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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05

  1. DECEMBER 21, 2007-EPISODE #399: HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS PART II KIRIAKIS MANSION Victor hands the keys to a house on the grounds to Bo and tells Bo and Hope Merry Christmas. The couple says they can't accept it and Victor says that he doesn't know how much time he may have left. Bo asks if he is sick and Victor says not that he knows of. But, he never did anything for Bo when he was a little boy and wasn't there for him emotionally like a good father should be, so he hopes they accept this gesture as a way of saying how sorry he is for not being there. Bo takes the keys and Hope smiles, getting up and kissing Victor on the cheek. Victor thanks her and tells Bo that he is the luckiest man he knows for having a good woman like Hope at his side. As The dinner starts to be brought in, Victor then says that he has something else to give him later but it's mainly a father-son thing. Hope understands and starts going over what new furniture she will get for her new house. Bo says that Victor really got something started as everyone laughs and enjoys their meal together........as a family. SALEM PARK Frankie leads Greta through the park blindfolded. She asks what he has in store for her now. He tells her they will be going to mass in style. He takes off her blindfold and she sees a horse drawn sleigh in front of her. Greta is stunned. He tells her that she will be treated like the princess she is tonight. Greta smiles as he helps her aboard and tells the driver to head to St. Luke's. He then tells Greta to stay close. It's awfully cold. They both smile as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lexie is walking through the hallways with Theo, having just talked with the board. She is shocked that her license has been reinstated and she can start working again after the holidays. She begins to think Stefano did something. Rich sees her and asks her how her return to the medical world is going. Lexie fills him in, saying she starts up again after Christmas. Rich is pleased. Lexie mentions she is going to begin studying to become a surgeon. She feels a change is in order. Rich thinks that is a great idea and promises to talk to her soon as he has rounds. Lexie bids him goodbye. Lexie then notices a sad look on Theo's face. She asks him what is wrong. Theo says he doesn't understand why they can't all spend Christmas together....him, her, grandma, and daddy. He mentions how they always seem mad and he doesn't like the yelling. Lexie remembers what Celeste told her at Maggie's party last night and begins to realize the effect the tension is having on Theo. Lexie tells Theo that everything is going to be ok as they walk off. In the chapel, Marlena continues to break down in tears. Marlena: Please, Lord. Don't let my daughter be a victim of the tragedies I have brought upon my loved ones. Don't let her end up like Eric...DJ, Samantha...Please... Roman then walks in and takes Marlena in his arms, consoling her. He tells Marlena she needs to stop blaming herself for everything that happens to their family. Marlena says she can't help it. DJ died because she wasn't careful enough or being a good enough mother. Roman says that is nonsense. Marlena reminds Roman that Samantha died because Jake thought she was her. Marlena admits she thought she got over that but she didn't. Stefano's obsession with her has led to countless periods of her being away from her family. Roman tells Marlena to stop it, saying this is what led to her MPD in the first place and she doesn't want to relapse. Marlena says that Eric's death was her fault too. She should've been stronger to fight her inner demons. Instead, she ended up helping Orpheus and poor Eric paid for it and now Sami is too. Roman orders her to stop it and to go talk to Barbara. Marlena insists she has heard enough from her and this is not about her. It's about Sami and they need God to help her now. Roman: God helps those who help themselves, doc. You know, they say everything happens for a reason. Maybe there is a bigger purpose here. Maybe God wants you to forgive yourself and overcome the past. Then, maybe we will all get what we truly want this Christmas. Our beautiful Sami back with us and you finally overcoming those demons of yours. See you back at the room. Roman gets up and walks off as Marlena looks at the Cross on the wall and, with tears streaming down her face, tells God she will take Sami waking up as a sign. A sign that it's ok to forgive herself. That it's ok to move on and not blame herself. She says if he brings Sami back to them, she will make peace with herself and the past. She just begs him to bring Sami back to them. Marlena breaks down in tears again as the scene shifts to... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano picks up the phone after being told he has a call. It's Lexie, asking if he did anything to help her get her license reinstated faster. Stefano asks what she thinks. Lexie smiles. Stefano hopes she is happy. Lexie wishes he hadn't done it but says she is happy. He asks where she is. She says she is on her way to run an errand and then is going to mass. Stefano asks why. Lexie tells Stefano that Theo enjoys it and she does too. She says she will see him later. Stefano says he loves her as she hangs up. Cassie notices Stefano is a bit put off and asks if he is ok. Stefano nods. Cassie says she is so excited about spending Christmas with him. Stefano asks why she isn't going to be with her father and mother. Cassie tells Stefano there is only one person she wants to be with and it's him. The scene then shifts to... HORTON HOUSE Tommy and Bill are helping Alice to the car. Doug and Julie are right behind them, saying Melissa and sandy drove the rest of the family so they can get seats at mass. Abby is holding JJ when Julie walks in and says it's time. Abby nods. Julie says she knows it's hard. They embrace as Abby asks if this is her punishment for the way she has acted in the past. Julie doesn't think that is it. Abby reminds Julie of her and Chelsea's actions last year and of the way she has been treating Max. Julie tells her to forget it and to just try to enjoy Christmas with them. Julie ushers her out as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL In Sami's room, Carrie wheels in a computer monitor, saying that Belle has set up a web cam, hoping the sounds of mass may help bring Sami back to them. Carrie then takes Evan from Roman and holds him. Marlena arrives and Roman asks if she is ok. Just then, Alyson arrives and asks how Sami is. Lucas says there has been no change. Alyson tells them her mother woke up earlier this morning and reminds them miracles do happen. Will says they need one right now. Marlena looks at Roman and tells him she will be ok if they can get one of those. Roman nods and holds her in his arms as the scene shifts to... ST. LUKE'S CHURCH People begin to gather for Christmas Eve mass. Caroline wheels Kim in as Justin and Adrienne follow closely behind. Adrienne tells him she misses the kids. Justin says he does too. They all enter as Tony and Anna do close behind. Anna wonders if Carrie will be there but Tony doubts it, saying she is probably with Sami. Belle holds Claire as she records the event for Sami's webcam. Philip walks up to her and kisses both her and Claire. He asks if he can old his daughter. Belle reluctantly obliges and watches as Philip embraces her. Frankie helps Greta out of the carriage. He tells the driver he will see him again. Greta asks when he plans to use a sleigh again. Frankie says in a few days, with her. Greta smiles as they walk up the walkway into the church. Frankie sees Max by himself in the church and tells Greta he will be right back. Frankie walks over to Max, who tells him he is ok. He just doesn't want to talk right now. Max tells Frankie he just doesn't have the Christmas spirit this year. Max then walks out of the church as Frankie looks on, worried. Hope, Bo, Steve, and Kayla arrive. As they walk in, Hope takes Steve aside and asks if he thinks Nicole may do something. Steve says he would think not but who knows. He hopes not. Hope nods. They both then quickly return to Bo and Kayla, who are talking to Abe and Celeste. Lexie then walks in with Theo. Abe and Celeste see him as Theo races into their arms. Lexie walks over and fills them in on her being a doctor again and studying to become a surgeon. Abe and Celeste agree that is great and both admit they have no doubt Stefano is involved. Lexie nods and then says she has a gift for them. She hands Abe in envelope. Abe is hesistant but Lexie tells him it's ok. Abe opens it and is shocked to see joint custody papers. Lexie tells Abe their marriage may be through but Theo should not have to suffer. She wants peace and does not want her son to grow up in a tense environment. She asks that they all three call a truce and forget what has happened, learn from it, and move on. Abe and Celeste agree they would like that and invite Lexie to spend Christmas with them and all their loved ones. Lexie agrees as Theo smiles, saying everyone is happy again. The four of them enter the church. Victor arrives and sits next to Maggie, who is seated with Melissa, Sarah, Spencer, Stephen, Jessica, Joshua, Mike, Bill, Tommy, Sandy, Alice, Doug, and Julie. Meanwhile, Laura goes to check on Abby, who is holding JJ in the vestibule just as Stephanie arrives. Stephanie tells Abby she just saw Max outside, upset and alone. Laura then comes up from behind and says it would make his Christmas if he merely forgave him. Abby looks at both of them as Billie arrives. Billie says hello to everyone. Abby gives her the cold shoulder again. Billie tells Abby she understands she is upset with her but tells her that she has issues to work out. Personal ones. She tells Abby she does love her father and wants to work things out but can't until she works out her own issues first. Abby nods and says she knows her father hurt her with the Elizabeth thing. Billie nods but says she forgives him. She understands why he did what he did and where he was coming from. Abby asks how she can so easily forgive him. Billie says she just cares too much to let something like that, which is of minor significance now, destroy what they have. She plans to talk things over once she handles what she has to. Abby nods and tells Billie she is sorry for being angry with her. Billie smiles and tells Abby it's ok and she will see her later. Just then, Jack and Alex walk in. Abby races into his arms with JJ and an emotional reunion occurs. Laura embraces Jack too. Alex shocks Abby by embracing her and JJ, saying it's great to be home with family. Abby smiles and asks how they got home. Jack says they found a pilot of a cargo plane who flies out of a private airstrip. He was daring enough to fly out and they were able to get to London and fly out from there. Abby is so happy he is home. Jack says he hopes she isn't mad at him. Abby says she isn't. Everything is ok now and she understands why he had to go. Abby then remembers Stephanie's words from Maggie's party and what Billie just told her. Abby them remembers good times with Max and how she has treated him recently. She gives JJ to Jack as mass starts. She says she will be right in. She races outside and finds Max, sitting on a bench. Abby: Hey!! get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Max (getting up): I'm not in the mood for you to stomp all over my heart again. Abby: I have a gift for you and don't worry if you have nothing for me. Your enough. Max: What? Abby (smiling): Your gift is forgiveness...and another chance. For us. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I've made mistakes too and acted like I was perfect and...the truth is...I understood where you were coming from with the Cassie thing. I just didn't want to get hurt again but, now, I know I can't be afraid. I have to take a leap. It's about growing up. So is forgiveness. All I know is tonight I realized that I can't lose the man that could be the best thing that has ever happened to me...because nothing you did is a good enough reason to justify that. So, how about we take things slow and see where the road takes us? Max (smiling): I can't believe this. Just when I thought we had no chance. I am really sorry for what happened, Abby. I really am and I would love for us to give it another whirl. Abby: Good. No more talking. Now...let's seal the deal. Abby then grabs Max and kisses him passionately. They slowly pull away as she says mass has begun and it's time to inside. Max nods as he follows her in and they join family and friends inside, all of which smile at the sight of them, as mass commences, led by Fr. Jansen and then the scene fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CHRISTMAS IN SALEM...AS ROMANCE AND MIRACLES ABOUND!!!
  2. DECEMBER 20, 2007-EPISODE #398: HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS HORTON HOUSE The day starts off with Alice sitting in the kitchen with Maggie as Maggie fixes breakfast for the huge brood that is now sleeping in the Horton home. The first one to walk through the door is Tommy, who is still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Alice asks him if he has brushed his teeth and made his bed and Tommy says he’s a grown man. After a few moments of Alice staring at him, Tommy says he’ll be right back......and goes back upstairs to make his bed. Tommy passes Bill coming down the stairs and Bill laughs, saying that is what he gets for not making his bed. Tommy tells Bill to shut up and, as he walks upstairs, Laura is standing at the bathroom door, holding her towel. She knocks on the door, telling Sandy to stop using all the hot water and to get out of the shower before she tells Alice. Sandy opens the door and walks out, smiling, as Melissa flies past Laura and into the bathroom, locking the door. Sandy laughs as she walks down the hall. Back in the kitchen, Pete sits at the table wolfing down his food as Alice, Maggie, Jessica, Joshua, Mike and Don look at him with shock. Don has just came over and kisses Alice on the cheek. Stephen and Spencer then walk in and say hi as they quickly grab plates, piles on food, and sit at the table, silently chowing down. Jessica tells Joshua she wishes Nick could be there with them. As the family starts to gather in the kitchen, talking about Christmas and the upcoming wedding, Alice smiles at them all and the scene shifts to the...... BRADY PUB Roman, Steve and Bo are sitting at one of the booths. Caroline slowly walks into the dining area as Marlena, Kayla and Hope look on, sitting at another table. Caroline looks at all three men, who sit silently at the table, and wants to know one simple thing..... Caroline: Ok........which one of you opened these presents? The men look at each other.........and then start trying to blame each other. Bo says it was all Roman’s idea and Roman calls Bo a liar. Steve says he was asleep when everything went down and that is when Caroline asks why his eye patch was found near the tree. Steve was wondering where that went. The men start arguing as Hope puts a stop to it and Kayla tells them that their punishment is to shovel up all the snow at each one of their houses. Bo says that isn’t fair and Roman says he has to look out for Stefano. He can’t shovel snow. Marlena reminds him that he isn’t a cop anymore, which means he has a lot of time on his hands. Victor then walks in with Nico and says he has the perfect solution. Bo smiles, knowing that Victor will get them out of this mess. Victor then pulls out a shovel from behind his back and says that they can shovel the show from his driveway. But, Steve says, it’s a 100 yards long. Victor says.... Victor: That should teach you to not open your presents until Christmas morning. Now get to it! The men slowly get up and walk to the door, with Roman saying to Bo..... Roman: You know, your dad is mean. Victor then has another surprise..........as Nico brings Kimberly into the Pub. Everyone greets her and, as the men head out, she is placed in her wheelchair and is lead to one of the booths. Kimberly asks where the men are going and Marlena says they did something bad. Kimberly says that Roman put them up to opening up the presents early. Caroline says she knew this and Kimberly says sure, but she would never rat out her brothers. Hope then asks where the kids are. Kim says that they have some charity work to do but truly feels they aren’t coming because of her and Shane ending things again. As everyone comforts Kimberly the scene switches to the... SALEM INN Anna picks at her breakfast. Tony, whose sitting across from her, asks if she is going to cheer up. Anna says she can’t........not with the tension between her and Carrie. Tony tells her that it is going to take more than just one holiday for them to work things out. Anna knows this but hopes that Carrie will come around soon. Tony thinks so and then tells Anna to eat her breakfast. They have some shopping to do. Anna’s ears perk up at the mention of spending lots of money and, as she wolfs her food down........ BRADY PUB The scene shifts to three hours later as the Brady men come slowly walking back through the door. They flop down hard in a booth and Steve puts his head down, quickly falling asleep. Bo wakes him up, asking why he is so tired. Steve says for him to try and shovel snow with one eye working and see how he feels. Caroline walks over with cups of coffee and then tells Bo that Victor wants him and Hope to come over for lunch at his house. Bo says ok and then slowly gets up to go home and change. Both Roman and Steve are once again asleep in the booths and Caroline says she will give them his best. Bo kisses his mother and leaves out and Caroline just shakes her head as the scene switches back to.... KIRIAKIS MANSION Victor receives a call. It is a doctor on the other end, telling him that Sami’s condition is unchanged. Victor says he was hoping for a miracle in this Christmas season but thinks there will not be one. He thanks the doctor and hangs up, telling Nico to make sure everything is ready for Bo and Hope. As Nico leaves out, Victor sits at his desk, doing paperwork. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Two hours later, Marlena, Roman and Will meet Lucas, who is sitting by Sami’s bedside. Roman asks how everything is and Lucas says she’s trying but nothing so far. Carrie then walks in moments later with Bill. Lucas stands up and walks over and father and son hug. Bill says how sorry he is for what happened to Sami and knows what it feels like when you can’t do anything to help the woman you love. Marlena says that she needs to step out for a moment and tells Roman she’ll be back soon. They kiss and, as Marlena leaves, she passes Barbara in the hallway. Her doctor tells her to trust her family and friends........and trust herself as well. Marlena says she knows that but, right now, she needs to go talk to someone. Marlena walks off, leaving Barbara to worry about her state of mind. But..........Marlena goes to the chapel. As she slowly walks in, she sees the Cross on the wall and walks up to the alter. As she kneels down, she slowly looks up, with tears running down her cheeks, and says..... Marlena: Lord, hear my prayer. I just want my little girl to come back to us. (Crying) She has had such a hard life. Losing both her father and mother for so many years.......I know she did a lot of wrong in her life, but she has changed. You know she has. She has a wonderful heart..........and a good, fine man that loves her so much. Please..........please bring her back to us. Please, Lord.......... As Marlena cries at the alter........ KIRIAKIS MANSION Bo and Hope come into the dining room of Victor’s home. It is a lunch time get together and, as Victor walks in, he asks that both of them be seated. Victor sits down at the head of his table and tells both Bo and Hope that he has gifts for them. As a very surprised Bo looks at a equally surprised Hope, the scene switches back to........ HORTON HOUSE Abby looks out the window while holding JJ, praying for some sort of miracle that will bring Jack and Alex home in time for Christmas. Alice is watching everyone joining together once again. Reunions are now in full swing with handshakes, hugs, kisses, and loud laughter being enjoyed by all. Alice then looks across the room......... At a picture of Tom, hanging by the Christmas tree, and says softly...... Alice: After a really wild year........we’re all still here, together. Thank you, Tom. I love you. Alice blows a kiss to her husband, as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A COUPLE REUNITES...AND ANOTHER MIRACLE OCCURS!!!
