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Posts posted by Jonathan

  1. Question: Can you please tell me what is going on with Will and Emma on Glee? —Michael Ausiello: I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news is they have some meaty stuff in this season’s fourth episode. The bad news is the title of that episode, as you know, is “The Break-Up.” Now, I’m not saying that they’re headed for a split. I’m merely reporting the facts.

    Read More at: http://tvline.com/2012/09/25/glee-spoilers-greys-anatomy-army-wives/#utm_source=copypaste&utm_campaign=referral

  2. Loved this episode of the show, especially some of the scenes in this clip. Ryan/Kendall, Kendall/Erica/Josh/Joe/Ian, & Ritchie stumbling in the woods. All the location shoot stuff AMC did for Nov Sweeps was fantastic! Oh and I love the music cue that starts at 5:05 and how it jelled w/the awesome one at 5:14.

    This looks more like a Pine Valley than what they shot in Los Angeles at Descanso Gardens.

    Uh, uh. jeal0002.gif

  3. I've never known what was so bad about those photos. The short white dress is not well-fitted and is matronly, but the one with the big hat is kind of fun, and I like the red. Based on some of her fashions over the years, I'm sure they had worse photos for the year than that.

    I agree. I actually owned this magazine at one time. I believe it was Star that ran this spread. I don't see anything wrong with her clothes here.

  4. Are you losing it, Jonathan? Gone too long without an Erica Kane bitchslap? The 90s? The "falling pictures" opening debuted in January 1990... and it had no hand turning the book.

    **Bitchslaps Jonathan Like Erica Kane.... hair toss**

    You'll find any excuse to touch me.

  5. That is a little bizarre, I had no idea that the page was turned live on tape each day. It was quicker and easier to do it that way back then, no post-production editing or having to dissolve to a pre-taped sequence. This is of course the original original AMC opening, and I'm guessing the yellow book opening was when they started rolling tape/editing it in in post.

    When SoapLine used to air during O.J., they did a quick piece on the original opening, mentioning how the identity of the hand owner was a mystery. There's a big difference between "mystery" and "forgotten information". I'm sure Susan, Ray, or Mary remembered "that lady who used to turn the page" even if they couldn't recall her name.

    Maybe the hand of the person in the taped version that aired through the 80s and 90s is not Betsy's hand. Maybe that's the mystery.

  6. PBS, I think, did a special on the soaps back in the 80s, and they taped some behind the scenes stuff at AMC. The clips are online, but the sound quality is awful. One of the scenes they were doing was with Erica and Brandon Kingsley. The script called for him to say some things to Erica implying that he wanted to take her to bed, and the actor did. not. get. it. It was painful to watch the director have to explain the motivation to him. I remember watching the online clip and thinking "My God, how dumb is this man?"

    I've seen that clip. I thought it was interesting to see the director give the actor some notes.

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