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Posts posted by David_Vickers

  1. 5 hours ago, j swift said:

    Awesome!  I thought he'd lose, and am so glad he did.  Ingo will NEVER be back ON GH and probably NEVER on an ABC network series.   He could also be persona non grata for the other soaps as well.  GH should eventually re-cast Jax with a native Aussie though, he's Joss's father and Carly's ex.  I great re-cast would be a much better love interest for Carly.  Laura Wright(Carly) once said in an interview that Jax was her choice for Carly.

    55 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I think TJ is the weak link in the surrogacy storyline.  An uninteresting character played by a non-charismatic actor. 

    Tahj Bellow is a good actor.  Don't agree at all with your characterization of the actor. 

      I agree GH needs to hire a better actress to portray Molly. I'd also love for a new Molly to be put on contract as well. I wonder if GH had or was going to finally put Haley Pullos on contract before this mess.   Anyone got any ideas of a good recast for Molly? 

      I came across Courtney Grosbeck (ex-Coco Spectra, B&B), her current pics appear to look like she might be a good re cast?  I don't watch B&B, so what did people think of her.  She is 22 in real-life, while Pullos is 24.   Lindsay Arnold (ex-Allie, DAYS) is the right age, but I'd dye her hair brown and don't think she's right for the role anyhow.  

    Courtney Grosbeck - IMDb


  2. 1 hour ago, lucaslesann23 said:

    Mal Young

    If he is, it's not working. They posted the argument on Social Media and Kyle's getting it bad from fans.

    How does everyone feel about the Abbott stuff?

    Ashley plotting a coup and faking a engagement with Tucker to boot out Jack

      Ashley is currently my fave woman on the show. I love Ashley giving it to Jack and Diane. Jack has been ruined now the dumbass of Genoa City.  Jack Abbott was once my fave male on the show, now I cannot stand his dumbass jackass, his 180 of his feelings of Diane, which were right on the money of hate and not even wanting to see her at first, to now the poor little spoiled boy dumbassing, jackassing of Jack and Kyle as well.  Kyle, as Diane's son, is more understandable.  

    I don't mind Summer acting like Phyllis somewhat, she has in the past before, getting back at her mom and sleeping with Billy is a great example that was already brought up.   I hate the way Daniel treats his mother, he stupidly blamed her for his breaking up with Heather, when that happened before he returned to the show. Plus he seemed to care more for Diane than his own mother's wellbeing and possibly going to prison when the killing of Jeremy Stark was in self-defense. 

  3. Awesome!  I thought he'd lose, and am so glad he did.  Ingo will NEVER be back ON GH and probably NEVER on an ABC network series.   He could also be persona non grata for the other soaps as well.  GH should eventually re-cast Jax with a native Aussie though, he's Joss's father and Carly's ex.  I great re-cast would be a much better love interest for Carly.  Laura Wright(Carly) once said in an interview that Jax was her choice for Carly.

  4. On 5/12/2023 at 3:06 PM, Gray Bunny said:

    Suggestion that'll never happen: 

    Do one more season. On the series finale of The Conners, after a round-the-table shot of everyone having a big family dinner, we fade back to Roseanne Conner in the basement, once again doing her writing. It turns out Dan is still dead and everything we saw on The Conners was just Roseanne's writing for a novel that'll never be published.

    The end. 

    HELL NO!  Screw Roseanne, and that's putting it nicely!

    On 5/12/2023 at 4:55 PM, Noel said:

    Oh, that was the actual finale? I watched it, but I didn't really think anything about it, lol! I need to rewatch again. 

    ^^Good ending thought/post. 😀

    Season finale, NOT series finale.  The show has been renewed!!

  5. On 5/23/2023 at 6:30 PM, carolineg said:

    I would never be lucky enough to get rid of Nina.  It would be my dream for Willow to lose it and be the one to kill her and then have to be institutionalized forever.

    DEFINITELY, NO, Nina doesn't need off the show, Willow, yeah, I would write her off and un-do her as Nina's daughter, and Sasha ends up truly Nina's daughter.  

  6. On 5/19/2023 at 5:28 PM, Khan said:

    Whenever I see the name "Audra," I think of Audra Lindley.

    They should have named her Adrianna or something like that, much more fitting a name for a beautiful woman like Zuleyka Silver. Hell they have could use the actress's first name 

  7. On 5/22/2023 at 1:01 PM, dio said:

    it's so annoying how they are trying to paint Nina as the "villain" in this storyline where Carly killed her other daughter and tried to hide the identity of the other... when all Nina di was tell the FCC that Carly/Drew were doing illegal sh*t that they were *actually* doing! The only thing I can thin of is: unfair. This storyline is very unfair. And I don't even like Nina, but it's like... tf? 

    Agreed so much, except Carly didn't actually Nelle.  IMHO Carly is much more the villain than Nina or Ava currently.

  8. 22 hours ago, Wendy said:

    Clearly, Haley Pullos has problems, both legal and personal.

    DUI could have resulted in her killing someone or herself. All that said, if Molly is recast for good, maybe...have Lexi play Molly if the show is determined to have Kate Mansi?

    (I know, likely too confusing and whatnot. But a nice fantasy of an idea.)

    Definitely too confusing, and I believe Lexi doesn't want on the show anymore anyhow

    On 5/15/2023 at 11:52 AM, Faulkner said:

    So many temps on GH over the past few years. The last temp I can remember on Y&R was Karla Mosley stepping in for Mishael Morgan as Amanda, and that was a very rare occurrence.