  3. DECEMBER 19, 2007-EPISODE #397: PARTY FEVER PART II SALEM INN In the lounge, Victor and Maggie's party continues as Steve and Adrienne hug, happy to see each other after so long. Adrienne apologizes for not returning when Steve first returned. Steve tells her he understands and that he is happy to see her now. They can play catch up. Kayla and Justin look on as Steve and Adrienne hug once more. Meanwhile, Frankie goes back over to Lucas and tells him he has something he has to do but he will be in touch. He also says he has more news for him. Joelle had the rape exam. Lucas lets out a deep sigh and says he knows he is innocent, even if he can't remember what happened. Frankie says he will do his best to help. Lucas says he knows and thanks Frankie. Roman and Marlena, Bo and Hope, and Victor and Maggie dance. Steve then takes Kayla for a spin on the dance floor. Abby looks on as Stephanie approaches her and says it's so wonderful to see so much love. Abby nods in agreement. Stephanie says she wants that some day. Abby agrees, saying it's really what every person wants. Stephanie tells Abby she may be able to have it with Max. He may be the one and, if she doesn't do something, she may regret it. An annoyed Abby tells Stephanie to lay off and walks off. In the lobby, Frankie finds Max sitting on a bench and asks what he is doing. Max says that he doesn't want to be around Abby and can't leave because he is helping out with the party supplies. Frankie asks how things are going between them. Max shakes his head, telling Frankie he poured his heart out to her in Vegas and she acted like it didn't matter. He tells Frankie he thinks it's time to just move on. Frankie tells him he has to do what he has to do. Max nods, saying it is what he has to do. Abby made it clear she wants nothing more to do with him. They're through. Back inside the lounge, Abby's cell rings. It's Forrest, who says he is in Rio Da Janeiro with Miranda and and says they have a lead on Lawrence but nothing yet. He says he probably won't be home for Christmas so, while he had the chance, he just wanted to wish her Merry Christmas. Abby thanks him and wishes him luck. She says he isn't the only one not there for Christmas and tells him about Jack and Alex being stuck in Switzerland. Forrest reminds Abby that Jack loves her and says he is sure he is doing everything he can to get home. Abby nods and says she knows but that won't make it better for her or JJ. The scene then shifts to... SWITZERLAND Jack and Alex are at the airport, sitting and waiting. Jack admits he feels so helpless right now. Alex tells him not to feel bad and admits he feels this is his fault. He should've just went alone. Jack reminds Alex that he wanted to go and would've went no matter what. Jack tells Alex he is happy he did as they had a breakthrough. Alex agrees that's true but Abby and JJ will suffer now. Jack slouches back in his chair and says they just need to hope for a lucky break...or a miracle. The scene then shifts to... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano is now playing opera music and sits on the couch with Cassie as they both sip Brandy. Cassie says she is really enjoying spending time with him, playing chess, and listening to the music he so enjoys. Stefano smiles and says it seems they have similar tastes and she never realized it. Cassie laughs and says yes, surprisingly. Stefano looks at her with glee and says she has what it takes to be a true Dimera and everything he could ever hope for in a granddaughter, or daughter, for that matter. Cassie smiles and tells Stefano all she wants is to please him and make him proud. Stefano gently touches her face and says she already is and he has full confidence she will continue to do so. They both smile at each other and then sit back and listen to the music as the scene shifts to... SALEM INN Frankie goes over to Greta and tells her he has a surprise for her. Greta wonders what it is. He begins to wheel her as she asks him to take her around to say her goodbyes first. Meanwhile, Stephanie walks over to Laura, who is talking to Doug and Julie. She excuses herself and asks to speak with Laura. Laura agrees. Stephanie tells Laura she needs a favor involving Abby. Kate approaches Billie at her table and says she wants to apologize for before. She just doesn't want her to get her hopes up. Billie tells Kate to just not say anything at all. Kate agrees, reluctantly, and then asks why Miranda can't speed up the results with her ISA contacts. Billie tells Kate that Miranda is out of town on ISA business and that she will be informed when the results are in. Kate asks Billie if she will be calling her to be there when the results are in. Billie looks at her with frustration and says she is heading home. She then bids her goodnight as Kate looks on, clearly disappointed in how things went. Anna sees Carrie putting her coat on and races over, asking if she is leaving. Carrie says that Roman, Marlena, Lucas, and Will are headed back to the hospital and she wants to go too. Anna begs Carrie to at least sit down and talk to her, especially with Christmas Eve tomorrow. Carrie tells Anna she still doesn't get it. It's too late for her to act like a real mother. She missed her chance to be one to her and now she needs to live with it. Carrie walks off as Anna breaks down. Tony sees what is happening and races over, taking Anna in his arms and trying to comfort her. Belle is getting her coat and getting ready to go to see Sami too when Philip approaches her, asking if she is leaving already. Belle says she is going back to the hospital with her family. He asks if she had a good time tonight, to which Belle says she did. Philip says he wanted to know if Belle would be dropping by the house with Claire. He has some presents for her and was hoping she would let him spent time with her. Belle tells him it depends on how much time she has, given the circumstances. Philip, who is clearly upset, says he understands and begins to walk off when Belle stops him. Belle tells him he needs to stop trying so hard. Philip says he thought he wasn't trying hard enough but nothing is ever good enough it seems. Philip walks off as Belle thinks about Philip's words. Laura goes over to talk to Abby and says she is sorry she hasn't talked to her much during the party. She asks how she is doing. Abby says terrible. Laura admits she knows about Jack and tells Abby it's not his fault. Abby says she knows. Laura asks how everything else is. Abby then snaps and asks if Stephanie asked her to come over and work on her too. Before Laura can answer, Abby answers her own question and says she knows the answer already. She tells Laura she isn't changing her mind. She wants nothing to do with Max. Stephanie them comes over and tells Abby to stop acting like a brat who never made a mistake in her life. No one is perfect and she should know considering all the stuff her and Chelsea did a year ago that led to her paralysis. Abby looks at both Laura and Stephanie, contemplating Stephanie's words. She then turns and walks off as Stephanie and Laura look at each other, wondering if Abby finally got the message. The scene then shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Alyson is in Sami's room, sitting by her side when a nurse comes in, saying she has to check on a few things. Alyson says it's no problem and opts to take the opportunity to check on her mother. She tells the nurse to tell anyone that shows up where she is. Later, Alyson arrives outside Jean's room. A nurse walks up with baby Sam, telling Alyson the child care room closed hours ago and she can't keep him any longer. Alyson looks at her watch and realizes it's midnight and now officially Christmas Eve. She apologizes, saying she lost track of time. the nurse says she knows she was with Samantha Brady and doing a good thing. It's ok. Alyson thanks the nurse as she leaves. Alyson looks in the room, wishing they could get a miracle. Alyson then asks Sam if he wants to go in and see grandma. Alyson walks into the room with Sam and goes and sits by Jean. Sam reaches out and unintentionally touches Jean's hand. Alyson smiles through her tears, saying Sam is being a good boy reaching out for grandma and holding her hand. Just then, Jean's hand closes around Sam's. Alyson sees this and is stunned. She then sees Jean's eyes beginning to flutter open and pages a doctor. Rich comes in and sees Jean's eyes beginning to open. He is stunned and examines her and her vitals. Alyson asks if her mother is ok. Rich tells her that her mother is back. Alyson smiles, saying they got their miracle. She then embraces her mother in tears. Jean whispers to her she loves her. Alyson says the same as her, Sam, and Jean hold each other and the scene shifts to... SALEM PARK Frankie wheels a blindfolded Greta to a gazebo that has a candlelit dinner all set up with champagne and twinkling lights decorating the gazebo. He takes the blindfold off and Greta is pleasantly surprised. She asks how he did this. He says he has his ways and adds he also has her favorite ice cream too. Greta thinks that eating ice cream is becoming their special thing. They both laugh. He says he hopes she isn't too cold for it or too stuffed from the party. Greta smiles and says not at all. We then see a montage of Frankie popping open the champagne bottle and them both toasting, them both eating dinner in the gazebo, laughing and enjoying each other's company. We then see Frankie and Greta eating ice cream and her flinging some at him, starting a ice cream fight that ends with her in his arms and a moment where they nearly kiss. Frankie then asks if he can have this dance, if she is up for it. Greta nods and he helps her up and helps her stay on her feet as they dance under the gazebo. They both begin to get lose in each other's eyes as they dance, with everything else becoming oblivious to them. The scene then shifts back to... SALEM INN Maggie and Victor thank everyone for coming and announce they both hope to see everyone at their wedding. They both kiss, causing everyone in the room to clap. Melissa, Sarah, Alice, Doug, and Julie then approach them after their announcement as Hope walks over to Steve, who is helping to clean up. She whispers to him about what happened between Nicole and Carrie at the hospital earlier and Nicole's warning to him and her. She asks what they should do. Steve says they just need to act like they are making an effort for now and, hopefully, that will stall her long enough for them to come up with something else. Celeste says goodbye to Abe, who says he needs to get to the station and will see him at home. As Abe leaves, Celeste sees Lexie about to leave and goes over to her. Lexie gives her the cold shoulder when Celeste asks how she is. Celeste tells Lexie she knows that she and Abe made a mistake but this nonsense has to stop. Celeste tells her that Theo is beginning to notice something is wrong and tells Lexie she can be mad at her and Abe all she wants but Theo should not have to suffer to. Lexie tells Celeste she will talk to Theo. Celeste is shocked and asks Lexie what the hell is wrong with her. She needs to do more then that. They all need to get along and be civil, for Theo's sake. Lexie tells her mother to take it or leave it, saying she is sure she is making half of that up and using Theo to try to smooth things over between the both of them and Abe. She tells Celeste to just leave her alone and to give Abe the same message. Lexie walks off as an upset and frustrated Celeste looks on. Meanwhile, Bo sees Hope and Steve whispering. Kayla comes over and tells Bo not to worry. They just need to wait until they slip up and they will. Bo isn't sure he can wait. Kayla says that Hope and Steve won't tell them anything and they have been unable to find out anything on their own so they really have no choice right now but to wait and enjoy the holidays. Bo agrees she is right and tells her that he hopes whatever Hope and Steve are keeping doesn't lead to anyone getting hurt. Kayla agrees. They both look over at Hope and Steve talking and then the scene divides into a 4-way split screen of Bo, Hope, Steve, and Kayla and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... MORE RETURNS AS CHRISTMAS EVE BEGINS IN SALEM!!!
  4. DECEMBER 18, 2007: EPISODE #396: PARTY FEVER KIRIAKIS MANSION It is one hour later and Victor’s party is in full swing. Many of Victor’s friends and soldiers form his home country of Greece have arrived at the party and the liquor is flowing freely while men laugh, tell old stories, play $10,000 pool games and card games, and talk about old friendships renewed. Henderson then walks into the main room in casual wear, as Victor ordered, and is carrying a package. Victor tells him that he is off for the next week as all the men walk over to see what the package is. Henderson hands Victor a card, which says....... “To A Great Friend.....And A Even Greater Adversary. May Your Life Be Filled With Happiness, And Peace. Sincerely, Stefano DiMera.” After Victor is finished reading the card, he looks at the package. He picks it up and shakes it, to which Bo remarks...... Bo: Sure it’s not ticking? Everyone looks at each other as Abe and Roman come over and the other men stand back. Abe knows they should call the bomb squad and Roman says that it would be the best way for Stefano to wipe everyone out. Victor says for now, that is not the case, and steps up to the package and starts opening it. When Victor turns back around...... The room is empty. Everyone has left the building. Victor looks around and sees Bo’s head slowly peaking up from behind one of the couches. Roman peaks from behind a curtain and Steve opens one of the closet doors slightly. Victor sighs and says everything is fine. Stefano sent Victor a picture of the two of them after they became Made Men. At that moment, everyone comes out of the woodwork. Victor starts laughing as he sees these grown men hiding in places he didn’t think was possible. Then he says..... Victor: Nice to see you have my back. Everyone breaks out in laughter as the music resumes and everything gets back to normal. Roman then looks at Abe, who is walking back toward one of the pool tables and runs over to him. He asks if he can speak with him. Abe pauses for a moment, looking at his friend, and agrees, giving his pool stick to someone else. Both men put on their coats, grab a six-pack of the finest imported beer, and walk out onto the balcony. Roman takes one of the beers and hands it to Abe, saying..... Roman: Can you forgive your brother......for acting like an ass? Abe: I think so. Abe takes the beer, opens it, and downs most of it, saying that he needs to get more of this. Roman says he’ll have Victor ship him in all that he needs. The men then sit down and Roman goes on to say how he lost his head. He never meant to say that Abe played second fiddle to him and, from the bottom of his heart, thanks Abe for doing what he tried to do. Abe nods his head and says that he hopes Roman can get his life back to normal. Roman says he’d like to start now..... And both men stand up and hug. Abe smiles and starts laughing when he sees Roman wiping his eyes and Roman says that it just started snowing and a flake got into his eyes. Both men laugh and then Abe turns serious, saying that he wanted to wait until tomorrow to tell him this news but one of his contacts inside the D.A.’s Office told him that Patricia is going to charge him with multiple counts of murder. Roman sighs deeply, saying that he figured that. He also finds it amazing that he may face jail time after everything Orpheus and Stefano has done. Abe agrees and says Roman better have a good lawyer. Roman says he does and hopes he doesn’t spend the holidays locked up in jail. As the men turn and walk back into the party, the scene shifts...... SALEM INN To the ladies’ party, where they are having a great time as well. So great a time that they don’t see the two very well-built police officers walking into the party. Hope stands up and asks if there is a problem and one of the officers says yes. When she then asks if they are too loud, the officer says they aren’t loud enough...... And the other officer pulls out a boom box and hits play as the men start stripping. The place explodes in cheers and whistles as both men dance over to Maggie and start stripping in front of her. Even Alice gets into the act, saying to one of the men.... Alice: Now, young man........I thought your job was to show us some skin. Get to work. The women laugh as both men start working the room as Melissa, Sarah and Laura start throwing money towards them. Hope and Kayla puts dollar bills down their G-strings and Caroline, Adrienne and Lexie take pictures of the men as they dance. Billie is actually managing to have a great time, as is Marlena, and Julie remarks to Marlena that it is good to see her laugh and enjoy herself after the year she’s had. As Marlena agrees with Celeste, Anna wants to walk over to Carrie and talk to her but every time she looks over to her, Carrie shakes her head no. Abby and Kate can feel the tension between the two and Billie completely ignores Kate for most of the evening. Greta looks at everyone having a great time.......but calls Frankie....... Who takes a break from watching a pool game between Steve and Roman to talk to Greta. Frankie asks if the ladies are having a good time and she says just as good a time as the men are having. She then says that she misses him and he replies in kind, saying that he is thinking about her constantly. They both smile as they say their good-byes and Frankie walks back into the pool room. Lucas is standing there watching a card game when Frankie pulls him to the side. Frankie tells Lucas that Joellle filed a restraining order against him. Lucas is actually relieved to hear this, saying that the farther he stays away from her, the better. Frankie then tells him that he just better be careful and make sure he stays away from her until the trial. As the two men rejoin the party, Bo and Roman walk over to Victor and tell him that he does know that there are male dancers over at the Salem Inn. Victor is worried about that and then says that they need to do something about it. Steve agrees and Abe then turns around and tells all the men that it’s time to go party crashing. The men cheer as they pick up their keys and coats and everyone heads out. Thirty minutes later, the women are sitting around drinking and laughing as the strippers put on an encore show. Marlena looks toward the window and sees Roman, Bo and Steve peaking their heads into the party. When Bo looks over and sees Marlena....he grabs Roman, who grabs Steve, and all three men disappear. Marlena halts the dancers and tells the ladies that they have guests. Victor walks in with his entourage and says yes, the party has just gotten started. Everyone cheers as they all hug each other and music starts playing as everyone breaks off into couples and starts dancing. After twenty minutes, everyone claps as Bo gathers everyone’s attention. As Victor and Maggie stand arm in arm, he says......... Bo: Well, it’s about time. Victor, I knew you would find happiness one day with a very special lady. She’s been a very important part of all our lives for many years and, so, to welcome Maggie into the Kiriakis family, I have something to give her. Bo takes a gift and walks over to Maggie and tells her....... Bo: Victor will recognize this. It is from his mother and his father gave her this on the day before they were married. I had it sent here to give to you. From what Victor tells me, his parents had a wonderful marriage and that’s what I want for you two. Bo kisses Maggie on the cheek, saying....... Bo: Welcome to our family. Everyone applauds as Victor shakes Bo’s hand and Laura and Alice hug Maggie. The discussion then turns to the best man. Nico says that he is glad that Bo is standing up for Victor on his best day. Bo tells Nico..... Bo: Well, that’s where you’re wrong. I talked it over with Victor and we both feel..........that the man who should stand up for him.....is the man who has protected him for all these years. Victor then walks over to a confused Nico, taking out a gift for him. Victor: Nico.......this is for the best man. Bo has one as well because he’s my son. But, he told me.....that if a man has spent the better part of his life.......saving me from death more times that I care to remember, that he should stand up with me. That man is you, my friend. Please......please say you’ll be my best man. Nico takes the gift, which is a brand new custom-made Rolex watch, and puts it on, saying...... Nico: For you, sir........it would be my honor. The two men hug as everyone applauds loudly. Tony then says that the liquor and music will be going all night so everyone should have a great time.........especially since he charged everything to Stefano’s Visa Gold Card. The guests laugh as Tony takes Anna into his arms and, as the music starts playing again, Tony tells her that everything will be ok with Carrie. He’ll see to it. Anna smiles as she dances in Tony’s arms........ And, as Roman dances with Marlena, he tells her that he and Abe worked some things out. She is so happy to hear that but then Roman tells her that he may end up going to prison for killing Orpheus. Marlena assures Roman that when a jury hears all the evil things he did........twenty years ago and now......that there is no way he’ll serve one day in jail. As the couple look into each other’s eyes and continue to dance..... Bo and Hope dance near them, with Hope telling Bo how wonderful it was that he stepped aside and made Nico Victor’s best man. Bo said it was the least he could do. Nico’s a great man and has been there for Victor since they started out together. Hope tells Bo how special he truly is and all Bo can say is...... Bo: I know. As they both laugh, the scene then switches to Victor and Maggie, who just look lovingly into each other’s eyes. The scene lingers on them for a few moments and then slowly fades out. I.S.A. HEADQUARTERS IN ST. LOUIS Shane tells Miranda by telephone that he is headed to Salem for Victor and Maggie’s wedding. He asks for an update on the search and Miranda, who is in Rio Da Janeiro, says that she has a lead on Lawrence but nothing concrete. Shane tells her to keep on it and she says she will as they hang up. As Shane grabs his luggage and heads out...... DIMERA PENTHOUSE Stefano gets a phone call from a man telling him some information.... Stefano: Yes.......yes, hello. It’s good to hear your voice. Yes. And the briefcase? Hmmm......that’s what I thought. Well, Victor, Bo and everyone else are looking the other way. As far as they know, that case has disappeared and won’t turn up. Do this. Get our soldiers on this, now. The contents of that case are vital....... And may decide the future of four families here in Salem. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ROMANCE, DECISIONS...AND MUCH MORE AS VICTOR AND MAGGIE'S PARTY WINDS DOWN!!
  5. DECEMBER 17, 2007-EPISODE #395: HOME SWEET HOME PART II JOELLE'S APARTMENT Joelle is on the phone with Joey, telling him to be sure to call if he is coming home late. There is a knock at the door. Joelle checks before answering to make sure it's not Lucas. She learns it's Patricia and answers it. Patricia bursts into the room and demands to know why Joelle did not undergo the rape exam and why she never told her about it. Joelle says she just panicked. Patricia asks why she would panic...unless she has something to hide. Joelle is silent. Patricia loses it and grabs Joelle by the arm, telling her not to insult her intelligence. She demands to know if Lucas really raped Joelle. She tells Joelle there are other ways of getting revenge without making false accusations that will get both of them in trouble. Patricia reminds Joelle that her career is on the line and this isn't helping and also says that many woman go through the traumatic experience of being raped and if she is lying about this she is insulting every single one of those women. Joelle says she isn't lying. She's just scared because she doesn't like people investigating her body. Patricia reminds her that the exam is the key piece of evidence and, without it, they have nothing. Joelle finally relents and says she will take the test. Patricia says she will drive her and will stay there this time until she undergoes the exam. Joelle nods and goes to get her coat. After Joelle leaves, Patricia prays that Joelle isn't lying. The scene then shifts to... SALEM INN Alice and Julie arrive and marvel at how great the lounge looks. Abby and Stephanie are there and Julie thanks both girls for their hard work getting ready for Maggie's party. Alice says that guests should be arriving soon and so will the other surprises. Abby's phone then rings and she goes to answer it. It's Jack, calling from an airport in Switzerland. Abby tells him what is going on in Salem with Victor and Maggie's bachelor and bachelorette parties being tonight and Jack tells her to tell them he is sorry he won't be home in time and then says that is why he is calling. Abby asks if everything is alright. Jack fills her in on the breakthrough him and Alex had and then tells Abby that there is a nasty snowstorm and him and Alex may not make it home in time for Christmas. Abby is stunned. Jack tells her it's not clear when the storm will let up and when everything will be cleaned up. Jack apologizes. Abby is heartbroken and tells Jack he should've never went. Jack tells Abby he had to. Alex is his son. Abby reminds him he has a daughter and son in Salem too that need him for Christmas. Jack says he is really sorry and tells her they will have to pray for a miracle. It is the season afterall. He then tells her he loves her and Merry Christmas, in case he doesn't see her. He says Alex says the same and to give JJ a kiss for him. Abby says Merry Christmas to him too and to be careful. They then hang up. Alex asks Jack how she took it. Jack says not well and tells Alex there is nothing they can do now but hope for a little Christmas magic. Meanwhile, back in Salem, Stephanie sees Abby is upset and asks what is wrong. Abby fills her in and Stephanie comforts her and says she is sorry. She tells her that her and JJ still have her and her parents. Abby smiles and says it's not the same. The scene then shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Nicole picks herself up and lunges for Carrie but Bo and Steve stop her. She tells Carrie she will regret that. Alyson arrives and wonders what is going on. Carrie tells Nicole she will regret it if she goes anywhere near Evan. Nicole throws Bo and Steve off her and then takes off. Alyson walks up to Carrie and introduces herself. Carrie does the same. Alyson says she has heard so much about her and likes her already. She adds that anyone that takes on Nicole like that is a friend of hers. Caroline fills Carrie in on who Alyson is as Kayla tells Steve they have to be getting to Victor and Maggie's parties. Bo and Hope look at the time and say the same thing. Marlena says she isn't going and Roman says the same. Lucas and Will ditto that. Alyson walks in with Carrie and Caroline and says she would be willing to stay with Sami. Her mother has made no progress anyway and they all deserve a break. Plus, she doesn't really know many who would be at the party anyway. Lucas isn't so sure but Alyson convinces him and the others to go and enjoy. Alyson goes and sits by Sami and insists. Lucas, Roman, and Marlena thank her. Meanwhile, Hope catches up to Carrie outside and asks if she can have a word with her. They go off to a corner and Hope tells Carrie she wanted to warn her about Nicole but it looks like she has that under control. Carrie tells Hope that Nicole doesn't scare her. Hope nods. Carrie asks Hope why she felt the need to warn her, saying she is already aware of Nicole and the threat she poses. Hope says she just felt the need since she was the one who called her to return. Hope tells Carrie she will see her at the party and walks off. Carrie wonders what that was about, noting Hope was acting strange and seemed to have something on her mind. As she walks off, the scene shifts to... The hospital lobby as Bo tells Hope he will go get the car. Nicole then races up to her, causing her to jump. Nicole warns Hope to get a move on or her perfect little life comes crashing down. Hope tells Nicole she convinced Carrie to come back with Evan and Steve is working on Alyson. They are doing their best. Nicole says that isn't good enough and says she has a week to make the proper progress, to which she will be the judge of. She tells Hope to pass the message to Steve. Nicole reminds her she is always watching and walks off as an unnerved Hope watches and the scene shifts to... An exam room, where Joelle has just finished undergoing the rape exam. Patricia comes into the room and asks how it went. Joelle says it was fine. Patricia reminds Joelle she mentioned something in the car about Lucas coming over her place last night and that he had threatened her. Joelle nods and says that was part of the reason why she was scared to further implicate him. Patricia tells Joelle she will be filing a restraining order and getting her and her son guard protection. She promises her that everything is going to be alright and that Lucas Horton is going down. The scene shifts to... STEFANO'S PENTHOUSE Lexie comes downstairs and sees Stefano teaching Cassie how to play chess. Lexie says that she is going to Maggie's party. Stefano admits he is shocked that she was invited. Lexie tells Stefano the Brady's and Horton's are very forgiving people and recognize she is just as much a victim at times as them. Stefano asks what that means. Lexie says it's nothing and asks Cassie if she is going. Cassie says she is staying with Stefano as her time is better spent with him then with those people. Lexie reminds her that some of those people are family to her. Cassie ignores her. Lexie tells them to have a good night and leaves as Stefano smiles at Cassie. Cassie asks what he is smiling at. Stefano tells her she makes him more and more proud by the day. Cassie smiles as the scene shifts to... KIRIAKIS MANSION Max, Philip, Frankie, Nico, Hawk, Bo, Roman, Steve, Abe, Lucas, and Will all sit around in the living room, waiting for Victor's arrival to surprise him. Tony arrives with Doug as Henderson shows them in. Bo asks Philip where Victor went. Philip says he was handling some business errands. Henderson then announces that Mr. Kiriakis is home. The men get into position. Soon after, Victor enters the house and walks into the living room and is shocked to see them all there. Bo says they would've yelled surprise but didn't want to give him a heart attack. Victor sarcastically says that's funny and asks what the meaning of this is. Philip says it's a bachelor party. Victor thinks he's too old for that but Bo thinks a man is never too old and says they have food and drinks and everything else they need. Henderson is taking care of everything. Bo then says they have another little surprise for him and tells Victor to turn around. Just then, Justin walks in and an overjoyed Victor embraces his nephew, saying long time, no see. Justin tells his uncle it's good to see him as the scene then shifts to... SALEM INN Caroline comes in wheeling Greta, who has been released from the hospital. Everyone greets her warmly as Billie arrives and sees Kate, asking what she is doing there. Kate says she was invited. Billie is shocked. Kate reminds Billie the Horton's can be forgiving and Lucas is her son, afterall. Kate asks if she has the DNA test results back. Billie tells her they won't be in until after Christmas sometime. Kate warns her not to get her hopes up. Billie says she is confident it will be a positive result and sarcastically thanks her for her optimism and walks off as Kate watches. Meanwhile, Stephanie and Abby are bring some food out when she asks if she has talked to Max lately. Abby shakes her head, saying not at all really since Vegas. Stephanie thinks she should talk to him. Abby asks if he told her to say that. Stephanie shakes her head and tells Abby she needs to stop being a selfish brat and to think about Max. He has suffered enough and deserves to at least have a talk with her to see where things stand. Abby says he deserves nothing after what he did to her. A frustrated Stephanie asks if Abby plans to hold that against him forever. Abby says she has had enough of this and walks off. Abby walks by Billie, who says hi to her. Abby gives her a cold stare and walks off as a saddened Billie walks off. Celeste walks in and sees Lexie, saying she is shocked to see her. Lexie coldly walks off. Kayla, Hope, Carrie, Marlena, and Belle join the party and Julie then races in and says Maggie is coming. They all get into their places. Maggie walks in, wondering why Julie wanted to meet there. The women all yell out "SURPRISE!!!" and a shocked Maggie bursts into joyous tears as she is greeted by everyone. Alice says they have another surprise and tells Julie to bring them in. Laura, Melissa, and Sarah all come out and greet Maggie, who is overjoyed. Other family and friends soon come over to greet them as Adrienne walks in, asking where her welcoming committee is. Everyone is shocked to see and races over to greet her as well as Kayla pushes in to give the first hug. Anna then arrives and apologizes to Julie for being late. She hands her the present she brought and looks up and is shocked to see Carrie. She slowly walks over to her as Carrie turns around. Tears well up in Anna's eyes as she asks Carrie when she come back to town. Carrie tells her a few hours ago and says she isn't in the mood to talk, especially with her. She then excuses herself as Anna struggles not to fall apart right there. Lexie comes over and asks if she is alright. Anna shakes her head. Lexie embraces her and tries to comfort her as Julie yells out to all the women that it's time to get this party started. The scene then freezes on all the women talking and looking and finding seats and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE MEN AND WOMEN OF SALEM PARTY!!!
