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Pine Charles

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Posts posted by Pine Charles

  1. ^

    Wow. huh.png

    Well, at least he said, "no anal."


    I hate to admit this, but I sort of like the song. It's standard EDM, but the chorus is catchy and like another poster said: I can see it being really fun to dance to @ the club.

    With that said regarding the song, I still find her incredibly annoying/ridiculous as a person. I liked her when she was just quirky, not completely certifiable.

  2. Travis was injured... Is this when he hired Nicolas Coster and some other guy to kidnap Bianca or something, only they really did? Something like that happened.

    Life for Erica with her husband Travis and precious little girl Bianca was happy for a while, but came crumbling down when Travis's jealous brother Jack joined forces with Adam to attempt a hostile takeover on Travis's businesses. Adam failed, but Travis was financially ruined. Travis came up with a scheme to help pay his debts. He hired a man named Steven Andrews to "kidnap" him so the insurance company would pay for his return. The plan backfired; Steven wanted his share of the money and he kidnapped Bianca for revenge. Travis was able to get Bianca back, but he lost his wife in return. Erica, furious for Travis for putting their daughter in jeopardy took Bianca to Sea City. Hoping to establish a new life there, Erica applied for a job as a waitress using the pseudonym "Sally". Erica took up residence at Jean's Boardinghouse where unbeknownst to her a fellow houseguest named "David Gillis" was none other than Bianca's kidnapper "Steven Andrews". Erica and "David" grew close and became lovers and had planned to run away to the Riviera but Travis stopped them. Travis and Andrews got in a fight, Andrews was shot and Travis suffered a major head injury. Erica realized she still loved Travis and attempted to start a new life with him. But things took another turn for the worse, when on his way home from Sea City, Travis was mugged and assaulted which left him disoriented. When Erica found him, he had no idea who she was.

  3. That's really interesting, Eric.
    I always thought Love of Life sounded like an interesting show. Too bad it was canceled before I was born. Did it get really bad towards the end (in terms of writing)? I know some soaps were pretty good when they got the ax, but fell victim to timeslot changes.

  4. Random...I'm watching the Alex/Anna story and Angela Collette (sorry, i love my friday night lights) killed Gillian. Eileen was a crappy assassin. I forgot there was a recast Dimitri.


    This looks just like Kate Collins' Natalie.


  5. Detox's man was so cute and nelly. hehe! Nice ass, too! wink.png


    I agree about Roxxxy; I find her highly annoying ("Sequence gown' - bitch, please)... I have a feeling she'll make Top 3, though. UGH

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