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Posts posted by Sapounopera

  1. Whose idea was it to take a guilty pleasure, a trashy, scandalous reality show with iconic cast members and rebrand it as a boring, depressing docu-series-wannabe,?

    There is a reason why NY is the least successful. It's the cast. This is the third or fourth show starring Yandy this year. Nobody cares. Nobody ever did. 

    Mena hasn't been useful to the show since her lesbian days. 

    The new cast members belong to Growing Up Hip Hop. 

    I am more bored watching this than Brandi is filming her scenes.

  2. Willow gives me Canadian 80s teen soap vibes. I understand that Michael and Chase don't really need another person for their triangle, but still.

    I find the Jordan actress very boring. She sleepwalks through her scenes. She seems to hate acting. 

    I see no reason for Shascha's scenes. Who is she? Who cares. 

    These three actresses make KeMo look better. 

    BTW Sonny's scenes are unwatchable. He is no longer needed on the show. The Port Charles citizens have move on. TPTB seem more inspired by other characters and stories. The viewers are over MB.


    GH is the only soap I enjoy watching on a daily basis. The last time this happened to me was with SSM and KA's Y&R and RC's early material on OLTL and GH


  3. Did they change the Q living room again? The scenes with Maxie and the baby didn't seem to take place in the same room Michael was expressing his love to Willow every single day.

    I had never seen Michael Easton smile. Not a robot after all. He looked nice.

    What is the deal with Curtis's club? What is he always doing there? Serve drinks to random characters who come to see him? If all of them helped him a little bit, this place would be open for business by now.

  4. 12 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:


    I'll honestly be a bit sad. I know she didn't really bring much to the table but part of the rooting interest of the show for me is the familiarity and the notion that this is a group of women with deep ties. Having been on for so many seasons, Cynthia has ties and history with most of these women and even when dull, I guess I care more for someone I feel I have gotten to know and see the life of for many years than when a newbie who knows noone in the group tries to start fake drama for screen time.


    Exactly. RHOA will end up losing years of history and introduce another desperate woman with no ties. Someone who will to try to prove that hiring her was not a mistake from the very first scene... again?
    Last season's scene at Kenya place with Marlo, Kandi, Cynthia and Latoya fooling around was the best we have seen in ages. Not every single cast member has to be toxic. Not to mention that Cynthia is the most beautiful housewife ever. 

  5. On 6/14/2021 at 5:37 AM, Liberty City said:


    Because, again, I do believe Gibboney had the ability to pull from the vulnerabilities of the character that allowed you to feel for her, even when you shouldn't have. Once Mattson was cast, that vulnerability just went away.. and it changed the character's origin.


    The Ginas are like the AW Ceciles in my mind. I love the actresses who took over but I prefer the original interpretation.  

  6. 21 hours ago, Liberty City said:


    Based on the scenes I've seen (as my first-watch of Santa Barbara is still on-going with Davies in the role), Lester was much more Mason than Thomson was.



    Again, this would be an alternate universe.. and in my universe, Arvesen would return to The Young and the Restless, hah.



    Lynn Clark was perfect as Lily Light... and knowing they recast was heartbreaking. That being said, Paula Irvine, to me, would've worked better with Linda Gibboney's Gina, who I ADORED!



    Knowing what we know now about Richard Eden, the role would have to be recast, in my opinion.


    LG was amazing as Gina. I would have never recast. Linda Gibboney and Ava Lazar were amazing in the beginning of the Brandon story.

    (What do we know about Robert Eden?) 

  7. BH


    I hadn't watched this show in many years.

    Garcelle is the star of the show. The woman is gorgeous and smart. She was what I wanted Eboni to be, but in my eyes she plays a very uninspired and one-dimensional role.

    Did Doritt always sound like a drunk Swedish person with hiccups trying to speak with a british accent?  

    Lisa Rinna and her Dudley Moore wig.. She tries to create a  fascinating persona but all I see desperate, mean and starving for years.

    Did Erika always sound like that? So nasal? She sounds like a coked up retired stripper for some reason.

    Love Kathy's energy. 