  6. WEEK OF DECEMBER 17, 2007 EDITION WRITER'S CORNER EACH WEEK I, TIM LOWERY (BETTER KNOWN AS PHOENIXRISING05) AND MY FELLOW SALEM LIVES HEAD WRITER, PATRICK L. EWING (BETTER KNOWN AS ROMAN), WILL TAKE TIME OUT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM READERS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT DECIDES TO CHECK OUR FAN FICTION BLOG OUT. WE WILL TAKE TURNS ANSWERING QUESTIONS EACH WEEK. THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE QUESTIONS ABOUT CASTING, WRITING, PAST STORIES, CURRENT STORIES, OR WHATEVER COMES TO MIND REALLY PERTAINING TO SALEM LIVES. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PM US QUESTIONS DURING THE WEEK FOR US TO ANSWER AND ALSO REMEMBER YOU CAN POST QUESTIONS VIA COMMENTING HERE IN THE BLOG. IF WE RECEIVE NO QUESTIONS, ROMAN AND I WILL JUST ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON REACTIONS TO EPISODES AND DISCUSSIONS WE HAVE HAD WITH OTHERS. SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, HERE WE GO: THIS WEEK'S WRITER IN THE HOT SEAT: PATRICK L. EWING (ROMAN) Q. There have been questions and comments that SL, once again, it taking liberties with realism. How do you respond to that? A. Well, if you look at it in these views, 1. There have been many reports that airports are no safer now than they were before the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. They have improved, but not greatly. Also, most of the men we had in that airport story were OUTSIDE in the woods surrounding the airport when all this occurred. 2. For Carries to say that she felt Israel was safer than Salem is speaking to her mind set about what was happening in her home city. Plus, she has too much baggage there with members of her family and some people she really doesn’t care for. People should read into what they feel, I have no problem with that. But, we try our best, even when we take liberties, to be realistic. I think by our views and the wonderful comments that we get from some truly great readers, they like what we do. Q. Will the younger set become more involved with the storytelling? A. Of course. But, they will not push A-list story. They will be put into the fabric of the veterans on the show, and their stories will come about organically through these interactions. But, the vets are who the readers apparently want to see, and that will continue, but we will make it more well-rounded with the vets and the younger set. Q. Will the action and adventure be driving story in the future? A. In the future, the action/adventure will go back to being a part of the blog. To be honest, and after some long talks, I truly think that our readers are sick and tired right now of half of Salem either being blown up or most of the population being killed off. Looks like a slasher movie with all the bodies laying all over this town. So, I and my partner felt that it was time to go back to some nice, serious character-driven stories. And, I hope that the readers will trust us to tell good stories on this front. Q. Therefore, will you continue to have the doom and gloom hanging over Salem? A. That is something else I feel the readers truly want. To be very frank and honest, there is too much sorrow and sadness in Salem right now. That will change this holiday season and into the new year. It won’t be all happiness all the time, because that will take away the drama, but it will even out greatly. I hope that the readers once again trust us enough to see these changes happen and stick with us. We don’t always get it right, and never said that we did. But, when we do screw up badly, I feel that we at least admit it, try our best to learn from it, and then see to it that it won’t happen again. Many writers don’t do that daytime. Also, we will not change something mid-stream just because there maybe someone who hates a character or plot point. I feel that we have earned the trust of our readers to tell good story, and hope they come on the journey with us, but I also can gurantee that when they bring concerns to me, they are listened to, and answered accordingly. And, I thank them for doing that. Comings & Goings: This week, there will be a spectacular cast change happening........when Michael T. Weiss joins Salem Lives, returning to his signature role of Michael Horton. “We liked Roark Critchlow in the role, but many fans remember Michael form his time on Days Of Our Lives as Mike, and since was available, we scooped him up” EP/HW Pat J. Ewing said. “After his work on The Pretender, we felt that he finally got the chance to show the dramatic depth he just scratched on DOOL. And, we are really honored to have him.” Look for Mike to come home for the holidays starting this week, and maybe stick around afterwards. “Only time will tell,” Pat says......with a wicked smile. Here are the dates that some of your favorites are returning to Salem: Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton)-returns Monday 12/17 Micheal T. Weiss (Mike Horton)-returns Thursday 12/20 David Tom (Jeremy Horton)-returns Thursday 12/20 Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson)-returns Monday 12/17 Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton)-returns Thursday 12/20 Alli Brown (Sarah Horton)-returns Monday 12/17 Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon)-returns Thursday 12/20 Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon)-returns Thursday 12/20 Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen)-returns Thursday 12/20 Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen)-returns Thursday 12/20 Michael Leon (Pete Jannings)-returns Thursday 12/20 Jed Allen (Don Craig)-returns Thursday 12/20 Kale Browne (Bill Horton)-returns Thursday 12/20 Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton)-returns Thursday 12/20 Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady)-returns Thursday 12/20 Wally Kurth (Justin Kiriakis)-returns Monday 12/17 Judi Evans (Adirenne Johnson-Kiriakis)-returns Monday 12/17 Also, in a shocking move, George Delhoyo and Mark Wahlberg have been released from Salem Lives as Orpheus and Michael, respectively. “We felt that these characters have been taken as far as they can be taken right now, and decided to end this story. They were both wonderful actors and a joy to work with, and will be sorely missed.” At press time, both actors were involved in other projects and not available for comment. Previews: The Claws Are Out! A Betrayal Is Exposed. Suspicions Mount. Two Wild Parties Commence! And.........Many Family Members Return Home.......For The Holidays! Next Week......... A Family Tradition Continues, One Man’s World Comes Crashing Down, And......Two Lovers Are Reunited! It’s All Right Here.......On Salem Lives.
  7. ANNOUNCER: This Week.........On Salem Lives........ After The Destruction Of One Of Salem's Deadliest Enemies........ Scene Of Orpheus's Plane Crashing And Exploding. The People Of Salem Try To Start Over....... Scene Of A Happy Bo & Hope, Steve & Kayla, And Roman & Marlena. But Can The Spirit Of Christmas........ Scene Of Jack And Alex Trapped At The Airport, Lucas & Will Keeping Vigil For Sami. Be Enough To Save The Holidays? It Two Weeks Of Emotion, Reunions.......& Miracles....... Starting This Week.........A December To Remember!!
  8. DECEMBER 14, 2007: EPISODE #394: HOME SWEET HOME ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Nicole walks into the living room. The door was left unlocked and she sits her purse down. She still can’t believe that after all they have cooked up and all that he put the Brady's through....that he could be dead. As she walks through the darkened house, she turns several lights on, wondering if he pulled a DiMera and survived the crash. As she looks around for Orpheus....... She comes upon a door in the very back of the home. She slowly opens it and, once inside, the room is illuminated by the light from a group of monitors. They cover everything......Sami’s room at the hospital, Stefano’s home, Roman and Marlena’s home, Victor’s home........and some other points around Salem. Nicole starts smiling evilly and then starts laughing, feeling that she finally has the upper hand on the Brady's. CONSTRUCTION SITE OF MAGGIE AND MAX'S CLUB (FORMER SALEM CLUB) Maggie walks Julie in while Doug wheels Alice in. Max is overseeing the construction and says that everything should be done by February. Everyone is shocked by how far everything has come and how nice it’s shaping up. Alice then asks, out of the blue, if he plans to give up on Abby. Max smiles but is silent and Alice says no sense beating around the bush. She just wants a straight forward answer. Max says that he won’t make the same mistake twice. Doug agrees, saying that Abby is a fine girl. Julie says that she knows what it’s like to almost lose the love of your life. Maggie tells Max that maybe it’s time to go back to work and, as he smiles and walks away, he takes out his cell phone........and calls Abby. He gets no answer and wonders if it's even worth it trying anymore. The scene then shifts to........ SALEM INN In his suite, Tony comes in with breakfast on a fancy tray. Anna sits up and, as Tony sits it in front of her, they both kiss. Tony smiles, telling her that he didn’t know the death of his brother would bring him so much happiness. That........and getting her back. Anna tells him once again how sorry she is for almost ruining everything. Tony says he almost did that years ago.........when he almost chose Renee over her. Anna starts to cry and Tony tells her not to do that. He has his lady back..........and things are looking better than ever. As Tony leans in once again and kisses Anna gently, the scene fades into....... BRADY PUB Carrie walks in with Evan. Steve, Kayla and Stephanie walk over and hug her as Steve takes Evan and says how big he’s grown. Everyone then sits down as Caroline brings out drinks and Kayla asks where they have been. Carrie says that she is doing work for Mike in Israel but they traveled Europe, which did her a world of good. She is still shocked, though, that news of the all the violence in Salem reached all the way over there. She then asks if they have found this Michael Myers yet and Steve says no. Everyone hopes that was his first and last visit to Salem. Carrie then says that Mike is coming home for Christmas. Stephanie says she’s never met him and wonders if he has any children. Kayla says yes.........a son, Jeremy. Stephanie hopes he comes to Salem too, which makes Steve groan. After everyone chuckles, Carrie asks about her mother and Caroline tells her what has happened. Carrie is glad she’s fine..........but doesn’t care to see her. Kayla says she won’t push the issue but thinks she at least should say hi to her and Tony while she’s home. After Carrie says she’ll think about it, Caroline suggests they head to the hospital........to see Sami. As they all get up to leave, the scene then fades to........ BO AND HOPE'S HOUSE In the master bedroom, Hope walks out of the bathroom.....and drops her towel. Bo looks over, like a little boy in a candy store, and tells her that they have some unfinished business. Hope says she is shocked that he still has the stamina after last night and Bo says she shouldn't be. Not after all these years. As Hope climbs into bed, she says that, with Orpheus dead, hopefully Stefano and Victor can put an end to this feuding and they can finally have some peace in their lives. The phone then rings. Bo answers and it’s Kayla, saying that they are headed to the hospital, with Carrie. Bo asks how she and Evan are doing and Kayla says great. But, on Caroline’s orders, he and Hope have to come to the hospital and say hi. Bo says he and Hope are in the middle of some catching up and will see them all later. After saying good-bye, Bo relays the news and Hope, surprisingly, says she wants to go now. Bo asks why and Hope remembers what she has to do and says it will be nice to see Carrie. They can catch up all they want later. Bo calls Kayla back and says they are on their way. Hope is already up and getting dressed and Bo reluctantly gets up, as the scene shifts to....... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Roman and Marlena walk into Sami’s room. Roman and Lucas shake hands and Marlena asks if there is any change. Lucas says no but Roman tells him he got a response last night. Will says that sounds great. He tells Lucas that Sami can feel them around her and she’s fighting. Lucas then tells everyone what happened between him and Joelle. He then tells everyone that it was all Orpheus’s idea originally to involve her. He paid her to do that [!@#$%^&*] to him and it brought this all on. Roman says that maybe what he did was a good thing, then. Lucas thanks him for killing Orpheus. He says that the man made everyone’s life a living hell. Marlena says he’s right. They are all sitting at that hospital room because of him. But, Marlena says, what makes her proud........is that Sami didn’t even think twice before jumping in front of the gunshot. She knew that, through all the bad things she did, that she had it in her. Marlena kisses Sami on the forehead......and several of the monitors start jumping. Sami doesn’t move but continues to fight to return to her family. Roman then says that maybe they should turn Joelle in. Lucas says that even though she basically said he didn’t touch her, they have no proof. Marlena says how sorry she is for all of this. If she had done more to stop Orpheus on the ship........Will then says the one that was on the river. Everyone turns and looks at him and Will just says he was wondering how a cruise ship got that far, that’s all. Everyone shakes their heads and Roman turns to Marlena, saying that she shouldn’t blame herself. As Roman holds Marlena, Carrie walks in, asking if she can join the party. Everyone lets out a big cheer as she hugs everyone and gives Evan to Roman, who says his grandson looks more and more like a Brady everyday. As Roman plays with Evan, Lucas asks how she’s doing and Carrie says that Austin will always have her heart.......but she knows he’s not gone as long as she remembers him. At that moment, Bo and Hope also come into Sami’s room and Will says they may have to take this somewhere else soon. Bo takes Evan from Roman and holds him, saying that this is good for Sami. As Roman thanks Bo for the doctors who have been working on Sami, Hope tries to pull Carrie to the side. At Orpheus’s penthouse, Nicole sees everyone in Sami’s room on one of the monitors......and sees Hope trying to pull Carrie to the side. She thinks to herself that Hope wouldn’t be that stupid....... But Hope can’t get a word in edgewise to get Carrie’s attention. As Nicole grabs her purse and takes off toward the hospital....... Roman goes out into the hallway and calls Barbara. He tells her that Marlena is feeling guilty again and Barbara says she’s in the hospital. She’ll be up there soon. Twenty minutes later, as Roman drinks a cup of coffee at the nurse's station, Barbara walks over and asks where Marlena is. Roman says she’s in Sami’s room and when Barbara peeks her head in to say hi to everyone, she asks if she could speak with Marlena for a moment about some paperwork she hadn’t finished. As they excuse themselves, Barbara tells Marlena that she needs to continue her treatment. Marlena thanks her for covering for her and says that she will do what she has to. Barbara says that she needs to do that.......and soon. As Barbara leaves, Marlena thinks about what she said.......with Roman watching her from the door. Back in Sami’s room, Carrie says that heard about Lucas’ troubles and tells him that she is behind him, all the way. Lucas thanks her and, after they hug, the room grows silent as Carrie walks over to Sami’s bed. She leans down, looks at Sami, wipes tears from her eyes, and says........ Carrie: Well........my sister has finally seen the light. I miss you so much, Sami. Come back to us. Carrie then bends over and kisses Sami on her forehead........and the monitors start jumping once again. Carrie looks at Marlena and Will says that is the second time that’s happened today. Bo goes out and searches for the doctors as everyone stands by, hoping for a miracle. Caroline wonders if she should call Anna and tell her that Carrie is in town and Hope says that may not be a good idea. Steve agrees, saying that it really is none of her business. If Carrie doesn’t want to see Anna......leave it be. As Steve and Hope go off to the side, Caroline says that maybe Steve is right. When Carrie is ready, she’ll go to her mother. Kayla then looks around and sees Steve and Hope talking and wonders what that is all about. As she walks over to Steve......Hope goes over to Carrie, who is now sitting Evan down. She asks to speak to Carrie outside and Carrie says sure. Both women walk out the door....... And Carrie and Hope come face to face........with an angry Nicole! Nicole says that she has some nerve coming back into town and Carrie says she’s right. And now, she would like to tell Nicole how sorry she is for upsetting her. Carrie slowly walks over to Nicole, smiles at Nicole as Nicole crosses her arms .......... And swings a roundhouse right cross at Nicole, connecting with her jaw, and sending her over the couch in the waiting area and onto the floor. Hope stands by, shocked, and Carrie and Nicole stare at each other with hatred...... As the scene split screens and then freeze frames on them both......before fading to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... LOVED ONES RETURN AS SALEM PREPARES TO PARTY!!
