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Posts posted by Vanguardian

  1. On 2/6/2021 at 6:49 PM, cassistan said:

    If Brooke/Julia Barr isn’t on this show I’m going to be highly pissed. Here’s to hoping all the vets are brought back in a meaningful way.

    Interestingly, Brooke was a reporter/journalist at one point. This new version does indeed mention a young journalist arriving on the scene and becoming entangled in the mix of everything. I wonder if this character is being modeled after Brooke.

  2. On 2/5/2021 at 6:57 AM, dragonflies said:



    "We would be the parents, and this show is really more about the children of Pine Valley," Ripa explains of how the original cast would figure into the new series. "It's a darker look at things, and I'm very excited about it. It was pitched to us and we were like, 'We will absolutely produce this. And we want to be a part of it.' Immediately we called [former All My Children costar Eva LaRue], all of our friends, and we started saying, 'Just be at the ready. Get ready.' "

    "It's a darker look at things." Phrased yet again. I'm so curious about the specifics of this show.

  3. The attention spans of the overwhelming audience has changed drastically. This is why you don't see very many slow-paced shows anymore. People lose interest quickly, ratings go straight to the crapper, and networks are forced to pull the plug. I remember the old days of primetime soaps. No one was seemingly getting bored with slow-paced Dallas, Dynasty, Knots Landing, etc. Those shows were popular because of their pace and they held people's interest from start to finish.

  4. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I want to say so much but we don't have enough, or any really, information yet.  But my gut is telling me it's really unrealistic to have any expectations that this will resemble AMC as we've ever known it.

    I just don't think it's going to have much semblance to the original either. The "dark and murderous" history tagline, for me, says it all. Like I said, Pine Valley was not Heaven on Earth, but it wasn't some consistent crime/murder town either. The journalist with an agenda will probably be the one to watch..........and not in a good way.

  5. On 8/22/2019 at 1:01 PM, xtr said:


    I like that this show isn't too dark. Some nighttime soaps there is always a lot of really dark stuff going on. Like on Empire people are getting killed off/beat up all the time. On this show that doesn't happen. I'm glad this show is a bit lighter than that. 


    Stephanie makes me laugh sometimes. I laughed at the conversation she had with Lori, after she told Lori she had set her up.I also like her and Greg Peters together. (Though I liked his chemistry with him and Rondell as well.)


    I think that Amara/Titus will make their way back together. I was wondering when we would get a backstory on why she cheated on Titus. IMO, he is very sexy and more appealing than Damian, who I think comes across as creepy. It sounds like she felt neglected because he was working all of the time but she is an attorney too and probably worked a lot as well. I wonder if there is more to the story of why she cheated or if that is it. 

    Actually, I think this show might work much better if it were darker. The ratings aren't stellar so maybe darkness and crime would pick it up a bit. Like a modern day "Edge of Night" show (Stephanie's mom does like classic episodes afterall, lol)?  Also, perhaps inadvertently, the show depicts a dark city skyline reminiscent of Edge 1980 opening, along with theme music that sounds more "crimey" than soapy.

    On 8/22/2019 at 1:01 PM, xtr said:






  6. On 8/22/2019 at 12:55 PM, KMan101 said:

    I haven't kept up and wonder how the ratings are doing? I think I'm off to go check.


    Seems like a fun time though I need to catch up.

    From what I've last heard, the ratings are still not too good. But I still believe very much in this show being renewed.

  7. On 6/29/2019 at 8:57 AM, Khan said:




    But seriously.  DG better be careful.  If CK isn't interested in returning to the show full-time, then he just might play himself right out of a job.



    What I wouldn't give to see on daytime a sexually fluid villain who uses sex as a means to an end.  We were there, briefly, with CE's Adam before his homophobic fit.

    Surely you must have forgotten about Michael Muhney's Adam who DID use sex as a means to an end. RAFE!

  8. 5 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:


    Tika is not so great either.  There are tons of black woman who would slay this role so but Givens is a "name" and they can afford her.  


    Let's have fun.  Who would you cast?


    Nia Long!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sanai Lathan

    Anjanue Ellie...



     Taraji P. Henson. Of course, she would have to shed her "Cookie Lyon" persona which I think she could do effortlessly. The bottomline is that Miss Henson has the bad girl aspect down pat, and would slay in the role of Stephanie.

  9. With the exception of a few bad acting moments, I actually like this show. It feels like the old-fashioned, slow-build soaps of the past. Plenty of sex but not a whole lot of camp/craziness a la THATHN or ILYIW. It definitely makes you feel like some shockers are coming though. Rondell is great as the comedy relief character alongside the more serious, uppity characters on the show.

  10. This season premiere was lit. It held my attention from start to finish. New HBIC Zlata is going to bring the crazy and my jaw dropped when she blew away her sister Riva with insurmountable coldness! Virginia knows she's pregnant and she's consuming alcohol? What is she up to? Is she trying to abort this child HER OWN WAY? Bryce's reaction to seeing Jen get smashed by Hank on camera (courtesy of Zlata) was hilarious. 

  11. No one caught this last night? It was pretty good actually. Plenty of action and everything got straight to the point without any opportunity for boredom. Love the three female leads. Kinda reminds me of TNT's Claws in a way, but dare I say it, had a much better pilot than Claws did, and I LOVE Claws.

  12. 12 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Is this show any good or worth checking out? I hated to hear they changed location from Denver to Atlanta, but to see Nicollette Sheridan again on TV sounds worth it--as the new Alexis no less sounds fascinating. 


    Desperate Housewives never recovered from the loss of Edie as a character either. 

    Initially, I hated the idea of the change in the setting, but I quickly decided that Atlanta, as a setting, offers numerous possibilities. There's the music industry along with the good and the bad that occurs in that business. Atlanta is also high on the list when it comes to the sex trade. There's never a shortage of stories to tell from that aspect. With the right writers, Dynasty 2.0 could easily be a combination of the old (in terms of the show's vibe) with newer elements added. The gossip girl vibe is hurting it and it has to go.

  13. 13 hours ago, SFK said:

    With Atlanta's music scene, characters like Dominique and Brady would certainly make sense.  They'd probably get accused of ripping off Empire.

    I completely forgot that Dominique had an ex-husband named Brady Lloyd (played by Billy Dee Williams in the original). He was a recording executive. Actor Blair Underwood sounds like a good fit for this show's version of Brady. He and Dominique would serve well in stories coming from the Atlanta music scene. Good idea!

  14. TPTB shouldn't stop here. This show's numbers have not been good, so they'd have nothing to lose by casting more new characters ASAP! Vanessa Williams as "Dominique Devereaux", Valarie Pettiford as "Sybil (get it?) Colby", and James Lafferty as "Adam Carrington". Someone mentioned elsewhere about this show's setting being Atlanta, yet the show doesn't do much to make it seem like this is where these characters are living. I think I agree with that too! They should utilize the Atlanta setting more. Good stories can often be made based on a show's setting alone, and I personally know Atlanta: Party city, energetic, highly skeevy, and crime-ridden.

  15. I've been reading online that a tv series is being considered by the name of "Sin City." "Basin City" is the town's criminal-infested setting, and it's apparently based on some dark comic strips and movies created by some guy named Frank Miller. I read some of the details about the comics and the movies and I think it would translate well into some weekly dark tv show. Most of the characters sound like larger-than-life criminals and I can already see it reminding of some modern-day Edge of Night.

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