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Posts posted by David_Vickers

  1. On 9/11/2022 at 7:33 PM, Paul Raven said:

    The GCAC gym has nor been seen for many years but yes a room and the rooftop bar have been shown recently.

    Is Noah opening his club at the Grubby Phalanx?

    Seems a club is a bit limiting in that it's an evening venue and would attract a certain clientele so not that useful as a meeting place for characters.

    Underground had the same issues- Victor wasn't going to bump into Jack there.

    Faith could have been written off once Alyvia departed. Trauma of all she went through, wanted a fresh start at a boarding school.

    Instead they aged her with Reylynn and gave her scraps before dropping her.

    Actually they re-cast Faith, and then aged Faith a year after Raelynn Caster was in the role.  And that was completely stupid.

  2. Gina Tognoni as Phyllis  has NO WAY at being #1 on this list.  She was a great re-cast. 

    Although some hate Amelia Heinle as Victoria, She should NOT be on this list, she's great in the role, and if she wasn't she would've NEVER last the many years in the role she has. 

    IMHO, Melissa Ordway(Abby) shouldn't be on this list either, she's replace Emme Rylan, who is about the same age, and Ordway is NOT responsible for the SORASing and poor writing of Abby in the last few years. 

    Robert Newman (ex-Ashland) was a great re-cast, so stupid he's on the list. 

    Scott Seymour (exBilly), Burgess Meredith(exBilly too old), Darius McCray (ex-Malcom), Shari Shattuck(ex-Ashley), David Tom's 2nd run as Billy, agree with along with Lachlan Buchanan(ex-Kyle)

    In the very few scenes I've seen, I'd say Sandra Nelson as Phyllis, she just seems so different, unglamorous maybe homely,  and ugly and wrong for the role, compared to Michelle Stafford & Gina Tognoni.

    Agree Adam Lazarre-White (ex-Nate) should be on this list as well. 

    Michael Learned who filled in as Katherine Chancellor definitely should be on this list too. 

  3. 2 hours ago, KMan101 said:


    Yep. His mental health and sobriety should come first.


    I really don't know if I see Burton back. The show exists just fine with or without him. Jason is a central character (if he's more Quartermaine than Morgan, mind you ...) that should have been fixed a decade ago. I'd accept a recast.

       I agree about Jason, the role needs to be recast, and Jason should be paired with Carly NOT Drew, who  has never shown a romantic interest in her with Billy Miller's portrayal. 

  4. Add me to those hoping for Rena Sofer to return as Lois on GH, and hopefully on contract. And yeah Kelly Thiebaud leaving GH could free up to dome funds for Sofer. Plus they could cut more as well, I'd drop Austin, Finn, Violet, Chad Duell as Michael for Robert Adamson, Sasha, Brando, Gladys, Cody, Olivia, Smoltz, Dex, Amy, maybe Victor, maybe Esme (if she's not really gone, I don't think she is because no confirmation from the show in Digest or websites.

  5. 3 hours ago, Darn said:

    Cam and Joss don't work as a couple so please yes blow them up. She just aggressively barks at him, there's zero affection there.

    I think Cam and Joss work very well as a couple.   BUT Joss's Carly-lite act will definitely get to Cam who I don't think will put up with it.

    Also I am getting college schedule conflict vibes with Will Lipton(Cam) like I did when Sidney Mikayla (ex-Trina) became noticeably absent in scenes that should've included Trina. I'd hate to lose Will Lipton, but I think we might. IF we do, how about Tristan Lake Leabu (ex-Reed Hellstrom, Y&R), he's 22 but looks younger and also sings. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Gen72 said:

    This is the main reason I stopped watching Y&R. If they had to dumb down Jack this bad to do this rerun for the third time, I just couldn't sit through again. I think that Jack is regressed back to some kind of drooling idiot who sits on street corners counting cars as they pass by. They are writing him like he is in some kind of hypnotic coma. Why did they have to do this to bring back this character? We have seen this rerun twice before and it seems that Jack never learns anything from his mistakes. The man is a complete idiot. I am done with the show. There really isn't anything goin on that I care to watch. I have watched this show since day one and I guess I am just worn out watching the string of writers who keep passing through and chipping away at what used to be a very well written show. To rerun Diane Jenkins and bring her back with no questions asked is some of the dumbest writing I have seen on this show in a while. Tearing apart Nick and Phyllis to bring her into a story where she is abused by Jack is even more ludicrous. Why did they have to have Nick beat her up only to turn around and have Jack beat her up when he professed that he loved her? To much abuse for me. I am not a Diane Jenkins fan and I am not sitting through round three with that viper on the show while Phyllis keeps getting threats from her daughter and is abused by Jack. It is too stupid to watch. I get the feeling that the writers are doing this to her because they are appeasing the Sharon and Sally fans who come to these boards everyday spewing their horrible hatred for Phyllis.  Just how long are they going to continue this? For as long as I have been watching this show, I have never understood the way the writers cater more to the fans that hate than the ones who actually come to enjoy the show.  Many of my friends left when they brought Diane back from the dead. I was the only hold out but I am done now too.  I have had enough. 


  7. 9 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I wouldn't mind him being a Dylan recast. Yes Paul is off screen, but Nikki is around and they could reunite him with Sharon. Additionally, you could always bring back Heather if you wanted more of a connection for him and Christine is here and there. 

    If Trevor St.John is Dylan,  I think Doug Davidson might be brought back as Paul. I'd also bring back Heather.

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