  9. Yes, thanks daysfan. We haven't been getting alot of them lately and it helps. There's plenty more where this came from
  10. DECEMBER 13, 2007-EPISODE #393: AWAKENING SWITZERLAND Jack tells Alex to go ahead and open the letter. After some hesitation, Alex opens the envelope and sits down with Jack on the couch as he begins to read: My darling son, I have instructed my attorney to hand this letter to you with the rest of my personal papers if something should happen to me. Since you are reading this, I guess my time with you has ended. It is my hope that your father is present too when you read this as it was my hope to tell you just who your father was before such an event as my passing would happen. However, if I by chance haven't, there are documents amongst my papers alluding to your father's identity. One of my biggest regrets will forever be the tragic fact that you never were provided with a normal life. The troubles between my family and I meant you never got to know them and my reluctance to tell you who your father was has held you back from getting to know him and his family. I know I have failed you and I know the hurt you must be feeling. I am eternally sorry, my son. I should've told you. I was just afraid you would be hurt more. When we were younger, your father had no concerns outside of his career and reputation. The man he called his father then kept him on that path. My fear for years was that your father would put those concerns ahead of you and that is why I never told you. Granted, your father did change but he had a new family with new complications. My fear was still that you would not be given the love and attention by him you deserved. However, I should've known better. I should've known your father would never cast you aside. I grew to know him very well in our years together and I never stopped loving him yet I doubted him. That is a mistake I will forever wish I hadn't made. Whether you already know who your father is or whether you are just finding out by reading my papers, I am sure you must be hurt and in a state of confusion. I am so sorry for the way things turned out. I know you don't owe me anything after the way I have behaved and after all I have done but I do have one request of you. I would like you to give your father a chance. I would like you to give your new family a chance. It is my feeling you won't regret it. I know you may never forgive me and I understand that. I just hope you don't direct any anger toward your father. He is an innocent in this, just as you are. Give him a chance. This is your chance at having the family you always dreamed of. The one you told me you wanted when you were just a child and the one I know you still wanted as you continued to grow into the wonderful man you are today. Just do that for me and I can rest in peace knowing you are not alone...knowing that you are loved and being cared for. Know that I love you, my son, and everything I did was done out of love for you. Hopefully, one day you understand but it is fine if you don't. I understand. Please, tell your father I will never love another man like I loved him and that I hope he also finds the happiness he so deserves. I love you both and my your lives be filled with peace, joy, and love. Your mother, Elizabeth Alex finishes reading, gets up, and walks away. Jack gets up and puts his hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. Alex turns and looks at Jack with tears in his eyes. Alex breaks down and tells Jack he is sorry and embraces him. Jack pats him on the back and says he has nothing to feel sorry for. Jack says he loves him and Alex says the same as the scene shifts to... PIER Miranda and Billie are on their way back from the hospital lab. Billie thanks Miranda again for pulling some strings and getting the DNA test done. Miranda says it's the least she can do and tells Billie the results may not be in for a bit due to the holidays and the lab being back up with priorities first. Billie understands and thanks her for getting it done so quickly. Kate then appears and says she has been looking all over for Billie, thinking she would've heard about Orpheus. Billie nods. Kate says she was worried about her. Billie tells Kate she has nothing to worry about. It's not like she cared about Orpheus as the man was a criminal and she hated him. Kate asks what she's doing with Miranda. Billie fills Kate in on the DNA test idea, saying she wishes she thought of it sooner. Kate tells Billie she hates to be a downer but she is being realistic as it's unlikely the test will show a different result. Miranda tells Kate to just shutup. Kate fires back, saying it's Miranda's fault this came out in the first place. Miranda says it would've came out at some point and adds that Kate was the one with her arms all over Orpheus that night. Kate tells Miranda she is sick of her and lunges for her but Billie pulls Kate off Miranda and tells her mother to back off, saying Miranda is trying to help her get some final answers. Kate tells Billie that Miranda just has a guilty conscience because she played a part in her learning the truth. Billie tells them both to stop acting like children and says she doesn't need their BS tonight. She says she is going home and thanks Miranda for her help. Miranda says she really does want a relationship with Billie since she is her niece and adds she hopes to tell Lucas and Philip that she is their aunt too. Billie thinks that is good and bids her goodnight and bids a subdued goodnight to Kate. Billie leaves as Miranda tells Kate she does feel horrible Billie got hurt but says the blame for what has happened falls on her. Miranda adds that her children are miserable because of her and her alone. Miranda walks off as Kate thinks about what she has said and seems affected by it. She then slowly walks off as the scene shifts to... KIRIAKIS MANSION Victor walks into his bedroom and is stunned to see candles lit all over the room and Maggie lying on their bed in a negligee. Maggie smiles and says she thought he could use something to help him unwind after the day and night they have just had, saying she set everything up while he was downstairs going through things with Nico. Victor smiles and says that would be just what the doctor orders. He sits on the bed and Maggie begins to massage his shoulders, asking if there is any word on Orpheus. Victor shakes his head and says it looks like he really is gone. Maggie admits she can't help but be pleased. They all need a little peace. Victor agrees but says they still have Stefano to worry about. Maggie then begins to kiss his neck and tells Victor they can worry about him some other time. Victor agrees and kisses Maggie. They continue to kiss as they begin to make love as the scene shifts to... ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE Marlena is on the couch when Roman enters from the kitchen, saying he just talked to Shane and there is no word. Marlena tells him to come and hold her in his arms and relax. Roman does just that and says it's been a long time since they've done that and adds that it may be even longer before they do it again once the evidence against him piles up. Roman tells Marlena he will have to pay for what he did. Marlena tells him not to talk about it. They will deal with it when the times comes and adds they have enough to deal with. Roman agrees, saying they need to pray for Sami. Marlena says that and that all the violence comes to an end. Roman says he will make sure that happens. Marlena tells him not to talk about taking action tonight. She tells him to just hold her, like he used to all the time. Roman holds her tightly in his arms and pledges his love to her. Marlena does the same as they kiss and the scene shifts to... BO AND HOPE HOUSE Bo and Hope walk into the house. Hope tells Bo she hopes the worst is behind them but, even if Orpheus is gone, Stefano is still out there as a threat. Bo tells Hope they will deal with Stefano in time. Hope nods. Bo reminds Hope that they have had hardly any time for each other lately and JT is at a friend's house so he thinks they should take advantage. Hope smiles and puts her arms around Bo, saying she agrees. They kiss passionately and Bo ends up picking Hope up and carrying her up to their bedroom as the scene shifts to... STEVE AND KAYLA'S HOUSE Kayla comes out of the bathroom in a robe as Steve watches the news for any word on Orpheus. Kayla asks if there is an update, to which Steve replies no, saying it looks like the bastard finally met his maker. Kayla tells Steve she has a nice, hot shower going and, as she puts her arms around him, says she could use some company. Steve says he's never been one to leave a beautiful woman all alone and adds that they do need to do their part for the environment by conserving water. They begin to kiss as Steve gets up and Kayla drags him with her into the bathroom as the scene shifts to... HORTON HOUSE Alice sits in her chair and watches the news. She then looks at a picture of Doug and Julie and then at all the other pictures on her mantle, ending on a picture of Tom. Alice tells Tom to keep watching over them and to bring them peace and joy. She then says she hopes that peace and joy begins with what happened tonight as the scene shifts to upstairs in Doug and Julie's room, where Doug is in his robe as Julie comes in, now in her nightgown and robe. Doug lies on the bed and Julie sits down next to him, saying she is so happy they got a another chance and promises she won't take it for granted. He promises to do the same. They kiss and she falls into his arms. Doug then tells her he never stopped loving her. Julie's eyes well with tears as she says she never gets tired of hearing him tell her those three special words. Doug tells her he loves her again and they kiss again before he turns off the light and the scene goes black and then shifts to... SALEM INN Tony returns to his suite with a bottle of champagne and tells Anna he has some food being brought up. He is shocked to hear romantic music playing, candles lit, and Anna coming out of the bathroom and a bright red negligee. Tony smiles and says he thought they would wait until at least after dinner. He has waited so long for their reunion and he wants to soak it all in. Anna smiles and says, as she begins to undress him and kiss his body, that they will do just that, saying they will have their appetizer first, a little dinner, and then several different desserts. Tony begins to kiss Anna and says it sounds like a plan. They have alot of time to make up for. Passion ignites and they continue to kiss passionately as he picks her up, lays her gently on the bed, and then begin to make love as the scene shifts to... JOELLE'S APARTMENT Lucas can't believe what Joelle has just told him and demands that if there is anything else, she tells him right now. Joelle smiles. Lucas asks her why she is doing this. He reminds her she worked for Kate for years and never tried anything like this. He asks why now. Joelle says what the hell, figuring he has no proof of what she is saying anyway, and tells him a very powerful friend came to her and offered her money to do a job. That job was seducing him and helping him move on after Sami's apparent demise. Joelle explains that she needed the money desperately for her son and mother. Lucas asks who the "powerful friend" was. She tells him to guess. Lucas thinks for a moment and then, as his face turns to one of shock, says "Orpheus." Joelle nods and says he had cameras all over the place and wanted some naughty images to show to Sami. Lucas is appalled, wondering what Sami actually saw. Joelle says she saw the night in her apartment before he was rushed to the hospital. She then says that Orpheus never contacted her again after the night he was rushed to the hospital, saying everything since then was all her decision as a way of making more money and giving her son, mother, and herself the best life possible. She says she has suffered enough in her life and she wanted better and feels she deserves better, no matter what she has to do. Being nice got her nowhere, anyway. Lucas asks if she drugged him the night he was rushed to the hospital. Joelle says she drugged him, got him drunk, the whole bit. She then says she loves this. He just found out from her that he has done nothing wrong, just as he suspected, and can do nothing to prove what she has said or prove his innocence. Lucas demands she admits all, saying they can cut a deal. Joelle tells him to get out and stay away from her, threatening a restraining order. Lucas grabs her and begs her to end this, not for him but for his son. Joelle tells him to think about her son and her dead mother. She says she is doing this all for them. She then walks to the door, opens it, and orders him out or she is calling the police. Lucas reluctantly agrees to go but says everyone already suspects something is up with her not going through with the rape exam. Joelle smiles and says good night before closing the door. In the hallway, Lucas wonders what he is going to do to prove his innocence while, inside her apartment, Joelle wonders how she is going to deal with the rape exam problem as the scene shifts back to... SWITZERLAND Jack and Alex break from their embrace. Alex tells him that letter just put everything in perspective. It reminded him of his hopes, dreams...everything he wanted. The perfect family...the perfect career...he just wants to be normal. Jack says he can have that...back in Salem. He can work at The Spectator and he has a family with him, Abby, and JJ. Alex says he is sorry he blamed him for his mother's death. He says he blamed himself for not going with her that night or for stopping what happened. He just hates he was mad at his mother before her death. He just never got to say goodbye and blames himself for that. He directed his anger with himself toward him and apologizes. Jack says he understands. He blames himself too and suggests they just stop playing the blame game and move on, remembering how much Elizabeth loved them. It's what she would want. Alex agrees. Alex then says he will arrange for someone to come and get everything and tells Jack he wants to go home with him, if that's ok. Jack smiles and says it sure is. Alex nods and tells Jack he is ready to go now. They both get up as Jack puts his arm around Alex and says let's go. They then walk out of the house as the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A LOVED ONE COMES HOME!!!
  11. DECEMBER 12, 2007-EPISODE #392: IN THE WAKE OF NIGHT UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lucas and Will are at Sami's bedside. After watching the latest news reports, Will asks Lucas if he really thinks Orpheus is dead. Lucas says he hopes so and says he is going to go make a few calls to find out what is going on for sure. He tells Will he will be right back. Lucas goes out in the hall and, as he walks, he hears two nurses talking about their shifts. One nurse says that she had the chance to take an early lunch because the woman who is accusing Lucas Horton of rape backed out of her rape exam so Dr. Terry told her to go on break early. The other nurse says she thinks the woman is lying. Lucas is a Horton and they are a good family who have done so much for the hospital and community. She thinks the woman doesn't have a leg to stand on and thinks her backing out and avoiding the exam is a sign of that. Lucas overhears this and says his calls will have to wait and races off. SWITZERLAND Jack and Alex are looking through Elizabeth's things at her and Alex's home. Jack notes the townhouse like feel and then makes note of the fact that Alex has barely said a word since they left Salem. Alex says he doesn't feel like talking. Jack admits he thought they were making progress since he the tension between them was dissipating as they left Salem. Alex doesn't say anything and Jack says he realizes now that was just a way of shutting him up. Alex is silent. Jack tells Alex he knows that he didn't want him to go. He just thought this would be the chance they needed to bond and try to get past all that has happened. Alex turns around and tells Jack his mother is dead because she left home to pursue him and he may never get past that. Jack puts his head down and walks away. Jack then asks if Alex lied about coming back to Salem too. Alex doesn't answer for a few moments and then says he has nothing in Salem. Jack tells him he has him, Abby, and JJ. Jack adds he has that Alyson girl he seems to like. Alex tells Jack she is just someone he had alot in common with and who he talked to at a time when he needed someone to just listen. Someone who understood what he was dealing with. Jack tells Alex he is there for him. Before Alex can answer, there is a knock at the door. Alex answers it and a man in a suit is standing before him when the door is opened. The man introduces himself as Art Teller, Elizabeth's attorney and says he was waiting for her son's arrival. Alex asks how he knew they were there. Art says he told a neighbor to tell him when they arrived. Jack comments on how secure he feels now that he knows the neighbors are stalkers. Alex introduces Jack to Art. Art tells Alex he has a meeting to get to but hands him an manila envelope, saying it contains a copy of his mother's wishes and adds that she left him everything she owned. He tells Alex there is a letter in there for him...and for his father...so it's good Jack is there. Alex thanks Art and Art tells them to call if they have questions. Art leaves as Alex opens the envelope that holds all of Elizabeth's papers and finds an envelope addressed to him and Jack. Alex and Jack look at each other, wondering what could be in the letter as the scene shifts to... SALEM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Miranda and Shane are surveying the crash site near the woods. Shane shakes his head and says it looks like Orpheus really bit the bullet this time. Miranda thinks it's about time he ran out of reprieves. She just hopes Roman can get out of hot water. Shane says they need this whole mess behind them so they can focus on Lawrence. He adds that Forrest is monitoring the situation and still nothing. Miranda hopes they locate him soon. Shane agrees and walks off. Just then, Billie arrives and several FBI agents try to pull her away. Miranda tells them it's ok for her to be there and asks what Billie is doing there. Billie says she saw what happened on the news reports and asks if Orpheus is dead. Miranda says it looks that way. Billie says she doesn't know how to feel. She admits she is relieved in a way but also feels sad. Miranda says it's only normal to be conflicted, given the circumstances. Miranda then says there is something she had been hoping to talk to Billie about. Billie tells her to go ahead. She knows it's a long shot but she thinks Billie needs to have a DNA test done to be sure Orpheus is her father. Billie is surprised she never thought of that but it must have slipped her mind with the shock of finding out what she did. Miranda tells Billie she can arrange it all for tonight by using ISA connections, saying there is nothing more she can do at the crash site anyway. Billie says she would like that as she wants to know for sure and have this all resolved, once and for all. The scene then shifts to... SALEM POLICE STATION In Abe's office, Marlena waits with Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Caroline, Victor, Maggie, Doug, and Julie. Belle walks in and Marlena fills her in. Maggie calls Alice, who is still at the Kiriakis Mansion. She tells her Doug and Julie are fine, Julie's been checked out, and they are back together. Alice is pleased. Maggie says they will be there soon once they handle some business. Abe walks in, dragging Roman, with Patricia complaining behind them. Marlena asks what is going on. Abe says that the judge agreed to release Roman on bail, pending a further investigation. Patricia tells Abe he better believe she will personally oversee this investigation and that Roman will be brought right back as soon as they have enough evidence. Abe tells Patricia to back off, saying the Brady's have been through enough. Patricia tells him Lucas got released on bail earlier because he is a Horton and now Roman is released because someone pulled strings and he is a Brady. She says she will personally put a stop to these acts of injustice and walks off in a huff. Steve thinks that woman needs to put a sock in it. Maggie thanks Victor for pulling some strings and helping Roman. Victor smiles. Marlena says she had no idea and thanks him. Victor says it's the least he can do after everything that has happened. Caroline and the rest of the family thank Victor. Roman is then dragged in by a guard. Abe tells him he is free to go. Roman is greeted by friends and family. Abe warns him he will have to answer for what happened. Roman says he would be happy to. Abe says he would like to talk to him about some things, personally, as well. Roman says sure. Marlena just hopes the nightmare is over and that Orpheus is dead. Bo says they still have Stefano to deal with. Roman adds that they will deal with him but not tonight. They all deserve a night of peace. Maggie agrees and says they all have a wedding to look forward to as well and then shows off her ring. Everyone congratulates Victor and Maggie. Kayla admits they could use a joyous event and something happy to happen for once. They all slowly begin to make their way out of Abe's office as they talk about the wedding and the apparent end of Orpheus. Meanwhile, Cassie and Lexie race in and Cassie runs right into Stefano's arms, grateful he is alright. Tony and Anna, having just come from having her checked out at the hospital, watch this scene. Lexie embraces Tony and Anna. Cassie breaks from Stefano's embrace and looks over at Tony. Cassie tells Tony she is happy he is ok too. Tony smiles. Lexie embraces Stefano and asks if Orpheus is really gone. Stefano says it would seem that way. He then sees Roman and everyone else walking out of Abe's office. Stefano walks into Abe's office. Abe looks up and sees Lexie. Lexie says hello to him and says she is glad he is ok. Abe nods. Stefano wonders how that can be. Orpheus' blood and the blood of all his men are on Roman's hands. Abe says Roman has been released, pending investigation. He asks why Stefano cares. Orpheus shot him and was a threat to his family too and now he's dead. Abe walks off. Lexie asks why Stefano does care. Stefano says nevermind. He will deal with this later. Stefano walks out and Tony follows, asking why he is so quiet about Orpheus being his son. Stefano says he has his reasons and asks why Tony has said nothing to anyone. Tony reminds Stefano he wants to rebuild the Dimera name and empire in a more positive way and affiliating it with Orpheus does not do that. He says he has sworn Anna to secrecy too and says he has goaded Marlena into not saying anything, telling her that Orpheus may not really be a Dimera and not to say anything until they know for sure. Stefano puts his head down. Tony thinks Stefano is staying silent for the same reasons. Stefano tells him to nevermind and walks off. Cassie follows, looks back at Tony, and then goes back to following Stefano. Anna asks if Tony is ok. Tony smiles and says he will have to work on Cassie but, for the moment, he is fine as long as he has her. They kiss passionately. JOELLE'S APARTMENT Joelle hears a knock on the door and goes to open it. She is shocked to see Lucas behind the door and tries to close it but he forces his way in. He tells Joelle about what he overheard and then reminds her of what he overheard her talking to Patricia about earlier. He asks why she is so afraid to take the rape exam. Joelle tells him to be quiet and to leave. Joey is sleeping in the next room. Lucas says he doesn't care. He doesn't remember what happened but she is clearly lying about something. Joelle then turns, closes the door, walks up to Lucas, and puts her arms all around him, caressing his body from head to toe. Lucas pushes her away and asks what the hell she is doing. She says she is checking for a wire or recorder and says she knew he was too stupid to bring one. Lucas is confused. Joelle says that of course he didn't rape her. He hasn't done a damn thing to her but reject her but that makes no difference. Just as long as the people that matter believe her...she has him right where she wants him. Lucas is stunned and says he knew it. Joelle tells him to not get too excited. He has no proof of her saying what she just did. It's his word against hers, which is why she can tell him everything right now and it would make no difference. Lucas is confused by what "everything" means and asks if there is more. Joelle smiles evilly as the scene freezes on her face and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... JOELLE REVEALS A SHOCKER AND JACK AND ALEX REACH A TURNING POINT!! PLUS, ROMANCE!!
  12. DECEMBER 11, 2007-EPISODE #391: THE SHOWDOWN PART III SALEM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT -As the news crews report the breaking story in the hanger, the scene shifts back to the main cabin as Roman holds Orpheus at gunpoint. He orders Orpheus to let the women go and Orpheus smiles once again, saying that it was his plan the entire time. They were just bait........to lure him there. Roman tells Michael to open the side door and then pulls out a radio, telling both Shane and Abe that he has the situation under control.........and that Julie and Anna are coming out. Both Doug and Tony hear this, listening to Bo’s radio, and all three take off towards the hanger. On the plane, Michael opens the door, releases the emergency shoot, and Roman tells the women to get off the plane and get as far away as they can. Orpheus nods his head in approval and Anna and Julie are taken to the door and one after the other slide down the shoot and back onto the ground. Michael gives the men the order to let them go and they all obey, backing off from the hanger opening....... Until one of them gets an itchy trigger finger and accidentally lets off a round. This causes Victor and Stefano’s men to point their weapons at this man and Orpheus slowly walks over to the door to see what is happening. He looks out and then back at Roman, telling him that they have a real situation here. Roman agrees and then tells Orpheus to give the order to his men to leave the hanger......... including Michael. Michael and Orpheus shake hands as he jumps on the shoot and sails down the ground....... And all that is left on the plane..........Is Orpheus and Roman. Anna and Julie run out onto the runway as Tony and Doug run up to them. Bo watches as the four people embrace and, after a brief moment, Bo tells them that they have to go. Anna stops long enough to tell Bo that she had never seen Roman looking like that and Bo looks toward the airplane in the hanger.........and says a silent prayer for his brother. As Bo leads the two couples and his officers away from the hanger..... Shane gives Miranda the order to have their people fall back into the woods but to keep the plane in sight. If it starts to leave the hanger,.......she has the order to open fire. Miranda understands and tells the agents to fall back. The F.B.I agents get the order to do the same as Orpheus’ men get on board another jetliner and it starts up to leave. 75 of his men strap themselves in and the plane starts to taxi onto the runway. Back on the 747, Orpheus says how surprised he is that Roman is letting his men go. Roman smiles, saying that he should know him better than that by now. Back on the other plane, the scene slowly goes to the luggage area of the plane and then focuses on a large steel case......that happens to hold 100 pounds of explosives on it, which has just activated. On the runway, Michael walks toward the plane and, as he sees it starting to go down the runway, prepares to fly off into the night. As Michael walks toward Orpheus’ private jet, F.B.I. and I.S.A. agents have guns aimed at him and, as he boards the plane, the other jetliner starts to rise into the night sky. The scene then goes back to the main hanger as Roman picks up his radio and tells everyone to make sure everyone else is clear. When Abe asks Roman why........ The jetliner carrying Orpheus’s men........suddenly starts to explode! It starts from the wing of the plane and engulfs the entire jetliner as the remnants of the plane fall back to earth in several huge fireballs. Orpheus is livid and Roman smiles broadly, saying that he knows Orpheus won’t underestimate him again. As Orpheus looks at him with utter hatred........... The scene shifts to EMTs working on both Anna and Julie. As Tony and Doug stand by, everyone reacts to the explosion. Victor comes out and asks if everyone is alright and Doug turns around and scornfully tells Victor that they are just fine. Victor gets the hint and holds Nico back as Doug turns his attention back to Julie. Officers and agents run about as Stefano checks on Anna. Tony holds her hand as the EMT tells him she is fine but that she should still go to the hospital. Tony agrees, saying that he needs to make sure she is ok. Anna smiles through her tears of happiness, saying that he still cares. Tony says he never stopped. He then takes her hand lovingly and tells her that she has always been the love of his life and hopes that now, she will give him the chance to prove it. Anna says she has made a lot of selfish mistakes. First with Carrie and lately with him. She’s scared to commit again. Tony says he is too so, they should meet the fear together......and then move on to a much better place. Anna smiles as Tony wipes away her tears and says that for him.......she will try her best. As Tony and Anna gently kiss, the scene then shifts to....... Doug and Julie, with Doug telling Julie that she still can’t help but get in some type of trouble. Julie says she knows he is really mad but she came to the airport to find him........and beg him not to leave her. But, she says that she will just buy him another plane ticket after all this is over. Doug says that the only place he is going.........is home with her. Julie asks if he will take her back. Doug and Julie hug, with him saying that he never wanted to let her go. He loves her......and always will. Then they now agree to try and put the past behind them, Julie asks. Doug kisses her gently and tells her that should be all the answer she needs. As Doug holds Julie in his loving arms...... The scene shifts back to the airplane. Roman and Orpheus stare each other down and then Roman drops his gun. Orpheus smiles and starts to take off his Rolex watch and a gold medallion that he has hanging around his neck. Roman takes off his watch and takes off his wedding ring, placing it in his pocket. Both men then take up boxing stances as Roman says to Orpheus.... Roman: Time to get your ass kicked, old friend. Orpheus: Well, partner.....let’s see what you got. Orpheus steps forward and swings twice at Roman, missing both times. Roman then steps up and delivers a vicious right cross, followed by a hard left hook to Orpheus’ face, making him stagger backwards. Roman moves in and tries to hit Orpheus again but he ducks and hits Roman with a right cross. He steps forward and throws another punch but Roman blocks it and sends Orpheus backwards with another right cross. Bo and Abe can hear the fight going on in the hanger and Steve, Stefano and Victor walk over to listen. They can hear the blows being delivered, they can hear glass breaking......and they can hear two men having the fight of a lifetime inside that hanger. At the hospital, Lucas and Will are inside Sami’s room, watching the drama unfold on nationwide television while Lexie and Cassie so the same from a waiting area. Alice watches from the Kiriakis Mansion. Maggie and Marlena watch from the airport lounge area And, on the runway, Lincoln and Hawk watch with their men from the woods as Roman and Orpheus do battle one last time. Back in the hanger, both men go back and forth, trading punches and kicks. They tear up the cabin as Roman starts to get the upper hand on his hated enemy. Orpheus pulls out a sword from the wall and tries to strike Roman with it but Roman manages to disarm him and throw the sword out the open door. Both men are bloody but Roman is resolved to end the threat once and for all.......and tries to when he tackles Orpheus through the open door and down the chute. They land on the ground....... Roman picks Orpheus up and smashes his jaw once again with a right cross. Orpheus throws a punch but Roman blocks it again and delivers two stinging punches to his swollen face, sending Orpheus over one of the tables in the hanger. Orpheus then starts to stand up and, as Roman gets near, hits him with a uppercut sending Roman backwards. He then picks up a bottle, breaks it, and tries to cut Roman with it. He is successful, opening a gash on Roman’s shoulder. Orpheus tries to deliver a roundhouse kick but Roman ducks it and backhands Orpheus hard. Roman starts to pass out and Orpheus is beyond glad, telling him that he had him on the ropes......but couldn’t deliver the knockout punch. Orpheus then says he has a plane to catch and takes off running toward the private jet that Michael boarded. Roman gathers himself up and, as the news crews roll, and as Marlena and his family and friends watch, Roman takes off after Orpheus, running down the runway. As Orpheus boards the plane, Roman pulls another gun and starts firing at the plane. The plane starts to go down the runway as Roman fires at the engine. The plane takes off into the night air and Roman sees Orpheus escape once again. As officers and agents run out onto the runway, Roman collapses under the pain. Marlena, who has arrived one the runway now with Maggie, holds a bloody Roman close to her and he tells her....... Roman: I tried, Doc. I tried to stop him....... Marlena: You protected your family. That’s all that matters. I’m just glad....... Suddenly, everyone looks off into the distance.........as the jet starts to make a fast descent. Stefano sees this and starts running down the runway, followed by Victor, Bo, Shane, Miranda and other officers and agents. Billie, who is walking in Salem Place, sees the Breaking News report on a TV in a department store window and stands in shock and awe of what she is seeing. The news crews are recording the final shocking moments.......... As the jet carrying Orpheus crashes into a wooded area.........and explodes into a gigantic fireball. Stefano stands still, shocked at having witnessed this tragedy. Emergency personnel, fire trucks and ambulances drive off quickly to the crash site as Roman and everyone else look on in stunned disbelief. That is when Patricia, the Salem D.A., walks over to Roman, who is helped up by Marlena, and says to him........ Patricia: I’m sorry that I have to do this.........but with what just happened, I’m afraid that I’ll have to place you under arrest. Marlena: WHAT?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WHAT FOR?! Patricia: Looks like second-degree murder. Commissioner Carver, read him his rights and take him in. Abe looks at Roman and his friend looks back at him, saying...... Roman: Do your job, partner. As Victor walks back over, he and Bo promise that they will have this taken care of and soon. Abe then very reluctantly reads a bloody and battered Roman Brady his rights and Marlena promises that everything will be fine........... As Roman is put into a squad car and driven away. The scene then shows an overview of the huge burning wooded area as Stefano stands and looks at the carnage...... As the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE AFTERMATH!!!
