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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 31 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    I don't get all the hoopla with Barty. She is one boring a$$ player to watch. There's nothing great about her game.

    It’s an effective game, though. Whether or not that’s a damning statement on the rest of the WTA is up for debate, I suppose. I don’t love watching her play either, but she’s a respectable No. 1.

  2. A sixth week at No. 1 for “Butter,” a song I’ve yet to hear in the wild. (Its airplay numbers are decent, so it may just be me.) 

    Ed Sheeran’s latest enters the top 10 at No. 5.


  3. 4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:


    Absolutely, and that's understandable, but what is disappointing is the writers don't take that carte blanche and craft interesting dialogue. You can make a good show with just people sitting around talking, like InTreatment on HBO (haven't seen the new version but the original was great).

    Yeah, it’s super sad. The dialogue feels like they think it’s smart but it’s really not at all. It’s just stiff. Victoria, Ashland, and Amanda and her family feel particularly hampered by it.

    It’s not as pop-culture cutesy as Amanda Beall’s work on AMC, but something about it makes me feel like she has a hand in it as co-HW.

    3 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    It does feel the creative leeway they are getting to do nothing mostly comes to they are within budget and ratings are stable so who cares?

    If a certain spoiler comes to pass, I might be out. Just out of principle. Part of me watches because I’m trying to envision what behind-the-scenes environment fosters such a show. And I like the community here. But it’s a slooooog to get through episodes, and life is short. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:


    To be entirely fair, they can't make it happen if they don't have the money.

    I agree with other commenters that they could use the money they have better - other shows do with similarly meager budgets - but having to forgo some "nice to have" scenes like big cast-gathering party scenes because of money can't be laid down at their feet as if it is their choice.

    I don’t think what you’re saying is at odds with what I’ve stated. Of course, they have a budget. But storytelling isn’t the priority for them. Other shows manage to do both a little better.

    The show *feels* like they’ve been told, we don’t care if there’s anything happening on screen. Are you under budget? Yes? Approved!

  5. I heard Sonego has been playing stupidly but also had some sh!tty luck with some bad line calls (one of which he didn’t challenge) and the rain delay, which happened when he was BP down (he double-faulted when play resumed).


    Meanwhile, Federer is just skating along…

  6. 10 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Yeah, they really and truly should have made Falynn a HW and started filming as soon as the mess with Porsha was going down. It's insane that they did not. The story wrote itself. But yeah, it is all to keep Porsha's rep pristine. And yeah on Simon. DEFINITE Brooks vibes. 

    In lieu of Falynn getting an actual peach, could Kenya bring Falynn on to film just to be messy?

  7. What incentives exist for Y&R to fix anything that’s wrong with the show right now? Ratings don’t appear to be cratering (and CBS didn’t seem alarmed when they were). 

    I think a lot of people (viewers included) are content for Y&R to simply be ambient TV. Background noise while you do other things.

    Or perhaps there’s a silent majority of viewers who are actively enjoying the show. Certainly the very online are not happy.

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