  8. Cyrus acts like Sascha's father. Is this where this is heading?

    The "Mike" story shows that Sonny is played out and the character is a burden for everyone around him. Carly is more interesting (and vibrant) these days. 

    Sam didn't make me fall asleep on the floor in her scenes with Dante.

    I don't get the point of Michael's girlfriend. Why doesn't he get a cat or a dog? 

  9. I never understood why the Di Napoli family was brought to Santa Barbara. It was a rather weird time with the Donnellys, (Ethan and Laura Asher as well?) and CC's newest son (and Ted replacement) Craig Richardson. The show had a hard time keeping up with a plan and a specific vision. Cruz & Eden, some Capwell drama, rape stories and random people taking over for six months.

  10. On 5/15/2021 at 11:08 PM, Chris 2 said:

    I think Denise Alexander needs to come back to reality a bit. If anyone was the Luke and Laura of the 70s, it was Doug and Julie on DOOL. She also mentioned in the same interview about “Another World” hired her for “star power” (her words).


    She was a DAYS superstar.

    From what I understand the Rick & Lesley drama was the first story that made people pay attention to GENERAL HOSPITAL.

    She had star billing on ANOTHER WORLD.

  11. Years ago I could see Abby being a new version of Mindy Lewis (Kimberly Simms). Involved with a married man, I even considered Cane at some point lol.

    MO doesn't really feel like an Abbott or a Newman.  Perhaps a Grace Turner type? 

    Another big problem for me is Kyle. He doesn't look like an Abbott to me. He could be Noah, but not Kyle. 

    Watching KM play Amanda makes me understand how important MM's presence is. Watching Karla makes my ask myself: " Why should we care about this newcomer's drama?"

    MM should be the star of the show. 

  12. 1 hour ago, victoria foxton said:

    @Elsa @Taoboi As much as i like Prey Tell. His eating a lot of airtime. This Sunday's episode spotlights him yet again. I do wish this season was longer than 7 episodes. I hope Damon gets a spotlight episode. Before Pose ends it's run. Just want to see everyone shine. Here's my favorite House of Abundance scenes.





    2 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    @Elsa I agree. I loved this episode, but I cannot say that it did not stand out more because everyone was back to how it used to be with Pray Tell a hilarious background character, allowing everyone else to shine. It made it more noticeable how in front Pray Tell has become over a season and a half. 


    And speaking of last week...in case anyone had not seen it (and while it's still up) That first House of Abundance walk. Great song choice btw...




    I liked Pray Tell in his original function on the show. Now this is too much. It has been too much for quite some time. All the crying and the yelling and all the stories and the young, sexy lover. They even gave him an addiction storyline. Next week's trailer of only scenes of BP acting like a martyr, crying and yelling, yelling and crying. I am not interested in that and this is not what the show is supposed to be about. 



  13. On 2/15/2021 at 7:08 PM, Broderick said:


    I agree there was no conclusion to the Liz Foster/Stuart Brooks separation.  Not even the writers seemed to know the answer to that one.  When Liz came back to the show for a few episodes in 1986 after Jill's shooting, Bill Bell seemed to tip-toe around the subject.  Later, when Liz returned in the early 2000s, Kay Alden clearly had no idea whatsoever.   Juliana McCarthy was billed in some episodes as "Elizabeth Foster Brooks" and in other episodes as "Liz Foster".   


    Carl Williams got the Stuart Brooks treatment a few years later. 

    Bill Bell loved driving the audience crazy. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    To be entirely fair - and I have issues with the plotting at B&B and indeed the short-term memory - the show is INTENDED to be camp. I don't think Bell Jr ever hid that. You don't create a show with a character like Sally Spectra (the original) without knowing what you are doing.


    I know but there should be a difference between camp and a joke.
    (I have to admit that I liked pre-Sally B&B much better. I was (the only one?) sad to see the Logans leave lol)

  15. 21 minutes ago, Cat said:


    100% Agree with all this. Also unsure about Sheree, given that she flopped out of S10 carrying Kim Zolciak's train. Nevertheless, Sheree does have an elegantly shady (and elegantly delusional) way about her. I'm not militantly against her return.


    I loved Sheree's fiascos!

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