  13. DECEMBER 10, 2007-EPISODE #390: THE SHOWDOWN PART II ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE Roman runs downstairs to answer his phone, having just gotten out of the shower. He is still nursing his jaw from his fight with Abe and when he picks up the phone.......Victor tells him that he has to get to the airport. Roman is stunned, asking why. Victor tells him to turn on the television. When Roman does, he sees the scene at the airport. Roman asks what is going on and Victor tells him that Orpheus has both Julie and Anna held hostage and will not let them go until he meets with Roman face to face. Then, Roman says, that’s exactly what he will give him. Victor tells Roman to be careful and Roman tells Victor to look after his family if anything should happen. They bid each other good-bye......and Roman then runs downstairs to get his gear. SALEM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Everyone starts to converge in the main terminal. Steve walks in, followed by Marlena and Maggie. At Victor’s mansion, Alice is being watched over by Nico as Bo and Abe give their men their instructions. ROMAN AND MARLENA'S HOUSE Roman comes back upstairs. He’s now dressed in black battle gear and carrying several weapons. He has a double holster on, filled with two Glock 47 handguns, and is also carrying a bow and arrow with armor piercing tips. He starts to load up when the phone rings....... Roman: Yeah. Brady here. Marlena: Roman......don’t do it. Don’t come near this airport. Let Abe and Shane handle Orpheus. Roman: Can’t do that, Doc. He called me out........besides, he has a lot on the books to answer for. Marlena: I know that. (Starting to cry) But you may not walk away from this. Roman: (Pausing) Then just know........how much you mean to me. Know how special you have made my life. Know how much I cherish our children..........and know, that I’m doing what I have to do. Marlena: But Roman....... Roman: After tonight.........Orpheus will be in the past. I made a promise of what I would do the next time I saw him........ And I keep my promises, Doc. Marlena: Roman, wait........ Roman: I love you so much, Marlena. Good-bye. Marlena: NO! DON’T HANG UP!!!! Roman hangs the phone up and looks at it once more.........before walking over to the dining room table and setting it down. The phone starts ringing again as Roman goes over, grabs his gear, walks to the door, looks around one last time, looks at the phone, turns off the light......... And heads to his car. He gets in and speeds off into the night. SALEM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Marlena hangs up her phone and, while being consoled by Maggie...Abe, Shane & Bo go over the plans they have to take the hanger back. Stefano and Victor then walk in.......together. Abe demands to know what they are doing there and Stefano says he has his reasons. Victor then says that he has full confidence in his son to do what is necessary.........but will not sit at him while Bo puts his life on the line. Bo smiles at this response and Victor and Bo shake hands. Stefano asks Shane what they are doing about the hostage crisis and Shane says that he has Miranda taking a team into the woods next to the hanger to take positions. Stefano says that his soldiers will join them, to which Abe refuses. Stefano asks why and so does Marlena, who just walked over. Abe says there is no way he is trusting Stefano not to give his men the order to shoot whoever is near the hanger. Tony and Doug then walk up, saying that they both volunteer to be the ones to try and bait Orpheus out. Both Abe and Shane won’t allow it and Bo says that it is crazy to think that way........but what folks don’t see is Bo winking at Tony. Tony then changes his tune, saying that he sees what they mean. He just wants to help in any way he can, with Anna and Julie in danger. Doug looks at him puzzled and, before he can say anything,.....Tony takes him by the arm and leads him away. Bo says he will go and calm them down as Victor smiles. Lincoln then walks up and pulls Stefano and Victor to the side, saying that their men are getting in place. Hawk then walks up from the opposite direction, dressed in all black, as Victor tells him to be careful out there...... And to make sure nothing happens to his son. Hawk tells Victor that's what he’s paying him for. Hawk then heads off with Lincoln and the other men as they prepare to take out the hanger. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Roman walks into Sami’s darkened room. He slowly walks over to her bed and sits down next to her. He takes her hand and looks at his daughter, saying to her in a quiet voice.... Roman: Well, peanut.........I have to leave you now. Orpheus has Julie and Anna held hostage and he has called me out....... Roman looks at Sami, hoping that she hears what he is saying....... Roman: And I have to go. Innocents are in danger and it’s been past time that he pays for what he’s done.......to all of us. (Pausing) I just wanted to let you know......that no matter what has been said......or what we have been through.......you are my baby girl and I love you so much, honey. Roman stands up and, with a tear rolling down his cheek, bends over and kisses Sami on her forehead. As he stands back up, he tries to walk away........but Sami has squeezed his hand. She is still unconscious but Roman now knows that she is fighting to come back to them. He kisses her hand, runs his hand through her hair, and then heads out to the airport...... And his battle with Orpheus. No one sees Roman head out. As he walks past the waiting room, Lexie and Cassie, who are on their way to see Stefano and have just found out he left, sit with other people and watch the drama unfolding at the airport. Steve calls Kayla from the airport and tells her that everything is breaking down........but he is being kept back this time. Kayla asks why and Steve says that apparently, from what Victor said, Orpheus wants to meet Roman.......alone. Kayla knows this may be what Roman has been waiting for. Steve agrees but says that unlike the shootout at the penthouse, only trained personnel are getting close to this one. Kayla still tells him to be careful and Steve says he will before they both hang up. Meanwhile, Bo is fitting both Tony and Doug with bullet proof vests. He also tells them that they better not interfere with what the agencies are doing near the hanger. They understand but Tony then says that if Hope were out there......what would he do? Bo says the same thing they are doing. He leads both men off with Hawk and Lincoln walking behind them as Stefano asks Victor...... Stefano: Do you think this is it? Victor: Maybe. Orpheus has done way too much.........to all of us. Time to stop bull shitting with him....and let him know where WE stand. Stefano: (Pausing) I guess we can agree on some things. I just hope, for once, that Roman can end this. Victor: I have every confidence in him. Besides........with Sami laying in a coma, this is the best chance he has to find Orpheus.......and stop him once and for all. Stefano: Well then......who is your money on? Both men look at each other........silently and then turn and look back out the window towards the hanger, not saying a word. The scene then fades to 30 minutes later and, as Orpheus talks with his men,.........a dark figure is seen stalking in the woods near the airport. The figure looks through night vision binoculars and sees several of Orpheus’ men securing the area. The figure then pulls out a bow set, then pulls a steel tipped bow out, prepares his weapon, takes aim.........and fires the arrow, killing a man instantly. The man falls silently to the ground and no one notices him as the figure stalks toward the hanger. Two more men, who are closer to the hanger, talk between themselves.......when one of them hears a noise in the wilderness. He goes and checks it out while telling his partner to stay focused. As he slowly walks into the woods, he looks around.....but sees nothing. He looks back and forth once more but, before he can turn around,......the figure grabs him, covers his mouth with his hand.......and cuts his throat with a large hunting knife. The man slowly falls dead at the figures feet as his eyes roll into the back of his head. The figure then takes out a handgun and places a silencer on the end. He then sees the other henchman, who is coming to check on his partner, coming close to him. The figure takes aim.......and shoots the other henchman in the right eye, killing him instantly. The figure then places the gun back into his holster and stalks off once again toward the hanger. Twenty minutes later, Julie and Anna are asking to speak with their husbands. One of Orpheus’ men says that he is under orders to not let them speak to anyone.......until they are in the air. The women look at each other with abject fear, hoping that they will be rescued soon. Meanwhile, back in the terminal, a phone call comes in...........from Orpheus. He says that the hanger doors are going to open and the jetliner is coming out. If anyone decides that heroics are in order........both of the lovely ladies that he has will end up on the runway, dead. Shane, having answered the call, tells Orpheus that he will not be harmed. Orpheus hangs up the phone and gives the order to taxi onto the runway. Moments later, after the huge hanger doors open, the 747 starts up to slowly taxi onto the runway. Victor and Stefano’s men, along with Bo, members of the S.P.D., F.B.I. and I.S.A. watch as the plane fires up it’s engines. News crews from local and national television report the tense moments that are going by as the plane is readying to leave Salem. Doug and Tony, who are with the agents and other officers, ask to speak to their wives one more time. One of Orpheus’ men denies the request, saying that they are safe......and will remain so, as long as no one storms the hanger. On board the plane, Orpheus tells the women that everything will be fine. No harm will come to them.......as long as he gets what he wants. Julie tells him that he won’t get away with this and Orpheus responds, telling her she has been watching too many action movies. He then picks up a handgun and walks toward the cockpit, telling the captain to start taxiing onto the runway. But........no one responds. Orpheus gives the order again and still........nothing. He then grows very angry, demanding to know who would disobey his orders and, as he walks into the cockpit....... He starts back out of it with his hands raised.........while Roman has a gun pointed to his head! The captain, Roman tells him, is dead. Orpheus commends Roman on his training. Michael, Orpheus’ right hand man, then walks slowly into the main cabin, telling Orpheus that he has just gotten a report of many of his men.....dead. Roman smiles, saying that it was not a problem at all. Orpheus smiles as well, saying...... Orpheus: Well, I have to hand it to you, Roman,.........the darkness that I always knew you had IS inside you. Roman: Well, when some bastard like you thinks they can play God with the lives of my family and friends......I take that.....kinda personally. Orpheus: Really? Roman: That’s a fact. Orpheus: Well, looks like we’re at a stalemate. What happens now, old friend? Roman: Now, we settle our business......... Once........and for all. The scene then goes to quick shots of Julie.......Anna.......Michael........and then splits screens, with Orpheus on one side.......and Roman on the other. The scene then freeze frames as these two deadly adversaries stare hatred at one another...... And the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... THE LONG AWAITED SHOWDOWN...OF ROMAN AND ORPHEUS!!!
  14. Not at all. Alyson came with her mother, Jean, to Salem in September. She had a brief fling with Eric that produced a child, Sam. Nicole is jealous that she has a child with Eric and feels Eric would want her to raise the child and not some girl he had a one night stand with that kept the fact that they had a child a secret for over a year. Alyson's mother is in a coma right now due to the attack on her life my Michael Myers in October. Carrie gave up her child with Austin, Evan, last February and the child ended up with Eric and Nicole via Orpheus. Nicole learned how she ended up with Evan and began working with Orpheus to protect the secret (he more or less blackmailed her). Everything was exposed in June and Carrie ended up getting her child back. Eric and Austin died during the cruise ship story and Nicole fell apart and wanted Evan back, feeling she was more of a mother to him and that Eric and Austin would want it that way. Nicole now wants revenge on Carrie and the whole Brady family due to their hypocritical treatment of her. Sami and Lucas are not involved in a custody battle. Sami is in a coma after being shot and Lucas has the rape story to deal with. Victor and Maggie have been together off and on for over a year. Hope that helps.
  15. WEEK OF DECEMBER 10, 2007 EDITION WRITER'S CORNER EACH WEEK I, TIM LOWERY (BETTER KNOWN AS PHOENIXRISING05) AND MY FELLOW SALEM LIVES HEAD WRITER, PATRICK L. EWING (BETTER KNOWN AS ROMAN), WILL TAKE TIME OUT TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM READERS AND ANYONE ELSE THAT DECIDES TO CHECK OUR FAN FICTION BLOG OUT. WE WILL TAKE TURNS ANSWERING QUESTIONS EACH WEEK. THESE QUESTIONS CAN BE QUESTIONS ABOUT CASTING, WRITING, PAST STORIES, CURRENT STORIES, OR WHATEVER COMES TO MIND REALLY PERTAINING TO SALEM LIVES. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PM US QUESTIONS DURING THE WEEK FOR US TO ANSWER AND ALSO REMEMBER YOU CAN POST QUESTIONS VIA COMMENTING HERE IN THE BLOG. IF WE RECEIVE NO QUESTIONS, ROMAN AND I WILL JUST ANSWER QUESTIONS BASED ON REACTIONS TO EPISODES AND DISCUSSIONS WE HAVE HAD WITH OTHERS. SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADIEU, HERE WE GO: THIS WEEK'S WRITER IN THE HOT SHEET: TIM LOWERY (PHOENIXRISING05) 1.) After a few months of relative stability in regards to cast changes, many returns have been announced recently. How many of them will be permanent and are there more coming? A: Well, most of them are brief but will last a bit longer then normal since we have a wedding coming up. Some of the returns may be permanent. Shane's is. Carrie will be recurring, at least. There may be one return that will end up being permanent after further discussion. We'll see. Fan reaction plays a big part but we know they will be happy with the returns and all the fun that comes with them. As for more returns, see below (laughs). 2.) There seemed to be a major lull in the pace of SL last week. Why was the show so dull? A: Well, once in awhile you have to have a "setup" week. A week that moves story and gets things to a place to pick up steam again. That was last week but we won't be having another week like that for a LONG time. 3.) SL is driven by action/adventure stories with traditional stories being more of a minority. Will that change? A: My fellow HW and I have discussed that at length and it will. It will actually begin right away in the new year with an event that happens on New Year's Eve that brings on some of the best story we have ever done. It's really good drama and it will be a change of pace. The action and adventure will be still be here but we think we could use a little shift. 4.) Nicole, Joelle, and Orpheus seem to get away with everything. Will they each face a comeuppance soon? A: You will have to stay tuned but I can say one of them will get one this week. The other two...well, stick with us. You won't be disappointed. 5.) I am stunned by the development in the Lucas/Joelle story. Did he really rape her? A: This story has many more twists and turns, some of which occur this month so just be patient. It will be a hell of a ride. 6.) Has Marlena dealing with her guilt and psychological trauma been dropped? A: No. In fact, it will become a focus again in the coming weeks and Christmas will really bring on a turning point for Marlena. TWO MORE RETURNS! MORE TO COME?! On the heels of the previous announced returns for this December comes the announcement of two more returns to Salem Lives. This time it's the news that Judi Evans and Wally Kurth will reprise the roles of Adrienne and Justin Kiriakis in late December. "They are coming back for the holidays and for Victor and Maggie's wedding like many of the other returnees," says EP/HW Tim Lowery. "They may stick around longer to deal with family issues as well. It's great to have them as we have been waiting to bring Judi back since her departure as Bonnie in summer 2006. The time has finally come and we are pleased to have her and Wally back with us." In addition to those two returns, comes word of two more as part of a huge story in early 2008. "Fans will have to just wait and see," Lowery says. PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WK OF 12/10/07 -All Hell Breaks Loose At The Airport. -Two Enemies Engage In A Deadly Showdown. -Two Couples Reunite. -A Loved One Comes Home. -Something Left Behind By A Loved One Brings A Father And Son Together. -One Woman Seeks Out the Truth...Once And For All. -The Search For a Powerful Enemy Continues. -Two Rivals Go At It. HIGHLIGHT OF THE WEEK: TUESDAY DECEMBER 11 IT'S THE MOMENT FANS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AS TWO ENEMIES ENGAGE IN A DEADLY SHOWDOWN THAT IS CAN'T MISS!!! NEXT WEEK: A Snowstorm May Keep A Loved One From Coming Home For The Holidays. The Final Preparations For A Wedding Are Made As Men and Women Gather For A Party. One Man Learns A Shocking Truth.
  16. ANNOUNCER: One Year Ago........ One Man Started A Reign Of Terror........ That Cost The Lives Of Innocent People. Death......... And Destruction........Were His Montra. But Now......... He Has Launched His Most Deadly Plan............ Scene Of Julie And Anna Being Held At Gun Point And People Running Through An Airport. And Only One Man Can Stop Him...... And End His Reign Of Terror..........Forever. Scene Of Roman Running Down A Runway. The Battle You’ve Been Waiting For...... Scene Of Roman Hitting Orpheus With A Left Hook. This Week..... Scene Of Orpheus Brandishing A Sword. It's A December To Remember...Only On...
