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Posts posted by David_Vickers

  1. WOW!!! Shocked!!! Didn't think Michelle Stafford would ever return as Phyllis and ended up loving Gina Tognoni's Phyllis too.   I feel sorry for Gina Tognoni.  In a way, I hope Gina Tognoni goes to GH as Nina, or better yet, as an awesome re-cast for Sarah Webber.   I also wouldn't be too surprised to see her on DAYS with Ron Carlivati there. Since I am a big fan of Gina, have been since her ONE LIFE days as Kelly Cramer, I'm hoping she does turn up on GH or DAYS, or if the rumored return of AMC and / or ONE LIFE were to actually happen, on one of them.  

  2. Hope both AMC and ONE LIFE return and to hour formats.   It would be a good idea to maybe rerun the last week of ABC's  AMC and ONE LIFE, and if they continue the stories on the reboots, rerun those as well, then go to a special episode of each maybe 90 min or 2 hrs, as a catch up of each series, then start off in present day after that.  

  3. I freaking love Robin Strasser and miss ONE LIFE TO LIVE like crazy.   Robin would be a great Vivian Alamain.  I also think she might be playing Gabrielle Pascal, to make her mother to Eve, since Stasser and Kassie DePaiva were aunt and niece Dorian and Blair on ONE LIFE.  

  4. 20 hours ago, DeeeDee said:

      Looks like GH may have to get a new TJ too, now that Tequan Richmond (TJ) is a lead on this new BET series. Also notice, that his role on GH isn't even listed in his credits in the article!  I'd pick Kyler Pettis (ex-Theo, DAYS) would make a good TJ. 

  5. On MacGYVER Friday night, Reign Edwards (exB&B) continued her recurring role.  That same night on HAWAII 5-0, Jack Coleman (ex-Steven Carrington, DYNASTY, ex-Jake Kositcheck, DAYS) guest-starred as an FBI Agent, and in promos for next week's episode, will appear again.  So it may be a recurring role. 

  6. On 8/10/2017 at 7:44 PM, SteelCity said:

    I said this in another thread, but do you think Jennifer Bransford who briefly played Carly on GH could've been a good Phyllis?

      Jennifer Bransford as Phyllis, LMFAO. No, she was horrible as Georgie on ONE LIFE and Carly on GH.   She needs to get a job other than acting.  Hell, she's probably working in an office, factory or Walmart now, lol. 

  7. Obama could balance the budget, give every American $1 million, and cure cancer and Fox News Channel would still be giving him a hard time. <_<

    Right On! Scotty! You're are so right!

    Your boner for trashing an administration out of office notwithstanding, what is your actual opinion on the issue, Roman?

    And your boner for trashing good Presidents like Obama and Bill Clinton must be a short one, lol!! the W/Cheney adminstration is one of the worst administrations to ever serve offic. In fact, CORRECTION, it was the worst!

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