced her a life being a veil. He felt guilty and ran away from home…and has kept running all these years. The reason why she is now so anxious to find Lucas is that she wants to tell him he’s his mother’s only hope. This woman is her mother-in-law, Vanessa Prentiss, and she cares very deeply for her – despite the fact that the woman doesn’t return her affection. Vanessa can now have plastic surgery, but she’ll only do it for Lucas. She wants to relieve him of his guilt. The man still won’t admit he’s Lucas, and Lorie was all set to believe him until the nurse removes the bandage from his arm. It was then that Lorie saw the tattoo! The skull and crossbones with the name “Luke” inscribed underneath. Lorie is now 100% positive that she found her brother-in-law. Lucas is not at all glad to have been found. Lorie leaves the room and he utters a loud “Damn” to the heavens.

    Jill tells Derek, Kay is in love with him – but the results of her revelations are not at all to her liking. Derek goes to see Kay and emerges from their encounter even more impressed with the woman. He later tells Jill Kay handled herself with such style, class and strength. Jill should have seen her. He has never admired a woman so much. She didn’t admit she was in love with him, but she didn’t deny it either. She just made it very clear that isn’t the reason she’s giving him his dream. She’s backing his salon because it’s now her dream also. It has given her purpose in life. Jill shudders. She feels Derek’s respect and admiration could turn to love. She could lose him to Kay.

    Snapper and Chris are confronted with the new Ron – and it’s quite a shock! They can’t believe what Ron is telling them! He apologizes for all the pain he has caused them and says how he now realizes the best thing for Karen is for her to stay with them. He’s going to help them adopt Karen and then he and his mother are leaving Genoa City. He’ll never bother them again. Chris weeps tears of joy. The nightmare is finally over.

  12. And March 74

    Sally told Pierre she agreed they should sell the restaurant and move to Paris. She added Snapper did not know about the child. However, Sally and Pierre were robbed and Pierre struggled with him when he tried to take Sally hostage. Pierre was injured and at hospital, did not respond to the neurological tests Brad gave him. He suddenly died. Marianne Meulot, Pierre’s sister arrived from France and vowed over Pierre’s body that Sally would pay. She told Sally she had no right to the restaurant and tried to throw her out. Stuart was upset to see Snapper comforing Sally and told Jen he did not trust Snapper. Marianne was furious when Pierre’s will indicated Sally was the sole heir of the restaurant and made an appointment to see Stuart.

    Jill was ecstatic over her new job but realized Kay had a drinking problem. When Kay’s husband, Phillip Chancellor begged Kay to stop drinking, she refused. Jill was discouraged at Kay’s lack of response to their efforts.

    Gwen Sherman, Greg’s mystery client, told him all she wanted from her aunt’s estate was money. She turned down Greg’s date invitations because he did not know dating men was her profession.

    Lorie was using her book manuscript to take Brad away from Leslie. When Leslie triumphaly returned from her piano debut, Lorie had prearranged a date with Brad which hurt Leslie to the core. Lorie told Brad that Leslie felt a muscian could not divide herself between a husband and a career. When Leslie confronter her sister, she said Brad was helping her with her writing. At Brad’s suggestion, Leslie got him a ticket for her Detroit concert but Lorie managed to detour the ticket. Against his wished, Brad began thinking of the things Barbara never told him that drove him out of Chicago and of the operating room.

  13. Courtesy of French Fan March 75

    Snapper was uptight thinking about the letter from his father requestin a visit. Chris came across the typed letter and thinking it may be from Sally, opened it. She assumed Snapper contacted his father. Snapper was ready to tell Liz but he noticed Sam had brought a smile on ther face and tear up the letter.

    Gwen had donated the money she made as a prostitute to an orphanage run by Sister Theresa, a Mexican nun. Greg told Gwen how much in need of money they were and she persuaded an old "customer" to help. Then, she convinced Sister Theresa she could become a nun. Greg visited her and wished her well. When Chris saw Greg ask the Sisters to pray for his father, she told him about the letter and thought she remembered the letterhead saying "Regis". She was indeed confusing with "Regent". Liz cancelled a date with Sam when she remembered it was her wedding anniversary but Sam convinced her she had to live for the present.

    Kay's luncheon for Jill and Liz was successful in that it made Liz feel sorry for her but it convinced Phillip Kay was weel enough to be asked for a divorce. Phillip and Jill both agreed that Jill could no longer work for Kay. Kay persuaded her to give two weeks notice hoping it would be enough time to avert the divorce she was sure Phillip would ask for. Liz tried to convince Jill she could not built a happy marriage on another woman's misery. Kay then offered Jill a college education at a good eastern school. Lorie was three months behind in her rent since Stuart disowned her and asked Phillip for a loan.