    The actress who played Imani, Amanda's sister, Leigh-Ann Rose was off supposedly temporary and was temp recast, and then Imani never returned likely due to Mishael Morgan leaving. Also Chance was temp recast during Chance and Abby's marriage, with Justin Gaston, Melissa Ordway's real-life husband, playing Chance. 

  9. 59 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    I don't think alcoholism is a disease, to me that's offensive to people with actual diseases they didn't ask for. People CHOOSE to drink, they don't CHOOSE to get a disease 

    That being said I hope she does get help, not the cushy rehab that she's supposedly at

    You are WRONG.  SORRY! One chooses to drink, but alcoholism IS a disease! Some people DO HAVE brain chemistry to be addicted to things.  Also one can get addicted.  and also some times people just make bad choices.

  10. 21 hours ago, John said:


    NLG is right, you can have compassion. That's not excusing what HP did was beyond careless & a huge error in judgment. Hope the victim recovers Hope HP recovers. Hope she sees the gravity of what happened. HP needs to want help for it to be effective.


    Agree wholeheartedly.  I don't see anything wrong with what NLG said. Many of those saying so are likely PO'd Trumpers, who hate NLG because she is an outspoken Democrat. 

    8 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:


    That’s true, but that’s not what she’s getting dragged for. 

    She’s getting dragged because if it were anybody else, someone she didn’t like, someone she disagreed with politically, she’d be on Twitter screaming like a psychopath about how they should be fired and sent to prison. And shaming anyone who supported them 

    NLG NEVER screams like a psychopath.  I can guess your politics by your hate.

    3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Yeah she is dull as dirt as an actress.

    You must have NOT seen her in her last year on the show.  She was FIRE, just as good as IF NOT BETTER than Kate Mansi. LOVE BOTH!! I am hoping GH grabs Marci Miller as LuLu she'd be better. 

  11. 44 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I completely disagree.  🤷‍♀️  People have different takes.   I don't think it's "Bull" at all lol.  Marci Miller is dull to me.  

    Agree to disagree, BUT definitely BULL to ME. 

    On 5/13/2023 at 10:43 PM, carolineg said:

    I have never seen MM in anything other than Days, so that's fair.  I vastly prefer Mansi as Abby, but they could do a cute little scene together when Kate takes over as Kristina.

    That speaks volumes.  I love both Mansi & Miller, and liked Ashley Benson before them.

  12. 10 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Considering the fake name that Colin used and Eric and Belle’s petty bitchfight, I think today was a Jamey episode.

    Belle’s crazy hatred of Sloan and hard on for Paulina and Chanel will never make any sense. If she was more subtle about it, it would be understandable but they write it as so over the top. You know what would be a good reason for Belle’s hatred of Sloan: if she had slept with Shawn while they were on the outs over Belle’s affair with EJ 😂😂

    I don’t really get Marlena’s dislike of Sloan either. 

    And, is it just me or has this whole storyline kind of changed Abe? He seems to have been written out of character a lot.

    Why shouldn't Belle hate Sloan?  She has known Paulina and Chanel a bit, Paulina is married to Abe,who's always been like family to Marlena and John and the Bradys.   Marlena probably hates Sloan because of what she's done to Paulina, etc.  And yeah Sloan would likely sleep with Shawn, since she's been shown to be pretty much a slut, Alex, Eric, etc.

  13. On 5/13/2023 at 10:15 PM, carolineg said:

    I think Marci Miller is a bit polarizing for people.  People that like her really like her and people that don't really dislike her.  I have never seen someone neutral on her.  I find her dull and boring with horrible prairie dresses lol.  Perhaps she would excel in a different role, but I don't get her appeal at all.  All I can say is that she looks right for the part and I do think she can act.  The fire, spirit, and adventurousness I would want from Lulu does not feel like anything MM has shown me on Days.   That being said, I would be willing to give her a shot as Lulu. 

    Bull, Marci Miller had fire as Gabi personality plus in her last year or year and half when DAYS finally wrote Abby as Abby instead of a different character. 

  14. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:


    That’s true, but that’s not what she’s getting dragged for. 

    She’s getting dragged because if it were anybody else, someone she didn’t like, someone she disagreed with politically, she’d be on Twitter screaming like a psychopath about how they should be fired and sent to prison. And shaming anyone who supported them 

    Those people are those that hate NLG'politics and are rude like DT.

  15. On 5/15/2023 at 9:25 PM, AMCHistory said:

    Michael and Diane are 1000xs more fun than Michael/Phyllis. I hope he drops Phyllis hard. He should feel betrayed for being used in the deception. Phyllis should be on an island. I want her DESPERATE. 

    WHY?!?  Diane did the same but it lasted 10-12 years!  Diane is still the worst of the 2.  Phyllis did WRONG , YES!  But Jeremy Stark took advantage to almost crazy more than usual Phyllis (and yeah due to a lot of her being obsessed with Diane), and her children being wrong to her.  Daniel especially had NO reason to be mad at Phyllis at first, he seemed to be blaming her for his breakup with Heather and estrangement from Heather, when it was definitely told though him, that it was all his fault, plus Heather's getting involved with a new main. 

    14 hours ago, Khan said:

    I had enough of "Crazy Sharon" to last me a lifetime, lol.


  16. She needs counseling and rehab, it sounds like.  Remember alcoholism is a disease.  Pullos may very well be an otherwise good and responsible person, but alcoholism can cause bad choices. I pray for her and her family and the victim of the other car and his family.   That said, I think she may end up losing her job. If the temp Holiday Mia Kreigel is well-received and does good in the role, she could become permanent. Pullos could very likely face jail time, and IF the man in the other car were to pass, then possible vehicular homicide charges and stiff prison sentence.

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