  17. DECEMBER 7, 2007-EPISODE #389: THE SHOWDOWN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Steve walks into Jean’s room. He sees Alyson there and asks if there has been any change. She says no. Not one thing. Steve says how sorry he is and then asks if he could talk to Alyson out in the hallway. Once in the hallway, Steve gets right to the point, telling her that Nicole wanted him to try and convince her to give up her baby. Alyson is livid, asking how did this woman get the nerve to act like this. Steve says he doesn’t know. All he knows is that he wanted to let Alyson know........before Nicole got out of hand and tried something sneaky again. Alyson says that she barely knows Steve but thanks him for what he’s doing. She gets ready to walk back into her mother’s room when she stops and turns around. She asks Steve why he is doing this......and he pauses before telling her that he has his reasons and they’ll just leave it at that. Alyson smiles but then turns serious when she says that someone really needs to do something about Nicole. Steve agrees, saying it is long overdue. They bid each other goodbye and Alyson walks back into her mother’s room, thinking of ways she can finally get Nicole out of her life...........for good. BO AND HOPE'S HOUSE Hope calls Carrie overseas in Israel. Hope tells Carrie she got her number from Caroline and then asks how she’s doing. Carrie says she and the baby are doing just fine. She is helping Mike with his clinic there. She also tells Hope about reading all of the stuff that has been going on in Salem. Hope says it’s all true. Carrie wants Hope to tell Roman and Marlena that she is really pulling for Sami. Hope will tell them both and then asks Carrie a question. She wonders if Carrie is coming home any time soon. Carrie says that with all of the tragedy that is happening there, Europe is the safest place for her baby and herself. Hope agrees but says that things have calmed down somewhat. Shane is heading the I.S.A. in North America and she won’t have any problems. Besides, Hope says she should at least come home to see her family for the holidays. After a few moments, Carrie agrees, reluctantly. Hope says she and the baby will have a wonderful time and that they both can stay with her and Bo. Carrie agrees and, after they both say their good-byes, Hope thinks to herself, planning to tell Carrie the truth when she arrives. She also hopes she’s doing the right thing as she grabs her purse and heads out the door. CITY HALL Roman walks into Abe’s office. The old friends shake hands and Abe asks Roman where his head is at these days. Roman says protecting his family. Abe asks Roman is that what he was doing when he was standing on top of a building and shooting at Orpheus and Stefano’s men recently. Roman pauses and says that if Abe knows about that........maybe he should run him in. Abe says that was his first thought. Roman then smiles, saying...... Roman: Man. I tell you. Still a sucker for the law, aren’t you? Abe: I’m no one’s sucker, Roman. Remember that when you speak to me.........buddy. Roman: Yes sir, Commissioner. Wouldn’t want to step on your toes. Abe: You did that when you helped turn this city into a war zone. Roman: Oh........so all that is my fault?! Abe: I didn’t say it was. But ever since Eric’s death and Sami’s disappearance, you act like the rules don’t matter. Roman: They don’t. Following the rules is what got my son killed and my daughter taken hostage. The same daughter who is laying in a coma at Salem Hospital. So don’t read this [!@#$%^&*] to me like I’m supposed to snap out of it, alright?! Abe: No. I won’t do that. Abe walks over to where Roman is standing......... Abe: Maybe I should just kick your ass right here.......and right now. Roman: Oh. After all these years playing second fiddle..........you think you can finally take me on? Abe: Take you on? Buddy boy......I spent those years covering your ass when you decided to run around Salem and the world chasing after Stefano. And........I don’t know how many times I’ve looked the other way for whatever unlawful [!@#$%^&*] you’ve pulled. So, don’t get crazy with me. I’m from the streets. Roman: Well then........maybe we should finally see who is truly the better man. Roman takes a swing at Abe, who ducks and lands a right cross to Roman’s jaw. It makes Roman stagger backwards but what Abe doesn’t count on is Roman taking two huge steps and bum rushing him, sending both men over the table and onto the floor. Roman stands Abe up, squares off.....and lands two very hard punches to Abe’s face. Abe staggers backwards as Roman moves in but when Roman throws another punch.......Abe blocks that and lands another vicious right cross on his jaw once again. Officers from outside hear the fight and come rushing in, breaking the two men up. As they breathe heavy, a bloody Abe looks at an equally bloody Roman and tells him..... Abe: When you remember that you’re a cop and are serious about putting Orpheus and Stefano behind bars.........come talk to me. Until then......get the hell out of my office. Roman: That’ll be a long wait, old friend. You can take that offer........and stick it up your ass. Roman jerks his arms away from the officers as he leaves and Abe cleans himself up, with one hope on his mind..... That the fight they just had will knock some sense into his best friend. SALEM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Nicole is dressed in a black mink fur, black hat and dark glasses. She stands by the phones and, as she picks up one of the receivers, Orpheus’s men fan out through the airport. They start taking positions near key areas and, when she is given the signal, Nicole has Anna paged. Anna, who is sitting next to Doug waiting for their flight, hears her name over the public address system and tells Doug she will be right back. As Anna walks toward the desk area, she is bumped into by a man who says excuse me. Anna smiles as the man walks away but doesn’t realize that she has just been hit with a hypodermic needle. Anna then slowly starts to get dizzy and Nicole watches from a distance as she asks for help from someone. Doug does not turn around to see the man who stung Anna come back to her......and catch her as she faints in his arms. Anna is then led away by this man and two other men as Julie runs through security. She has bought a ticket to try and catch Doug...... But looks up just in time to see Anna being led away........by Orpheus’ men. Nicole smiles as she follows the men carrying Anna as Julie starts to realize that Anna is in some type of trouble and starts to run after her. Julie drops her ticket as she tries to get security to notice Anna being taken away but what Julie doesn’t see is another man slip behind her.......and point a gun into her back, telling her to be quiet before her husband has to bury his dead wife. Julie is terrified and does as she’s told. But, as the man starts to walk away with Julie, she gets an idea. She sees the fire alarm near one of the exits and, as they walk past it,......she reaches out and pulls it, alerting security. All hell then breaks loose as another man behind the exit door opens it and grabs Julie. Security rush up and draw their weapons.......but Orpheus’ men have the drop on them and open fire in the airport, killing several security officers. Tony rushes into the airport terminal and sees Doug, who is now standing near the airline desks. Anna and Julie are both gone and Doug says he doesn’t know what is going on. Tony says he came there to find Anna and barely got into the terminal. Doug tells him that security officers are dead and, from what he can gather,.......there has been a major incident at the airport. Tony and Doug then hear over the P.A. that the airport has been shut down......and that all flights have been grounded. Both men then see airport S.W.A.T. personnel race by them.....and that is when Tony says that they better call Abe and get the police involved in this. Both men race off to the phones...... As the scene shifts to the... HORTON HOUSE Maggie walks in wearing and showing off her new engagement ring. Alice looks somber and when Maggie asks what is wrong, Alice tells her that Doug left for the airport.......he’s leaving Salem. Maggie can’t believe it and, after a few minutes, says that they have to get Doug back there before he makes a huge mistake. Alice agrees and Maggie calls Doug on her cell phone. When he answers, Maggie asks how Doug is doing. He says he’s a little busy right now. Maggie says she is too and, as Alice tells her to stall, Maggie tells Doug that her and Victor got engaged tonight. Doug quickly congratulates her and Maggie asks if he will be coming to the wedding. After a moment, Doug finally starts to realize that Maggie is trying to stall him and tells her that there is a situation at the airport......and that he doesn’t have time to play games. Tony then runs back up to him........and tells him that two women have been taken hostage. Doug slowly drops the phone but remembers that Maggie is on the other end. Maggie looks at Alice and hears Alice tell her that Julie is at the airport. Maggie then smiles, telling Doug that he needs to sit tight..........Julie is at the airport now. Doug drops the phone..........as he then realizes that the women that are being held hostage........could very well be Anna and Julie. Tony picks up Doug’s phone and tells Maggie to turn on the television. When Maggie does, they see the breaking news on CNN that the airport has been shut down.......due to a hostage situation. Maggie gasps in horror as Alice goes quiet and both women pray that the two women that are being referred to.......are not Anna and Julie. In a airport hanger, Julie and a now awakened Anna are brought into the huge bay. It houses a private 737 airliner that is privately owned......by the man who now is walking slowly towards them...... Anna: Orpheus. Should have known. Orpheus: Yes. The lovely Mrs. DiMera. And the equally lovely Mrs. Williams. A pleasure to have you both. Julie: (Spits at Orpheus) You bastard......how long do you think you can keep us? Orpheus: As long as I want. That is........if you two don’t give me any trouble. Orpheus smiles as he walks away and orders one of his men to make sure the jet liner is fully fueled and ready for take-off at a moment’s notice. As men run everywhere......... Orpheus makes a phone call........to Bo. He is sitting at the station doing paper work and, when he answers his phone,......Orpheus tells him..... Orpheus: Well........how are things, Detective? Bo: Who is this? Orpheus: Your friendly neighborhood assassin...........Orpheus. Thought you wouldn’t forget me so soon after our last meeting. Bo: What the hell do you want?! Orpheus: Temper, Detective........and I’ll tell you. Get your brother down here as soon as possible. You see.......I’m leaving Salem tonight and I just wanted to say a few words to Roman before I left. Bo: I’m not putting my brother anywhere near you, !@#$%^&*]. Orpheus: I thought you would say that.........that’s why I want you to listen to a couple of guests that I have. Orpheus walks over to a small table.....and let’s both Julie and Anna speak to Bo. Bo is shocked that he has both women and Bo then hits the panic button, covering the phone and telling one of his officers to get Abe and Shane to the airport as soon as possible. Orpheus then gets back on the phone, telling Bo...... Orpheus: Now........you WILL do as I say......otherwise, both of these pretty women will get a chance to learn how to fly........ When I throw them out of a jetliner at 30,000 feet! Now, snap to it!!! Orpheus hangs up the phone........... And Bo goes into another office. He takes out a small black book out of his pocket and calls Victor. He fills him in on what’s happening. Victor says he knows. It’s all over the television. Bo ask how deep this is and Victor says it’s so deep that he just got off the phone with Stefano. Bo says he’s about to get everything together and head to the airport.......but tells Victor to find Roman and tell him to get there soon..... Bo: Or both Anna and Julie are dead. We gotta stop him, Victor.........and I think Roman is the only one who can do it this time. Victor and Bo hang up, with Victor telling Nico to get every available man down to the airport while he calls Hawk. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Lincoln helps Stefano dress and, when he is finished, they both leave the hospital and head to the airport. In the car, Stefano tells one of his trusted aides to get every man they have in Salem to the airport.........now. HORTON HOUSE Marlena walks in, having came by on her way back to the hospital. Her, Alice and Maggie sit and watch the crisis on television........... As the scene shifts back to the airport. Orpheus picks up his phone......and makes one more phone call. The person on the other end answers and all Orpheus says is....... Orpheus: Everything is in place. It’s time to end this. He hangs up the phone.........and the scene freeze frames on a determined Orpheus’s face...as it slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!
  18. DECEMBER 6, 2007-EPISODE #388: HELLO AND GOODBYE PART II SALEM INN Anna is in her suite packing her bags, hoping she is making the right decision. She tries to convince herself she is as Tony is not going to let up and there is nothing really keeping her in Salem anyway. She agrees she is making decision and finishes packing as the scene shifts downstairs... To the lounge, where Tony is having a drink and thinking about his meeting with Anna. He then gulps down the rest of drink and says he just can't sit around and give her space. He knows she still loves him but something, or someone, is keeping her from admitting it. Tony leaves a tip and races off to Anna's suite...just missing Anna, who gets off the elevator with her luggage and walks down the lobby. Meanwhile, Tony gets off the elevator and reaches Anna's suite. He finds a note taped to the door with his name on it. Tony opens it and reads aloud: My dearest Tony, I figured you would come after me eventually after I raced out earlier so I left this letter. I didn't just want to leave without telling you why I am leaving Salem so, quite simply, my reasoning is that I know you won't give up. I know you love me and I love you. I always have and always will. It's not about that and, rest assured, that no one is poisoning my mind against you. This is all me. This is about the fact that I can't put myself through all the pain again, Tony. I don't want to be hurt and I don't want to hurt you. Please understand and please don't come after me. Please...just let me go. Do it for yourself. Do it for me. Love, Anna Tony crumples the note in frustration and races off in hopes that he can stop Anna from leaving as the scene shifts to... Nicole's suite as her cell rings. As she sips a brandy, she answers it. It's Orpheus, who tells her there has been a change of plans. He has just learned Anna is on her way out of Salem and they must act now. He orders Nicole to get to the airport and to buy a ticket so she can get through airport security and into the terminal . Nicole says she better be reimbursed. Orpheus just tells her to do what she is told and says to call when she gets there. He hangs up as an annoyed Nicole reluctantly puts her drink down and races off as the scene shifts to the... HORTON HOUSE Alice comforts an emotional Julie, who can't believe that Doug is gone. Alice apologizes again, saying she was so sure that they would reunite. Julie wishes she had the chance to talk to him. Alice says she is sorry she just missed him. Julie looks up and admits she never heard Alice say that. Alice says she did when Julie first arrived. Julie concludes that it must have slipped her mind due to the shock of Alice's news. Julie wonders if she can still catch him. Alice says it's worth a try. Julie kisses Alice and tells her to wish her luck. Alice does as Julie races off and the scene shifts to... PIER Steve arrives and tells Hope he got her message to meet. Hope says she figured it was a good time after hearing Kayla had a shift at the hospital and with Bo dealing with police stuff. Steve points out that Hope mentioned having a solution to the Nicole problem on the phone. Hope says she thinks she does. Hope points out that they can't go along with Nicole's demands and hurt Carrie and Alyson, not to mention the affect it would have on Evan and Sam in the long-term. Steve agrees and says he wouldn't want to destroy the lives of others just to preserve their secrets, especially with Carrie involved, who is family. Hope says her idea is that she calls Carrie and convinces her to return to Salem and he can go and talk to Alyson per Nicole's orders. This way, it makes it look like they made an effort and they can tell Nicole they are working on her demands. It will buy them some time to come up with a long-term solution. Hope then adds that she will warn Carrie about Nicole upon her arrival in Salem, should she come, and Steve can warn Alyson. Nicole won't find out a thing since neither Carrie or Alyson will say anything to her due to their hatred of her. Steve thinks it's not a bad idea and it's worth a try. He does think it could backfire as Nicole may want results now. Hope thinks they will have to take a chance and hope it pays off for now or, at least long enough to find a permanent solution. Steve says he is in and he will go and speak with Alyson right now while Kayla is out. Hope says she has Carrie's number from Caroline and will go give her a call now. Steve hopes this works. Hope says she does too as it's not the best plan but it's all they got. Steve tells Hope to stay in touch. Hope tells him the same and sighs deeply after he leaves, hoping everything goes well as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Will and Lucas are at Sami's bedside. Will is still shaken up about what happened earlier with him being followed. He is sure someone is stalking the both of them and reminds Lucas of the previous instances in which he has felt the same way. Lucas thinks Will is just being paranoid and tells him Abe has a guard with them just in case there is a threat. He tells Will to just calm down and promises him everything is going to work out for their family. Will isn't so sure and thinks he is going to lose both of them. Lucas embraces him and promises that isn't going to happen. Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, Patricia and Joelle exit off the elevator. Patricia is assuring Joelle the rape test doesn't hurt at all but they do need it for evidence against Lucas. Joelle wonders if they can put it off longer. Patricia reminds Joelle they have been doing that all day and that is why Lucas was released on bail so easily. They have no case without the rape test backing her up. Patricia points out that Joelle has been hesitant since reporting the rape early this morning and she wants to know why that is the case. Joelle is silent. Patricia tells Joelle she better not be lying because that would bring a whole lot of trouble and her career would take a major hit. Joelle doesn't answer. Patricia asks again why she doesn't want to take the test. Lucas comes in and interrupts, saying he would like to know himself. Patricia tells him to back off and says Joelle is just scared but she knows what she has to do. Joelle and Lucas stare into each other's eyes. Joelle then says she will do it and will take the test now. Patricia is pleased and drags Joelle off, saying they need to take it right away. Lucas watches them leave and tells Joelle she knows he didn't do it and he knows it too, even if he can't remember last night. Patricia and Joelle look back nervously at him and then walk off as a worried Lucas sighs deeply and the scene shifts to... KIRIAKIS MANSION Victor is still on one knee, waiting for an answer to his marriage proposal. Victor tells Maggie he is getting nervous. Maggie then smiles as tears stream down her face and says that of course she will marry him. Victor gets up, takes her in his arms and embraces her lovingly. They then kiss passionately. Victor then slips the ring on her finger and promises that he will make it his task each and every day to protect her and to make her the happiest women on this earth because she is so deserving. Maggie tells Victor he is deserving of happiness too and she hopes to make him just as happy as he makes her. They then kiss again. We then see a romantic montage of them kissing and holding each other in each other's arms, eating the romantic dinner Victor had put together with his kitchen staff, dancing together closely among the candlelight, and then more kissing and holding each other which leads to a long walk up to the bedroom where passion ignites and they make love. Later, Victor and Maggie bask in the afterglow of their beautiful and memorable night together, commenting how it couldn't be any more perfect. Victor tells Maggie that everything that has happened has made him realize how short and fragile life is and he didn't want to wait. He wanted to live every day to the fullest and doesn't want to risk missing another chance to be happy. Maggie says she knows that feeling all too well and asks if he is saying he wants to get married sooner rather then later. Victor nods and says he would if that is ok with her. Maggie throws out Christmas, citing how important it is to her family, but Victor thinks it's too short notice. Maggie points out New Year's Eve. Victor reminds Maggie of his wedding to Nicole on New Year's and other bad memories of that night but thinks, ultimately, it's a good idea to erase some of those from the memories he has of past New Year's. They can start the new year right and with a clean slate he hopes is full of happiness and joy for them and their loved ones. Victor and Maggie agree it's settled then. Maggie says it's a good thing Max and her are ahead on the club construction so that it doesn't suffer as she plans this but wonders how she can get it together. Victor says he will pull some strings and promises it will all come together. She will have the wedding of her dreams. He promises. Maggie smiles as she kisses him and says she can't wait to be Mrs. Maggie Kiriakis. Victor smiles and kisses her back as they then begin to make love a second time as the scene shifts to... SALEM AIRPORT Anna is sitting and waiting in the terminal for her flight and is shocked when Doug shows up. Doug asks if she is going to Paris too. Anna nods and says it looks like they are traveling together. She asks why he is leaving Salem. Doug says he just needs to move on and doesn't want to hurt Julie again or be hurt. He just can't seem to get past what she did. Anna thinks they are in the same boat as she feels the same about Tony. She knows he won't let up and there is nothing in Salem for her now anyway. She thinks it's best to finally just get out of dodge.. Doug agrees and says they share that thinking. Meanwhile, Nicole arrives and is walking the terminal and sees Anna with Doug. She calls Orpheus and tells him she is at the airport and sees Anna with Doug and thinks they are flying together. Orpheus is pleased and tells Nicole to just listen to the following instructions he is about to give her. Nicole says fine and that she is listening as she watches Anna sitting with Doug from afar. The screen then divides into a split screen of Nicole lurking, Anna and Doug at the airport, and both Julie and Tony driving in their cars in a race against time to stop Doug and Anna as the scene freezes and then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... CHAOS AT THE SALEM AIRPORT AND A LOVED ONE RETURNS!!!