    Jennifer's daughters were concerned about her. Stuart called Bruce inadverbtenly giving him the information he needed: Jennifer's destination, Key Biscayne, Florida. Lorie showed up at Leslie's thinking Leslie would have joined their mother and she'd gave Brad for herself. Mark tried to make Stuart aware that he should convince Jennifer how much he needed her. Bruce found Jennifer and told her he would leave if she wanted him to but she invited him saying she was lonely. After several days, she decided to ask Stuart a divorce. Lorie called Mark to discuss the situation forcing him to break a date with Peggy. Peggy found Mark at Lorie's and she broke down crying convinced her sister wanted to steal Mark from her. Leslie found out Jennifer was in Florida with Bruce and decided to fly there but was stopped by Lorie who said Jennifer was back and wanted to see the girls. She said them she would ask for a divorce. Stuart said Brad he wanted him to take over more responsibility so that he could fill the void in Jennifer's life. Brad and Sam found Stuart unconscious on his office floor soon later. Brad massaged Stuart's heart on the way to hospital and saved his life. Snapper was impressed and realized Brad was a doctor.

  14. Thank you supes for that scan.Great interview. It would have been interesting if the show had kept to the theme of rich and poor families. Bell did that with the Williams and Abbotts, but the Williams got lost along the way and Paul became fairly successful. Having a poorer,working class family opens up a lot of story possibilities -as Bell obviously believed.

  15. I guess Katie was a combo of Traci and the original Leslie Brooks-living in the shadow of more glamorous and 'successful' sisters Ashley/Chris/Lorie.

    A lot of B&B was based on Bell's earlier stories.


    The Logans/The Fosters - father deserting the struggling family.

    Snapper/Chris/Greg - Storm/Caroline/Thorne

    Caroline's rape/Chris' rape.

    Brooke entering the world of the Forresters/Jill and the Chancellors

  16. The Dec 2 1986 SOD had a photo spread on 'The It's OK to Say No' concert which was the culmination of the teen pregnancy story.

    Ex Doobie Brother Michael McDonald was pictured with Danny,Amy ,Traci and Nathan.

    Lauren is shown belting out a tune.

    Danny is pictured rockin' on(in full length brocade jacket!) -in the storyline, his exposure to the plight of pregnant teens made him wonder whether the suggestive lyrics in rock music might be contributing to the problem. He organized a concert dedicated to the proposition that teenagers should have the freedom to turn down sex.

    Michael McDonald performed 'Our Love' and 'Sweet Freedom'.

    Danny performed 'Be Good to You' with Traci, one of several tunes Michael Damian composed for the show.

    Amy managed to forgo her telephone duties at the detective agency long enough to share the stage with Danny.

    I recall Danny,Lauren,Traci et al finishing up on stage leading the adoring audience in a rousing chant of "It's OK to Say No".

    It really was quite hideous! Michael Damian's talents as singer and composer were on a par... Love Tracey but the girl should never have been handed a microphone...

  17. Matt the character had a lot of potential and it is unfortunate that he was forgotten. He had relationships/friendships with both Ashley and Nikki - similar to Lucas Prentiss and Leslie/Lorie. There was some mystery hinted at about his past in South America but for whatever reason bill bell lost interest and Matt was gone.

    i hoped that he would return-he could have been the Chet character that kidnapped Victor-maybe he turned bad and resented his wealthy brother. Or Victor gets word that Matt has died,leaving a teenage daughter who comes to live with the Newmans. Just the frustrated writer in me...

  18. Just catching up on this thread,and enjoying it! Luv iold Y&R talk.

    Terry was off for sometime and Brett Porter filled in.Apart from a superficial resemblance,he was in no way an adequate replacement. This may have been when Terry was filming his pilot. That was 'Blade in Hong Kong'.It was a 2hr pilot that was filmed in Hong Kong and it aired in May 85 meaning that it had been passed over for the fall schedule and its only hope would have been if it had been a rating success (that didn't happen).

    I do remember some lean times for Katherine when she and Rex were happily married.They were lucky to be on once every 2 weeks.I recall them turning up in one ep wearing jogging suits and discussing keeping fit! It was filler.i always found Quinn Redecker a little annoying as Rex-the constant clearing of his throat and haphazard line readings.

    My memory is hazy but I think Amy was never officially written out and then months later she popped in for one episode and vanished again. Can anyone else remember more details?

    Was Amy ever friendly with Traci?

    Also re Ashley,she had a fizzled relationship with co-worker Brian Anders when she first came on. She was working in the lab using the name Susan Ashley.After a few months (weeks?) Brian vanished. Ashley and Brian had a SOD cover so they're were obviously expectations that they would be a hot couple.

  19. Carl,Leslie Denniston wasn't the ballerina that was involved with Bob. That was Dana, played by Deborah Hobart,who went on to play Amy Dudley on AW.

    Leslie's character Karen was an earlier romance for Bob(78). Karen had some sort of shady connections. I think that Karen was dumped when Hunt/Ellis took over from the Soderbergs.

    When Steven Markle was cast as Mel on OLTL.SOW stated that Robert Foxworth, Gil Gerard and Kent McCord (Adam 12) were considered for the role. I wonder if this was just a wish list and those actors were not actually involved at any stage. It seems unlikely that Robert Foxworth in particular would be interested in soaps.

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