  19. DECEMBER 5, 2007-EPISODE #387: HELLO AND GOODBYE DEVERAUX HOUSE Jack walks downstairs and places his luggage on the floor. He walks into the living room and goes over to kiss Abby on the forehead while Billie, who Jack called and begged to come over so he could tell her something before he goes, stands up from her seat. Alex walks into the door and everyone says hi. Alex smiles and asks Jack if he is ready to get going. Jack says he has to take care of some things and will be out at the car soon. As Alex walks out with Jack’s luggage, Jack looks at Billie and then says how sorry he is for how he acted after Elizabeth’s death. Billie just nods her head and sits down while Abby looks at her with anger. Jack shakes his head and turns back to Abby, telling her to be a good girl while he is away. Abby asks if he’ll be home for Christmas and Jack promises he will. He then hugs Abby while looking at Billie, who turns away from his gaze. Jack just shakes his head as he walks to the door, looks back one more time, and leaves.......... Leaving Abby to ask what Billie thought she was doing acting like that towards her dad. Billie tells Abby that there are things she just doesn’t understand and they should just leave it at that. Billie walks to the kitchen as Abby sits back down on the couch in a huff. Outside, Jack gets in the car as Alex is on the phone with Alyson, saying that they will have a nice time for Christmas and the New Year once he returns. Alyson tells him that he has become very special to her so he better not go off and get himself in any trouble. Alex smiles, saying he understands, and then says he’ll see her soon. As they both say good-bye and hang up, Jack asks if his love life is going any better than his. Alex says what they both need to do is take it slow, get to know each other.......and not rock the boat. Jack says fair enough and Alex starts the car. Jack tells him to drive slow and Alex looks at him and simply says with a smile.... Alex: Sure, Pop. As he guns the car into gear and takes off down the street. I.S.A. HEADQUARTERS IN ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Shane, Miranda and Forrest have just walked into a huge office. Forrest asks Shane if it is his and Shane says yes......it’s one of them. But, he says, he will be based out of Salem for the foreseeable future. As all three of them sit down at a big conference table, Shane asks his secretary to bring in the files he asked for. After the secretary puts down the files and leaves, Miranda asks Forrest if any word has came from his brother. Forrest says that he and Lawrence have never been close....and he doesn’t see that changing anytime soon, not with every major law enforcement agency in the world looking for him. Shane agrees, saying that with all of the people they have working on this one case, no telling what may happen. Miranda asks if she could have a word with Shane alone for a moment. Forrest obliges and takes some of the files and goes to another conference room. Once alone, Miranda asks if Shane has heard any word from Port Charles yet. Shane says his friend, Robert Scorpio, is working on it there. He’ll get in touch with him soon. He has also put calls into his friends and contacts in Genoa City, Llanview, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. Maybe with all that help, they will break this case. Shane sits behind his desk as Miranda then asks him....... Miranda: And so......what are my orders, sir? Shane: Well, your secondary order........is to find Lawrence Alamain. As soon as possible. Miranda: Ok. Good. Anything else? Shane: Yes. Your primary order.......... Miranda: Yes, sir. Find the briefcase with Roman Brady’s name on it. Shane: And at all speed. For some reason, there are a lot of people who want that case. I don’t why Orpheus wants it......or how he got his hands on it, but find it........ Before all hell breaks loose. Miranda nods her head and leaves the office. Shane then sits at his desk, presses a button on his control panel........and behind him raises up a monitor from a desk behind him. When the screen activates, it shows Forrest talking on his cell phone, with Shane saying...... Shane: Rule Number One.......never make a private call in a spy building. The scene shifts to Forrest, talking to one of his men. He tells him that they need to do as ordered and watch Abby Deveraux like a hawk. And, if anything should happen to her because of his brother,......there will be hell to pay. He says his brother is a very dangerous man and they can’t leave anything to chance. He then bids the other person good-bye and, as the scene fades on Forrest......... SALEM POLICE STATION It fades back in with Lucas walking back into Abe’s office, having just made bail. Maggie then walks in behind them, with Lucas asking Maggie to give his thanks to Victor for bailing him out. Maggie tells him that to Victor, Lucas will always be another son to him. Lucas appreciates that but all three of them are startled when Will comes running into Abe’s office. He’s out of breath and Lucas ask what’s wrong. Will says that he was followed all the way from the hospital to the station. Abe runs out and gets his officers on the case as Lucas tells him everything will be alright. Abe walks back in and says they both will get a police escort to where ever they want to go. They look at each other and Lucas says he sees himself at one place.......right by Sami’s side. Abe calls in and orders one of his officers to take Lucas and Will to the hospital and to take Maggie home. KIRIAKIS MANSION Later that evening, when Maggie walks back through the door, she is surprised to see a red carpet leading to the dining room. It has rose petals on it and is lit by candlelight. Maggie slowly walks into the main dining room......to see Victor in a tuxedo, walking toward her. With a big smile on his face, he stops in front of her and kisses her gently, wiping the tears away with his hand. Maggie cleans herself up well enough to ask him what all this is for and Victor tells her to just wait. She will see. He then tells his servant that they are ready and the kitchen staff start bringing in Maggie’s favorite dishes. Maggie is shocked and asks when Victor had time to prepare all of this. He slyly says that he’s been saving his nickels and dimes and kept them all upstairs in his shoebox. Maggie laughs out loud but then Victor comes close once again. He says....... Victor: Well, my dear......we have been through so much. And, through all of it, I kept being reminded of one thing......how special you are to me and how much I love you. Maggie: Oh, Victor...... Victor: And.........as a token of my love......... Victor gets down on one knee, making Maggie gasp........ Victor: My beautiful lady, will you do me the honor....... Victor opens a ring box that was just given to him by Nico........ Victor: Of becoming my bride? Maggie looks at Victor, looks at the ring........ And the scene then dissolves to the... SALEM INN Tony and Anna are talking in the dining room after he convinced her to meet him. Tony asks Anna why she doesn’t want to talk about their problems but Anna turns away to hide the tears she is shedding. She tells Tony that he apparently has forgotten what he put her through when her and Renee were fighting for his affections. Tony says he is a different man now and, besides, that was almost 30 years ago. Anna says to her, it feels like yesterday, and she doesn’t know if she can see him in a different light. Tony says that is ridiculous and Anna says she isn’t sure if he’ll disappear in the fog on the pier again and she’ll end up being alone. Tony wants to know who put these ideas in her head but Anna grabs her purse, gets up, and quickly walks past Tony. He throws his napkin down on the dining room table and goes after her.......but stops at the door. He will give her the space she needs........for now. But, soon, he will get some answers...... And find out who is poisoning Anna’s mind against him. ORPHEUS SECRET PALATIAL HOME(on the outskirts of Salem) Orpheus sits at his desk, making plans. Nicole walks in and Orpheus greets her. He tells her to sit down as he gets up and pours her a glass of brandy. Nicole smiles as she takes it and Orpheus sits down next to her. He tells her that she is about to be involved in a plan that will catch two birds with one stone. As she sips her brandy, Nicole asks what it could be. Orpheus says the plan involves two people..........Anna Fredericks DiMera..........and Roman Brady. When Nicole asks why Anna, he says she stuck her nose in where it didn’t belong. For that.......she has to pay. He tells her that one of his men will be taking her to a secluded place and she is to wait for his phone call. Nicole says ok but then asks what would happen if she ran to the cops. Orpheus smiles and answers her, saying..... Orpheus: My dear.........if you did that, there won’t be enough left of you to spread on a Ritz cracker. Ok? Nicole: You got it, boss. Nicole quickly gets up and, after one of Orpheus’ men helps her on with her coat, they both leave. Orpheus goes and sits back at his desk and the scene shifts from a evilly smiling Orpheus to the.... HORTON HOUSE Doug has just walked into the living room. He compliments Alice on how well the new door looks. Alice thanks him and then tells him it’s been reinforced. A bull couldn’t get in there now. Doug then grows somber and says he would like for Alice to do him a favor. When she asks what it is, Doug says that he would like her to give Julie a letter he wrote her. Alice says he can do that himself and Doug says not with that kind of letter. When Alice asks what it is, Doug says.......that he is leaving Salem and just wanted to say goodbye to her. Alice grows silent and Doug says it’s for the best. He looks at Alice, walks over to her, kisses her on the cheek and, as they both look at each other, he gently puts the letter in her lap. He then hugs Alice warmly, turns and leaves. Julie walks in several minutes later and asks Alice if she is ok. Alice is silent and just looks at Julie. Julie senses that something is wrong and asks Alice what it is. Alice looks down into her lap and, as Julie slowly walks over, Alice tells her what she dreaded hearing..... Alice: Julie.........Doug left Salem. And.........he left this letter, saying goodbye. Julie slowly reaches down and picks up the letter and Alice tells her how sorry she is. Julie stands still for a moment and, with a tear falling from her eye, slowly bends down, goes to her knees, and starts sobbing uncontrollably. Alice takes her granddaughter in her arms and rocks her back and forth, telling her.......... Alice: It’s alright, child. Just let it all out. The scene then stays on Alice comforting a crying Julie.........and then slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... IT'S A RACE TO THE AIRPORT FOR TWO SALEMITES!!!
  20. DECEMBER 4, 2007-EPISODE #386: INTERNAL ANSWERS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Jack catches Frankie on his way back to Greta's room and says he just came from seeing Greta. He tells Frankie that he has decided to leave Salem and go with Alex to Switzerland to help him deal with Elizabeth's belongings. Jack adds that he thinks Frankie was right and that this will give Billie the time and space she needs. Frankie nods and says he thinks that is a good idea since it seems unlikely any of them will make any headway with Billie anytime soon. Jack asks what Frankie means. Frankie fills Jack in on the talk he had with Billie and Jack is unsurprised, saying it looks like he is making the right decision leaving. He tells Frankie he will be back before the holidays but that he would like him to watch over his family and Billie for him while he is gone. Frankie smiles and says of course he will. That's what friends are for. The two men shake hands and embrace as Frankie's cell rings. It's Maggie, who fills him in on what is going on with Lucas. Frankie says he will be right there and tells Jack what is going on. Jack figures he better go down there and make sure Lucas's arrest is covered right by The Spectator and Billie may need him. Frankie reminds Jack to give Billie space and then says he is going to tell Greta what is up and then they can go to the station together. Jack nods as the scene shifts to... SALEM POLICE STATION Billie arrives and sees Kate. She asks her mother what is going on. Kate is shocked she is talking to her. Billie is prepared to walk away when Philip comes over and fills Billie in. Kate says she just got there herself. Philip says he was there when Lucas got arrested and adds that Patricia is out to get Lucas. Kate races over to Lucas and embraces him. Lucas pushes her away and asks why she is there. She says Maggie called her and she promises to be there for him and Will and to do whatever she can to help them get through this. Lucas shakes his head, clearly unnerved by her presence. Maggie tells Lucas she had to call her. Kate sees that Lucas clearly doesn't want her there and says she will just go get some coffee. Hope and Steve arrive at the station and Steve is talking to Hope about the situation with Nicole as they walk the hall. Hope tells Steve they will have to discuss this later as there are more pressing matters. Hope and Steve walk into the room to find Bo, Kayla, and Caroline with Marlena. Bo asks where they have been. Hope says that she went to the hospital to visit Sami as she heard he was there. She says she ran into Steve and they both got the message that Lucas got arrested and that they were all at the station. Bo nods and asks if that is all. Hope asks if her and Steve are being interrogated again. Kayla calms Bo and takes him aside, urging him not to show his hand. She says the only way they will find out anything about what is going on with Hope and Steve is by playing it like they buy what they are saying. Bo isn't so sure but Kayla urges him to try it her way for now. Bo reluctantly agrees. Hope asks what is going on. Bo tells her he is just upset because he didn't know where she was and it bothered him since she has had a habit of taking off with Steve the past few months. Hope embraces Bo and says he has nothing to worry about. There will be no more disappearing acts. She promises. Steve says the same thing. Kayla says they believe them and trust them. Bo looks at Kayla and then at Steve and Hope and nods. Roman arrives and asks Marlena and Belle what is going on. She fills him in and Roman tells Abe there is no way Lucas could do this. Abe is silent. Patricia says she is sick of the Brady's and Horton's getting away with breaking laws just because of who they are, citing Maggie and Julie's involvement in the fire at Chez Rouge. Julie and Maggie take offense and then Alice stands up and orders Patricia to call off her witch hunt and to do her job to see that justice is done. Patricia claims she is doing that but Alice disagrees, telling her that she is barking up the wrong tree and Lucas is innocent. Patricia backs off and tells Joelle to come with her as she doesn't need to be upset anymore then she is. Patricia drags Joelle off as she and Lucas lock eyes before she leaves the room. Victor arrives and embraces Maggie. Maggie fills him in on what is going on. Abe says it's likely that Lucas will make bail as they have hardly any evidence yet until they do DNA testing and other forensics testing, which may not be done for a day or so since Joelle has not been checked out for that yet. Victor and Philip both offer to do what they can with the Kiriakis name to help Lucas. Lucas thanks them. Frankie and Jack arrive and are updated on what is happening. Frankie thinks the harassment suit will not help Lucas' cause. Will admits being worried about losing both his parents. Marlena and Maggie comfort him. Lucas comes over and embraces him, promising him that won't happen. Meanwhile, Billie goes to get coffee and meets up with Kate, who asks how she is doing. Billie asks how she thinks she is doing. Her life is a mess. Kate says she is sorry and asks who she has told. Billie says she hasn't told anyone. Kate is shocked that she hasn't at least told Jack. Billie says she can't tell Jack or anyone else and that, in Jack's case, she is too afraid to hurt him. Billie reminds Kate that a Dimera always hurts the people they love in the end, no matter if they planned to or not. Kate doesn't think Billie would do that. Billie disagrees. Jack walks into the hall and hides, eavesdropping on Billie and Kate's conversation. Billie tells Kate she just needs to be alone. Kate thinks that Billie is going about all this the wrong way. Billie tells her she doesn't want to see her and to just leave her alone. Kate agrees to do that...for now...but thinks Billie needs to confide in someone or this will eat her alive and Jack is that person if she truly loves him. Billie turns toward Kate and says that Jack and her are through. It would never last and they would only hurt each other. She mentions him going with Alex to Switzerland and admits she is happy he is going. They both need to move on. Jack hears this and silently walks off. Kate asks where this is coming from. Billie tells Kate to just back off. She doesn't want to speak with her now. Not after what has happened. Billie walks off leaving behind a saddened and worried Kate. Victor approaches Lucas and takes him aside as he is prepared for booking. Victor says he knows Lucas and his family are dealing with alot but he felt he should ask him something given what is going on and his relationship with Maggie. He just hopes it's not inappropriate. Lucas tells him to go ahead and that it's ok as he will hopefully be out on bail soon. Victor asks Lucas for his permission to propose to and marry Maggie. Lucas is silent for a few moments and says he doesn't care for Victor's lifestyle but, if he can promise to protect his aunt, he approves. He can see how much Victor loves her. Victor thanks him, saying that means alot to him. The men shake hands. Victor walks off. Marlena asks Lucas if there is anything she can do. He tells her and Roman to go to Sami. He tells them to give her his love and says she needs all the love and strength she can get. Marlena nods and embraces him and Will. She thinks Will should come with her but Will insists on staying since Abe said Lucas may be released on bail soon. Abe says there is no guarantee but Will is determined to stay. Abe promises to look out for him and says he will send him home if nothing happens or Lucas isn't released. Marlena and Lucas both thank Abe as a worried Will looks on. Doug walks around aimlessly and goes to get coffee. He thinks about what Maggie said earlier about how he needs to make a move. Doug then tells himself he has put this off and struggled with this long enough and it's no use stringing along Julie or himself. He looks over at Julie and sees Victor over with her and Alice, reminding him of what Julie did. Doug closes his eyes, sighs heavily, takes out his cell, and makes a call. Victor tells Julie and Alice he knows alot is going on but he really needs to talk to them as they are important people to Maggie . He knows it's a bit inappropriate but he wants to ask them for permission to marry Maggie as he intends to propose tonight. Life is just too short and he doesn't want to waste anymore time. Alice tells Victor that they don't necessarily endorse his lifestyle and they worry about Maggie's safety but they see that he loves her and that is all that matters. Julie embraces Victor and says he has their blessing. Victor thanks them both and says that means alot. Julie just tells Victor to make her aunt happy and to protect her. Victor promises that he will. Doug hangs up his phone and watches Julie with Victor and Alice. He says that it will all be over soon enough. He then looks over at Hope. She is with Bo, Steve, Kayla, Roman, Marlena and Caroline. Doug says he is sorry that he will be leaving without saying goodbye but he can't let Hope stop him. Doug says that he has to do this...for the good of Julie and himself. The scene then freezes on Doug and fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A ROMANTIC PROPOSAL AND DOUG SAYS GOODBYE!!
  21. DECEMBER 3, 2007-EPISODE # 385: DRAWING A BLANK PART 2 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL In the cafeteria, Frankie walks up to the table that Billie is sitting at. He looks at her and she motions him to sit down. After he does, he asks her why she has been acting strange lately. Billie says that her life is really upside down right now and she just doesn’t know where to turn. Frankie tells her that she should turn to Jack. After all, he loves her to death. Billie says that is the biggest problem she has right now. Frankie then says that Jack’s a good guy and will be there for her. She looks at him for a moment and then asks in a defiant tone if Jack put him up to his little visit. Frankie stares at her wide eyed, saying that he came over there on his own, thinking she needed a friend. Billie then tells him that all she needs right now is to be left alone...... And that if Jack sends him around again, both of them will be sorry. Billie then stands up and storms off, leaving an incredulous Frankie to wonder what is going on. Upstairs in Greta’s room, Jack walks in with roses and a huge smile on his face. Greta thanks him for the flowers and, as he places them in a vase, sits down next to her. He asks how she’s doing and Greta says better than he is. Jack says he thought he was always good at hiding what’s bothering him. He was with Jennifer. Greta says she’s not Jennifer........and neither is Billie. Jack agrees but says in some ways she is. When Greta asks in what way, he says that she is just as stubborn as Jennifer ever was. Billie walks up to Greta’s door and slightly opens it........but stops when she hears Jack. Jack then says to Greta that, with Billie acting the way she is, he is going to give her some space and head to Switzerland with Alex. Greta says that may be what the doctor ordered. She then tells him not to give up on Billie........and, with her listening, he says he will never do that. Billie smiles slightly and walks away. Then Jack tells Greta she is one to talk. Frankie should be the one sitting there and is nowhere in sight. Greta turns her head away and Jack says that Frankie is one terrific guy. He doesn’t deserve this. Greta says that they are doing it to each other. She tells Jack that they are both scared of what may come. Jack says that sometimes people have to take a leap of faith. Greta then says that faith may not be enough right now. She then says that they will figure it out and Jack tells her to do that. And, as he gets up, he then says for her to do it soon.... Before she loses out on the best thing she ever had. He then bends down, kisses her on the cheek, and leaves her to think about what he just said. KIRIAKIS MANSION Victor sits at his desk as Nico walks into the study. Victor asks if all the preparations are going well and Nico says that not only are they wonderful, his friends from the old country will be arriving soon. Victor asks how his dinner plans are going and Nico tells him the cook has prepared something special. Victor thanks Nico for all of his hard work in such a short time. He then tells Nico that Nico’s father would be proud. Nico smiles, saying he hopes so. One of Nico’s men then walks in with a message and whispers in Nico’s ear. Nico looks concerned as he thanks the man and, after he leaves the room, Nico tells Victor that he has reason to believe that Orpheus is reorganizing his people and is ready to make a strike against them. Victor shakes his head, saying that it is high time someone wipes him out and everyone connected with him. Victor then gives Nico an order...... To get their people on it......and to find out if Orpheus has any children. Nico asks if that is wise and Victor says that he just wants information. Orpheus has tried to kill his son on more than one occasion, Victor says,.......now it’s time to find out what would happen..... If one of his children were threatened with death. Nico obeys and leaves the room, leaving Victor to walk back to his desk, sit down, and continue writing. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Nicole gleefully tells Hope and Steve that she knows everything.....the daughter they share, the affair they’re having, and the lies they are telling. As Nicole walks to the balcony, Steve and Hope follow, asking what she wants. Nicole turns and says that she wants the both of them to not only convince Carrie to come home with Evan but for then to convince Alyson to give up Sam, saying that Alyson is in no condition to care for him in her emotional state and with her mother in a coma. Hope looks at her like she’s crazy, saying that Alyson is fine. Nicole doesn’t care. She says that either they convince them to do it.........or they lose everything. Steve looks at Nicole and says, matter-of-factly...... Steve: You are one silly ass bitch if you think we are doing that for you. As they both turn and walk away, Nicole yells at them that if they don’t do it.....they will lose everything. Steve and Hope ignore her and leave as Nicole stands on the balcony.....with an evil smile crossing her lips. BRADY PUB Kayla asks Bo where Steve and Hope are. Bo says he doesn’t know but intends to get to the bottom of all of this. He then says that neither one of them is stupid and Kayla agrees. She says that this constant leaving and coming back with these weird explanations is going to end. As both of them sit in a booth..... Victor calls Bo on his cell phone. When Bo asks Victor what’s up, Victor says that they need to sit down and have a business meeting. He then tells him that they have received word about Orpheus and need to discuss their plans for him. Bo agrees and says he’ll be over soon. Victor tells him it can wait until tomorrow night. Bo asks if Victor is sure and he says he is. Victor then tells Bo to dress nicely......and in a black suit. Bo asks why and Victor says that he is having some people over before they meet and he wants to show Bo off. Bo smiles, agreeing to his terms, and they both bid each other farewell. Kayla asks what that was about and Bo says he doesn’t have a clue....but intends to find out. The scene then shifts from the Pub..... SALEM POLICE DEPARTMENT Lucas is being brought in. As his family stands by him, Abe tries to defend him to Patricia, saying there is no evidence to support Joelle’s claim. When he then says that nothing was found at Roberts Inc., Patricia lashes out, saying that Abe needs to remember that he is an officer of the law and to stop trying to protect someone who is obviously guilty. This statement makes Will lash out, saying that Patricia is truly nuts if she thinks that. Patricia looks at Will with scorn but Maggie tells her to push her eyes back into her head and to stop with the scare tactics. Marlena agrees, saying that they have powerful friends and influence in Salem. Patricia asks what is that supposed to mean and Doug then pipes in, saying that Michael Myers has still not been caught, Orpheus is running loose, the mafia war is still going full tilt.......and all she can do is hold some damn vendetta against an innocent man with no proof. Philip, Belle, Alice & Julie all agree. Lucas says he didn’t touch Joelle and she says that if he didn’t do it........who did? Lucas says that he honestly has no memory of what happened last night. When he walked into his office.........Joelle was there. Joelle then asks where the cut on his forehead and the bloody paperweight came from and Lucas can’t answer. She answers for him, saying that she used it to beat him after he raped her. When Doug tells Lucas not to say another word, Maggie goes out into the outer office..... To call Victor and Marlena follows her out, calling Kate. Lucas is then told by Abe to sit down in a seat and asks that everyone else wait out in the outer offices. As Lucas sits in the chair, with the magnitude of his predicament hitting him hard........ The scene then shifts to... PARIS A man stands on the balcony of a beautiful hotel. He gets a phone call and walks back into his room to answer the phone, saying to the person on the other end.... Man: Yes? Hello. I know. Look, we are searching for the briefcase. (Pause) Even though Roman Brady’s name was on it, he doesn’t know what was in it.......nor does anyone else. I’m sure of it. We have every available person on it, including our contacts in the F.B.I., C.I.A. & the I.S.A. No.......no, I don’t feel it has been compromised but, we better find it, and soon......... Before Roman Brady or someone else opens that briefcase. The man hangs up the phone, pours a glass of wine, and walks back out onto the balcony. The scene then shifts to a view of the Eiffel Tower as it illuminates in the beautiful night sky........ And the scene slowly fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... A DECISION IS MADE...AND HOPE AND STEVE ARE UNDER THE GUN AGAIN!!!
  22. WEEK OF DECEMBER 3, 2007 EDITION "DECEMBER TO REMEMBER" EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW “Christmas miracles, lovers being reunited, and romance is in the air this December” says EP/HW Patrick J. Ewing. “But, two enemies will meet face to face. It’s the battle readers have been waiting for. And now, let’s see what SL has planned for the last month of 2007.” Roman/Marlena: “These two people have been through utter hell since Marlena walked back into St. Luke’s church alive this time last year. The death of their son, Eric, and the kidnapping of their daughter, Sami has left both of them reeling. They have almost thrown away everything, and separated forever.......but now, things change. They both hold vigil for Sami, and something happens to one of them that will not only allow both people to think about what’s really important.......it will make one of them finally move on from something that has been tearing at them......and start living life once again.” Stefano/Orpheus: “The Greek Tragedy. Can one man reach out to his son, while trying not to destroy him? This is the question that stands between these two. Stefano just found out that one of his deadliest enemies is in fact his son (Damn, when did he have time to build an empire?) And now, as he tries to reach out to Orpheus, will his son allow that......and what steps will Orpheus take to wipe his father out.......and take his place at the seat of power in the DiMera Empire? Stay tuned.” Lucas: "Lucas will have alot to deal with this December. On top of Sami being in a coma, the legal trouble with Joelle will bring a shocking turn by month's end. Will is fearful he may lose both of his parents....but will fate intervene in time for this family to be reunited?" Victor/Maggie: “Two lonely souls found each other some time ago, and, through it all, have decided to join their lives in holy matrimony. Victor has finally put his feelings for Caroline at rest, and Maggie, having realized that Mickey will always hold a huge and special place in her heart, has decided that Victor is truly a wonderful man, who puts family above all. These two join together this December......but, will everything go as planned? As the Horton and Kiriakis families join in this celebration.......well, let’s just say, it’s a wedding to die for.” Bo/Hope/Steve/Kayla: “Bo and Kayla are trying to make heads or tails of what has been going on between their loved ones. Both Steve and Hope have been keeping their night of passion a secret, and both are trying to forget the terrible mistakes they have made. But.......Nicole is around, and she knows the truth. And......she will use this information to make their lives a living hell. This December, this story takes turns no one expected. And, the question is.....what will Steve and Hope do to keep Bo and Kayla from finding out the truth?” Nicole: “This women is at her worst, and she has made a deal with the devil to destroy the one family she feels has caused her the most pain. This will cause her to do unspeakable things starting this December.......but, as with all things, the question she must ask is.......how long can she get away with it?” Jack/Billie/Alex: “While on a trip to Switzerland, Jack and Alex try to bond. Something happens that may make that occur.......that is, until a huge snowstorm hits, trapping them. They will need a Christmas miracle to get out of this jam. Meanwhile, Billie will take a step that may end her nightmare once and for all........or cement it forever.” Frankie/Greta: “These two people have been trying to give love a chance, but have seemed too apprehensive about it. The end of December will be huge for this couple. Will they give love a chance.....or will fate intervene once again?” Carrie: "Carrie will return to town after alot of hesitation and will be there for her family during this difficult time. She is unaware that she is in the middle of something much bigger. Carrie also must deal with her mother and time has not lessened the tension at all." Forrest/Abby/Max: “While Forrest works with Shane and Miranda to find his brother Lawrence, Max will make a decision regarding Abby. Abby, in turn, will turn to Stephanie for help. But, will the choice Abby makes bring her towards Max.......or push her farther away?” Abe/Lexie/Celeste: “As Abe and Lexie go forward with their divorce, Lexie gives them a wonderful surprise for Christmas. Meanwhile, Lexie will work with someone that may do something she has either fought for or fought against.......the destruction of her father, Stefano.” Tony/Cassie/Anna: “Stefano begins to usurp Tony’s place in Cassie life. The battle lines are once again being drawn between father and son, and Tony will seek out Marlena for help. But, with Anna and Tony more far apart than ever, fate intervenes.....and will be the deciding factor for these two star crossed lovers.” Doug/Julie: “Alice will do what she usually does......try to get two wonderful people back together. She and Julie know that Doug still loves Julie, but he just won’t admit it. So, Doug decides to leave Salem. The question is.....will he make it out of town? Not if either of these women have anything to say about it.” Belle/Philip: “Even though Belle has showed signs of softening towards Philip, she has not forgiven him for his past behavior. Plus, Victor still has plans for his son now that he knows the truth about what Philip did with Orpheus. These two events will meet towards the end of December....with a shocking twist.” Alyson/Jean: “There is a big surprise coming here for both of these ladies, but especially for Alyson herself.” Kate/Miranda: “For a woman who has lost everything......her children, her company, which she decided to give up.....what does she have left? A battle with her sister. Not only will Kate and Miranda butt heads, Kate will finally start to see what’s important......and will take steps to regain what she has lost in her life.” And... "Two hated enemies are on a collision course, and they will finally meet face to face........and only one of them will be left standing.” PREVIEWS AND PEEKS INTO WEEK OF 12/3/07: One Man Receives Frightening News.... While Another Person Gains A Very Powerful Ally. Two People Decide To Join Their Lives. Two Friends Come to Blows..... As Salem’s Deadliest Enemy Launches His Final Plan! NEXT WEEK: Two Lovers Reunite, A Father And Son Come Together..... And Two Hated Enemies Finally Go Toe To Toe! COMINGS & GOINGS: COMING: Christie Clark (Carrie): She will be making a surprise return on Friday, December 7th. “Christie is coming home, and it’s great to have her. Carrie left when the things in her family had gotten to be to much, but, the question is......what has she learned in her time away? Find out on December 7th.” NOTE: WRITER'S CORNER AND CATCHING UP WITH WILL RETURN IN NEXT WEEK'S INSIDER!!
  23. ANNOUNCER: A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER BEGINS... Clip of Nicole talking with Steve and Hope at the hospital. WITH A BLACKMAIL SCHEME... Nicole: Agree to my terms or lose everything you both hold dear. Clip of a stunned Hope and Steve. A PROPOSAL... Clip of Victor in a tux bending down on one knee with Maggie in a blue gown and pulling out a engagement ring box and opening it. Victor: My darling, Maggie. Will you marry me? A SHOCKING ARREST... Clip of Lucas being dragged into the police station and then the scene shifting to him looking at a bruised and battered Joelle. Lucas: You know I didn't do this. Joelle: Then who did?! AND... THE STAGE IS SET... Clip of Tony at the airport. Tony: Oh my Lord... FOR A SHOWDOWN YOU CAN'T MISS!!! Doug: No... Clip of Roman answering his cell at the station. Roman: I'm on my way. Clip of Roman racing off with Abe behind him. THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING!!! A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER IS HERE!!!
  24. NOVEMBER 30, 2007-EPISODE #384: DRAWING A BLANK UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Frankie is with Greta in her room. They are both eating ice cream, laughing, and having a good time. Greta can't believe he was able to sneak ice cream in again. Frankie smiles and says he just had to as they are celebrating her breakthrough today. Greta doesn't think it's such a big deal. Frankie disagrees, saying that her walking down the hall with minor assistance was a big step. Her physical therapist said she may be home before Christmas, especially since she isn't paralyzed and just needs to build her strength. Greta hopes he is right. Frankie nods and says he knows he is. Jack then arrives, apologizing for interrupting. They all three greet each other. Frankie tells Jack about Greta's breakthrough. Jack thinks that is good and says he is proud of her. Greta thanks him and says she will be back at The Spectator soon to whip his butt into shape. Jack smiles and says he would like nothing better as he thrives on the pressure. Jack then asks Frankie if he can talk to him for a moment. Frankie says sure and both men excuse themselves. Outside Greta's room, Jack tells Frankie he has a problem with Billie and fills him in on how she has been acting and treating him since the hostage crisis last night. He mentions that Billie even disowned Kate. Frankie thinks there must be something going on and that something must've happened while she was with Orpheus. Jack agrees, saying he knows his treatment of her before the hostage crisis upset her but she wasn't acting like this. Frankie says he will talk to Billie and see if he has better luck but also advises Jack to give Billie some space and to lay off a bit. Jack isn't sure he can do that but Frankie thinks he has to or he may end up making things worse. Jack thanks him for his help. Frankie tells him to just go home and take care of his family for right now. He will let him know how things go with Billie. They shake hands as Jack thanks him again. Jack gets up and tells Frankie he has one more thing to say, which is that he knows Greta very well and he thinks that Frankie needs to make a move. She's a good catch and someone will pounce if he doesn't eventually. Frankie asks what Jack means. Jack smiles, saying Frankie knows what he means. He's wasted enough time and he needs to go for it. Jack bids Frankie goodbye as Frankie chuckles a bit and returns to Greta's room, where she has finished her ice cream and asks if he plans to finish his. Frankie just stares at her, lovingly. She asks if something is wrong. He smiles and says nothing is. He then says she can finish his ice cream. She smiles and thanks him as he continues to look at her, continuing to smile and wondering if Jack is right as the scene shifts to... ROBERTS, INC Lucas wakes up bleeding in the lobby outside his office as his cell rings. He touches the back of his head and his hand becomes covered in blood. He wonders how that happened and realizes he can't remember anything but arriving and meeting Joelle in his office. His cell is still ringing but stops as he finally goes to answer it. He discovers he has 8 messages, all from Will and Maggie, who are concerned about where he is and why he hasn't called. Lucas gets up and is shocked to see his office door opened and his office trashed. Lucas wonders how this could happen and remembers it's Saturday so not many are around, including the janitor until late in the day. He realizes he should get checked out and get back to the hospital to let everyone know he is fine but promises to get to the bottom of this as the scene fades to... WAREHOUSE ON SALEM'S EAST SIDE Orpheus enters the warehouse as Nicole is sitting, saying she has been waiting and very bored. Orpheus hands her a tape, saying that should make her happy. Nicole asks how he was able to get it so fast. Orpheus says he has his people and the task was much easier as many of Victor's employees are quite busy working on the electrical maintenance. Nicole tells Orpheus that the security camera footage she is holding is her ace in the hole. She just hopes it wasn't too dark and that the cameras were still working. She needs to make sure Steve and Hope making love can be clearly seen. Orpheus thinks it will be fine. Nicole still can't believe all that he told her last night about Steve and Hope sharing a past while they were presumed dead and how Chelsea is their daughter. Nicole admits being shocked Hope kept the secret for so long. Orpheus figures Steve found out recently after he told him about Chelsea on the ship and thinks the affair started only recently. Nicole says she is surprised he sat on the Chelsea secret. Orpheus admits it was of no interest to him. He just used it to toy with Steve and Hope on the ship a bit. He has bigger fish to fry. Nicole says she has to get going. Orpheus reminds Nicole of the deal. He gave her what she needed at the moment and he will be calling her soon with what he needs. She smiles and says sure thing before leaving. Orpheus then calls to Micheal. Micheal walks over and Orpheus tells him to put out a tail on Anna Fredericks. He must know of her every move so he knows the perfect moment to strike at the woman who destroyed his plans. Micheal nods and walks off as Orpheus smiles and the scene shifts to... DEVERAUX HOUSE Jack arrives to find Alex packing bags. He asks what he is doing. Alex says he is going to Switzerland to go through his mother's things and deal with her affairs. He also has alot to think about, as in where he should go next. Jack insists his home is here with his family. Alex isn't so sure of that. Jack remembers what Frankie said about giving Billie time and space and suggests that he go with Alex. He thinks it would be a great way for them to bond and to get past the tension between them. It would also give them both piece of mind when it comes to his mother. Alex doesn't think that is a good idea. Jack reminds Alex that he did love his mother and she loved him. He asks Alex to just give him a chance. After a few moments, Alex tells Jack he can come as he knows that he will come even if he says no anyway, being who he is. He just wants Jack to stay out of his way and to not assume this means he is letting him into his life now. Jack nods in agreement and says he will make the arrangements. Alex nods and goes to pack some more as Jack smiles, picks up the cordless phone, and calls the airport to make the arrangements as the scene shifts to... UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Hope and Steve walk down a hallway. She can't believe that he came to the hospital the same time as her. Steve says it was a coincidence and he is there to support the family the same way she is. He then asks if it's always going to be like this and if she is ever going to trust him again. Hope isn't sure after he disregarded her fears and worries for weeks and now they have had an affair. Steve says he feels horrible and admits he should've listened to her and backed off. Hope fires back it's a bit late for that and they just need to make sure no one learns the truth. Their spouses would never understand how they could lose control and knowingly do this. Steve agrees with Hope, as much as he hates lying. It's just the right thing to do under these circumstances as there was no drugs, manipulation, mind control, or alcohol involved at all. Hope admits she is worried someone saw them or that a security camera caught him. Steve reminds her that everyone that was in the building was at the ball and the power went out so the generators were on. He doesn't think all the cameras can run with the generators. Hope points out he doesn't think but it could've happened. They could've been caught on camera. Steve tells her not to worry. It's going to be fine. They both then hear a voice that says: Voice: Are you about that? Hope and Steve turn and are shocked to see Nicole. Nicole suggests they go out on the balcony and talk. Hope and Steve look at her curiously and nervously, wondering what they would have to talk about. Nicole says their dirty laundry and adds she is only being considerate and trying to keep their private matters private. Hope asks what she is talking about. Nicole: I guess I can remind you two forgetful souls. I'm talking about the fact that you two jumped each other's bones last night during the ball. Not to mention the fact that you have a past and a daughter together and lied to your cherished loved ones about it. Ring a bell? Steve and Hope are stunned as Nicole shows a devilish grin and the scene shifts to... Outside Sami's room. Philip is getting some coffee when Belle shows up with Marlena. She asks Philip what he is doing there. He says he is there for Lucas. An uneasy Belle nods as Marlena suggests they go inside. Marlena gives Philip a cold look before going in to the room. Philip smiles and drinks his coffee before entering the room himself Inside the room, Maggie fills Marlena and Belle in on Lucas going to Roberts, Inc and never returning. Philip says he can go after him. Just then, Lucas shows up. Everyone is overjoyed. Will races over from near Alice, Doug and Julie and embraces Lucas, saying he was worried. Lucas says he told Maggie where he was. Will says he still worried, especially with how Lucas fell apart after mom "died." Lucas says he is fine. Will asks what happened to his head. Just then, Patricia walks in with two officers and... A bruised and battered Joelle. Everyone is stunned. Lucas asks what is going on. Patricia says they are there to arrest him...for charges of rape nad assult. The officers grab him and start reading his rights. Everyone is stunned as Lucas looks at a trembling and silent Joelle, shaking his head in confusion and disbelief as the scene freezes on him... And then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... DID LUCAS DO IT?! PLUS, IS THE JIG UP FOR STEVE AND HOPE?
  25. NOVEMBER 29, 2007-EPISODE #383-WORDS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Jack sees Billie in the parking lot. He runs up to her and tries to stop her but she ignores him and keeps walking toward the hospital. Jack raises his voice, demanding to know what the hell is wrong with her. Billie stops, turns around and says........nothing is wrong with her. She is here for Lucas and Will. Jack tells her that is BS. She has been acting strange ever since the hostage crisis last night. Billie tells him that she is just fine and would like for him to just leave her alone. Jack says he can’t do that and Billie tells him he sure didn’t have a problem with it when Elizabeth came to town. Jack is silent and Billie breaks the silence by saying she has to go.......her brother needs her. Billie then walks off, leaving a stunned Jack in the parking lot, wondering what to do next. SALEM INN Alex walks Alyson to a hotel room in the early morning hours with a happy Alyson leading the way. As he closes the door, she thanks him for a splendid evening and.....for getting her mind off of her mother, for just a while. He smiles, saying it was his pleasure. The smile then disappears when he tells her he may go back to Switzerland and pack up her things. Alyson says that may be what he needs right now.....to just get away. Alex agrees, saying that Salem is not the city he thought it would be. As he bids farewell, Alyson walks over to him. As they look at each other, she leans in.....and kisses him on the cheek. He smiles again and then she asks if she can give him some advice. He says sure and then she says..........that he should try to get along with his father. Jack and Abby are all he has as family and he doesn’t want to waste that. He looks at her, nods his head..... And then bids her good night. Alyson closes the door and smiles as she leans against it, thinking about the wonderful man she just spent time with. BRADY PUB Victor walks in with Nico. Caroline walks over and they both hug. Victor asks if there is any change with Sami and Caroline says no. But, she thanks him for sending in the team of doctors to work on her condition. Victor doesn’t accept her thanks. He says that it is the least he can do for her family. He then walks past her and sits at one of the booths. Caroline sits down and asks him what’s wrong. Victor grows reflective, saying that with all that has happened, he knows there is less time ahead of him than behind him. As she listens, Victor says that he’s been thinking a lot of his children, the life he’s led......and the mistakes he’s made. Caroline pats his hand as he smiles at her and then he says he wants to do something that will.......push his life forward. Hopefully to a time where there is much peace and love in his life. Caroline asks what that is and Victor says...... He wants to ask Maggie to marry him. Caroline thinks that is wonderful and gets to give him a hug and a kiss. Victor asks if it is ok with her. Caroline says that what they had in the past......is in the past. It gave them a wonderful son and it is something she will never forget. But, like she had Shawn.......Victor must have Maggie. She’s a wonderful woman, Caroline tells Victor, and she will make him a splendid wife. Victor is very happy and thanks Caroline for her warm words. He then says he has to go to make arrangements and both of them hug as he leaves with Nico. Caroline then thinks about the letter for Roman......and goes upstairs to make a call. UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Cassie walks in and sits down. Stefano is watching the news reports of the hostage crisis on MSNBC and Cassie askS how he’s doing. He says sore but better as he pats her on her cheek. She then askS if it was wrong to confess for Greta’s hit-and-run.......and that is when Tony comes from behind the curtain. Stefano is startled to see him and admonishes him for sneaking in his room. Tony asks if this is just another family secret. Stefano says Tony shouldn’t care, having wished death on him. Tony says it’s the least he could do. Stefano scornfully looks at him as he then says that Cassie should confess to the accident. Stefano tells him that the truth is one’s worst enemy. Tony says he ought to know. Stefano demands that he not speak to him in such a fashion and also tells him to treat Cassie with some respect. Tony says that she will get it when she earns it and she can do that by going to the police. Cassie then pipes in, telling both men to stop arguing. She then gets up and walks over to Tony........ Telling him that if he doesn’t protect her, then he will have no daughter. Tony looks at her with sadness, then walks past her to stand next to Stefano’s bed. He asks him if he put her up to this and Stefano says that if he can protect outsiders like Steve Johnson and Hope Brady........he shouldn’t have a problem protecting his own daughter. Tony just shakes his head and leaves......as Cassie smiles. Stefano tells her to sit down and then takes her hand, telling her how proud he is of her standing up to Tony. As she hugs Stefano, the scene then fades into............. Sami's room, where Will tells Doug, Julie, Maggie and Alice that he is worried about his father. Alice tells him it will be alright. Everyone is going through a lot right now. Will says he knows that but says with his mother in a coma......why did he run off right now? Everyone looks at one another as the scene shifts to.......... ROBERTS, INC. Lucas demands to know what she wants. She says that he owes her and she wants to collect.....before his life is ruined. Lucas says with what is going on with Sami, she would do something like this now? She says he rebuffed her.....now it’s time to pay for it. Lucas says the harassment suit wasn’t enough? She smiles, saying that he may not have a company when she is though. Joelle starts laughing and Lucas tells her to stop it. She asks through the laughter what he’s going to do about it? He says if she doesn’t stop.......he’ll show her. She then tells him to stop trying to be the big man and that’s when Lucas walks over, grabs her......and starts shaking her. She tells him to let her go and he starts shaking her more violently, saying that she deserves what she’s about to get. When she asks what that means.......Lucas says maybe it’s time to see just how serious he is. He then throws her up against a wall and, as he walks closer and closer to her, she demands that he leaves. He gets closer and she says she’ll scream and, when he grabs her again....... The scene then goes black. When it fades back in.........Caroline is walking towards the front door at the... THE BRADY HOME (ABOVE THE PUB) Caroline hears the doorbell ring and is going to answer it. When she does, Roman is blowing into his hands, trying to keep them warm. As he comes in, he asks why she wanted to see him. Caroline says to him that she knows more than anyone how tough it has been for him and Marlena these last few months. Roman walks past Caroline, hiding his face, and not wanting her to see the pain that he is going through. She then pulls out the letter Shawn wrote him and tells Roman...... Caroline: I found this while I was cleaning out some of your father’s things. Roman turns around and sees what she has and she continues...... Caroline: He wrote this to you right after your first birthday. He was very sick then and we thought he wasn’t.........going to be with us much longer. I never knew he wrote it until today. Roman: And........it’s for me? Caroline: Yes, Roman. She walks over to him and hands him the letter. As she places it in his hands, she hugs him and looks into his eyes, telling him.......... Caroline: I think this is the time that you should read it. And remember.........that you were his first baby, and he was very, very proud of you. Caroline starts to cry as she leans in and kisses Roman on his cheek. She then leaves before she breaks down and, as Roman watches her, he then goes to sit down. He starts to sit in Shawn’s chair but stops, looks at it, then looks around........and sits on the couch next to it. He then opens the letter and starts reading........... Dear Roman, As I write this......I know I may never see you again. I hoped to have many children to follow in my footsteps but.......that will not happen now. So, I pass the torch to you. The future of our family and the Brady heritage is now in your hands, son. I know you are too young to understand this now, but, in time you will. There are certain things that I hold true and I past them on to you. Any man can win when things go his way. It’s the man......who overcomes adversity, that is the true champion. And when your back is against the wall, remember......that a corner animal is the most dangerous. Keep your enemies close.......but your family, and your friends, even closer. And when things look darkest..........remember your history and your heritage. Never stop trying.....and never, let those bastards get you down. The Brady name, and our family, can’t stop with me, or you. Perhaps, with God’s Grace, I may be back to stand beside you. As one day you will stand beside your son, and pass the torch to him. Should that not happen, I want you to know one simple thing..... That I love you, and I will.......forever. Your Loving Father, Shawn Roman looks at the chair and then slowly stands up. He goes and looks at a painting of Shawn that was given to the family by Victor after he died and says....... Roman: Thank you, Pop. I love you too........And I'll never let those bastards get me down. The scene then freeze frames on Roman, standing in front of Shawn’s painting..... The scene then fades to black. ON THE NEXT SALEM LIVES... STEVE AND HOPE GET A SHOCK...AS ONE PERSON ENDS UP UNDER ARREST!!!
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